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Böcker av North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    1 195,-

    Terminology in Biological Rhythms; M.A. Ali, et al. Introduction to the Analysis of Periodic Phenomena; P. Legendre, P. Dutilleul. Biological Rhythms; M.P. Gerkema. Behavior and Rhythms in Fishes; D.L.G. Noakes. Ultradian Rhythms in Fishes; R.C. Peters, R.J. Veeneklaas. Tidally-Synchronised Behavior in Marine Fishes; R.N. Gibson. Lunar and Semi-Lunar Rhythms in Fishes; J.F. Leatherland, et al. Circadian Basis for Neuroendocrine Regulation; A.H. Meier. Sleep, Inactivity, and Circadian Rhythms in Fish; S. Reebs. Feeding-Entrained Circadian Rhythms in Fishes; R.E. Spieler. Melatonin Rhythms in the Pineal Organ of Fishes and its Effects; A. Zachmann, et al. Regulation of the Rhythmic Melatonin Secretion by Fish Pineal Photoreceptor Cells; J. Falcón, et al. The Rainbow Trout Pineal Organ; W.A. Gern, et al. 6 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Introduction. Phase Transitions in the Early Universe and Defect Formation; T.W.B. Kibble. The Topological Classification of Defects; M. Kleman. Introduction to Growth Kinetics Problems; G.F. Mazenko. Dynamics of Cosmological Phase Transitions: What Can We Learn from Condensed Matter Physics? N. Goldenfeld. Topological Defects and Phase Ordering Dynamics; A.J. Bray. The Production of Strings and Monopoles at Phase Transitions; R.J Rivers, T.S. Evans. Geometry of Defect Scattering; N.S. Manton. Theory of Fluctuating Nonholonomic Fields and Applications: Statistical Mechanics of Vortices and Defects and New Physical Laws in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion; H. Kleinert. String Network Evolution; E.P.S. Shellard. Global Field Dynamics and Cosmological Structure Formation; R. Durrer. Electroweak Baryogenesis; N.G. Turok. Dynamics of Cosmic Strings and Other Brane Models; B. Carter. Cosmological Experiments in Superfluids and Superconductors; W. Zurek. Cosmological Experiments in Liquid 4He-Problems and Prospects; P.C. Hendry et al. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Present and Future of Nuclear Physics; Introductory Lecture. Cluster Decay, Fission and Fusion: Cluster Radioactivity; P.B. Price. Recent Advances in Cluster Radioactivities; D.N. Poenaru, W. Greiner. Heavy Elements: Multinucleon Transfer Reactions-An Alternative Path to Heavy Element Synthesis; M.T. Magda. Microscopic and Semi-microscopic Approach to the Properties of Transactinide Nuclei; L. Bitaud, et al. Nuclear Structure: On the Origin of Rotations and Vibrations in Atomic Nuclei; J.P. Draayer, et al. Particle-rotor Model Description of Deformed Nuclei; A. Covello, et al. Weak Interaction and Double Beta Decay: Nuclear Aspects of Double Beta Decay; S. Stoica. A New Look to the Nuclear Structure Calculations of the PNC Cases in A=1821 Nuclei; M. Horoi. Nuclear Astrophysics: Recent Topics from Nuclear Reactions in the Energies Ranging from keV to GeV; K. Kubo. Heavy Ion Collisions: Processes in Peripheral Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions; M. Greiner, et al. Miscellaneous Topics: Gamma and Meson Production by Cherenkovlike Effects in Nuclear Media; W. Stocker, D.B. Ion. 58 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Femto-second Probing of Photoinduced Refractive Index Charges in Semiconductor; H.M. Van Driel, E.C. Fox. Tunneling of Electrons and Holes in Asymmetries Double Quantum Wells; J. Shah, et al. Ultrashort Excitation in Semiconductors; W.E. Bon. Contact-Free Characterization of Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices with Ultrashort Laser Pulses; J. Kuhl. Vibrational Relaxation Studied with Light; A. Lagendijk. Relaxation of Frenkeltype Rotational and Vibrational Excitons in Diatomic Molecular Crystals; E. Goovaertz. Quantum Transient Transport; C. Jacoboni, F. Rossi. Study of Irreversible Processes in Condensed Matter by Nonlinear Time and Space Resolved Techniques; Chr. Flytzanis. