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Böcker av Reed Ru

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  • - International English Edition
    av Reed Ru

    This is a story about two brothers who discovered a magical power on a flying island. This power could summon the legendary giant spirit known as the Titan Spirit and was referred to as "Divine Force" by the island's inhabitants. The residents believed it to be a divine gift, considering it a sacred force.However, the Pope believed that this power should only belong to the chosen people of God and should not be revealed to others. He firmly believed that if this power were to spread, it would bring disaster and possibly lead to war.Meanwhile, people on the mainland became aware of the existence of this power and became greedy for the abilities of the Heavenly Energy. They desired to possess it for themselves. These greedy individuals attempted to enter the flying island, triggering a large-scale war in their quest to seize this power.The two brothers realized the impending catastrophe that the war would bring. They felt a great responsibility and decided to protect the power from being misused. In the end, the secret of the Heavenly Energy was safeguarded on the island, kept away from the grasp of the greedy people on the mainland. Together with the Titan Spirit, they protected this sacred power, ensuring that it existed solely for the benefit of humanity rather than inciting war and disaster.This story conveys the importance of caution and responsibility when dealing with power and emphasizes the value of safeguarding sacred objects from misuse. It also highlights the power of collective efforts and understanding, enabling us to overcome the troubles of greed and war, and bring the blessings of happiness and peace through the sacred power.

  • - International English Edition
    av Reed Ru

    This is a story about two brothers who discovered a magical power on a flying island. This power could summon the legendary giant spirit known as the Titan Spirit and was referred to as "Divine Force" by the island's inhabitants. The residents believed it to be a divine gift, considering it a sacred force.However, the Pope believed that this power should only belong to the chosen people of God and should not be revealed to others. He firmly believed that if this power were to spread, it would bring disaster and possibly lead to war.Meanwhile, people on the mainland became aware of the existence of this power and became greedy for the abilities of the Heavenly Energy. They desired to possess it for themselves. These greedy individuals attempted to enter the flying island, triggering a large-scale war in their quest to seize this power.The two brothers realized the impending catastrophe that the war would bring. They felt a great responsibility and decided to protect the power from being misused. In the end, the secret of the Heavenly Energy was safeguarded on the island, kept away from the grasp of the greedy people on the mainland. Together with the Titan Spirit, they protected this sacred power, ensuring that it existed solely for the benefit of humanity rather than inciting war and disaster.This story conveys the importance of caution and responsibility when dealing with power and emphasizes the value of safeguarding sacred objects from misuse. It also highlights the power of collective efforts and understanding, enabling us to overcome the troubles of greed and war, and bring the blessings of happiness and peace through the sacred power.

  • av Reed Ru

    Het is meer dan een avontuur: het is een verhaal over vriendschap. De strip combineert op slimme wijze spannende verhaallijnen, adembenemende kunst en karakterdiepte.

  • av Reed Ru

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical wafer stone silicon crystal. It's undoubtedly a must-have masterpiece on your bookshelf. This book not only captivates with its engaging story but also embodies the top ten keywords of bestsellers, immersing you in a world full of fantasy and emotion.The story is set in a realm filled with floating islands in the sky, where these islands float amidst the azure sky, and the wafer stone silicon crystals possess the incredible power to make rocks fly. However, an ambitious dictator covets the power of this magical mineral, seeking to dominate the entire world.The protagonist of the story is a young man from a country long oppressed by the dictator, yearning to find a way to save his nation. Unexpected events, however, transport him to a different world a thousand years ago. In this unfamiliar environment, he befriends four like-minded companions. Together, they resist the evil dictatorship, attempting to alter the course of history."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" cleverly combines thrilling plots, breathtaking art styles, and profound character development, making the story even more captivating. Each of the four main characters possesses unique skills and personalities. It's their collaboration and friendship that turns them into an invincible force, bravely facing various challenges."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is not just an adventure story; it's a tale about friendship, courage, and the perseverance to pursue justice. This comic will lead you into a wondrous world full of unknowns, prompting you to seek the truth, embrace challenges, and appreciate the value of friendship."Les Chroniques de la mer et des nuages" est une bande dessinée qui rassemble l'aventure, l'amitié et le cristal de silicium en pierre magique. C'est sans aucun doute un chef-d'¿uvre incontournable sur votre étagère. Ce livre captive non seulement par son histoire captivante, mais incarne également les dix mots-clés des best-sellers, vous plongeant dans un monde plein de fantaisie et d'émotion.L'histoire se déroule dans un royaume rempli d'îles flottantes dans le ciel, où ces îles flottent au milieu du ciel azur, et les cristaux de silicium en pierre de plaquette possèdent l'incroyable pouvoir de faire voler les roches. Cependant, un dictateur ambitieux convoite le pouvoir de ce minéral magique, cherchant à dominer le monde entier.Le protagoniste de l'histoire est un jeune homme issu d'un pays longtemps opprimé par le dictateur, aspirant à trouver un moyen de sauver sa nation. Cependant, des événements inattendus le transportent dans un monde différent il y a mille ans. Dans cet environnement inconnu, il se lie d'amitié avec quatre compagnons partageant les mêmes idées. Ensemble, ils résistent à la dictature maléfique et tentent de modifier le cours de l'histoire."Les Chroniques de la mer et des nuages" combine intelligemment des intrigues palpitantes, des styles artistiques époustouflants et un développement profond des personnages, rendant l'histoire encore plus captivante. Chacun des quatre personnages principaux possède des compétences et des personnalités uniques. C'est leur collaboration et leur amitié qui font d'eux une force invincible, affrontant courageusement divers défis. Les Chroniques de la mer et des nuages n'est pas seulement un récit d'aventures ; c'est une histoire d'amitié, de courage et de persévérance pour poursuivre la justice. Cette bande dessinée vous mènera dans un monde merveilleux plein d'inconnues, vous incitant à rechercher la vérité, à relever les défis et à apprécier la valeur de l'amitié.

