- From Darkness to New Horizons
av Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)
While bringing together a collection of articles published mostly in GreenSpirit magazine, 'Dark Nights of the Green Soul' highlights insights about facing difficult times, alongside reflections on our interactive relationship with Nature and our shared responsibilities. The book's four main parts present various perspectives about working with darkness and ways in which we can creatively move forward. The first section considers different types of darkness as well as its benefits. The second and largest section includes further wisdom, along with personal stories about times of difficulty people encountered, and how each of the storytellers found new meaning and growth by either connecting with an animal friend or in Earth-centred spiritual awakenings and teachings. The seven articles in the third and final sections reflect upon the state of the planet and offer practical views for the times in which we live and 'the great work' we need to embrace. CONTRIBUTORS: Joan Angus, Grace Blindell, Alex Brianson, Christine Connelly, Gail Davidson, Caroline Rosie Dent, William Fulford, Malcolm Hollick, Marshall Wayne Lee, Marian Van Eyk McCain, Sky McCain, Ian Mowll, Mary Jo Radcliffe, June Raymond, Trevor Sharman, Nicola Smalley, Mary Reynolds Thompson and Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston). ABOUT THE EDITORS: Both editors are Interfaith ministers. Ian Mowll is also co-editor of GreenSpirit magazine and the compiler of 'The Rising Water Project'. Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston) is the principal graphic designer for GreenSpirit publications, and an author, co-author and editor of over a dozen books, including 'Spirituality Unveiled'. THE GREENSPIRIT EBOOK SERIES: The GreenSpirit Book Series is low-cost series. The main contents/written material, editing, design and promotional work for the books are done on a purely voluntary basis, or given freely by contributors who share SpiritSpirit members' passion for Gaia centred spirituality.