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Böcker av Nicole Trope

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  • Spara 26%
    av Nicole Trope

    En olycka.Flera versioner.En sanning.När en man blir påkörd larmar flera vittnen om olyckan. Men på grund av det kraftiga skyfallet kan ingen beskriva bilen som träffade honom.Fyra kvinnor för höra om olyckan på nyheterna och när bilderna visar hur offret lyfts in i ambulansen, känner samtliga genast igen ringen på hans vänstra hand och inser att det är Damon Kennedy som har skadats.För Damons fru Marla, är det viktigt att uppträda som vanligt trots all den ilska hon bär på. För tänk om polisen får kännedom om deras gräl precis innan olyckan? Om de upptäcker det meddelande hon skickade?Tänk om de får reda på sanningen om olyckan?---”Älskade den! … Genom hela boken tror man att man vet vad som hände tills, BAM, den sista stora hemligheten avslöjas och man blir totalt överraskad … En riktig bladvändare.” - Blue Moon Blogger”Jag slukade boken på bara några timmar … WOW! Trope har gjort det igen, boken är helt fantastisk!” - @thrillbythepage_”Fängslande … Full av hemligheter och lögner … Sanningen avslöjas och lämnar läsaren andlös … En spännande roman där sidorna vänder sig själva från början till slut.” - @readwithmills”Den har allt! … Väldigt spännande, full av vändningar och hemligheter … En bok som håller dig vaken hela natten.” - @Andireads2023“En överraskande, nervkittlande, spännande och beroendeframkallande bok … Jag kunde inte lägga den ifrån mig … Perfekt skriven.” - @rubie_reads“En ENASTÅENDE berättelse om kärlek, svek och hämnd.” - @stamperlady50

  • av Nicole Trope

  • av Nicole Trope

    I stare at the photo of my beautiful daughter. Her hair is shining and her face is lit up with a smile. The man with her looks so happy too. But my mother's instinct is screaming. I know something is terribly, terribly wrong. And I know what I have to do...I wish I could hold her tight. See if she still wears the same perfume she always wore. But my daughter blames me for her father's death. She won't even talk to me... I just know she isn't really safe with her boyfriend, Garth. I will keep my distance and I will just watch her. For now.But I tremble with fear when the police knock at her door. Garth has gone missing. And my daughter is accused of his murder.There's no evidence that I ever hurt anyone... is there? Do the police know about my past - and what I've really been doing?Only one thing is certain. My beautiful girl is in terrible danger.But from the man she loves?From herself?Or from me?An absolutely explosive psychological thriller that will have you racing through the pages deep into the night! Fans of Shari Lapena, Freida McFadden and The Perfect Marriage won't be able to put this down.Read what everyone's saying about Nicole Trope:'OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!... It had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!!... Clear your day because it is truly unputdownable... If you read one book in your life, make sure it is this!!!!' Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿'Omg! Omg!... My son came in and asked me who I was yelling at?! (I was yelling at my e-reader). I think my heart beat out of my chest... The suspense was killing me! LOL my heart is still beating crazy!... OK I have to go now, I need a big glass of wine to calm down!' Ana's Attic Guest Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿"What did I just read!!! This book is an absolutely shocking page-turner. Literally one of the best books I've read all year! Be prepared to absolutely shut off your phone and hide in your room while you read this book!" NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Oh. My. WOW! Here I sit at 2.30am having read this book in one evening... I could not put it down... Had me hooked from the very first page. What a crazy ride! Absolutely brilliant. Loved every moment.'Stina the Bookaholic,¿¿¿¿¿'My heart was in my mouth and I had tears in my eyes... Totally recommend.' @sarahc_loves_reading, ¿¿¿¿¿'Brilliant... I could not put it down. I ended up reading it in one sitting; so glad I didn't have work or anything planned for the next day!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Loved!!!!!... Awesome... I was shocked to my core... OMG. I couldn't believe what I was reading. It left me speechless and wanting more.' Blue Moon Blogger, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • Spara 26%
    av Nicole Trope

