- The Relegion You Can No Longer Ignore
av Syed Iqbal Zaheer
INTRODUCTION The need for a publication that can introduce Islam briefly, and at the same time give an overview of this religion has long been felt. This is an effort to meet with the need. However, this is far easily said than done, because Islam is not simply a set of creeds, customs and rituals, but a complete way of life that guides man in every field of thought and action and prepares him for a swift transition to the Hereafter. Accordingly, it neither neglects the needs, hopes and aspirations of this earthly existence, nor does it abandon man to the mundane world with a soul yearning for peace and tranquility. Therefore, to present Islam in a brief form, even if it be an overview, is just out of question. I endeavor to do it in three volumes, and this is the first of the series. This volume tries to answer the very basic questions that one unexposed to Islam would like to ask. Such answers had to be, of necessity, very brief. The reader is advised, therefore, to consult other works, some of which are listed at the end of this book. He may also contact one of the Islamic centers, also listed at the end, for further guidance. by Syed lqbal Zaheer