  • av Reed Ru

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical wafer stone silicon crystal. It's undoubtedly a must-have masterpiece on your bookshelf. This book not only captivates with its engaging story but also embodies the top ten keywords of bestsellers, immersing you in a world full of fantasy and emotion.The story is set in a realm filled with floating islands in the sky, where these islands float amidst the azure sky, and the wafer stone silicon crystals possess the incredible power to make rocks fly. However, an ambitious dictator covets the power of this magical mineral, seeking to dominate the entire world.The protagonist of the story is a young man from a country long oppressed by the dictator, yearning to find a way to save his nation. Unexpected events, however, transport him to a different world a thousand years ago. In this unfamiliar environment, he befriends four like-minded companions. Together, they resist the evil dictatorship, attempting to alter the course of history."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" cleverly combines thrilling plots, breathtaking art styles, and profound character development, making the story even more captivating. Each of the four main characters possesses unique skills and personalities. It's their collaboration and friendship that turns them into an invincible force, bravely facing various challenges."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is not just an adventure story; it's a tale about friendship, courage, and the perseverance to pursue justice. This comic will lead you into a wondrous world full of unknowns, prompting you to seek the truth, embrace challenges, and appreciate the value of friendship.

  • av Reed Ru

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical wafer stone silicon crystal. It's undoubtedly a must-have masterpiece on your bookshelf. This book not only captivates with its engaging story but also embodies the top ten keywords of bestsellers, immersing you in a world full of fantasy and emotion.The story is set in a realm filled with floating islands in the sky, where these islands float amidst the azure sky, and the wafer stone silicon crystals possess the incredible power to make rocks fly. However, an ambitious dictator covets the power of this magical mineral, seeking to dominate the entire world.The protagonist of the story is a young man from a country long oppressed by the dictator, yearning to find a way to save his nation. Unexpected events, however, transport him to a different world a thousand years ago. In this unfamiliar environment, he befriends four like-minded companions. Together, they resist the evil dictatorship, attempting to alter the course of history."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" cleverly combines thrilling plots, breathtaking art styles, and profound character development, making the story even more captivating. Each of the four main characters possesses unique skills and personalities. It's their collaboration and friendship that turns them into an invincible force, bravely facing various challenges."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is not just an adventure story; it's a tale about friendship, courage, and the perseverance to pursue justice. This comic will lead you into a wondrous world full of unknowns, prompting you to seek the truth, embrace challenges, and appreciate the value of friendship."Le cronache del mare e delle nuvole" è un fumetto che riunisce avventura, amicizia e il magico cristallo di silicio della pietra wafer. È senza dubbio un capolavoro da avere nella tua libreria. Questo libro non solo affascina con la sua storia avvincente, ma incarna anche le dieci parole chiave principali dei bestseller, immergendoti in un mondo pieno di fantasia ed emozione.La storia è ambientata in un regno pieno di isole fluttuanti nel cielo, dove queste isole fluttuano nel cielo azzurro e i cristalli di silicio di pietra wafer possiedono l'incredibile potere di far volare le rocce. Tuttavia, un dittatore ambizioso brama il potere di questo minerale magico, cercando di dominare il mondo intero.Il protagonista della storia è un giovane proveniente da un paese a lungo oppresso dal dittatore, desideroso di trovare un modo per salvare la sua nazione. Eventi inaspettati, però, lo trasportano in un mondo diverso mille anni fa. In questo ambiente sconosciuto, fa amicizia con quattro compagni che la pensano allo stesso modo. Insieme, resistono alla dittatura malvagia, tentando di alterare il corso della storia."Le cronache del mare e delle nuvole" combina abilmente trame avvincenti, stili artistici mozzafiato e un profondo sviluppo dei personaggi, rendendo la storia ancora più avvincente. Ciascuno dei quattro personaggi principali possiede abilità e personalità uniche. È la loro collaborazione e amicizia che li trasforma in una forza invincibile, capace di affrontare con coraggio varie sfide."Le cronache del mare e delle nuvole" non è solo una storia d'avventura; è una storia sull'amicizia, il coraggio e la perseveranza nel perseguire la giustizia. Questo fumetto ti condurrà in un mondo meraviglioso pieno di incognite, spingendoti a cercare la verità, ad accettare le sfide e ad apprezzare il valore dell'amicizia.