    Hur väl kan du egentligen lita på en ny vän?Hur mycket kan du lita på dig själv?Andrea, som är höggravid och mitt i livet med en aktiv treåring, har nyligen flyttat till ett nytt kvarter tillsammans med sin familj. Men huset är slitet, deras ekonomi är på bristningsgränsen, och hennes man döljer hemligheter, vilket har lett till att Andrea är både en känslomässigt och fysiskt utmattad. Just som hon tror att hon har nått botten, kliver grannfrun Gabby in i bilden.Gabby, en medelålders kvinna och influenser med en stor följarskara på sin populära föräldrasida på Facebook, verkar vara svaret på Andreas problem. Hon ger goda råd, erbjuder barnpassning och öppnar sitt underbara hem för Andrea och hennes son. På ytan verkar Gabbys liv perfekt. Hon har en välartad tonårig son, en man som ofta reser och ett liv som utstrålar stabilitet. Men bakom Gabbys vänliga leende och hjälpsamma yttre döljer sig något mörkare.Ju närmare de två kvinnorna kommer varandra, desto fler frågor uppstår. Vem är Gabby egentligen och är hennes liv verkligen så perfekt som hon framställer det? Varför håller Andrea sitt eget livskaos gömt? Och vem är den mystiska man som betraktar dem?”Hemmafrun” är en psykologisk thriller fylld av vändningar, där vänskap förvandlas till en farlig lek och där ingenting är vad det ser ut att vara.---"Genialisk! Om jag kunde ge den mer än fem stjärnor skulle jag göra det ... Fylld med vändningar som fick mig att tappa hakan! Den fångade mig och fick tankarna att snurra!" - Heidi Lynn Book Reviews"Wow! Jag flämtade högt vid vändningarna, jag såg dem inte alls komma ... Jag satt som på nålar för att få veta hur allt hängde ihop, men jag ville inte heller att den skulle ta slut, så bra var den." - @mountainmommawv2020"Jösses! Jag var chockad och mållös ... Jag fullkomligt flög igenom boken ... Slutet var otroligt. Jag kunde aldrig ha gissat mig till det, inte ens om det slagit mig rakt i ansiktet." - Blue Moon Blogger"WOW, vad har jag just läst? Jag försöker fortfarande återhämta mig från den här boken, och slutet ... Va?! ... Jag kunde inte lägga den ifrån mig ... Helt otrolig." - @leads2goodreads”Jag väntade mig inte alla de här vändningarna eller att känna så mycket! Hon är DEFINITIVT en av mina nya favoritförfattare! Boken fångade mig från första stund. Precis när jag trodde att det skulle gå åt ett håll, så tog det en helt annan riktning!" – Läsarrecension på Goodreads"Vilken fantastisk bok! Fängslande och oerhört tankeväckande! Den här boken är ett måste! Epilogen var verkligen en överraskning!" – Läsarrecension på Goodreads"Höll mig på stolskanten! ... De där vändningarna? Jag lägger upp detta vid midnatt trots att jag borde sova. Se till att ta en tupplur innan du börjar läsa, så att du kan hålla dig vaken till slutet Tro mig, jag skämtar inte." – Läsarrecension på Goodreads"Jag läste boken i ett svep ... Fullständigt fängslande hela vägen och med så många vändningar att jag kände mig som om jag fått wiplash." – Läsarrecension på Goodreads

  • Spara 26%
    av Nicole Trope

    Även en till synes perfekt familj kan bära på mörka hemligheter.Hur väl känner du egentligen dina grannar?En smaragdgrön gräsmatta. Välskötta häckar. En metallgrind omgärdad av murgröna och doftande kaprifol. På framsidan ligger två sparkcyklar, en blå och en neonrosa, tillhörande femåriga tvillingar. Huset mittemot ser på ytan ut vara den perfekta idyllen.Det är svårt att tänka sig att något fruktansvärt utspelar sig innanför husets dörrar. Men om man tittar närmare ser man att gardinerna är fördragna, trots att det är årets varmaste dag. Om man lyssnar riktigt noga kan man höra en mamma försäkra sina barn att allt kommer att bli bra.Inne i detta vackra hus på en annars stillsam gata måste en mamma ta ett desperat beslut. Någon hotar det liv hon har byggt upp och de barn hon älskar över allt annat. Det är upp till henne att skydda sin familj och rätta de misstag hon har begått. Men hur långt är hon beredd att gå? Och vad kommer det att kosta henne?---"Den mest spännande bok jag har läst på länge, föra att inte säga någonsin! Jag var helt fast från första sidan och kunde inte lägga den ifrån mig! … omöjlig att släppa … Vilken galen plot twist!!! … Om du bara ska läsa en bok i ditt liv, se till att det blir den här!" – Bookworm86"Jösses! Min son kom in och frågade vem jag skrek på! (Jag skrek på min läsplatta). Spänningen höll på att ta kål på mig!" – Ana’s Attic Book Blog"Golvade mig totalt." – Priyanka’s Book Gallery"Jag blev helt såld och uppslukad av historien! Den kommer att blåsa dig av stolen!" – @oh.happy.reading"Wow, jag fullkomligt älskade den … Det var så intensivt att jag satt på kanten av stolen under hela historien. Jag kunde inte släppa den, inte ens om mitt liv hängde på det. Inga toalettpauser överhuvudtaget." – Blue Moon Blogger

