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Böcker av Steve Porter

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  • - Power Evangelism Training 101
    av Steve Porter

    Power Evangelism is so needed in our day. God is raising up a voice to Invade the Darkness for Jesus Christ! This "reaching out" - was authorized by our Lord Jesus Christ. It was He who commissioned his disciples to: "Go into all the world..." And go they did! Over the centuries, treading the landscapes of the world's lost - a consecrated army of selfless men and women - have courageously battled for the kingdom of God. These faithful pioneers passed the Gospel torch lit by the Master Himself - to generations following. Abbreviated chronicles of some of the more renowned Heroes of THE FAITH, past and present - are here introduced in this training manual. Invading the Darkness is meant to be a easy to understand course in History and Evangelism. The winds of latter-day end-times prophecy are rapidly reaching hurricane status. The "day" for working in the vineyard is fast winding up. The night is nearly upon us.Now, more than at any other period in history, the voices of evangelism must be louder, more insistent and more compelling. God is raising up "voices" who will preach forcefully with such authority and might - in the power of the Spirit. Our prayer is that this course will prepare you for such a work! Steve and Diane Porter are founders of Refuge Ministries. Steve's books, articles and videos have touched countless lives around the world.

  • av Steve Porter

    In the spirit, I see the sun setting over the horizon, casting golden hues across the sky. The mature bride and mature son stand overlooking the ocean's expanse. The bride of Christ sparkles, adorned in a gown of pure white, with a diadem of precious stones crowning her head. The mature son stands beside her in his finest garb, both gazing at the beautiful scene. These Overcomers endured blistering trials that broke lesser souls. Yet, anchored in God's presence, their faith remained unwavering. With every step, they know His manifest nearness guides them by the Lily of the Valley. They are sustained by Him, even in the darkest moments. These pages urge readers to press toward overcoming. Let the stories of saints who discovered the shelter of God's presence compel you to wholeheartedly follow the Spirit. Determine today to finish your race with joy as a spotless Bride and obedient Son, seeking only the Master's smile. Join the Overcomers - champions in God's eyes. With the wind at your back and the Son on your face, you too will be guided and empowered to overcome every obstacle and reign forever victorious. Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.

  • av Steve Porter

    In the twentieth century, the holiness movement resulted in the birth of lots of churches and also gave birth to an awesome move of God that spread all over the world. In this new era, the Lord is cultivating pure holiness in the Church, that will be powerful. This is a move of God Himself and not the efforts of mere men. It will be rich and beautiful as His shekinah glory fills the Lord's house with smoke from the altars of heaven. The holiness that is coming focuses on the inward transformation of the individual rather than outward appearances. And as the inner man is transformed, the body of Christ will become that glorious Church within a Church-a people within a people. It will be manifest, resembling Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel as we become a set-apart remnant bride without spot or wrinkle-the ultimate goal, my dear friend. Steve Porter's new book delves into the teachings and history of the holiness movement, helping readers to understand its origins and how it has evolved over time. He also highlights a rising modern-day holiness movement, preparing worshippers for the coming harvest of souls. This move is powerful and beautiful, with hearts being stirred deeply. Particularly interesting is his exploration into what precisely is the beauty of His holiness, helping us to understand how we can cultivate it in our lives as we earnestly seek Him out. Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.

  • - El viaje espiritual de Walter Beuttler
    av Steve Porter

    Walter Beuttler era un profesor de la Escuela Bíblica a la que asistí. Él conoció al Señor y caminó personalmente con Él como pocos hombres lo han hecho. He sido testigo presencial del efecto y resultado que tuvo la inusual relación personal que mantuvo con el Señor, pues el Señor visitaba frecuentemente el salón de clases mientras Walter enseñaba, para revelarse y moverse en la vida de los estudiantes que estaban sentados escuchándole. A través del poder de Dios en su ministerio, mi vida fue desafiada y cambiada. A menudo Walter exhortaba a sus alumnos a cultivar un conocimiento personal y experiencial directo con el Señor. Fue un hombre que usó su caminar espiritual único, y sus experiencias con Dios, como un medio para estimularnos a buscar seriamente la presencia de Dios. A través de su Ministerio, dos aspectos de mi vida espiritual se volvieron muy importantes: El primero fue aprender el incalculable beneficio de pasar tiempo de calidad "esperando en el Señor", y el segundo fue comprobar que sí es posible experimentar la "Presencia Manifiesta" del Señor. Ciertamente estas enseñanzas se hicieron realidad en mi vida a través de su ministerio. Hay un principio espiritual que Walter Beuttler enseñó en el aula que afectó enormemente mi vida espiritual, y se convirtió también en un principio fundamental en mi ministerio: "Si construimos a Dios una casa de devoción, Él nos edificará una casa de ministerio". Realmente puedo testificar que este principio funciona. Walter Beuttler viajó extensamente al extranjero, enseñando los principios de la "Presencia Manifiesta del Señor" y la "Guía Divina", hasta cerca del momento de su muerte en 1974. Wade E. Taylor24 de agosto de 1924 - 29 de febrero de 2012

