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Böcker av Rajesh Kumar

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  • av Rajesh Kumar
    1 699

    Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugar made by bees. Honeybees collect a liquid secretion from flowers, called nectar, and take this back to their hives. It is an appreciated natural gift to humanity derived entirely from honeybees. Honey is the by-product of nectar collected by bees from the flowers, with some digestive enzymes produced by the honeybees themselves. Honey: A Miraculous Product of Nature summarizes the current status of honey, it's uses and related aspects. This illustrated volume describes use of honey in traditional medicines, i.e. Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani by acting as a preservative and nourishing agent. Also, other properties like digestibility, palatability, deliciousness, refreshing, thirst quencher, stomachic, anti-obtrusive, expectorant, anti-oxidative, anti-tussive and blood purifier are explained in beautiful manner. The role of honey in improving eyesight, strengthens gums and teeth and it's use in jaundice, spleen enlargement, sore throat, chest diseases, sexual debility, renal and cystic calculi, intestinal worms, heart diseases and leprosy is very well described.The compiled knowledge from range of bee scientists, Honey: A Miraculous Product of Nature aims to provide broad knowledge on honey to the researchers, apiculturists and students to continue their work on honey and honeybees.

  • av Rajesh Kumar


  • av Rajesh Kumar


  • av Rajesh Kumar


  • av Rajesh Kumar

    "Sabores de la India: Un Viaje Culinario Exquisito" te sumerge en un viaje culinario único, explorando la rica y diversa tradición gastronómica de la India. Escrito por el experto en cocina india Rajesh Kumar, este libro es una puerta de entrada a los aromas y sabores que hacen que la cocina de la India sea tan apreciada en todo el mundo.La cocina india es conocida por su mezcla de especias, colores vibrantes y platos llenos de sabor. En este libro, Rajesh Kumar comparte sus conocimientos y pasión por la cocina de su país natal, invitándote a descubrir la magia de la India en tu propia cocina.A través de recetas auténticas y consejos prácticos, aprenderás a preparar platos clásicos indios como el curry, el tandoori y el biryani, entre otros. Descubrirás la importancia de las especias y cómo usarlas para dar vida a tus comidas. Además, explorarás la diversidad regional de la cocina india, desde el picante del sur hasta la dulzura del norte."Sabores de la India: Un Viaje Culinario Exquisito" es una invitación a experimentar la cocina india en toda su gloria y a llevar a tu mesa los sabores y aromas de este fascinante país. Ya sea que seas un cocinero experimentado o un principiante en la cocina india, este libro te inspirará a explorar un mundo de delicias culinarias que te dejarán con ganas de más.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    "Delicii din Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿: Re¿ete pentru O Aventur¿ Culinara Aromatic¿" v¿ invit¿ într-o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ fascinant¿ prin lumea aromelor ¿i gusturilor bogate ale buc¿t¿riei indiene. Rajesh Kumar, pseudonimul unui pasionat al gastronomiei indiene, v¿ ofer¿ aceast¿ carte de re¿ete special¿, dedicat¿ iubitorilor de mânc¿ruri autentice ¿i arome exotice.Rajesh Kumar, un buc¿tar iscusit ¿i cunosc¿tor al tradi¿iilor gastronomice indiene, v¿ dezv¿luie secretele ¿i tehnicile unice care stau la baza unor preparate cu adev¿rat memorabile. Cartea adun¿ o varietate impresionant¿ de re¿ete, de la cele clasice, precum curry ¿i biryani, la buc¿t¿rii regionale mai püin cunoscute, pentru a v¿ aduce esen¿a ¿i autenticitatea buc¿t¿riei indiene în propria buc¿t¿rie."Delicii din Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿" v¿ permite s¿ exploräi ingredientele, tehnici ¿i pasiunea care definesc buc¿t¿ria acestei ¿¿ri fascinante. Re¿etele sunt prezentate într-un mod clar ¿i üor de urm¿rit, astfel încât atât încep¿torii, cât ¿i buc¿tarii experimentäi s¿ se poat¿ bucura de prepararea acestor minunate delicii.A¿adar, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ v¿ îmbog¿¿i¿i sim¿urile cu arome autentice ¿i gusturi exotice ¿i s¿ transformäi fiecare mas¿ într-o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ în inima Indiei. "Delicii din Buc¿t¿ria Indian¿" este ghidul perfect pentru cei care iubesc aromele indiene, descoperirile culinare ¿i bucuria de a g¿ti preparate tradi¿ionale indiene.