  • av Nicole Trope

  • - A completely unputdownable domestic suspense novel
    av Nicole Trope

    Loving father. Loyal husband. Liar?In our large family home on a peaceful, tree-lined street, I clear away the breakfast things whilst my husband ignores me, his eyes on his phone. Leo comes home from conferences with flowers for me and hugs for our twin ten-year-old boys, but each time I smell an unfamiliar perfume on his shirt. I know all about his affairs and it's tearing my heart in two.When one of the boys tumbles into the kitchen, full of laughter that he beat his brother in the race home from the park, I smile despite everything. When his brother isn't right behind him, I start to worry... and then I get a text that makes my blood run cold. If you want your child to come home, your husband needs to tell the truth.Is my husband hiding even darker secrets than his affairs? As I realise his double life has put my children in terrible danger, I make a promise: I will not let my husband's lies destroy my life. And I will do anything to get my son back...A totally addictive page-turner about terrible secrets within a marriage, perfect for fans of Big Little Lies and Sally Hepworth.Read what everyone's saying about Nicole Trope: 'OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!... It had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!!... Clear your day because it is truly unputdownable... If you read one book in your life, make sure it is this!!!!' Bookworm86,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Loved!!!!!... Awesome... I was shocked to my core... OMG. I couldn't believe what I was reading. It left me speechless and wanting more.' Blue Moon Blogger, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • - Un thriller psicologico imperdibile con un colpo di scena sconvolgente
    av Nicole Trope

    A volte, le famiglie perfette nascondono i segreti più terribili. Quanto conoscete le persone della porta accanto? Tutti vogliono vivere in Hogarth Street con il suo bel viale alberato e le case bianche. La famiglia West è la quintessenza della perfezione: Katherine e Josh sembrano la coppia perfetta, i loro splendidi gemelli riempiono di allegria il verde prato di casa. Ma qualcosa non quadra. Perché non invitano nessuno ad entrare, rifiutano le offerte di babysitting e i bambini non si sono ancora visti? La curiosità degli abitanti di Hogarth Street aumenta e, nel giorno più torrido dell'anno, una tragedia scuote le loro vite tranquille. Mentre i segreti vengono svelati e la verità emerge, il quartiere cambia per sempre. Sirene e sussurri si intrecciano nell'aria, mentre le famiglie che hanno il benvenuto ai West si rendono conto che nulla sarà più come prima. Un thriller psicologico avvincente e ricco di colpi di scena, perfetto per i fan di Liane Moriarty, Freida McFadden e Lisa Jewell. I lettori amano La famiglia oltre la strada: "Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Questo libro è un vero e proprio tormentone e vi terrà con il fiato sospeso a ogni pagina. A metà strada pensavo di aver capito tutto e poi BAM! Il finale mi ha spiazzato. Ho semplicemente amato questo libro." Recensore di Goodreads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Oddio! Oddio!... Mio figlio è entrato e mi ha chiesto a chi stessi gridando (io stavo gridando al mio Kindle). Il cuore mi batteva fuori dal petto... La suspense mi stava uccidendo! Wow, il mio cuore sta ancora battendo all'impazzata!... OK devo andare ora ho bisogno di un grande bicchiere di vino per calmarmi!" Ana's Attic Guest Reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Oh wow!!!!!! Ho letto questo libro avvincente e ricco di emozioni tutto d'un fiato. Pensavi di sapere cosa stava succedendo e poi BAM! Wow Nicole Trope, come ti è venuta in mente questa trama? Non sono mai stata così coinvolta in un libro dalle prime pagine. Incredibile, emozionante e semplicemente Wow!!!" Recensore NetGalley ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Semplicemente geniale... Mi ha quasi fatto venire un infarto nel tentativo di finirlo." @rk_reads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Assolutamente incredibile!... Così bello con così tanti colpi di scena e sorprese. Non sono riuscita a metterlo giù e l'ho letto in 24 ore!" Recensore di Goodreads ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "È stato pazzesco! È iniziato in modo selvaggio! La storia mi ha completamente risucchiato e agganciato! Adoro quando un libro mi fa questo effetto... Al punto che non voglio più fare altro se non leggere!!! Questo è stato quel tipo di libro! Personaggi incredibili, la trama vi lascerà a bocca aperta." @oh.happy.reading ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Wow, questo libro mi è piaciuto tantissimo. Un'intera scatola di fazzoletti è finita in poche ore. È stato così intenso che sono stata seduta sul bordo della sedia per tutto il tempo. Non sono riuscita a metterlo giù per tutta la giornata. Non ho fatto pause nemmeno per mangiare." Blue Moon Blogger ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • av Nicole Trope

