- Varida Anthology Volume One
av Suzanne Hagelin
LEAVE BEHIND YOUR MUNDANE TASKS......UNKNOWN REALMS BECKONAre you one of those who love the idea of being dropped in the middle of unlikely adventure? The kind that thinks "no way out" sounds like fun? Maybe uncontrolled powers of nature, alien forces, rogue robots, and unexpected portals are your style of vacation?Don't hesitate. Crack the pages open NOW and hope that by the end you will find your way back to your drab existence... if you even care to. These tales may sweep you on to series and sagas and worlds from which you will never wish to return. You'll find suspense, adventure, intrigue, humor-a little of everything in this collection of science fiction and fantasy stories.Contributing AuthorsSuzanne Hagelin-Suzanne is living in a sci-fi realm, writing, editing, publishing, altering the timeline... now.Nia Jean-Reading and writing have been Nia's obsession since she first learned to write the word "cat" and began crafting worlds, characters, and adventures. Those who have been captivated by her storytelling have waited patiently for her stories to be sculpted into living books. Her first fantasy novel is "Catspaw". Many others await in the wings.Eric Little-Eric writes the kind of science fiction he loves to read; world-building with plenty of good action scenes and characters that have a habit of coming alive and not cooperating with his initial plans. He lives on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington surrounded by his beloved rainforest and the sea. His books include the Good Wolf series: "Bad Dog Good Wolf" and "Bad Cat Good Wolf"; as well as "Summerlight", the first volume of the Summer War Cycle.Stephen Hagelin-Stephen is an author of epic fantasy books, including the Wingbreaker Saga and the upcoming Arcane Archaeologist series. Most recently he has published "The Lich's Blade," the third Wingbreaker novel. Between working full time, writing, and caring for his child with a chromosome deletion, he is not active on social media. Denise Kawaii-Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Washington State, there lived a reclusive writer named Denise Kawaii who, unbeknownst to her neighbors, possessed an extraordinary gift. She wrote the gateways to realms unknown, all from the comfort of a red Sihoo ergonomic desk chair.Her books include the dystopian, YA sci-fi "Adaline" series about an AI run cloning program on autopilot.