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    T Cell Antigen and MHC Recognition; B. Boitel, et al. Structure of the TCR-Ag-MHC Complex; N. Gervois, et al. Positive and Negative Selection of T Cells; H. von Boehmer. Peripheral Tolerence; D.C. Parker. On the Antigenicity of Antibody Idiotypes; K. Hannestad. A Network of Self Interactions; M. Zanetti. Cloned Suppressor T Cells; T. Tada, et al. The Autoreactive T Cell Receptor; E. Heber-Katz. The Relationship Between Diabetes and Lymphopenia in the BB Rat; S. Joseph, et al. Immunosuppression by MHC Class II Blockade; L. Adorini. Recognition of HIV Antigens by Human T Helper Cells; F. Manca, et al. Proliferative Responses to the V3 Region of HIV Envelope Are Enhanced Following Immunization with V3; S.J. Harris, et al. Teaching Immunology; F. Celada, P.E. Seiden. Biospecific Monoclonal Antibody-Targeted Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Can Recycle; J.A.C. Voorthuis, et al. 13 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Outstanding Problems in Cancer Risk Assessments: Pharmacodynamic Models for Cancer Risk Assessment; S.H. Moolgavkar. Oncogenes: Review of Current Status and Potential for Contributions to Cancer Risk Assessment Methods: Oncogene Assessment and Human Cancer; D.A. Spandidos, M.L.M. Anderson. Transgenics: Review of Current Status and Potential for Contributions to Cancer Risk Assessment Methods: Oncogenic Transgenic Mice in the Study of Carcinogenesis; C.H. Ahn, W.C. Choi. Case Studies: Review of Methylene Chloride Cancer Risk Assessment: Cancer Dose-Response Modeling and Methylene Chloride; G. Charnley. Case Studies: Review of Benzene Cancer Risk Assessment: Risk Assessments for Benzene-Induced Leukemia; K.S. Crump. Concluding Remarks: Findings and Recommendations; C. Zervos. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Mesoblast Anlage Fields in the Upper Layer of the Chicken Blastoderm at Stage 5V; H. Bortier, L.C.A. Vakaet. The Avian Marginal Zone and its Role in Early Development; H. Eyal-Giladi. Early Mesoderm Formation in the Mouse Embryo; K.A. Lawson, R.A. Pedersen. Differentiation Capabilities of the Avian Prechordal Head Mesoderm; R. Seifert, et al. On the Differentiation and Migration of the Wolffian Duct in Avian Embryos; M. Jacob, et al. Fibronectins and Embryonic Cell Migration; C. French-Constant, et al. Induction and Pattern Emergence in the Mesoderm; A.G. Jacobson. Segmentation and Compartments in the Vertebrate Embryo; K.M. Bagnall. A Monoclonal Antibody that Reacts with the Ventro-Caudal Quadrant of Newly Formed Somites; J.W. Lash, et al. Relations Between Mesodermal and Neural Segmentation; G.M.W. Cook, R.J. Keynes. Angiogenic Capacity of Early Avian Mesoderm; J. Wilting, et al. 15 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Histopathology of Bronchial Asthma; P.K. Jeffery. Airway Neuropeptides; P. Barnes. Potential Role of Mast Cell Proteases in Asthma; J. Nadel. Human Mast Cells, Basophils, and their Mediators; V. Casolaro, et al. Platelets and Asthma; J. Morley, et al. Leukotrienes and Asthma; J. Rokach, et al. Plasma Exudation in Asthma and its Pharmacological Control; C. Persson. Synthesis and Regulation of IgE in Asthma; G. Del Prete. Osmotic and Ionic Factors in Bronchial Responsiveness; S. Bianco, et al. Airway Responsiveness, Late-Phase Response, and Inflammation in Allergic Asthma; V. Brusasco, et al. Injury and Repair of the Airway Epithelium in Asthma; S. Rennard, et al. Bronchial Asthma and Pulmonary Gas Exchange; R.R. Rodriguez. Asthma Management; A. Tattersfield. The National Asthma Education Program; S. Hurd. Management of Asthmatic Children; K.F. Kerrebijn. 