    Il petto si stringe e il cuore accelera. La cucina è un caos. Cammina su qualcosa di duro e guarda in basso. I dinosauri giocattolo sono sparsi ovunque. Ma suo figlio non è da nessuna parte, il suo bambino è sparito.Arriva la polizia. Non riesce a guardare il marito. Studia invece l'intreccio di linee sulle sue mani tremanti.Poi il suo telefono suona con un messaggio vocale. "Ascoltalo in vivavoce", dice il detective.Una voce di donna riempie l'aria."Presumo che si tratti di Andrea Gately indicata come contatto sul sito web dei bambini scomparsi nel mondo. La chiamo per dirle che ho fornito i suoi dati alla polizia. Perché state usando una foto di mio figlio su un sito web di bambini scomparsi? Perché la state usando e dove l'avete presa?"Un thriller psicologico assolutamente imperdibile che vi lascerà senza fiato per lo shock e vi farà rimanere svegli oltre l'ora di andare a letto. Perfetto per i fan di Lisa Jewell, Liane Moriarty e Adele Parks.Scopri cosa dicono i lettori di La madre casalinga:"OMG!!!... Non riuscivo a metterlo giù!!! Ogni volta che dicevo un altro capitolo, finiva con un cliff-hanger e dovevo sapere cosa stava succedendo!!!... Ho iniziato questa mattina e l'ho finito alle 2 di notte leggendolo in una sola seduta, e anche se oggi sono distrutta ne è valsa la pena al 1000000%!!!... Avevo il cuore in gola... Il finale è stato assolutamente sbalorditivo e così inaspettato... Che colpo di scena assoluto!!! Posso dire con il cuore in mano che non ricordo quando sono rimasta così sbalordita." Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿"Wow wow wow!!!! Ho letto questo libro in meno di 24 ore... Così avvincente, mi ha tenuto incollato e incapace di metterlo giù fino a quando non ho finito l'ultima scioccante pagina!!!!... Che colpo di scena!!!! Ho amato tutto di questo libro avvincente e lo consiglierò vivamente!!!" Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿"Oh mio Dio!!!... Ho sussultato per i colpi di scena, non me l'aspettavo proprio... Non vedevo l'ora di vedere come si concludeva, ma non volevo nemmeno che finisse, incredibile." @mountainmommawv2020, ¿¿¿¿¿"WOWWWW!!! Non mi aspettavo tutti quei colpi di scena e non mi aspettavo di provare tutte quelle sensazioni!!... È DEFINITIVAMENTE una delle mie nuove autrici preferite!... Mi ha catturato fin dall'inizio... Proprio quando pensavo che stesse andando in una direzione, BAM, è andata in un'altra direzione! Un libro pieno di sorprese." Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿"Mi ha tenuto sul filo del rasoio!... I colpi di scena? Wow!... Mi ha fatto girare la testa... Lo scrivo a mezzanotte quando dovrei dormire. Fate un pisolino prima di iniziare a leggere in modo da rimanere svegli per finire questo libro. Fidatevi di me, non sto scherzando." Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿"Ho letto questo libro tutto di un fiato... Assolutamente avvincente fino in fondo e con così tanti colpi di scena che mi sembrava di avere il colpo di frusta." Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    La piccola Millie Everleigh, di soli tre anni, scompare in una nitida giornata invernale, e nulla è come sembra... È la telefonata che ogni madre teme. Sto salendo in auto dopo aver fatto la spesa. Mentre il motore si accende, squilla il telefono. È la mia figliastra, Shelby, che sta facendo da babysitter alla mia piccola Millie di tre anni. "Sono solo andata al piano di sopra per un attimo", dice tra i singhiozzi. "È sparita." Corro a casa e scopro la mia bambina dagli occhi azzurri scomparsa e il mio cuore strappato dal petto. Quando arrivano gli agenti di polizia, la storia di Shelby comincia a disfarsi. Cosa sta nascondendo? Poi ricevo un messaggio che dice: "Tuo marito non è chi pensi che sia." Potrebbe mentire? All'improvviso, la mia famiglia sembra composta da estranei. Ognuno ha un segreto, persino io. Nessuno sa perché sono tornata in ritardo dal negozio e la colpa che provo da allora... Quando la verità verrà a galla e tutte le nostre bugie saranno svelate, sarà troppo tardi per salvare la mia preziosa bambina? Un thriller psicologico mozzafiato su segreti di famiglia, passati scioccanti e bugie che raccontiamo a noi stessi per sopravvivere. Perfetto per gli appassionati di Liane Moriarty, Freida McFadden e Lisa Jewell. I lettori amano La figliastra: "WOW!!!!! Non sono riuscita a mettere giù questo libro, è stato avvincente dall'inizio alla fine... Mi ha tenuto col fiato sospeso, ho dovuto finirlo lo stesso giorno in cui l'ho aperto... Un enorme colpo di scena... WOW è l'unica cosa che posso dire dopo l'ultima frase... È stato troppo bello!!!" Recensore di Goodreads, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Mi ha coinvolto fin dalla prima pagina e non mi ha più lasciato andare... L'ho adorato... Ogni volta che pensavo di sapere cosa sarebbe successo, arrivava un colpo di scena... Incredibile... Non ho mai immaginato il finale!" Recensore NetGalley, ¿¿¿¿¿ "WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Il mio cuore batte ancora forte! Incredibile... Un viaggio da brivido!... Assolutamente imperdibile!!! L'ho letto in circa 4 ore... Ero sul filo del rasoio." Hockessin Book Reads, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Omg, wow... semplicemente wow. Non ci sono abbastanza superlativi nel dizionario per esprimere quanto mi sia piaciuto questo incredibile thriller. Sono stata catturata dalla storia fin dalla prima pagina e mi sono ritrovata così affascinata da essere costretta a leggere l'intero libro in una sola giornata... Una corsa sulle montagne russe con molteplici colpi di scena che culmina con un epilogo da