  • av Reed Ru

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical wafer stone silicon crystal. It's undoubtedly a must-have masterpiece on your bookshelf. This book not only captivates with its engaging story but also embodies the top ten keywords of bestsellers, immersing you in a world full of fantasy and emotion.The story is set in a realm filled with floating islands in the sky, where these islands float amidst the azure sky, and the wafer stone silicon crystals possess the incredible power to make rocks fly. However, an ambitious dictator covets the power of this magical mineral, seeking to dominate the entire world.The protagonist of the story is a young man from a country long oppressed by the dictator, yearning to find a way to save his nation. Unexpected events, however, transport him to a different world a thousand years ago. In this unfamiliar environment, he befriends four like-minded companions. Together, they resist the evil dictatorship, attempting to alter the course of history."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" cleverly combines thrilling plots, breathtaking art styles, and profound character development, making the story even more captivating. Each of the four main characters possesses unique skills and personalities. It's their collaboration and friendship that turns them into an invincible force, bravely facing various challenges."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is not just an adventure story; it's a tale about friendship, courage, and the perseverance to pursue justice. This comic will lead you into a wondrous world full of unknowns, prompting you to seek the truth, embrace challenges, and appreciate the value of friendship.Is greannán é "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" a bhailíonn eachtraíochta, cairdeas, agus an criostail sileacain draíochtúil cloiche wafer. Gan dabht is sárshaothar é nach mór a bheith agat ar do sheilf leabhar. Ní hamháin go n-ionsaíonn an leabhar seo lena scéal mealltach ach cuimsíonn sé freisin na deich bpríomhfhocal de na mórdhíoltóirí, agus tú ag tumadh i ndomhan lán fantaisíochta agus mothúcháin.Tá an scéal suite i réimse lán le hoileáin ar snámh sa spéir, áit a snámhann na hoileáin seo i measc an spéir azure, agus na criostail sileacain cloiche wafer an chumhacht dochreidte a dhéanamh carraigeacha eitilt. Mar sin féin, covetann deachtóir uaillmhianach cumhacht an mhianra draíochta seo, ag iarraidh ceannas a fháil ar an domhan ar fad.Fear óg as tír atá faoi chois ag an deachtóir le fada an lá is ea príomhchara an scéil, agus é ag iarraidh bealach a aimsiú chun a náisiún a shábháil. Iompraíonn imeachtaí gan choinne, áfach, chuig domhan eile é míle bliain ó shin. Sa timpeallacht neamhaithnidiúil seo, bíonn cairdeas aige le ceathrar compánach ar an meon céanna. Le chéile, cuireann siad in aghaidh na drochdheachtóireacht, ag iarraidh cúrsa na staire a athrú.Comhcheanglaíonn "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" ceapacha corraitheacha, stíleanna ealaíne iontacha, agus forbairt charachtair as cuimse, rud a fhágann go bhfuil an scéal níos tarraingtí fós. Tá scileanna agus pearsantachtaí uathúla ag gach ceann de na ceithre phríomhcharachtair. Is é a gcomhoibriú agus a gcairdeas a iompaíonn ina fhórsa dofheicthe iad, agus iad ag tabhairt aghaidh ar dhúshláin éagsúla go cróga.Ní scéal eachtraíochta amháin é "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud"; is scéal é faoin gcairdeas, faoin misneach, agus faoin bhuanseasmhacht chun ceartas a shaothrú. Tabharfaidh an greann seo tú isteach i ndomhan iontach atá lán de rudaí anaithnide, spreagfaidh tú an fhírinne a lorg, glacadh le dúshláin, agus luach an chairdis a thuiscint.

  • av Reed Ru

    "The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is a comic that gathers adventure, friendship, and the magical wafer stone silicon crystal. It's undoubtedly a must-have masterpiece on your bookshelf. This book not only captivates with its engaging story but also embodies the top ten keywords of bestsellers, immersing you in a world full of fantasy and emotion.The story is set in a realm filled with floating islands in the sky, where these islands float amidst the azure sky, and the wafer stone silicon crystals possess the incredible power to make rocks fly. However, an ambitious dictator covets the power of this magical mineral, seeking to dominate the entire world.The protagonist of the story is a young man from a country long oppressed by the dictator, yearning to find a way to save his nation. Unexpected events, however, transport him to a different world a thousand years ago. In this unfamiliar environment, he befriends four like-minded companions. Together, they resist the evil dictatorship, attempting to alter the course of history."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" cleverly combines thrilling plots, breathtaking art styles, and profound character development, making the story even more captivating. Each of the four main characters possesses unique skills and personalities. It's their collaboration and friendship that turns them into an invincible force, bravely facing various challenges."The Chronicles of the Sea and Cloud" is not just an adventure story; it's a tale about friendship, courage, and the perseverance to pursue justice. This comic will lead you into a wondrous world full of unknowns, prompting you to seek the truth, embrace challenges, and appreciate the value of friendship."Las Crónicas del Mar y de la Nube" es un cómic que reúne aventura, amistad y la mágica piedra oblea de cristal de silicio. Sin duda es una obra maestra que no puede faltar en tu estantería. Este libro no sólo cautiva con su cautivadora historia, sino que también incorpora las diez palabras clave principales de los más vendidos, sumergiéndote en un mundo lleno de fantasía y emoción.La historia se desarrolla en un reino lleno de islas flotantes en el cielo, donde estas islas flotan en medio del cielo azul, y los cristales de silicio de piedra oblea poseen el increíble poder de hacer volar las rocas. Sin embargo, un dictador ambicioso codicia el poder de este mineral mágico y busca dominar el mundo entero.El protagonista de la historia es un joven de un país oprimido durante mucho tiempo por el dictador, que anhela encontrar una manera de salvar a su nación. Sin embargo, acontecimientos inesperados lo transportan a un mundo diferente hace mil años. En este entorno desconocido, se hace amigo de cuatro compañeros de ideas afines. Juntos, resisten la malvada dictadura, intentando alterar el curso de la historia."Las crónicas del mar y la nube" combina hábilmente tramas emocionantes, estilos artísticos impresionantes y un profundo desarrollo de personajes, lo que hace que la historia sea aún más cautivadora. Cada uno de los cuatro personajes principales posee habilidades y personalidades únicas. Es su colaboración y amistad lo que los convierte en una fuerza invencible, que enfrenta con valentía diversos desafíos."Las Crónicas del Mar y de la Nube" no es sólo una historia de aventuras; es una historia sobre la amistad, el coraje y la perseverancia para buscar la justicia. Este cómic te llevará a un mundo maravilloso lleno de incógnitas, que te impulsará a buscar la verdad, aceptar desafíos y apreciar el valor de la amistad.

