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Böcker av Peter Tremblay

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  • av Peter Tremblay

    A watershed book that exposes the "great lie"' used by elites to deceive Canadians of French and other backgrounds regarding Quebec's relationship to Canada, and how this lie has been used to manifest language laws that now deny access to justice.The Carby-Samuels v Ville de Gatineau et al Supreme Court of Canada Leave to Appeal exposes the illegality of Bill-96 and related language laws in Quebec as violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These unconstitutional laws are upheld through the oversights of lawyers, journalists, and advocacy groups who willingly ignore the improper use of the so-called "Notwithstanding Clause" in a court of law.This book gives us insights into the illegal denial of minority language rights in Quebec's court system, which not only violates both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and related Supreme Court of Canada decisions, but also United Nations Conventions related to human rights. The agenda that this book exposes is an apparent effort by Quebec's elites to separate from the rest of Canada without having to call another referendum vote. This is done by illegitimately using the "protection of the French language" as justification to ignore Canadian systems of governance that are designed to affirm human rights, multiculturalism, and accountability.Quebec's elites serve only themselves by disingenuously invoking the preservation of the French language to enable their historical mass deception plot.Be prepared to have a completely new understanding of Quebec in Confederation. Learn about the effort by Quebec's elites to deny the vital Canadian identity of French-speaking Canadians whose heritage is being cynically used to divide and alienate Canadians from each other to rule and conquer the masses using the pretext of language.The Carby-Samuels v Ville de Gatineau et al Supreme Court of Canada Leave to Appeal seeks to facilitate a revitalized approach to the protection of the French language in Canada that doesn't derogate from the vital constitutional rights of other Canadians.

  • av Peter Tremblay

    The much talked of "merger" between the Canadian Football League (CFL) and the upstart reincarnated Xtreme Football League (XFL), a league without even one successful season under its belt, was a dog's breakfast. Thankfully, Canadian football survived those perilous negotiations and remained intact for the 2021 season. In Canadian Football World League: Growing the CFL through a new independent international league, Peter Tremblay argues that the most logical direction for the CFL would be a "Canadian Football World League" (CFWL). The CFL is a leader in the International Alliance of Gridiron Football, and there has been significant interest in Canadian football and the CFL among international players and representative international organizations, demonstrating that a global professional football league using Canadian rules is more than viable. Based upon economic models already successfully implemented in other leagues and the unique identity of Canadian football, Peter Tremblay maintains that the time is right for a global approach to growing our national game.

  • av Peter Tremblay

    Peter Tremblay and Dr. John Chang bring you a holistic approach to the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19 that can also be applied to the flu.Introducing COVID-19 Prevention and Early Treatment: The Naturopathic Wellness Way, a holistic guide to maintaining and building your natural immunity against COVID-19 and the flu.Full of compassion, a desire to help reduce human suffering and reinvigorate the body and mind, this succinct treatise explores a mixture of readily available vitamins and off-label treatments that can enhance and support natural wellness.Many people have been pressured into taking COVID-19 "vaccines" to prevent contracting COVID-19, only to experience horrifyingly severe reactions to the shot. This treatise provides a safer alternative to empower you with healthy naturopathic-inspired lifestyle options ideal for people who seek condensed, easy-to-digest information.Let's elevate our consciousness beyond the mainstream COVID narrative that's driven by the insatiable pursuit of commercial profit and power. Our bodies have a wondrous ability for self-healing; the knowledge that this book provides is all we need to stay safe and to stay healthy.Ready, set, let's grow!

