av Thomas A. Janvier
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them. ¿Fancy you've journeyed down the Rhône,Fancy you've passed Vienne, Valence,Fancy you've skirted Avignon-And so are come en pleine Provence. Fancy a mistral cutting keenAcross the sunlit wintry fields,Fancy brown vines, and olives green,And blustered, swaying, cypress shields. Fancy a widely opened door,Fancy an eager outstretched hand,Fancy-nor need you ask for more-A heart-sped welcome to our land. Fancy the peal of Christmas chimes,Fancy that some long-buried yearIs born again of ancient times-And in Provence take Christmas cheer!" Thomas Allibone Janvier (1849-1913) was an American story-writer and historian, born in Philadelphia of Provencal descent. Janvier received a public school education, then worked in Philadelphia for newspapers from 1870-81. Janvier went to New York in 1881. Few years after arriving, he published the Ivory Black Stories, tales of artist life, which were reprinted in book form in 1885 as Color Studies. In them he pictured the life and color of what was then considered the Latin quarter of the city, with the old-fashioned French restaurants, the artist colony to the north, and the studios in Tenth Street where Abbey, Millet, F. Hopkinson Smith, Laffan and others made the Tile Club famous. He published many stories and articles in Harper's Magazine.