  • - Traditional Chinese Edition
    av Reed Ru

    這是一個關於兩兄弟在飛島上發現神奇力量的故事。這股力量可以召喚出傳說中的巨靈神,並被島上的居民稱為天能。居民們相信這是神的恩賜,視之為神聖的力量。教宗卻認為這股力量只應屬於神的子民,並不應該讓它的秘密外傳。他深信若是將這股力量傳播出去,將會引發災難,並可能導致戰爭爆發。然而,陸地上的人得知了這股力量的存在,他們對於天能的力量心生貪念,希望能夠將其掌握在手中。這些貪婪的人試圖進入飛島,為了奪取這股力量而引發了一場大規模的戰爭。兩兄弟意識到這場戰爭將帶來災難,他們深感責任重大,決定保護這股力量不被濫用。最終,天能的秘密被守護在島上,遠離了陸地上貪婪之人的手中。他們與巨靈神一起保護著這份神聖的力量,確保它只為造福人類而存在,而非引發戰爭和災難。這個故事傳達了對於力量的謹慎和責任感的重要性,以及保護神聖之物不被濫用的價值觀。它也強調了共同努力和理解的力量,使我們能夠克服貪婪和戰爭的困擾,將神聖的力量帶給人類的幸福與和平。地球上的天空之城隨著巨響落下,它會像一顆藍星般的出現....你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?人以善感,天以福應人以惡感,天以災應人若是逆天而為、做了壞事,天就降下凶兆,世界就會乾旱少雨、洪澇成災、兵變民亂開始戰爭。所以古人很重視對天象的觀測。你可以從這本圖文寓言小說中拼湊出隱藏的碎片這不僅是一本繪圖文視覺小說,這是一本預測世界未來趨勢的漫畫,更是一款考驗你分析能力的文學,看看你是否能從當前世界的經濟、科技和政治中發現什麼線索。有一篇神話故事流傳在世界上,這是個發生在幾千年前的故事...在最初盤古開天闢地之時,傳說這片大地上一共有四大神族,神祇的姓名分別為伏羲氏、女媧氏、神農氏和軒轅氏。四位神祇創造了四輪書,各別記載於天之卷、地之卷、山之卷與海之卷當中。相傳女媧氏將玄通召喚術的奧義記載於天之卷,軒轅氏將瞬身仙法記載於地之卷,神農氏將飛空術的秘訣記載於山之卷,最後伏羲氏則是將結網仙法記載於海之卷當中。這四卷寶典流傳下來,稱之為四輪書,據說便是四仙人所依靠而收集到八顆靈珠的關鍵法寶。四仙人靠著這些本領走遍天下,在極地荒涼的隱僻之處發現了天地山海的幻化靈珠,使用這股力量解救蒼生,先後創立了天山國、蓬萊國、翠雲國和鬱樹國,並安定天下,扭轉了人類榮枯興衰的契機。在這個新的朝代,禁貧教皇試圖讓天宮島上的居民實現共同富裕,斌雷和閻柱能否協助他實踐這個目標呢?