  • - Die Braut Jesu bereitet sich vor
    av Steve Porter

    Viele im Leib Christi begnügen sich damit, den Herrn als ihren Erlöser zu kennen, während einige ein wenig weitergehen und Ihn als denjenigen kennenlernen wollen, der Gebete erhört, sie heilt, ihre Bedürfnisse stillt und sie für den Dienst am Nächsten einsetzt. Manche begnügen sich mit dem "Gefühl" Seiner Salbung und merken nicht, dass der Herr sich ihnen auf eine viel tiefere, persönliche Weise offenbaren will. Liebe Geschwister, es gibt MEHR! Viel mehr! Es geht um weit mehr als um Seine Hände, um Seinen Segen oder Seinen Schutz.... Er wartet darauf, dass du Sein Herz entdeckst! Oh, wie sehr wünscht sich Jesus, dich an die Hand zu nehmen und dich in die Tiefen Seiner Gegenwart zu führen. Seine Tiefen kennenzulernen - das ist es, wonach wir uns sehnen. Dieses Buch hat mich sehr berührt, denn es konfrontiert mit der Tatsache, dass Gott eine große Sehnsucht nach Gemeinschaft mit uns Menschen hat und jeden einlädt, Seine manifeste Gegenwart ganz persönlich zu erleben. Gleichzeitig weist es auch darauf hin, wie sehr wir eigentlich Sein liebevolles Angebot geringschätzen oder ignorieren und wie wenig wir dazu bereit sind, unser Leben darauf auszurichten, diesem Ruf Gottes zu folgen. Mich persönlich hat das Buch aufgerüttelt und in mir den starken Wunsch geweckt, mich von meinen ichbezogenen Gebeten zu verabschieden, Jesu wunderbare Persönlichkeit näher kennenzulernen und Seine Herzenswünsche zu erfragen. Wer sich danach sehnt, aus einer oberflächlichen Beziehung heraus zu einer tiefen Herzensbeziehung zum Herrn zu gelangen, findet in diesem Buch kostbare Hinweise, Ratschläge und Beispiele aus dem Leben des Autors und anderer Menschen, die Gott so nah waren. Steve und seine Frau Diane sind Gründer der Refuge Ministries und des Verlags Deeper Life Press, der sich auf die Gegenwart Gottes konzentriert. Steve trägt regelmäßig zu vielen prophetischen Publikationen bei, darunter die Elijah List, Spirit Fuel und das Identity Network. Seine Schriften wurden weltweit von Hunderttausenden von Menschen gelesen. Steves Bücher, Verteilschriften, Artikel und Videos haben unzählige Menschen auf der ganzen Welt berührt. Die Porters wohnen in der Nähe von Rochester, NY.

  • - The Hotel Victory Story: A Journey of Learning and Insight
    av Steve Porter

    Hotel Victory was a beacon of luxury and grandeur along the shores of Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Attracting crowds especially for the short three-month tourist season, the allure of its sumptuous accommodations surrounded by sun and water promised an unforgettable memory. The truth is that unfortunately not every story culminates in a jubilant ending; however, the life lessons we are able to take from such precipitous situations can be invaluable and formative. Through these pages, one can feel the warmth that filled this charming locale and imagine a picture of days gone by before technology took over our lives. In this read Steve digs up a treasure trove of wisdom as we uncover beautiful life lessons from this remarkable hotel's past. South Bass Island is truly a remarkable place, full of wonder and beauty. The village itself is teeming with character and charm that could easily tug on the heartstrings of any person who hears its story. Its citizens are loyal and passionate, always striving for success yet maintaining a peaceful atmosphere which lends itself to be remembered long beyond your visit there. Reading about the rich history and island can stir up an insatiable thirst to pack up and head towards Put-in-Bay as soon as possible! So don't hesitate - go ahead and book your tickets for Put-in-Bay. Who knows? Perhaps by chance I may also be there, waiting with a cheerful wave. Steve Porter is founder and publisher of Lake Forest Publishing and Deeper Life Press. Steve is also founder and director of "Limburger Cheese Solutions", an organization dedicated to "taking the stink out of attitudes." Steve inspires thousands with his motivational speeches and training gatherings. His gift for motivational storytelling captures audience attention and delivers powerful and often hidden learnings. He and his wife reside near the New York Finger Lakes and they have two daughters and one grandchild.

