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Böcker av Traumear

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  • av Traumear

    The son-father relation is capable of a variety of dimensions. In relation to home-land and mother country changes are at times imposed upon us, whereupon we rethink a few values and examine a few loyalties. In the present case, as the title indicates, a death coincided with a change of citizenship, whereupon the poet chose to share his experience of the resulting upheaval of emotion and thought with his community.

  • av Traumear

  • av Traumear

  • av Traumear

    - For those who know how to behave in the presence of the poetic spirit. - * As human beings we develop and evolve. Poets have the gift to make this intelligible, especially if we understand development as 'development against'. By means of verse a poet can give us a running commentary of his own growth and to the extent that he lives among us his work, in this genre, can ease our own passage through the contemporary doldrums. Verse can be a handy technique for explaining personal reality in terms of experience. Those who accept the poetic gift will find the present work helpful in that direction and to that end.

  • av Traumear

    We may be familiar with the concept 'eternal life' and we may wonder how such life compares with our daily existence from time to time. We may also be familiar with the Christian notion of eternal life and with the various supernatural and other-worldly ideas in connection with it. In this little essay I make a comparison with human development and evolution to show how eternal life here and now, in time, is what we enjoy once we have developed to the point of evolution; in other words once we are sufficiently mature to cooperate in the process of our resurrection.

  • av Traumear

    Das Schönste von Allem. Neunzehn wohlüberlegte, sinvolle Verse.

  • av Traumear

    Some of the notions touched on in this book:1 Intelligence and the dynamic of organic affection in the interest of quickness, well-being and ease.2 The Messiah and modern man.3 Intelligent consumption of affective nature.4 Indulgence in Jesus instead of antipathetic self-indulgence.5 Self-analysis and the conscious, rational minds versus organic human life.6 Humanity as the essence of being.7 The ethic sensation.8 Mercy instead of principle and self-sacrifice.9 Good and bad spirits.10 Modernity and health vs. messianic physicality.11 From modern to messianic.12 The messianic body and mind, flesh and spirit.13 The global panic.14 The imperative drive and the religious mood in comparison to the vision and dream of love. 15 Forgiveness vs. self-seeking.16 Church as community, communality and communication.17 Community as the heart of the church.18 The spirit of might and principle.19 Our communion with one another and with god.

  • av Traumear

    Nerve energy, more commonly known as nervous energy, resulting from initially unavoidable resistance to our elemental environment, is to draw our attention to the wonder of world-experience. If we fail to deal creatively, or even productively, with that resistance, we are confronted, in ourselves, by psychic phenomena, which in turn, unless countenanced, turn into psychosomatic, psychomental and psychophysical states ? which in turn, unless dealt with ? confront us as phobias, allergies and addictions. It is shown, experimentally, how all these apparently negative and even bad ?problems? essentially draw our attention to the possible removal of underlying blockages to human-natural growth.

  • av Traumear

    Keep in mind that not all poems are made to please.Some are cobbled together to afford you a little ease.Some are an amalgam of stuff and form,Carefully calculated to take your psyche by storm.Your psyche in any case you should try to amend.The best poems are constructs of world without end.A good poem is something different altogether.It steers a course for you through all kinds of weather.Then there?s great poetry, it takes hours to read.Sometimes days, weeks; it harbours a creed.Most poems, let?s face it, are occasional, for the day,To create a little order and make some headway.It there?s no truth in it, it?s a scam or a muddle,so it should be crumpled up and tossed into a puddle.

  • av Traumear

    The purpose of works like the present is to help those whoWish to come into the light of day ? who desire the realizationOf their highest hopes in spite of their worst fears and whoWill not rest until they have carved out a niche for themselvesIn the ?kingdom of heaven on earth?, from where they may servethat same purpose, not fighting evil but doing good. HoweverThe struggle with the modern dilemma cleanses and frees them.Always the spirit of truth is willing to abide with them, evenAs they are willing to abide in it, endlessly patient with change. (from page 138)

  • av Traumear

    We reflect on our youth and try to imagine what we have learned since then. Whatever our ambitions in life, if we decide to dedicate ourselves to the truth, youth is the time when we have the strength and the courage to undertake the seemingly impossible task that might be described as our resurrection, or as our evolution to fully human maturity. ? The compression of thought into hexameters dictates a slow reading of this text.

  • av Traumear

    A play in five acts which explores in a lifelike manner the roots of modern drama in comparison to contemporary drama.

  • av Traumear

    Neunundachtzig kurze Gedichte die verst?ndiges Lesen belohnen.

  • av Traumear

    Achtundsechzig Verse, pers?nlich, leicht verst?ndlich, sinnvoll anregend.

