av Peter Phillips
Carter recently promoted to the rank of, Deputy Commander CID, had on receipt of his new rank, asked to be allowed a twelve month sabbatical on personal grounds. His immediate boss, Commander Tony Frost CID, although knowing how much he'd be missed, consented.The main reason for Carter's sabbatical was due mainly to the tragic death of his wife, Helen and their two children, murdered on the orders of a psychopath, in an effort to slow Carter and his team down on their investigations.It had been four years since the loss of Helen. During his time off from the force, he visited and spent two months with Helens' parents, making frequent visit to the grave of both Helen, and their children. He found it a wrench having to say good bye to her parents, but realised that he had to head home to his own place.Carter returns home after two months, he was greeted by Mrs Murphy, his housekeeper. Carter is left mulling about his flat constantly recalling the happy times that he had spent with Helen.He saw Helen as a true friend, partner, and wife. He strongly believed that police officers who spend so much time delving into the cesspit of life, which seems to manifest itself when dealing with high end crime, should have a bolt hole such as a warm, and tender home life. Both Carter and Helen found a perfect life.He unpacks his belongings. The following morning he attends at Tom's deli, for a full English breakfast.It's whilst he is eating that he notices an attractive lady, who shows an equal interest.Unbeknown to Carter, the attractive lady works for Sam, Lloydie's partner. Carter is invited to a dinner party at, Sam and Lloydie's flat. He there meets Penny, the very same lady from, 'Tom's deli.' A relationship evolves.One morning Penny tells Carter, that his pager has activated. Carter is sent for, by his boss, Commander Frost.And so it begins.