brivido, davvero agghiacciante. Mi ha persino provocato un groppo in gola... Se potessi, assegnerei a La figliastra ben più di cinque stelle... Lo consiglio vivamente." Nicki's Life of Crime, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Incredibile, incredibile, incredibile. C'è ogni tipo di emozione che una persona possa provare." Recensore NetGalley, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Mi ha completamente coinvolta! Una lettura irresistibile e accattivante. Un libro davvero fantastico!" @rubie_reads, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    The perfect birthday or the perfect nightmare? Katelyn smiles around at her husband and friends, gathered to celebrate her thirty-sixth birthday in their beautiful home decorated with fairy lights. But the next day Katelyn wakes up shaken and terrified in a hospital bed... She doesn't remember the sweet taste of birthday cake icing, or how angry her best friend was at midnight, or the terrible things her husband said. She doesn't remember the party at all. When she asks her husband what happened the night of the party he says 'nothing'. But her blood runs cold at the way his voice lilts slightly. The way it always does when he is lying. Did someone at the party harm her?What is her husband hiding?Or did Katelyn herself do something terrible? Only one thing is certain. Nobody can be trusted. And if Katelyn's memories of the party do come back, it will tear them all apart... This brilliantly addictive read about dark secrets our loved ones keep from us is perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Sally Hepworth. Read what everyone's saying about The Day After the Party: 'Loved!!!!!... Awesome... I was shocked to my core... OMG. I couldn't believe what I was reading. It left me speechless and wanting more.' Blue Moon Blogger, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Fantastic... Wow, how this played out was amazing... A WINNER... The twists were a roller coaster ride.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Omg what a book... Amazing... Had me gripped from the off until the very end and what an ending it was.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Leaves you wishing it was just starting rather than finishing!... I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout!!... I am left wanting to read another! Excellent!!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Another jaw-dropping thriller... This book had me hooked from the very beginning.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I loved the book... This book was EXCELLENT! It was juicy, thrilling, twisty, it had characters I loved and loved to hate.' @sabireads1984, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I devoured this book in one sitting, I loved how it was told... I was addicted... Unputdownable... Packed with drama and suspense.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow... This book had me on my toes... Loved.' @bookloversanonuk, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I loved the intrigue... I could hardly put it down... It was fantastic!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    I gaze at my husband's once-handsome face, so still and pale in the hospital bed. The doctors say I should keep talking. He might be able to hear me even after the terrible accident that left him fighting for his life. But all I have to whisper to my husband is this: I know what you did. Every day I wave my husband Damon off with a kiss and a smile, drive our precious children to school, and make sure our house is pristine before preparing a delicious meal. I pretend I'm not filled with fury that he once nearly destroyed our perfect life. It's important to carry on as normal. That is, until the accident. My husband was hit by a car. It was pouring with rain. Nobody saw what happened. But the police are asking questions... Do they know about the terrible argument we had that day? Do they know about the text message I sent, telling someone to Delete everything? And do they know that no-one is happier that my husband is in a hospital bed, than me? An absolutely addictive page-turner about a family in crisis, a marriage at breaking point, and how secrets can be deadly. Perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Sally Hepworth. Read what everyone's saying about Nicole Trope: 'OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!... the most heart-racing book I've read in a long time, if not ever!!! It had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!!... Clear your day because it is truly unputdownable... What an absolute twist!!!... If you read one book in your life, make sure it is this!!!!' Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I was absolutely hooked!!... totally engrossed! I felt every thrilling twist and every chilling development as if I was there! So clever I really didn't see the twist coming! It was so brilliant.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow!!! Wow!!!! Wow!!!... a total page-turner and will keep you guessing with every page. Halfway through I thought I had it figured out and then BAM! The ending floored me... I just loved this book.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿'O.M.G!! DANG!!!... WOW!!!... Brilliant! If I could rate it more than 5 stars I would... bombshells that made my jaw drop!!... Hooked me... Made my head spin!!' Heidi Lynn Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    O mein Gott!!! ... Das spannendste Buch, das ich seit langem gelesen habe, wenn nicht überhaupt!!! ... Sag alle deine Termine ab, denn man kann es wirklich nicht mehr aus der Hand legen ... Was für ein Twist! ... Wenn du nur ein Buch in deinem Leben liest, dann entscheide dich unbedingt für dieses!!! Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿ Manchmal verbergen die schönsten Fassaden die schrecklichsten Geheimnisse ... Alle wollen in der der hübschen, von Bäumen gesäumten Hogarth Street wohnen. Die frisch zugezogene Familie West passt perfekt hierhin. Katherine und John wirken wie ein harmonisches und verliebtes Paar, und ihre fünfjährigen Zwillinge spielen ständig lachend in ihrem makellosen Vorgarten. Doch schon bald fallen den Nachbarn seltsame Dinge auf. Warum nehmen die Wests nicht an den Grillpartys teil? Warum schlagen sie Angebote zum Babysitten aus? Warum bitten sie einen nie herein, wenn man an der Tür klopft? Jede Familie hat Geheimnisse. Und am heißesten Tag des Jahres kommt die Wahrheit ans Licht. Während sich hinter verschlossenen Türen eine Tragödie abspielt, wird der stille Morgen durch das Heulen der Sirenen unterbrochen. Und einem Bewohner nach dem anderen wird klar: Die Hogarth Street wird nie wieder dieselbe sein. Ein absolut spannungsgeladener Psychothriller. Perfekt für Fans von Clare Mackintosh, Liane Moriarty und Melanie Raabe. Leser:innen sind begeistert von Die Familie gegenüber: Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! Ein absoluter Pageturner, bei dem man auf jeder Seite miträtselt. Nach der Hälfte dachte ich, ich hätte die Auflösung herausgefunden und dann BÄM! Das Ende hat mich umgehauen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ O mein Gott! O mein Gott! ... Die Spannung hat mich fertig gemacht! ... Mein Herz schlägt immer noch wie verrückt. Ana's Attic Guest Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ O mein GOTT!!!!!! ... Ich war noch nie von der ersten Seite an so gefesselt von einem Buch. Fantastisch, emotional und einfach nur wow! NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Absolut großartig! ... So, so gut, mit so vielen Twists ... Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen und habe es innerhalb von 24 Stunden gelesen! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Die Geschichte hat mich total in ihren Bann gezogen und ich war süchtig! Das wird dich sowas von umhauen! @oh.happy.reading, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich merke, dass ich den Begriff ¿Pageturner¿ zu oft verwende, aber DIES war ein echter Pageturner. Ich habe es in einem Rutsch gelesen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, ich habe dieses Buch so sehr geliebt ... Ich war die ganze Zeit über gefesselt. Ich konnte es beim besten Willen nicht weglegen. Blue Moon Blogger, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    Die dreijährige Millie Everleigh verschwindet an einem kalten Wintertag, und nichts ist, wie es scheint ...Es ist der Anruf, vor dem sich jede Mutter fürchtet.Ich steige nach dem Einkaufen ins Auto als mein Handy klingelt. Es ist meine Stieftochter Shelby, die auf meine dreijährige kleine Tochter Millie aufpasst.Ich bin nur kurz nach oben gegangen, sagt sie mit schluchzender Stimme. Sie ist weg.Ich rase nach Hause und stelle fest, dass mein kleines Mädchen tatsächlich verschwunden ist, und spüre, wie mir mein Herz aus der Brust gerissen wird. Und Shelbys Erklärungen sind zunehmend verwirrter. Sagt sie die Wahrheit? Dann erhalte ich eine Nachricht, in der steht: Ihr Mann ist nicht der, für den er sich ausgibt.Plötzlich wird meine Familie zu Fremden. Jeder hat ein Geheimnis - sogar ich. Niemand weiß, warum ich zu spät vom Einkaufen zurückkam, und warum mich seitdem quälende Schuldgefühle plagen ...Wenn die Wahrheit endlich ans Licht kommt - wird es dann zu spät sein, mein geliebtes Kind zu retten?Ein Psychothriller, der den Puls hochtreibt - voller schockierender Geheimnisse und den Lügen, die wir uns selbst erzählen, um zu überleben. Perfekt für Fans von Clare Mackintosh, Liane Moriarty und Melanie Raabe.Leser:innen lieben Das Kind meines Mannes:Einfach wow ... Die Geschichte hat mich von der ersten Seite an gefesselt und so sehr in ihren Bann gezogen, dass ich gezwungen war, das ganze Buch in einem Rutsch zu lesen ... Eine Achterbahnfahrt mit zahlreichen Twists, die in einem spannenden und erschreckenden Epilog gipfelt ... Wenn ich könnte, würde ich weit mehr als fünf Sterne vergeben. Nicki's Life of Crime, ¿¿¿¿¿Großartig, großartig, großartig ... Man durchlebt jede vorstellbare Emotion im Laufe der Handlung ... Ich liebe Nicole Trope. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich war von der ersten Seite an GEFESSELT. Ganz im Ernst. Man taucht sofort ein und kann das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen ... In diesem Buch gibt es keine Pause, jede Seite ist fesselnder als die vorige ... Ich werde alle Bücher von Nicole Trope zu meiner Leseliste hinzufügen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Wow, was für ein geniales Buch!!!!! ... Ich war komplett vertieft ... Ich konnte nichts anderes machen, bis ich es beendet hatte. Die Zeit bleibt stehen, wenn ich ein Buch von Nicole Trope lese. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Hat mich völlig in den Bann gezogen! Ein Buch, das man nicht aus der Hand legen kann ... Fantastisch ... ich kann es kaum erwarten, weitere Bücher von ihr zu lesen!' @rubie_reads, ¿¿¿¿¿Nicole Trope hat es wieder geschafft! Sie ist zu einer der wenigen Autorinnen geworden, für die ich alles stehen und liegen lasse, wenn ich sehe, dass sie ein neues Buch herausgebracht hat ... Herzzerreißend, spannend, Twists, die ich nicht kommen sah ... Fantastisch! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope
    145 - 159,-

