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  • av Symposium on Symmetries in Science
    1 235,-

    Invariant Theory of Matrices; H. Aslaksen, et al. Symmetries of Elementary Particles Revisited; A.O. Barut. Perturbative SU(1,1); H. Beker. A Dual Structure for the Quantal Rotation Group, SU(2); L.C. Biedenharn, M.A. Lohe. Some Points in the Quantization of Relativistic Grassmann Dependent Interaction Systems; A. Del Sol Mesa, R.P. Martinez y Romero. q-Difference Intertwining Operators for Uq(sI(4)) and q-Conformal Invariant Equations; V.K. Dobrev. A Quantum Mechanical Evolution Equation for Mixed States from Symmetry and Kinematics; H.D. Doebner, J.D. Hennig. Quantum Mechanical Motions over the Group Manifolds and Related Potentials; I.H. Duru. Quantum Violation of Weak Equivalence Principal in the Brans-Dicke Theory; Y. Fujii. Quantum Unitary and Pseudounitary Groups and Generalized Hadron Mass Relations; A.M. Gavrilik. Linear Coxeter Groups; J. Getino. Diffeomorphism Groups, Quasiinvariant Measures, and Infinite Quantum Systems; G.A. Goldin, U. Moschella. Algebraic Shells and the Interacting Boson Model of the Nucleus; B. Gruber. Recent Developments in the Application of Vector Coherent States; K.T. Hecht. Algebraic Theory of the Threebody Problem; F. Iachello. 18 additional articles. Index.

  • av Symposium on Symmetries in Science
    1 235,-

    Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and the Onset of Chaos in the Interacting Boson Model of Nuclei; Y. Alhassid. Generating the Spectrum of Nonlinear Hamiltonians; L.Ya. Baranov, R.D. Levine. Dynamical Symmetry and String Theory; I. Bars. U(7) Spectrum Generating Algebra for Rotations and Vibrations in Triatomic Molecules; R. Bijker, et al. Algebraic Treatment of Collective Excitations in Baryon Spectroscopy; R. Bijker, A. Leviatan. Can Iachello's Idea of a Spectral Supersymmetry be Extended into the Relativistic Domain; A. Bohm, L.C. Biedenharn. Low Lying Electric Dipole Excitations and the Interacting Boson Model; P. von Brentano, et al. Effective Charges, the Valence pn Interaction, and the IBM; R.F. Casten, A. Wolf. Dynamical Symmetries in Superdeformed Nuclei; J.A. Cizewski. Dynamical Algebras and Syperalgebras for Interacting Itinerant Many-Electron Systems; A. Danani, M. Rasetti. Number and Isospin Dependence of the IBM3 Hamiltonian; J.P. Elliott, et al. 43 additional articles. Index.

  • av Symposium on Symmetries in Science
    1 235,-

    Classical vs Quantum Groups as Symmetries of Quantized Systems; M. Arik, G. Ünel. Algebraic Model of an Oblate Top; R.Bijker, A. Leviatan. The Mass-Squared Operator and the Einstein-Hilbert Action for Rescaled Lorentz Metrics; E. Binz, P. Oellers. Multichannel Dynamic Symmetry; J. Cseh. Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Subsingular Vectors and Conditionally Invariant; q-Deformed Equations; V.K. Dobrev. On a Path to Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics; H.-D. Doebner, J.-D. Hennig. Quantum Mechanical Problems with q-Deformations and over the p-Adic Number Fields; I.H. Duru. A Symmetry Adapted Algebraic Approach to Molecular Spectroscopy; A. Frank, et al. Dyson Boson-Fermion Realization of Lie (Super)Algebras; D.V. Fursa, et al. Formal Languages for Quasicrystals; J.G. Escudero. On Quadratic and Nonquadratic Forms: Applications to R2m R2m-n Nonbijective Transformations; M. Kibler. Quantization of Systems with Constraints; J.R. Klauder. Automorphisms and Discrete Fiber Bundles; P. Kramer, et al. Algebraic Approach to Baryon Structure; A. Leviatan, R. Bijker. Discrete Reflection Groups and Induced Representations of Poincaré Group on the Lattice; M. Lorente. 10 Additional Articles. Index.

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