  • av K.S.Kushwaha & Rajesh Kumar
    2 325,-

  • av Rajesh Kumar
    1 155,-

    Ribo Crossword Puzzles Sudoku is a special puzzles book. This puzzles book is specially made for all of you. Not only do you exercise your brain by solving puzzles, but you can also increase your knowledge. Hope you will definitely like the book. (Rajesh Kumar)

  • av Rajesh Kumar
    1 055,-

    The book is up-to-date and informative, publication, covering all vital aspects on rejuvenation technology in perennial fruit trees. The book is full-fledged and uated publication on rejuvenation technology. By going through the book one can adopt this technology in all high-value fruit crops of woody perennial nature of tropical and subtropical groups. The concept of rejuvenation, present trend and constraints, its need, adoption level and successful implementation with proper package of cultural practices and management strategies, have been discussed in details in the book. All efforts have been made to increase production, productivity and profitability of fruit crops at a sustainable basis. The requisite information and need-based requirements have also been brought within purview in addition to critical perspective that foster a better understanding of its R&D issues.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    Kuzhina Indiane është një libër i gatimit që përmban receta autentike dhe shijesë të kuzhinës indiane. Në këtë libër, Rajesh Kumar ndan me lexuesit teknikat dhe këshillat e nevojshme për të përgatitur ushqime autentike indiane në shtëpi.Në këtë libër do të gjeni një gamë të gjerë të recetave nga kuzhina indiane, duke filluar nga ushqimet e lehta deri te ato me mish dhe të akullta. Recetat janë të thjeshta dhe të lehta për tu ndjekur, dhe do t'ju ndihmojnë të gatuani ushqime autentike indiane në shtëpinë tuaj.Rajesh Kumar është një kuzhinier profesionist dhe ka më shumë se 20 vjet përvojë në kuzhinën indiane. Në këtë libër ai ndan me lexuesitë teknikat dhe këshillat e tij për të përgatitur ushqime autentike indiane me shije dhe kulturë.Kuzhina Indiane është një libër i përshtatshëm për kuzhinierët profesionistë dhe për ata që duan të eksplorojnë kuzhinën indiane në mënyrë autentike. Nëse jeni të gatshëm të ndani me familjen dhe miqtë tuaj ushqime autentike indiane, kjo është libri që duhet të keni në koleksionin tuaj të librit kuzhine.

  • av Rajesh Kumar


  • av Rajesh Kumar & Seema Rani
    1 285,-

  • av Rajesh Kumar, Rallapalli Srinivas & Mainak Dutta
    2 395

    The book presents select proceedings of Global meet on 'Computational Modelling and Simulation, Recent Innovations, Challenges and Perspectives, 2020. This book covers leading-edge technologies from different domains such as computation in optimization and control, multiscale and multiphysics modeling and computation analysis, environmental modeling, modeling approaches to enterprise systems and services, finite element analysis, dependability and security, high-performance computation/cloud computing applications, computational biology and chemistry and computational mechanics. The primary goal of this book is to strengthen pre-eminence in computational modeling and simulation by catalyzing the transformative use of innovative developments in a wide range of disciplines to achieve lasting societal impact. The book discusses on how to perform simulation of large complex dynamic systems in an efficient manner using advanced computational analysis. The inter-disciplinary nature of the book would be a valuable reference for academicians and research scientists, industrialists interested in modelling and simulation driven by computational technology.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    Book 1 While planning to travel to Agra to meet the Arts and Cultural Minister regarding a cultural festival, Jothika, a famous Bharatanatyam dancer receives an anonymous phone call that creates a havoc in her upcoming wedding. Due to this, she loses her peace of mind.Adding to that her visit to agra brews, fresh troubles besides present ones alive.Unexpectedly, a number of topsy turvy events startles and jolts Jyothika heavily. Meanwhile, her fiancee Raghav too travels to Agra in to meet her.What happened to Jyothika? Why Raghav is in a fix? Whether they were able weather the issues. Book 2 Both Shreya and Bharani's families expecting the arrival of Bharani, the fiancee of Shreya, who works for a company in US, in the Airport. Before landing of flight itself, as a rude shock they were receiving shocking news about Bharani. Will they get some light at the end of the tunnel and surprise them with favorable end? Subash takes care of her bed ridden and sick wife, Manoranjitham. As Subash travels a lot, Manoranjitham employs a caretaker, Thilaga, to ensure her health and also his husband make free of those troubles. As days passby, new issues cropping up everyday to everyone in different dimensions. Before they could understand and resolve them, a tragedy hit them under the belt. The police department begins their investigation in their style and looking for the truth in all aspects.