  • av Nicole Trope

  • av Nicole Trope

    She has my husband. She has my child. She has my life. I never thought I would end up here. Alone, in a cold one-bedroom apartment, only seeing my precious daughter once a week. Another woman is living the life that was once mine. I wish I was still married to my ex-husband, the love of my life. I dream of tucking my five-year-old child into her ballerina bed sheets every night. I miss living in a beautiful house, the perfect family home, with a winding staircase and a sprawling garden. I'd do anything to be with my family again. To start over and prove to them that I've changed, that I won't lose control like before. But when I get my second chance, the vicious messages come. The noises at night. The feeling of being watched. It's happening all over again. I know I'm not going mad, but no one will believe me. I don't know if I even believe myself. All I wanted was my life back. But now my life is under threat - and my darling little girl is in danger... A totally addictive, twist-packed psychological thriller about the lengths we go to for the people we love. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Liane Moriarty and Adele Parks. Readers love Nicole Trope: 'Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! This book is a total page-turner and will keep you guessing with every page.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'OMG!!!... WHAT HAVE I JUST READ!?!?!?... Truly unputdownable... I did absolutely NOT expect that humongous bombshell at all. What an absolute twist!!! I can hand on my heart say that I cannot remember when I was so gobsmacked.' Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Omg! Omg... My son came in and asked me who I was yelling at?! (I was yelling at my e-reader)... LOL, my heart is still beating crazy!...OK, I have to go now. I need a big glass of wine to calm down!' Ana's Attic Guest Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I've never been soooooo engrossed in a book from the first pages. Amazing, emotional and just wow!!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Loved, loved, loved!!!!! You cannot go wrong when you pick up one of Nicole Trope's books. My world literally stops. I finish in just one sitting with a box of Kleenex by my side... You are in for a shock of all shockers.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Amazing! This was a tense book that I read in one sitting, and late into the night! Jammed packed with tension and suspense that kept my heart racing. Whenever I had to stop reading, I couldn't wait to get back to it!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    Three-year-old Millie Everleigh disappears on a crisp winter's day, and nothing is as it seems... It's the phone call every mother dreads. I'm climbing into the car after a trip to the grocery store. As the engine starts, my phone rings. It's my stepdaughter, Shelby, who is babysitting my three-year-old little girl Millie. 'I only went upstairs for a second,' she says through her sobs. 'She's gone.' I race home to find my blue-eyed baby girl missing, and my heart ripped out of my chest. When the police turn up, Shelby's story starts to unravel. What is she hiding? Then I get a message saying, 'Your husband is not who you think he is.' Could he be lying? Suddenly, my family feel like strangers. Everyone has a secret - even me. No one knows why I was late coming back from the shop, and the guilt I've been feeling ever since... Once the truth comes out, all of our lies exposed, will it be too late to save my precious child? A pulse-pounding psychological thriller about family secrets, shocking pasts and the lies we tell ourselves in order to survive. You'll lose sleep as you race through the pages until the final gasp-worthy twist! Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Liane Moriarty and The Wife Between Us. Readers love The Stepchild: 'Omg, wow... Just wow. There are not enough superlatives in the English dictionary to express how much I loved this incredible thriller. I was hooked into the story from the first page and found myself so captivated that I was compelled to read the whole book in one sitting. The author takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride with multiple twists and turns that culminates with a nail-biting, seriously chilling epilogue. The story caused me to experience a wide range of conflicting emotions and even caused me to experience a lump in my throat... If I could, I would award The Stepchild far more than five stars... Very very highly recommended by little old me.' Nicki's Life of Crime, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Amazing amazing amazing. The Stepchild is brilliantly written. There is every kind of emotion that a person could feel within the plot... I adore Nicole Trope.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Had me HOOKED from page one. Seriously. It dives right in and is absolutely unputdownable... Everyone has secrets and no one is spilling... It's twisty-turny and full of holy shiiiii moments... The story flows fast and furious. There's no downtime in this one, each page more gripping than the last. You'll definitely want to clear your schedule, because you'll be finishing this in one sitting. Off to add all of Nicole Trope's books to my TBR.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Nicole Trope

    The past is catching up with you. Your child is paying the price. I love my eight-year-old son Riley more than anything. Yet the truth is, I fear for him. It's hard being a single mother. It's even harder when you can't let anyone come close. When you avoid parents at the school gate, scared you'll give too much away. Riley thinks his father died in a car crash. He has no idea what really happened eight years ago why I ended up sobbing in the dark on the kitchen floor. Every mother is protective of her child. But not every mother is constantly glancing over her shoulder. Everyone has secrets. But not everyone is terrified of their lies being exposed, their lives unravelling when it all comes out. So when Riley disappears from our garden on a cold winter's afternoon, I know that he hasn't just run away. I'd do anything to save my son but if I tell the truth, I might lose him for ever A totally gripping psychological thriller that will get your pulse racing like crazy as it hits you with twist after twist after twist! If you loved The Wife Between Us or The Girl on the Train you'll be utterly glued to this page-turner. Readers love Nicole Trope: ';Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! This book is a total page-turner and will keep you guessing with every page.' Goodreads reviewer, ';Omg! Omg! My son came in and asked me who I was yelling at?! (I was yelling at my e-reader) LOL, my heart is still beating crazy! OK, I have to go now. I need a big glass of wine to calm down!' Ana's Attic Guest Reviewer, ';Oh my GOSH!!!!!! I read this emotionally charged, compelling book in one sitting. Whoa, my emotions are ALL over the place!!!' NetGalley reviewer, ';I've never been soooooo engrossed in a book from the first pages. Amazing, emotional and just wow!!' NetGalley reviewer, ';Simply brilliant Almost gave me an aneurysm in my attempt to finish it.' @rk_reads, ';Absolutely amazing! So so good with so many twists and surprises. I could not put it down and read it in 24 hours!' Goodreads reviewer, ';After reading this book I realise I use the phrase ';page-turner' too much, because THIS was a true PAGE-TURNER. I read it in one sitting.' Goodreads reviewer,