  • - Traditional Chinese Edition
    av Reed Ru

    這是一個關於兩兄弟在飛島上發現神奇力量的故事。這股力量可以召喚出傳說中的巨靈神,並被島上的居民稱為天能。居民們相信這是神的恩賜,視之為神聖的力量。教宗卻認為這股力量只應屬於神的子民,並不應該讓它的秘密外傳。他深信若是將這股力量傳播出去,將會引發災難,並可能導致戰爭爆發。然而,陸地上的人得知了這股力量的存在,他們對於天能的力量心生貪念,希望能夠將其掌握在手中。這些貪婪的人試圖進入飛島,為了奪取這股力量而引發了一場大規模的戰爭。兩兄弟意識到這場戰爭將帶來災難,他們深感責任重大,決定保護這股力量不被濫用。最終,天能的秘密被守護在島上,遠離了陸地上貪婪之人的手中。他們與巨靈神一起保護著這份神聖的力量,確保它只為造福人類而存在,而非引發戰爭和災難。這個故事傳達了對於力量的謹慎和責任感的重要性,以及保護神聖之物不被濫用的價值觀。它也強調了共同努力和理解的力量,使我們能夠克服貪婪和戰爭的困擾,將神聖的力量帶給人類的幸福與和平。地球上的天空之城隨著巨響落下,它會像一顆藍星般的出現....你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?人以善感,天以福應人以惡感,天以災應人若是逆天而為、做了壞事,天就降下凶兆,世界就會乾旱少雨、洪澇成災、兵變民亂開始戰爭。所以古人很重視對天象的觀測。你可以從這本圖文寓言小說中拼湊出隱藏的碎片這不僅是一本繪圖文視覺小說,這是一本預測世界未來趨勢的漫畫,更是一款考驗你分析能力的文學,看看你是否能從當前世界的經濟、科技和政治中發現什麼線索。有一篇神話故事流傳在世界上,這是個發生在幾千年前的故事...在最初盤古開天闢地之時,傳說這片大地上一共有四大神族,神祇的姓名分別為伏羲氏、女媧氏、神農氏和軒轅氏。四位神祇創造了四輪書,各別記載於天之卷、地之卷、山之卷與海之卷當中。相傳女媧氏將玄通召喚術的奧義記載於天之卷,軒轅氏將瞬身仙法記載於地之卷,神農氏將飛空術的秘訣記載於山之卷,最後伏羲氏則是將結網仙法記載於海之卷當中。這四卷寶典流傳下來,稱之為四輪書,據說便是四仙人所依靠而收集到八顆靈珠的關鍵法寶。四仙人靠著這些本領走遍天下,在極地荒涼的隱僻之處發現了天地山海的幻化靈珠,使用這股力量解救蒼生,先後創立了天山國、蓬萊國、翠雲國和鬱樹國,並安定天下,扭轉了人類榮枯興衰的契機。在這個新的朝代,禁貧教皇試圖讓天宮島上的居民實現共同富裕,斌雷和閻柱能否協助他實踐這個目標呢?

  • - International English Edition
    av Reed Ru

    This world is on the brink of developing a virtual realm, intricately linked and shaped by the advancements in science and technology. As it synchronously maps and interacts with reality, it has the potential to spark a revolutionary transformation in our social system.In the year 2020, owing to the efforts of the CCP government, our human society approached the precipice of virtualization. The global pandemic expedited the progress of novel technologies and the emergence of a culture rooted in non-physical interactions. We now inhabit a constantly evolving world, where the means of connecting with others and perceiving our surroundings have undergone substantial transformations.In 2021, a novel manifestation of existence materializes, seamlessly blending the realms of the virtual and the tangible. This development broadens the horizons of VR technology, bestowing an immersive experience within a mirror world that intricately weaves together fantasy and reality in economic and social systems. Within this Mirage World, every individual possesses the ability to edit and shape their own reality.

  • - Comic Manga Graphic Novel
    av Reed Ru

    地球上的天空之城隨著巨響落下,它會像一顆藍星般的出現....你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?人以善感,天以福應人以惡感,天以災應 人若是逆天而為、做了壞事,天就降下凶兆,世界就會乾旱少雨、洪澇成災、兵變民亂開始戰爭。所以古人很重視對天象的觀測。你可以從這本圖文寓言小說中拼湊出隱藏的碎片有一篇神話故事流傳在世界上,這是個發生在幾千年前的故事...在最初盤古開天闢地之時,傳說這片大地上一共有四大神族,神祇的姓名分別為伏羲氏、女媧氏、神農氏和軒轅氏。四位神祇創造了四輪書,各別記載於天之卷、地之卷、山之卷與海之卷當中。相傳女媧氏將玄通召喚術的奧義記載於天之卷,軒轅氏將瞬身仙法記載於地之卷,神農氏將飛空術的秘訣記載於山之卷,最後伏羲氏則是將結網仙法記載於海之卷當中。這四卷寶典流傳下來,稱之為四輪書,據說便是四仙人所依靠而收集到八顆靈珠的關鍵法寶。四仙人靠著這些本領走遍天下,在極地荒涼的隱僻之處發現了天地山海的幻化靈珠,使用這股力量解救蒼生,先後創立了天山國、蓬萊國、翠雲國和鬱樹國,並安定天下,扭轉了人類榮枯興衰的契機。在這個新的朝代,熙宗試圖攻佔陷空島,將矽晶石據為己有,建立天朝國。江嵐、洪鷹、韓毅、夢楚兒能否阻止他的陰謀呢?