12 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Introduction: Atomic Physics and Nuclear Properties; J. Bauche. Atomic Methods in Nuclear Spectroscopy: Progress in Atomic Physics Experiments on Nuclear Properties; R. Neugart. Single Particle Aspects: Single Particle Response Function; S. Gales. Multiphonon States: Low-Energy Multiphonon States in Deformed Nuclei; R. Piepenbring. Shapes and Coexistence: Algebraic Approaches to Nuclear Structure; R.F. Casten. Octupoles: Reflection-Asymmetric Shapes in Atomic Nuclei; W. Nazarewicz. Superdeformation: Microscopic Description of Superdeformation at Low Spin; R. Bonche, et al. Exotic Nuclei: Search for New Radioactivities at the Proton-Drip Line; F. Pougheon, et al. Chaos: Quantum Chaos and Low-Energy Nuclear Spectroscopy; M.J. Giannoni. Experimental Techniques: Nuclear Moments by Orientation Methods; H. Postma. 35 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Atoms in Intense Laser Fields: Inhibition of Atomic Ionization in Strong Laser Fields; B. Piraux, E. Huens. Optical Analogs of Model Atoms in Fields; P.W. Milonni. Molecules in Intense Laser Fields: Intense Field Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules; L.F. DiMauro, et al. Excitation of Molecular Hydrogen in Intense Laser Fields; H. Helm, et al. High Intensity Molecular Multiphoton Ionization; G.N. Gibson, et al. Atomic Coherences: Coherence in Strong Field Harmonic Generation; A. L'Huillier, et al. Coherent Interactions within the Atomic Continuum; P. Lambropoulos, et al. Molecular Coherences: Femtosecond Pulse Shaping and Excitation of Molecular Coherences; A.M. Weiner, et al. Coherence in the Control of Molecular Processes; P. Brumer, M. Shapiro. Optimal Control of Molecular Motion; H. Rabitz. 25 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Photophysics: The Nature of the Light Field in Biological Media B.C. Wilson. Photochemistry: Quantum Yield of a Photochemical Reaction; R.H. Potter, et al. Photosensitization: Photosensitization: Reaction Pathways; J.E. van Lier. Photosynthesis: Near Infra-Red Flash Absorption: A Tool for Studying Photosynthesis; P. Mathis, et al. UV Effects: Response to Ultraviolet Radiation in a Simple Eukaryote; (Yeast): Genetic Control and Biological Consequences; D. Averbeck, et al. Environmental Photobiology: Isolation and Biological Consequences of Plant Derived Phototoxins; J.T. Arnason, et al. Vision: Visual Pigments: Absorbance Spectra and Photoproducts; J.K. Bowmaker. Photomorphogenesis: Photomorphogenesis Responses to UV Light: Involvement of Phytochrome and Photoreceptors; B. Lercari. Photomovement: Photomovement; W. Nultsch, et al. Bioluminescence: Bioluminescence: Biochemistry for Fun and Profit; J. Lee. Photomedicine: Photomedicine: Photodermatology B. Johnson. Other Experiments: Experiments Reprinted from The Science of Photobiology, First Edition; K.C. Smith. Appendix: Units of Measure and Conversion Factors. 62 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    History of Weak Interactions; T.D. Lee. Physics at LEP; L. Foà. Electroweak Precision Tests; R. Barbieri. Chiral Perturbation Theory; G. Ecker. CP- and T-Violations in the Standard Model; J.M. Gérard. Heavy Flavor Physics; K. Berkelman. Physics at HERA; G. Wolf. Physics with Hadron Colliders; M.J. Shochet. Neutrino Physics; B.C. Barish. Inflation after COBE; M.S. Turner. Oblique Electroweak Parameters and Additional Fermion Generators; G. Bhattacharyya. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from the Top; N. Evans. Higgs Mass Limits from Electroweak Baryogenesis; S. Myint. Carbon 60; T.D. Lee. