av Shobha Nihalani
Many have been affected by childhood conditioning. They were taught to suppress their true feelings and desires. In adulthood, most women have a harsh inner critic, struggle with impostor syndrome, and are afraid of stepping out of their comfort zones. They were affected because as kids and teens, they were made to think that they were not good enough, that they should be perfect, that they should be people-pleasers, and that they should let others decide their life story.It's time to take a stand on what you want from your life. And decide to pursue your unique dreams and desires.In this book, you will discover that our most fundamental needs are to value ourselves, to recognise and to respect our unique qualities, and to accept imperfections. You will learn from the experiences of some amazing women and men who challenged their limiting beliefs and faced the world with courage to achieve their goals.Many women have been through moments when their self-esteem was crushed. Yet, they coped and survived in a world of competitiveness, bullying, discrimination, imposter syndrome, and peer pressure from social media.Through exclusive interviews with psychology experts, executive coaches, professors, and the latest research, this book shares how our hypercompetitive society, our critical thoughts, and inner disregard of our own needs affect us deeply. And how we can choose to rise above the 'not good enough' feelings and align with our true selves.Now more than ever, it's time to take charge of lifting our self-esteem to start sculpting the life we truly want for ourselves.Take ownership of your self-respect, self-esteem, and self-worth. You owe it to yourself.