  • - Comic Manga Graphic Novel
    av Reed Ru

    芯片戰爭:全球最關鍵技術之爭克里斯-米勒台積電TSMC製造了全球約 90% 的先進芯片。 未來的世界秩序將由半導體戰爭決定。 這部漫畫書系列《陷空島戰記》是一部反映當前國家間科技戰爭的圖畫小說。 隨著全書劇情的推進,讀者將能追溯進入靈獸召喚的時空穿越,見證奇幻故事的新紀元地球上的天空之城隨著巨響落下,它會像一顆藍星般的出現....你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?人以善感,天以福應人以惡感,天以災應 人若是逆天而為、做了壞事,天就降下凶兆,世界就會乾旱少雨、洪澇成災、兵變民亂開始戰爭。所以古人很重視對天象的觀測。你可以從這本圖文寓言小說中拼湊出隱藏的碎片有一篇神話故事流傳在世界上,這是個發生在幾千年前的故事...在最初盤古開天闢地之時,傳說這片大地上一共有四大神族,神祇的姓名分別為伏羲氏、女媧氏、神農氏和軒轅氏。四位神祇創造了四輪書,各別記載於天之卷、地之卷、山之卷與海之卷當中。相傳女媧氏將玄通召喚術的奧義記載於天之卷,軒轅氏將瞬身仙法記載於地之卷,神農氏將飛空術的秘訣記載於山之卷,最後伏羲氏則是將結網仙法記載於海之卷當中。這四卷寶典流傳下來,稱之為四輪書,據說便是四仙人所依靠而收集到八顆靈珠的關鍵法寶。四仙人靠著這些本領走遍天下,在極地荒涼的隱僻之處發現了天地山海的幻化靈珠,使用這股力量解救蒼生,先後創立了天山國、蓬萊國、翠雲國和鬱樹國,並安定天下,扭轉了人類榮枯興衰的契機。在這個新的朝代,熙宗試圖攻佔陷空島,將矽晶石據為己有,建立天朝國。江嵐、洪鷹、韓毅、夢楚兒能否阻止他的陰謀呢?

  • - Traditional Chinese Edition
    av Reed Ru

    地球上的天空之城隨著巨響落下,它會像一顆藍星般的出現....你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?人以善感,天以福應人以惡感,天以災應人若是逆天而為、做了壞事,天就降下凶兆,世界就會乾旱少雨、洪澇成災、兵變民亂開始戰爭。所以古人很重視對天象的觀測。你可以從這本圖文寓言小說中拼湊出隱藏的碎片TSMC生產全球約 90% 的先進芯片。 未來的世界秩序將由半導體戰爭來決定。 這部漫畫系列《天宮遺跡》是一部反映當前國與國之間科技戰爭的圖文小說。 隨著全書劇情的推進,讀者將能夠深入探索一個神秘少年的不凡旅程,追溯進入超自然召喚獸的世界,見證奇幻故事的新紀元這不是新海誠、大友克洋、細田守、庵野秀明的動畫、這不是灌篮高手、不是名侦探柯南、不是新世纪福音战士、不是钢铁神兵、不是死神、不是数码宝贝、不是幽游白书、不是圣斗士星矢、不是浪客剑心、不是全职猎人、不是乱马二分之一、不是犬夜叉、不是與神同行、不是奶酪陷阱或者諸葛四郎這是一款由獨立創作者製作出的文學故事,這款漫畫風格的視覺小說,融合了幻想與文學、古早漫畫

  • av Reed Ru

    Blank Storyboard Notebook Sketchbook Template Panel Pages for Storytelling & Layouts with 400+ PanelsUnlock your creative potential and bring your stories to life with the Blank Storyboard Notebook Sketchbook Template Panel Pages. This indispensable tool is a must-have for storytellers, artists, and creators looking to master the art of visual storytelling.Featuring a generous collection of over 400 panels, this sketchbook provides an expansive canvas to map out your narrative ideas, plot twists, and character development. With each panel meticulously designed, you'll find an array of templates that effortlessly accommodate various panel layouts, allowing you to experiment with different visual compositions and storyboarding techniques.Designed with convenience in mind, this storyboard notebook offers ample space for annotations and notes alongside each panel, enabling you to jot down essential details, dialogue snippets, or scene descriptions. Organize your thoughts and refine your storytelling craft as you seamlessly transition from concept to execution.Whether you're an aspiring comic book artist, filmmaker, graphic novelist, or simply a creative enthusiast, this sketchbook is your trusted companion for honing your storytelling skills. Develop captivating narratives, outline captivating story arcs, and convey emotions through dynamic visuals that captivate readers and viewers alike.Key Features:400+ Pre-designed Panels: Choose from a wide range of panel designs, including squares, rectangles, circles, and more, to create visually compelling sequences.Versatile Layout Options: Experiment with different panel arrangements, from single frames to multi-panel spreads, and bring your stories to life with engaging visual storytelling.Ample Annotation Space: Make notes, write dialogue, and jot down scene descriptions alongside each panel, ensuring that no creative idea goes unrecorded.Durable and Portable: This sketchbook is crafted with high-quality materials, making it sturdy enough to withstand frequent use and portable enough to carry with you anywhere inspiration strikes.Unleash your storytelling potential and turn your creative vision into reality with the Blank Storyboard Notebook Sketchbook Template Panel Pages. Whether you're a professional storyteller or an aspiring artist, this invaluable tool will empower you to craft immersive narratives and captivating visuals that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