  • av Peter Tremblay

  • av Peter Tremblay

    Keeping your brain healthy is just as important as physical exercise. Peter Tremblay and Dr. John Chang''s The Amazing Brain Health Puzzle Book for Adults provides you with a unique combination of puzzle games that are as fun as they are stimulating to overall brain health. Your brain regulates your body''s vital functions and a younger brain helps support a younger body. Here are some features to look out for in this action-packed thrilling ride for your mind, body, and soul:Word search puzzles help stimulate pattern recognition and spelling skills. They can also help to expand vocabulary. Mazes have also found their way into this book, having fascinated humans for centuries. Did you know that the oldest known maze was found on rock tomb in Sardinia, Italy, and dates back 4000 years?  The brain power which is used to solve mazes corresponds with spatial awareness and navigation skills. In their "spot the difference" puzzles, you need to first identity the objects that you see. This involves our occipital lobes, the part of our brains responsible for visual perception.  You then need to compare and contrast spatial relationships between pictorial features, which involves both the occipital and parietal lobes. Spatial awareness manifests from our parietal lobes.  Having to quickly contrast what you''re seeing in both photos involves stimulating your short-term memory in the parietal lobes. Taking note of the differences mostly uses your frontal lobes, which are vital to such short-term memory tasks. Crossword puzzles exercise the parts of our brain related to vocabulary and overall problem-solving. Studies have shown that both sudoku and crossword puzzles are linked to significant anti-aging brain health benefits when integrated with a broadly healthy lifestyle.  Marupeke, another kind of puzzle featured in this book, was invented by Naoki Inaba, who is reputed to be Japan''s and the world''s most prolific inventor of grid logic puzzles. Futoshiki, gokigen, akari, tatami, sikaku and other Japanese-inspired logic puzzles that this book presents further complement a great brain workout.

  • av Peter Tremblay

    Un r├⌐quisitoire saisissant contre les exploits anticonstitutionnels et le programme inhumain du premier ministre Fran├ºois Legault sous le couvert de la "sant├⌐ publique" et de la censure dans une pand├⌐mie invent├⌐e. C''est le livre dont tout le monde parlera au Qu├⌐bec et dans le reste du monde francophone. Dans Fran├ºois Legault et Le Programme Totalitaire de Vaccins Biom├⌐triques de la Covid-19, Peter Tremblay et le Dr John Chang enqu├¬tent sur les crimes du gouvernement du Qu├⌐bec au cours de la pand├⌐mie. Peter Tremblay et John Chang explorent comment le Qu├⌐bec, ainsi que d''autres gouvernements au Canada, a trahi son devoir de service aux citoyens, se transformant en une entit├⌐ au service d''une cabale qui travaille avec des int├⌐r├¬ts biotechnologiques et pharmaceutiques dans la poursuite du profit et de la domination.Fran├ºois Legault veut refuser l''acc├¿s aux soins de sant├⌐ universel au Qu├⌐bec ├á quiconque n''a pas ├⌐t├⌐ vaccin├⌐, vaccin qui a ├⌐t├⌐ d├⌐crit par le Dr Peter McCullough comme du ΓÇëbio-terrorismeΓÇë et par le Dr Sucharit Bhakdi comme un syst├¿me d''administration d''une r├⌐ponse auto-immune autodestructrice. Ce d├⌐ni des services de sant├⌐ publique est une attaque anticonstitutionnelle et diabolique contre le public. Dans une soci├⌐t├⌐ libre et d├⌐mocratique, le gouvernement a un r├┤le vital ├á jouer dans l''affirmation des droits et des libert├⌐s dans le droit constitutionnel. Lorsque des gouvernements comme celui de M. Legault cherchent ├á contraindre et ├á manipuler le public pour qu''il re├ºoive un vaccin pour lequel on a ├⌐tabli un lien avec une liste croissante d''effets ind├⌐sirables effroyables et de d├⌐c├¿s, non seulement ils trahissent leur responsabilit├⌐ inviolable de prot├⌐ger le bien-├¬tre de leurs citoyens, mais ils pr├⌐sentent ├⌐galement un programme non humain.Le journaliste d''investigation Peter Tremblay d├⌐voile les mensonges et les tromperies qui sont ├á la base des politiques int├⌐ress├⌐es de Fran├ºois Legault et de Justin Trudeau concernant le vaccin COVID-19. Ces politiques s''inscrivent dans le cadre d''un effort global de la Cabale pour institutionnaliser l''autoritarisme ├á l''├⌐chelle mondiale et cimenter le contr├┤le des humains par une intelligence artificielle.Dans ce livre, Peter Tremblay affirme que la COVID-19 est une arme de destruction massive lanc├⌐e contre l''humanit├⌐ pour atteindre des objectifs id├⌐ologiques et un programme extraterrestre. La COVID-19 est n├⌐e de l''esprit de psychopathes qui cherchent ├á d├⌐peupler notre plan├¿te Terre et ├á exercer un contr├┤le sans limites sur le reste d''une population qui ne sera plus humaine, au sens o├╣ nous l''entendons.Ils op├¿rent avec une seule et unique volont├⌐ : atteindre leur objectif d''injecter leur dispositif de th├⌐rapie g├⌐nique ├á 100 % des humains. Leur pression pour le pr├⌐tendu vaccin est coh├⌐rente avec leur reprogrammation par l''intelligence artificielle. C''est pourquoi ils op├¿rent sans aucune empathie pour les vies d├⌐truites.L''heure est venue pour l''humanit├⌐ de se r├⌐veiller, d''agir avec la m├¬me d├⌐termination que celle qui a galvanis├⌐ les nations contre l''Allemagne nazie. La COVID-19 est une guerre par procuration men├⌐e par les alli├⌐s d''une intelligence artificielle qui cherchent ├á utiliser le r├⌐cit d''un ΓÇëvaccinΓÇë pour assimiler l''humanit├⌐ dans sa matrice d├⌐moniaque.