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Overview: Recombination of Atomic Ions; D. Bates. Applications of Recombination; H. Summers, W.J. Dickson. Theoretical Aspects of Recombination: Dielectronic Recombination Theory; K.J. LaGuttuta. Beyond the Standard Computational Method for Dielectronic Recombination of Atomic Ions; M.S. Pindzola, et al. Experimental Measurements 1. ElectronIon Recombination: Early Measurements of Dielectronic Recombination; P.F. Dittner, S. Datz. Dielectronic Recombination Measurements Using the Electron Beam Ion Trap; D.A. Knapp. Laser-Stimulated Radiative Recombination; A. Wolf. Experimental Measurements 2. Ion-Atom Recombination: Resonant Transfer Excitation Associated with Single X-Ray Emission; J.A. Tanis. Dielectronic Excitation and Recombination in Crystal Channels; S. Datz, et al. Resonant Transfer and Excitation in Ion Channelling; M.W. Clark, et al. 17 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Taylor-Couette Flow, Experiment and Theory: Evolution of Instrumentation for Taylor-Couette Flow; R.J. Donnelly. Phase Dynamics in the Taylor-Couette System; M. Wu, C.D. Andereck. Taylor-Couette Flow Systems with Broken Rotational Symmetry: End Circulation in Non-Axisymmetrical Flows; C. Normand et, al. Turbulence in Taylor-Couette and Plane Couette Flow: Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow; S. Hirschberg. Instabilities, Pattern Formation, and Turbulence in Model Equations: Double Eigenvalues and the Formation of Flow Patterns; R. Meyer-Spache. Extensions of Taylor-Couette Flow: Taylor Vortex Flow with Superimposed Radial Mass Flux; K. Buehler. Open Flows: Structure and Perturbation in Gortler Vortex Flow; P. Petitjeans, J.E. Wesfreid. Appendix: A Guide to Literature Related to the Taylor-Couette Problem; R. Tagg. 24 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    The Development of the Vascular System: Embryonic Development of Blood Vessels; F. Dieterlen-Liévre, L. Pardanaud. Regulation of Embryonic Blood Vessel; H. Drexler et al.. Biology of Endothelial Cells and Angiogenesis: Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Endothelial Cells; M. Presta, et al. Role of Integrinss in Endothelial Cell Function; E. Dejana, et al. Angiogenesis in Disease States: Angiogenesis and Neoplastic Transformation; P.M. Gullino. Tumor Induced Angiogenesis; J.L. Ambrus, et al. Promoters and Inhibitors of Angiogenesis: Brain Tumor Angiogenesis; C. Guerin, et al. Therapeutic Potential of Promoters and Inhibitors of Angiogenesis: On Promoter of Angiogenesis and Therapeutic Potential; P.M. Gullino. Methodology: Assays for Angiogenic Factors; J.B. Weiss. 23 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    List of Tables. List of Figures. List of Acronyms. Introduction and Background Information. Exposure and Hazard Assessment Working Group. Technology Assessment Working Group. Management of Activities.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Protein Structures: The Cooperative Substructure of Protein Molecules; Y. Bai, S.W. Englander. Protein Folding: Approaches to the Determination of More Accurate Crossrelaxation Rates and the Effects of Improved Distance Constraints on Protein Solution Structures; G.C. Hoogstraten, J.L. Markley. Protein Interactions: How Conventional Antigens and Superantigens Interact with the Human MHC Class II Molecule HLADR1; T. Jardetzky. Nucleic Acids and Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions: Stimulating the Dynamics of the DNA Double Helix in Solution; M. Hirshberg, M. Levitt. Membranes: Applications of Multidimensional Solidstate NMR Spectroscopy to Membrane Proteins; A. Ramamoorthy, et al. Carbohydrate Structure: Conformation, Mobility, and Function of the N-linked Glycan in the Adhesion Domain of Human CD2; G. Wagner, et al. Abstracts from Course: Protein Structures Abstracts: Solution Structure of the ETS-domain from Murine Ets1: A Winged-helix-turn-helix Motif; L.W. Donaldson. Protein Interactions Abstracts: Designing Mutant Hemoglobins; M. Madrid, et al. Nucleic Acids and Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions Abstracts: A Study on the Dynamics of a DNA Binding Protein; L.M. Horstink, et al. Poster Abstracts. 55 additional articles. Index.

