av Patricia Riley
PATRICIA RILEY was born in and presently resides in a small city inMississippi named Pascagoula. She is the proud parent of three wonderful,respectable and loving children. Her oldest son is now 21; the other son is18 and daughter age 7. The daughter's nickname is Tricy. Each writtenbook is based on the days of Tricy's funny and knowledgeable personality.The author wants her children as well as others who read "The Tricy Series"to realize the importance of continuance education when fresh out of highschool. The Lord inspired the author with the wisdom and knowledge tobegin and continue writing these books. She also wishes to share a thankyou to her children for such an exciting life, illustrator (Joseph), fostermother (Helen), an awesome, very special and dear friend (Mr. Riley) for theencouraging words, my pastor and wife (Rev. Nathaniel and Dorothy Allen)of Amazing Grace Missionary Baptist Church, sisters (Darlean, Gladys, Tarry,Grace and Mattie), brothers (Jerry and Will, Jr.), friends (Jerry, Stan,David, Mary, Camille, Shacondala, Sharon, Barbara, Mr. Campbell and Kamekia), publishingcompany (Xlibris) and everyone who purchase "The Tricy Series".