- 2 Words, 2 Quotes
av Timothy J & Jr Donovan
Within a unique collection of poetic insight, Timothy J. Donovan Jr. transforms quotes, proverbs, and sayings into rhyming poetry presented as lyrical verse known as quoems-a solidification of thought that creatively intertwines literature and vocabulary with poems and philosophy.Donavan, whose love of the written word is clearly evident throughout this volume, shares proverbs from around the world as well as quotes and ideas from famous influencers such as Mark Twain, Robert F. Kennedy, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, and George W. Bush and from anonymous and lesser known influencers like science fiction author, Carl Frederick, and Roman soldier and historian, Cato the Elder. When combined into a quoem, these ideas and thoughts created over centuries may be considered complimentary, contradictory, amusing, complete nonsense, or even may take on a new meaning, contrary to the original thought.The Book of Quoems is an innovative compilation that transforms quotes, proverbs, and sayings into poetic verse that will delight lovers of the written word.