  • - Gedanken zur manifesten Gegenwart Gottes
    av Steve Porter

    Flüstern aus dem Thronsaal ist wahrlich eine unverzichtbare Lektüre. Auf diesen Seiten vermittelt der Autor und Lehrer Steve Porter eine neue Sichtweise aus seinem eigenen Herzen, welche er in vielen Jahren der Suche nach Intimität mit Gott gewonnen hat. Dieses Buch ist nicht nur eine Chronik von Porters eigener geistlicher Reise; es ist auch eine offene Einladung sowohl an den ernsthaften "Gottsucher" als auch an den selbstzufriedenen Christen, seine Seele von flüchtigen Annehmlichkeiten und Ablenkungen zu befreien. Es ist ein klarer Aufruf, sich aufzumachen und auf den Herrn zu warten. Einzutauchen in die Stille der liebenden Gegenwart Gottes, bis sich Sein Herz offenbart. In diesen letzten Tagen ruft Gott eine Braut, die sich nach mehr von Ihm Selbst sehnt und nicht nur nach den Segnungen, die Er ihr gewähren kann. Denn nur dieser Braut wird Er seine Gegenwart offenbaren. Steve und seine Frau Diane sind Gründer der Refuge Ministries und des Verlags Deeper Life Press, der sich auf die Gegenwart Gottes konzentriert. Er hat eine besondere Salbung, um die tiefen Wahrheiten des Geistes mit einer Klarheit und Einfachheit zu vermitteln, welche Menschen zu einem engeren Wandel und einer tieferen Beziehung zu unserem Herrn Jesus Christus hinführt. Steve trägt regelmäßig zu vielen prophetischen Publikationen bei, darunter die Elijah List, Spirit Fuel und das Identity Network. Seine Schriften wurden weltweit von Hunderttausenden von Menschen gelesen. Steves Bücher, Verteilschriften, Artikel und Videos haben unzählige Menschen auf der ganzen Welt berührt. Die Porters wohnen in der Nähe von Rochester, NY.

  • av Steve Porter

    You are about to enter into a sacred contract with the one you love. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine this moment: It's just us here, in front of the Father. Our family is assembled around us, and suddenly He appears before us -- the Lamb who was slain from ages ago...The sweet Master Jesus. The bride has been waiting with bated breath for her sweet groom. But the waiting is over -- Christ has come! The skies fill with His glory as our hearts beat with anticipation. Jesus has returned for His golden queen, ready to take what belongs to Him. I am His and He is mine -- finally, after all these years of waiting!In "Christ's Golden Queen," the second book in the "Bride of Christ Series," author Steve Porter shares a prophetic view of Psalms 45 and how the Lord raises up His remnant Bride. She will not be contaminated by the world system but will carry the very nature of Christ, manifesting the fruit of the Spirit wherever she goes. Within the Church, there is a great divide between the flesh and spirit, as well as Kingdom laws and worldly systems, but our Father is busy gathering unto Himself the Bride, and she will be a pure, holy stream. This volume is the second in the "Bride of Christ series," and it is just as beautiful as the first. If you are looking for a powerful read, this is the one for you.Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.

  • av Steve Porter

    Hotel Victory was a beacon of luxury and grandeur along the shores of Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Attracting crowds especially for the short three-month tourist season, the allure of its sumptuous accommodations surrounded by sun and water promised an unforgettable memory. The truth is that unfortunately not every story culminates in a jubilant ending; however, the life lessons we are able to take from such precipitous situations can be invaluable and formative. Through these pages, one can feel the warmth that filled this charming locale and imagine a picture of days gone by before technology took over our lives. In this read Steve digs up a treasure trove of wisdom as we uncover beautiful life lessons from this remarkable hotel's past.South Bass Island is truly a remarkable place, full of wonder and beauty. The village itself is teeming with character and charm that could easily tug on the heartstrings of any person who hears its story. Its citizens are loyal and passionate, always striving for success yet maintaining a peaceful atmosphere which lends itself to be remembered long beyond your visit there. Reading about the rich history and island can stir up an insatiable thirst to pack up and head towards Put-in-Bay as soon as possible! So don't hesitate - go ahead and book your tickets for Put-in-Bay. Who knows? Perhaps by chance I may also be there, waiting with a cheerful wave.Steve Porter is founder and publisher of Lake Forest Publishing and Deeper Life Press. Steve is also founder and director of "Limburger Cheese Solutions", an organization dedicated to "taking the stink out of attitudes." Steve inspires thousands with his motivational speeches and training gatherings. His gift for motivational storytelling captures audience attention and delivers powerful and often hidden learnings. He and his wife reside near the New York Finger Lakes and they have two daughters and one grandchild.