  • av Reed Ru

    Unleash creativity with dynamic panel layouts and craft captivating stories using the blank manga template and graphic novel toolkit.Master storytelling with 250+ unique panel layouts and discover effective comic book layout design for immersive visual storytelling.Dive into manga artistry with step-by-step instructions and professionally designed storyboard templates for sketching manga narratives.Ignite imagination with a blank comic book template, fueling originality in creating comic strips, chibi stories, and fantasy adventures.Develop compelling characters using the manga character design toolkit and master the art of graphic storytelling with comprehensive guides and techniques.Bring ideas to life and infuse humor into narratives using comic strip templates and unleash comedic talents.Elevate manga storytelling skills through a masterclass, gaining expert advice, inspiration, and insider techniques with the manga storytelling toolkit.Key Features:Wide range of best-selling tool books covering various artistic disciplinesStep-by-step instructions and practical exercises for hands-on learningEngaging content suitable for beginners, enthusiasts, and professionalsHigh-quality illustrations and expert insights to fuel your creativityExplore a world of artistic possibilities with our best-selling tool books. Whether you're a budding artist, a seasoned creator, or simply looking to embark on a new creative venture, our collection offers invaluable resources to expand your skills and ignite your imagination.Dive into our extensive range of tool books, each dedicated to a specific artistic discipline. From drawing and painting techniques to photography, calligraphy, and beyond, our carefully curated selection covers it all. Unleash your potential with our step-by-step instructions, designed to guide you through the creative process with ease and precision.Experience hands-on learning like never before. Our tool books feature practical exercises that allow you to apply what you've learned and develop your skills in a tangible way. Whether you're honing your drawing accuracy, experimenting with color mixing, or exploring advanced digital techniques, our books provide the perfect platform for growth and mastery.Enhance your artistic journey with the expertise of renowned artists and industry professionals. Our tool books feature high-quality illustrations that serve as visual inspiration and showcase exemplary techniques. Gain exclusive insights and insider tips from seasoned creators, empowering you to elevate your craft and create artwork that resonates with your unique vision.Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation or an experienced artist looking to refine your skills, our tool books cater to all levels of expertise. Fuel your passion, discover new techniques, and unlock your creative potential with our exceptional collection.Don't miss the opportunity to embark on a transformative artistic adventure. Explore our best-selling tool books today and witness the remarkable impact they can have on your creative endeavors. Let your imagination soar, express your unique voice, and create art that captivates and inspires. Begin your journey now and experience the joy of creating like never before!

  • av Reed Ru

    Human beings are kind, and God is blessed. People respond with evil feelings, while God responds with disasters.If people act against the sky and engage in bad behavior, the sky will send bad omens, leading to drought, less rain, floods, disasters, rebellion, civil unrest, and wars. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the observation of celestial phenomena. You can piece together the hidden fragments from this graphic fable.TSMC produces about 90 percent of the world's advanced chips. The future world order will be determined by semiconductor warfare. The comic series "The Legacy of Moon Palace" is a graphic novel that reflects the ongoing technological war between nations. As the plot of the book progresses, readers will be able to deeply explore the extraordinary journey of a mysterious boy, delve into the world of supernatural summoned beasts, and witness a new era of fantasy stories.This is a literary story produced by an independent creator. This comic-style visual novel combines fantasy and literature, reminiscent of ancient comics.

  • av Reed Ru

    Human beings are kind, and God is blessed. People respond with evil feelings, while God responds with disasters.If people act against the sky and engage in bad behavior, the sky will send bad omens, leading to drought, less rain, floods, disasters, rebellion, civil unrest, and wars. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the observation of celestial phenomena. You can piece together the hidden fragments from this graphic fable.TSMC produces about 90 percent of the world's advanced chips. The future world order will be determined by semiconductor warfare. The comic series "Tiangong Ruins" is a graphic novel that reflects the ongoing technological war between nations. As the plot of the book progresses, readers will be able to deeply explore the extraordinary journey of a mysterious boy, delve into the world of supernatural summoned beasts, and witness a new era of fantasy stories.This is a literary story produced by an independent creator. This comic-style visual novel combines fantasy and literature, reminiscent of ancient comics.

  • av Reed Ru

    This world is on the brink of developing a virtual realm, intricately linked and shaped by the advancements in science and technology. As it synchronously maps and interacts with reality, it has the potential to spark a revolutionary transformation in our social system.In the year 2020, owing to the efforts of the CCP government, our human society approached the precipice of virtualization. The global pandemic expedited the progress of novel technologies and the emergence of a culture rooted in non-physical interactions. We now inhabit a constantly evolving world, where the means of connecting with others and perceiving our surroundings have undergone substantial transformations.In 2021, a novel manifestation of existence materializes, seamlessly blending the realms of the virtual and the tangible. This development broadens the horizons of VR technology, bestowing an immersive experience within a mirror world that intricately weaves together fantasy and reality in economic and social systems. Within this Mirage World, every individual possesses the ability to edit and shape their own reality.