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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Structure of a Human Rhinovirus Complexed with its Receptor Molecule; N.H. Olson, et al. Cascade Regulation of Vaccinia Virus Gene Expression; B. Moss. Transcriptional Activation by the Adenovirus E1A Proteins; B.A. Lewis, T. Shenk. Mechanisms Regulating Nucleocapsid Formation of the Hepatitis B Viruses; R. Bartenschlager, H. Schaller. Transcriptional Activation by the Hepatitis B Virus X Protein; R. Lucito, R.J. Schneider. Transcription Factors of the ETS Family; K. Macleod, et al. Structure and Function of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase; S. Barik, et al. RNA Synthesis and mRNA Editing in Paramyxovirus Infections; J. Curran, et al. Translational Regulation by Reovirus Structural Proteins; A.J. Shatkin, et al. The Regulation of Coronavirus Gene Expression; S.G. Siddell. Aspects of the Molecular Biology of Poliovirus Replication; J. Harber, E. Wimmer. 9 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    1 199,-

    There have been major changes in the heat content and ice cover of the Arctic Ocean since 1990. Year after year, this observational evidence underscores the likelihood that predictions of global climatic effects will turn out to be true. Changes in the freshwater flow from the Arctic Ocean may have very significant consequences for humanity, including those alive today. It is vital that we develop the capability to predict the magnitude of such effects with far greater certainty, as well as the probability of their occurrence within a giver time frame. To do so, we need the internationally organised commitment of scientific labour and funding. This book has been written by many of the world's most knowledgable polar oceanographers, meteorologists and hydrologists, takes full account of the latest results and discusses their significance. It draws together assessments by many specialists to present an integrated view of possible future changes in the climate of the Northern hemisphere.

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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Nonlinear Optics and Collective Excitations; N. Bloembergen. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy of Collective Excitations in Solids; B. Di Bartolo. Light-Matter Interaction: Experimental Aspects; C. Klingshirn. Theoretical Description of Collective Excitations: Bloch Equations and Relaxation Mechanisms; R. Zimmerman. Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy: Spectral, Temporal and Spatial Resolution; J.M. Hvam. The Study of Collective Excitations in Solids by Inelastic Neutron Scattering: T. Riste. Excitation Dynamics in Organic Molecules, Solids, Fullerenes, and Polymers; P. Prasad. The IR Vibrational Properties of Composite Solids and Particles: The Lyddane-Sachs-Teller Relation Revisited; A.J. Sievers. Intrinsic Localized Modes in Anharmonic Lattices; A.J. Sievers, et al. Plasmons and Surface Plasmons in Bulk Metals, Metallic Clusters, and Metallic Heterostructures; R.V. Baltz. Enlightenment of Luminescent Materials; C.R. Ronda. Spectroscopy and Development of Solid Sate Layers at NASA; N.P. Barnes. Optical Excitation and Relaxation of Solids with Defects; B. Baldacchini. Newly Developed Solid State Lasers; R. Reisfeld. Energy Transfer and Migration of Excitation in Solids and Confined Structures; F. Auzel. 