  • av Steve Porter

    Sowing Into the Spirit; Investing into the Manifest Presence of God, is best read prayerfully, with an open heart, inviting the Holy Spirit to work within. May these key truths be assimilated into your life experience as they confirm, challenge, convict, and encourage you into a closer relationship with the Lord.An illustration my dad, Wade Taylor, often used was of an airplane going down the runway: One set of laws applies while the wheels are on the ground. Once airborne, those wheels are folded up and another set of laws sets in. How we need those who will teach us how to enter into and move in the realm of the spirit, to become airborne! Such are the truths shared in this book, inviting us into this kind of walk.As you read, may you have a personal encounter with a personal Christ, with times of lingering in His presence. May you take time to reflect in each of the vital areas Steve talks about and allow the Lord to speak to you in each area. May you sow wisely that you might reap all God has prepared for you, and for all those who love Him (Proverbs 8:17).No matter how long you have walked with the Lord, Sowing Into the Spirit;Investing into the Manifest Presence of Godwill strengthen and encourage you. As Steve speaks from his heart, a fire for the deeper things of God and a special anointing to communicate and share with others is evident. I encourage you to, as Steve would say, read on!Nancy Taylor Tate

  • av Steve Porter

    The greatest wonders of God in American history happened in the time of Charles Finney. This time was referred to as the "Second Great Awakening" and many cities and regions felt the supernatural works performed through him for decades. However, many did not know that behind this great man stood a fervent, loyal supporter who interceded for the success of Charles Finney's efforts. The book you now hold in your hands is the story of an incredibly anointed man by the name of Daniel Nash. He was a man of great vision, quiet by nature and extremely humble. He was best known as a mighty man in prayer for he prayed in ways that would make many uncomfortable. According to some researchers, he was Finney's secret ingredient. Charles Finney retired to the pastoral calling three or four months after the death of Daniel Nash. This is perhaps one of the most powerful stories on a prayer warrior ever recorded! It was difficult for me to find factual information on Daniel Nash as there were so much false information and confusion surrounding him. Did you know there were actually two great, godly men by the name of Father Nash? Yes, indeed, and I can prove it as I personally went to both gravesites in two separate cities and interviewed experts who knew. Unfortunately, some information had been credited to the wrong Father Nash, therefore giving confusing information to the public. I believe I have written the most accurate book on Charles Finney's Daniel Nash available. In this book, I have drawn many prophetic applications from the life and experiences of Father Nash that I hope will encourage you. My prayer is that this book will inspire other forerunners of revival to use their own fervent prayers to exponentially impact the world with the Gospel. That intercession would again open the way for another powerful awakening that this world has yet to see!Steve has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. His speaking engagements take him internationally. Steve's passion is reaching people through social media, conference speaking, and writing devotional books that draw the reader into the very presence of God. His latest devotional "He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord" is a special prophetic devotional where you will find Jesus in the pages of this book. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. He also has been interviewed by the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a few other TV programs. Steve's books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world.

  • av Steve Porter

    The book you now hold in your hand is filled with special reflections on the Deeper Christian Life. Let the Lord take you by the hand and lead you into His garden - the Garden of the Lord -- where He will reveal His heart to you. You are very special to God, always on His mind. His greatest desire is to speak a loving message of intimacy into your life that will change everything. As you read you will meet with your Beloved Savior. Within these pages, you'll find powerful quotes, gleaned from all of Steve's previous books. His hope is that they will bring you into the manifest presence of the Lord, taking you deeper into the Father's heart.Steve has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. His speaking engagements take him internationally. Steve's passion is reaching people through social media, conference speaking, and writing devotional books that draw the reader into the very presence of God. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. Steve's books, tracts, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world.

  • av Steve Porter

    For those desperately hungry for more of God, Whispers from the Throne Room is truly a must read.In it, Author and Teacher Steve Porter offers fresh perspective from a seeker's heart, encouraging us to come away from the distractions and wait, soaking in the quiet of God's loving presence, until the actual glory of God comes down. Unlike anywhere else that's where transformation takes place and miracles happen.In these last days God is anxiously seeking those who want more of God and not just the blessings He can give, for it is only to them that He will reveal His manifest presence.All it takes is a heart that's truly willing to respond, even in the night hours when Jesus says, "Come and dine."Steve and his wife Diane founded Refuge Ministries and a presence-driven publishing company, Deeper Life Press. He has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. Steve's books, maturity pamphlets, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY.

  • av Steve Porter

  • - 7 Values of Highly Successful People
    av Steve Porter

  • av Steve Porter

    Ever since automobiles were invented, people have been driven to design the most attractive cars possible. Have a gas learning about the history of roadsters and sports cars in this informative title, while also taking the step-by-step drawing instructions for a joyride.

  • av Steve Porter

    Do you like monsters? Discover the legends behind some of the most powerful creatures ever imagined while learning to draw them at the same time using this step-by-step guide.

  • av Steve Porter

    Do you believe in magic? Young readers need only faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust to discover the wide array of stories written about these fantasy creatures. They will learn to draw their own fairies by following step-by-step instructions.

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