- Simple Ideas To Help You Minimize Worry
av Tom Baker
“Worry Is Stupid is a book I’m going to read once a year and, when it gets really bad, once a week. Each time I read it, I’ll rise up and call Tom blessed. You will too!” —Steve Brown, author, seminary professor and broadcaster, host of Key Life Ministries“Readers will find it especially helpful to learn that worry cannot be defeated through the decision not to worry....Instead, Worry Is Stupid helps readers learn how acceptance, trust, and faith lead to a life of joy, compas- sion, and gratitude.” —Wil Cantrel, author of Unafraid & Unashamed, Associate Pastor at Concord United Methodist“Tom takes a down-to-earth look as to why we choose to travel down that worry path and helps us to realize its folly, not adding one day to our lives.” —John Adams, General Manager Moffitt Media, JOY 620 WRJZ, TalkRadio 92.3/AM 760“Through Worry Is Stupid, Tom Baker...shares what’s really important enough to worry about and how to manage those situations to the best of your ability.” —Scott Brun, former VP of Programming, Alternative Distri- bution, Discovery Communications, President, ManAttic