  • av Rajesh Kumar, Om Prakash Verma, Chang Wook Ahn, m.fl.
    3 269 - 3 709

  • av Rajesh Kumar, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Sumit Srivastava & m.fl.
    3 709

    This book presents best selected papers presented at the First Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020), organized by the University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, India, during 8¿10 September 2020. The proceeding will be targeting the current research works in the domain of intelligent systems and artificial intelligence.

  • - Proceedings of AICTC 2019
    av Vishal Goar
    2 195 - 2 565

    This book features selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing (AICTC 2019), held at the Government Engineering College Bikaner, Bikaner, India, on 8-9 November 2019. It covers ICT-based approaches in the areas ICT for energy efficiency, life cycle assessment of ICT, green IT, green information systems, environmental informatics, energy informatics, sustainable HCI and computational sustainability.

  • - A Miraculous Product of Nature
    av Rajesh Kumar, Younis Ahmad (Career Point University Hajam & Om Prakash (Jiwaji University Agrawal
    1 565,-

    Honey: A Miraculous Product of Nature summarizes the current status of honey, it¿s uses and related aspects. This illustrated volume describes use of honey in traditional medicines, i.e. Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani by acting as a preservative and nourishing agent.

  • av Rajesh Kumar, Kaustubh Bhapkar & Sunil Kumar M V
    1 359,-

  • - A Guide For Competitive Examinations
    av K.S.Kushwaha & Rajesh Kumar

    The book entitled "Agricultural Statistics" has been designed for all U.G. and P.G. Students of "Pure Statistics, Agricultural Statistics, Biological & Social Sciences" and those who have to appear in competitive examinations of I.S.S., S.S.S., State's P.S.C.' and I.A.S. This book is also useful for faculties of "Department of Statistics" of Indian Universities. The book is the outcome of 28 years of teaching experience of U.G., P.G. and Ph. D. students of different disciplines of Agriculture, Agil. Engg. and Agril. Statistics. in J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur. The content of the book covers the syllabus on the topic "Statistical Methods.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    The aim of this book is to analyze the nature of European and North American firms' business experience in India with a particular emphasis on understanding the causes of their successes and failure. This book strives to offer Western managers the knowledge they will need to succeed in business in India.

  • av Rajesh Kumar
    265 - 1 699

    Studies syntax of NPIs and their interaction with sentential negatives in Hindi. This book outlines the clause structure of Hindi and locates the syntactic position of sentential negatives as well as constituent negatives within the structure.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    Medical tourism is the act of travelling to other countries to obtain medical, dental, preventive and surgical care. With high rising costs of health care, many people are not able to afford health insurance and cannot receive treatment for necessary or elective procedures. Travelling abroad costs 60 to 80 percent less than the same procedure in the US and includes the leisurely aspect of travelling in the foreign country. This book provides readers with an introductory overview of health and medical tourism, besides dental tourism. Identification of related destinations, the involved risks and rewards with respect to medical travel is discussed in detail. An attempt is made towards understanding medical tourism in all its dimensions. The book also gives some reflections on growth of medical tourism worldwide with an Indian perspective on future prospects of global medical tourism. The existing industry of medical tourism in North America, the health facilities and alternative healthcare in Barbados are described as case studies.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    Sports Tourism is defined as any activity in which people are attracted to a particular centre as an event participant, an event spectator, or to attend sports attractions and business meetings. Sports Tourism is one the fastest growing industries in the world. It is also, however, one of the least talked about. Tourism has been and will continue to be one of the biggest and most profitable industries in the world. Obviously sports are a very important aspect to society in many different ways. Culturally, economically, and socially, the role sports play in today''s society is immeasurable. In other words, tourism and sport are key cultural elements of today''s world and have significant impact on modern society and International Tourism. The WTO has also carried out a new study aimed at providing a more complete analysis of the role that sports tourism and sports in general among the products offered in Latin America by European tour operators and tourism websites. It embraces aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism, with clear links to work on consumption of experiences within behavioural research. This book provides readers with an introduction to tourism, sport, adventure, recreation and sports tourism. Select analysis of some adventure sports has been done in order to elaborate upon trends in international sport, adventure, recreation and travel.

  • av Rajesh Kumar

    The aim of this book is to analyze the nature of European and North American firms' business experience in India with a particular emphasis on understanding the causes of their successes and failure. This book strives to offer Western managers the knowledge they will need to succeed in business in India.

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