av Raymond Murphy
Here are the proven benefits through scientific research of black seed oil but may also be known as Nigel sativa black cumin, black caraway, fennel flower, kalonji, nutmeg flower and Roman coriander.The potent healing effects of this herb is known for helping bacteria infections, super bugs, fungus, mold, viral infections, killing parasites, cancer, inflammation, immune system function, radiation, protecting kidneys and preventing kidney stones, protecting the brain and boosting memory, breastfeeding, decreasing seizures, anxiety, allergies, increasing testosterone and male fertility, arthritis, opioid dependence, diabetes, relaxing muscles, thyroid gland and much more.The potent healing effects of this herb is known for helping bacterial infections, super bugs, fungus, mold, viral infections, killing parasites, cancer, inflammation, immune system function, radiation, protecting kidneys and preventing kidney stones, protecting the brain and boosting memory, breastfeeding, decreasing seizures, anxiety, allergies, increasing testosterone and male fertility, arthritis, opioid dependence, diabetes, relaxing muscles, thyroid gland and much more.