av United Kingdom Law & Soc. . . Association
Legal Issues Journal (LIJ) publishes original research on all legal matters affecting justice, equality and other pressing issues for societies. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary work at the intersection of law and other disciplines, such as genetics, biosciences, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, medicine, and business.The Journal publishes original papers, case comments, short reports, debates and book reviews. The Journal also provides important news and interpretation on changes in the legal world and coming trends affecting law, lawyers, and society. Contribution to society, nationally and internationally, is the focus of LIJ.LIJ uses double-blind peer review process where both the reviewer(s) and the author(s) are anonymous. IN THIS ISSUE:A Note from the Executive Publisher"Is there a Justification for the Existence of Patent Law in the International Pharmaceutical Industry?" By Bashayer Al-Mukhaizeem, University of SussexHuman Rights in a Hostile Environment: Can International Human Rights Law Effectively Constrain Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom?" By Sarah Crowe, SOAS"International Private Law as a Model for Private Law Jurisdiction in Cyberspace" by Dr. P. R. Stephenson, University of Leicester School of LawCASE NOTE-An Onerous Standard of Care in History Taking (FB v Princess Alexandra Hospital) by Philippa Kemp, Liverpool Law School, School of Law and Social Justice, University of LiverpoolBOOK REVIEW: Paul Torremans, ed. Research Handbook on Copyright Law. Second Edition. Reviewed by David Felipe Alvarez Amezquita, University of Tolima, Colombia