av Shikha Gupta
2 869
The book provides a comprehensive treatise on all aspects of congenital and pediatric glaucoma. Pediatric glaucoma, due to dependence on anaesthesia facility, are usually managed only in tertiary eye care centers. Being a difficult entity for comprehensive evaluation, many ophthalmologists lack adequate experience in diagnosing and managing this specialized group of patients. Pediatric glaucoma are an important cause of ocular morbidity and visual impairment, which if diagnosed in time, pays dividend in terms of improved quality of life, visual outcome and less disability associated life years in this young age group. Early diagnosis, prompt and effective treatment and rehabilitation play an important role in final visual outcomes. The book covers all important aspects of pediatric examination beginning from clinical examination, diagnostic investigations and treatment protocols. Certain examinations like intraocular pressure measurement, gonioscopy, detailed fundus examination need sedation/ anaesthesia. The video based procedural modules aim to explain standard protocols for performing basic examination in children, such as, under anaesthesia or sedation. It has a case based approach for all types of childhood glaucomas, which helps the residents, glaucoma fellows and practicing ophthalmologists alike to identify different types of childhood glaucomas, plan respective management and refer early, whenever indicated for these conditions. The book will serve as a ready reckoner, an authentic reference book and a teaching tool for practicing glaucoma specialists, general ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents and glaucoma fellows.The editors have extensive experience in dealing with pediatric glaucoma and contributed years of teaching and research in this field. This book primarily consists of images, diagrams, case presentations and illustrative videos wherever required. It illustrates the clinical findings of different pediatric glaucomas andhence acts as a practical teaching tool by providing a plethora of clinical pictures in adjunct to a short case scenario.