  • av Peter Tremblay

    Have you ever noticed during the pandemic how our leaders are acting robotic, appearing to parrot programmed slogans, their eyes glassy eyes and emotionally detached, yet fixated? Have you ever wondered how our leaders are able to unanimously perpetrate the use of what Dr. Peter McCullough has called a bioterrorism weapon in the name of COVID-19 "vaccines"-a so-called medical intervention that they now turn against our children? How are the numerous documented deaths, among them many children, not considered a good and legitimate reason to pause this vaccination program?What has been the role of billion-dollar social media networks led by YouTube in censoring leading physicians? Dr. Peter McCullough is among the many learned doctors from around the world who have sought to warn humanity about the true intent of the jab. What is this silencing all about? Since when does the verifiable statistical data presented by independent-minded doctors constitute "medical misinformation," as deemed by YouTube''s shadow management and other social media giants?We have all seen it in movies, and now we seem to be experiencing it in real life. It is apparent that the "pandemic," along with all of its well-documented deception and willful negligence, has been intelligently designed to provoke fear and panic to corral the masses into "vaxxing." This "vaxxing" effort has been the perfect cover to expedite an invasion of Earth already well underway through regressive alien artificial intelligence mRNA technology.  YouTube, COVID-19 & The Cabal documents YouTube''s pattern of concealing testimony that corroborates the technological and operational involvements of alien-backed Nazis who were welcomed by the Allies to participate in their post World War II reconstruction.In this book, doctors recall the way they have been mistreated in a way that resembles the conditions forced upon the intellectual community during the rise of Nazi Germany. The similarity is no coincidence; this same evil has now put much of our leadership under an apparent hypnosis to reactivate their agenda in a concocted "pandemic."In this book, we explore the Nazi mind at work behind the scenes at YouTube in its strategic role of deception and manipulation on behalf of the Archons of the Cabal. 

  • - The Biometric Vaccine Brave New World Totalitarian Agenda
    av Peter Tremblay

  • - The Genetically Engineered Pandemic
    av Peter Tremblay

    A milieu in which citizens can freely examine information distinguishes a democracy from a fascist society that seeks to control and oppress knowledge.Society''s ability to rid itself of COVID-19 has been prevented by groups that seek to repress information because they apparently view the pandemic to be in their interest.The stated official origin of COVID-19-that it was spontaneously generated from nature-is a myth that is being proselytized in a disinformation steamroll against freedom of information and critical thought.Investigative journalist Peter Tremblay suggests that COVID-19 is essentially a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) unleashed against humanity because of ideological goals.COVID-19 was spawned from the minds of evil men who seek to depopulate our planet Earth and pursue unlimited control over the remainder of a population that will no longer be the "humans" we are presently.

  • - Aliens and Archons in Our Midst
    av Peter Tremblay

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