45 Additional Articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Introduction; E. Beltrametti, J.M. LévyLeblond. General Reviews: Experiments with Single Atoms in Cavities and Traps; H. Walther. Experiments with Single Atoms, Molecules, or Photons; S. Haroche. Quantum Effects with Ultracold Atoms; Y. Castin, et al. Transfer of Single Electrons and Single Cooper Pairs in Metallic Nanostructures; M.H. Devoret, et al. Interferometry with Particles of Nonzero Rest Mass: Topological Experiments; G.L. Opat. Achievements in Neutron Interferometry; H. Rauch. Electron Interferometry and Holography; A. Tonomura. Quantum Phenomena and Their Applications in Semiconductor Microstructures; F. Capasso. Specific Topics: Quantum Fluctuations and Superconductivity; R. Fazio, A. Tagliacozzo. Spontaneous Localization and Superconductivity; A. Rimini. Photon-Photon Correlations from Single Atoms; M.O. Scully. Einstein Causality in Interatom Microcavity-confined Transverse Quantum Correlations; F. De Martini, M. Giangrasso. Three Comments on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect; M. Berry. Protective Measurements; Y. Aharonov, L. Vaidman. Weak Measurements; L. Vaidman. 8 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Electromagnetic Meson Production at Low Energies; B.H. Schoch. Parity Violation in Electron Scattering; R.D. McKeown. Polarization in Leptoninduced Reactions; T.W. Donnelly. Quark Structure of the Nucleon and Nucleon Resonances; B. Metsch. Leptonic Production of Baryon Resonances; V.D. Burkert. Structure Functions of the Nucleon; T.J. Ketel. Nuclear Filtering and Quantum Color Transparency: An Introductory Review; J.P. Ralston. Photon and Meson Production in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions; H. Löhner. Near Threshold Particle Production: A Probe of Resonancematter Formation in Heavy-ion Collisions; V. Metag. Quark Matter and Nuclear Collisions; H. Satz. The String Model of Nuclear Scattering: Theoretical Concepts; K. Werner. Introduction to the Dual Parton Model; A. Capella. Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung; K. Nakayama. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Theory of Ionization and Electron Emission: Theory of Electron Ejection from Matter by Highly Charged Ion Impact; J.H. Macek. Auger Processes at Metallic Surfaces: Auger Processes at Surfaces; A. Niehaus. Kinetic Auger Processes and Shell Effects: Electron Emission from Silicon Induced by Bombardment with Oxygen Ions; E.A. Maydell. Kinetic Electron Emission from Thin Foils: Electron Ejection Induced by Fast Projectiles; G. Schiwietz. Surface Effects in Kinetic Electron Emission: Electron Emission Phenomena in Grazing Collisions of Fast Ions with Surfaces; H. Winter, et al. Spin Polarized Electron Emission: IonInduced Electron Emission from Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Surfaces; C. Rau, et al. Electron Emission and Charging of Insulators: Secondary Electron Emission from Insulators; J. Schou. Ionization Effects in Semiconductors and Insulators: Ionization Tracks; R.E. Johnson. 23 additional articles. Index.

  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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  • av North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    The Nature of the Electronic Excited States of Molecular Systems; B. Di Bartolo. Properties of the Excited States of Complex Molecules; J. Reuss. Rate of Processes Involving Excited States; A.M. Stoneham. Excited States in Semiconductors; C. Klingshirn. Advances in the Characterization of Excited States of Luminescent Ions; G.F. Imbusch. Relaxed Excited States of Color Centers; G. Baldacchini. Properties of Highly Populated Excited States in Solids; F. Auzel. Advances in the Sensitization of Phosphors; B. Smets. Laser Spectroscopy inside Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines; M. MacFarlane. Excited-State Dynamics and Energy Transfer in Doped-Substituted Garnets; A. Brenier, et al. Studies of the Charge Transfer States of Certain Rare-Earth Activators in Yitrium and Lanthanum Oxysulfides; C.W. Struck, W.H. Fonger. The Jahn-Teller Effect in the Optical Spectra of Impurities; G. Viliani. 42 additional articles. Index.

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