  • av Reed Ru

    This is a story about two brothers who discovered a magical power on a flying island. This power could summon the legendary giant spirit known as the Titan Spirit and was referred to as "Divine Force" by the island's inhabitants. The residents believed it to be a divine gift, considering it a sacred force.However, the Pope believed that this power should only belong to the chosen people of God and should not be revealed to others. He firmly believed that if this power were to spread, it would bring disaster and possibly lead to war.Meanwhile, people on the mainland became aware of the existence of this power and became greedy for the abilities of the Heavenly Energy. They desired to possess it for themselves. These greedy individuals attempted to enter the flying island, triggering a large-scale war in their quest to seize this power.The two brothers realized the impending catastrophe that the war would bring. They felt a great responsibility and decided to protect the power from being misused. In the end, the secret of the Heavenly Energy was safeguarded on the island, kept away from the grasp of the greedy people on the mainland. Together with the Titan Spirit, they protected this sacred power, ensuring that it existed solely for the benefit of humanity rather than inciting war and disaster.This story conveys the importance of caution and responsibility when dealing with power and emphasizes the value of safeguarding sacred objects from misuse. It also highlights the power of collective efforts and understanding, enabling us to overcome the troubles of greed and war, and bring the blessings of happiness and peace through the sacred power.

  • av Reed Ru

    This is a story about two brothers who discovered a magical power on a flying island. This power could summon the legendary giant spirit known as the Titan Spirit and was referred to as "Divine Force" by the island's inhabitants. The residents believed it to be a divine gift, considering it a sacred force.However, the Pope believed that this power should only belong to the chosen people of God and should not be revealed to others. He firmly believed that if this power were to spread, it would bring disaster and possibly lead to war.Meanwhile, people on the mainland became aware of the existence of this power and became greedy for the abilities of the Heavenly Energy. They desired to possess it for themselves. These greedy individuals attempted to enter the flying island, triggering a large-scale war in their quest to seize this power.The two brothers realized the impending catastrophe that the war would bring. They felt a great responsibility and decided to protect the power from being misused. In the end, the secret of the Heavenly Energy was safeguarded on the island, kept away from the grasp of the greedy people on the mainland. Together with the Titan Spirit, they protected this sacred power, ensuring that it existed solely for the benefit of humanity rather than inciting war and disaster.This story conveys the importance of caution and responsibility when dealing with power and emphasizes the value of safeguarding sacred objects from misuse. It also highlights the power of collective efforts and understanding, enabling us to overcome the troubles of greed and war, and bring the blessings of happiness and peace through the sacred power.

  • av Reed Ru

    Uncover your hidden fears. To move forward to the next step, you must first understand what exactly you fear. In Catholic theology, Limbo is the afterlife world of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned. The other understanding of limbo refers to the permanent place and state of the souls of those who have died without baptism and without mortal sin. Science and philosophy can tell us a lot about life, but when the moment of life has passed us by, what would be the biggest wish in life?

  • av Reed Ru

    Uncover your hidden fears. To move forward to the next step, you must first understand what exactly you fear. In Catholic theology, Limbo is the afterlife world of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned. The other understanding of limbo refers to the permanent place and state of the souls of those who have died without baptism and without mortal sin. Science and philosophy can tell us a lot about life, but when the moment of life has passed us by, what would be the biggest wish in life?

  • av Reed Ru

    Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical TechnologyBy Chris MillerTSMC makes about 90% of advanced chips produced worldwide. The future world order will be decided by the war over semiconductors. This comic book series Clash of Sky Palace is a graphic novel that reflect the current tech war Between Countries. As the plot progresses throughout this book, readers will be able to browse inside an ordinary youngster's extraordinary journey, retroactively entering the chronological time warp of paranormal summoning monsters, and witnessing a new era of fantasy storiesThe sky city on the earth will fall with a loud noise, and it will appear like a blue star...What do you think about The Hopi, Abhigya Anand, Michel de Nostredame, Dato Anthony Cheng, Baba Vanga and Jeane Dixon? Are you interested in their predictions about the future? Do you want to know the trend of the world?When people act with good deeds, heaven responds with blessingsWhen people commit evil crime, heaven responds with unstoppable disasters If we act against the Sky and do bad things, bad omens will come from the sky, and the world will suffer from drought and rain, floods, mutiny and civil chaos, and war will begin. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the observation of celestial phenomena. You can piece together the hidden fragments of riddle from this graphic novel comic book...

  • av Reed Ru

    Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical TechnologyBy Chris MillerTSMC makes about 90% of advanced chips produced worldwide. The future world order will be decided by the war over semiconductors. This comic book series Clash of Sky Palace is a graphic novel that reflect the current tech war Between Countries. As the plot progresses throughout this book, readers will be able to browse inside an ordinary youngster's extraordinary journey, retroactively entering the chronological time warp of paranormal summoning monsters, and witnessing a new era of fantasy storiesThe sky city on the earth will fall with a loud noise, and it will appear like a blue star...What do you think about The Hopi, Abhigya Anand, Michel de Nostredame, Dato Anthony Cheng, Baba Vanga and Jeane Dixon? Are you interested in their predictions about the future? Do you want to know the trend of the world?When people act with good deeds, heaven responds with blessingsWhen people commit evil crime, heaven responds with unstoppable disasters If we act against the Sky and do bad things, bad omens will come from the sky, and the world will suffer from drought and rain, floods, mutiny and civil chaos, and war will begin. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the observation of celestial phenomena. You can piece together the hidden fragments of riddle from this graphic novel comic book...

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