  • av Traumear

    Some of the themesfollowed up in this discursive essay:Our mind, visible or invisible ? thought as responsible activity both human-natural and spiritual ? true thought ? knowing the truth as useful ? awareness vs. consciousness ? escape from the trap of things ? thought as good spirit ?the human need to learn ? wisdom as fulfilment ? thought and cerebration ? inspiration ? reason and faith ? link of mind with flesh, brain with body ? thinking as aid out of immaturity ? art as spiritual ? the spirit of humility, of greed etc. ? abiding in the spirit of truth ? the messianic spirit.

  • av Traumear

    Sometimes, just by reflecting upon our own immediate behaviour, we make odd observations that lead to personal truths which may interest those who are convinced that we get ahead by being honest with ourselves and generous to those around us. Autobiographic hints here and there, suitably disguised in the interest of humanity in general, work as triggers for portions of wisdom presented mostly in the form of story-telling.

  • av Traumear

    Essays of a few pages only, easy to read but contemporary all the same,which is to say: personal discovery tours undertaken for the purpose of sharing new insights (on concepts such as justice, wisdom, time, help, etc.) with the reader.

  • av Traumear

    While a science predicts future events in terms of the past it is said to be an extinct science. A live science on the other hand, with which we are concerned here, makes possible the prediction of future events which have nothing in common with the past. It is said to be live rather than alive or living because it cannot be viewed distinctly from any thing. All things may be learned by means of this science and outside of the involvement with things it does not exist.

  • av Traumear

    Einundsiebzig kurze Gedichte die verst?ndiges Lesen belohnen.

  • av Traumear

  • av Traumear

    Sechsundvierzig kurze Gedichte die auch einladen zum Nachdenken.

  • av Traumear

    Mood and dream foreshadow the ideal effectiveness of our soul on behalf of ourselves and others. They indicate for us, each in its own way, that an operational soul is available for us and places in our hands the means whereby we may arrive at, or attain to, this greatest of all benefits within reach of every human being. It makes sense that once we have worked our way through this possibility a few times, we will be much less afraid of, and less vulnerable in the presence of, depressions and elations in ourselves and others, while images and symbols, as we accidentally produce them ourselves and as they crop up like weeds all around us, will cause us less anxiety and tempt us less frequently.

  • av Traumear

    Eight Poems of a discursive style. Each poem is made up of several short poems that advance its evolving shape. So do all eight poems align in terms of the creative growth principle. In four pages at the beginning of the document the author explains his intention.

  • av Traumear

    An essay in the form of a symposium. Informal discussion of education mostly as chosen rather than as imposed, such as by the State. Education also viewed as not necessarily school education. A bridge from education by constraint to education by choice. The need of human beings to free themselves from prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Education that is ÔfurtherÕ also in the sense of ongoing. Ð Those who take part in the discussion are pupils, students, teachers and parents; also a banker, a philosopher, various scientists, a poet É

  • av Traumear

    By church doctrine I mean a teaching that helps us realize ourselves as fulfilled human beings in community with one another and with the god who is merciful love. No attempt is made to tie in with traditional religions nor with any particular church described or critiqued. Personal experience of god as father, as Messiah, as Jesus constitutes the backbone of what is subsequently fitted out with revealed knowledge and understanding. Mysteries are touched on, there are many explanations and clarifications, much is updated and restated in contemporary language; exercises and practices and their benefits are laid out in detail. The writer delivers himself of no abstractions but only shows what has worked and still does work for him along the resurrection-path to the 'kingdom of heaven' and eternal life, and thereafter the ongoing work in the interest of endless world creation and community building.

  • av Traumear

    These short essays will be appreciated by those who like to contemplate some of the finer points of the practical human spirit's achievements. As mature human beings we are able to do much for our fellow humans by learning the power of compassion and using it to solve life problems for those not quite as advanced as ourselves. The great challenge for our century is the evolution- or resurrection-growth of those who are called or even chosen to evolve to the point of completion, however they have little or no understanding of what is involved. As a consequence they mistake the often painful challenges to their creative capacities for misfortunes and grief rather than perceiving them as means towards communal reality and eternal life.

  • av Traumear

    In this book we learn about chastity and discipline, about the difference between soul and psyche in relation to magic and sorcery and their effect, along with the mass media, on the human brain. Other thought-complexes touched on are matter and materialism, the right to faith in relation to modern and post-modern trends, consciousness versus awareness and the exertion of one's self and oneself, all in the interest of messianic work in cooperation with Jesus.

  • av Traumear

    These poems were written between May and November 2018, during a time of breakthrough into a new stage of life. They represent a minor growth cycle.

  • av Traumear

    Rather than writing about poetry and poems, I make amends and pit myself against some time-honoured prejudices, especially in myself, as I show what can be achieved both poetically and philosophically, as I remain mindful of our human need for coming to terms with our existential impoverishment in view of available spiritual riches.

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