  • - A totally gripping and emotional page-turner
    av Nicole Trope

    Where is he? Where's my beloved child with his father's blue eyes and a halo of golden curls? My little boy is out there on his own. Please keep him safe, I silently beg, please, please just keep him safe.'Your son is missing,' they say, and life as I know it is over. 'Where would he go?' the police ask. 'Where would he be?' my daughter begs.My heart races as images flash in my mind. The cabin we rent every autumn, surrounded by fiery red maple trees. Voices raised. Tears falling. A marriage falling apart. And worst of all my husband telling our child, Theo, to run.The rest is a blank in my memory. If I close my eyes I can almost see it. A betrayal that has left me alone, in tatters, grieving for what we had.It wasn't meant to be like that. It should have been precious time as a family, with boardgames, walks in the mountain and pancakes for breakfast.Instead my little one is has vanished. 'They are looking for him,' the nurse told me, 'but the storm is slowing down the search.'The police think Theo has the answers, that he knows what tore our family apart. But I have no idea where he is. No clue if he is safe. I won't survive unless I bring him home. But if I do, and the truth comes out, will I survive that?A completely gripping, beautifully written and totally heartbreaking page-turner, which examines what happens behind closed doors, and the secrets that can shatter a family. Fans of Jodi Picoult, Diane Chamberlain and Liane Moriarty will be totally addicted to this breathtaking novel.Readers absolutely love Nicole Trope:'Loved, loved, loved this book!... What an incredible story... Will have you holding your breath until the shocking ending. I was glued to this book and couldn't go to sleep until I had finished it. And the next day I read it again!' NetGalley Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - A completely heartbreaking and utterly gripping page-turner
    av Nicole Trope

  • av Nicole Trope

  • - A completely gripping and emotional page turner
    av Nicole Trope

    ';OMG this book! So so so heartbreaking, my heart broke My god it was fabulous, the writing style and storyline were brilliant and well written... This book will stay with me for a long long time and definitely on my favs of 2020!' Goodreads Reviewer, I will not think about it anymore. I won't think about her. My lost little sister with her beautiful smile, her chestnut-coloured eyes. My sister who I couldn't protect. If you passed Alice on the street, you couldn't help but smile. At how she holds hands with her husband, Jack, who she has been with since she was at university. At the way she admires her three boys, the centre of her universe. But if you looked very closely, you'd see how tightly she holds Jack's hand, afraid to let go. You'd see how carefully she watches her boys, scared to look away. You'd see her smile fading in a matter of seconds, and the pain she hides behind her eyes. She has told Jack that she ran away from home when she was younger but she didn't tell him the whole story. Her husband doesn't know about the guilt she bears about her little sister she failed to save. Now, after a lifetime of fresh starts, Alice can feel her past playing catch-up. She is sure she is being watched, certain she is being followed. She may not be able to stop her secret coming out but can she stop the world she has lovingly built collapsing in on her? This utterly heartbreaking, beautifully written and gripping family drama examines just how far we are willing to go for our loved ones, and the desperate decisions we make when we have no other choice. Fans of Jodi Picoult, Kerry Fisher and Liane Moriarty will be blown away by this incredibly moving tale. Readers absolutely love The Nowhere Girl:';One of a kind. I think fans of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty and others will love this one. I was blown away by the story and the characters.' Crossroad Reviews ';Jeez, Louise!!! This story kept me reading and reading like there was no tomorrow!... I adored it It made my heart sing and weep. It made my eyes leak and my mouth smile. It was utterly gripping and devastating.' B for Book Review, 5 stars ';An incredible book by an incredible writer!... Had me hooked from the very first page and kept me reading right through the night. I am a relatively slow reader but I devoured this book in one sitting as I just couldn't put it down.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars ';Wow, just wow!!!!!... So amazing and beautifully written... I loved it so much... An emotional rollercoaster that I never wanted to get off from.' Blue Moon Blogger, 5 stars ';Jaw-droppingly good!..

  • - An absolutely gripping and emotional page turner
    av Nicole Trope

  • - An Absolutely Heartbreaking Page-Turner with a Jaw-Dropping Twist
    av Nicole Trope

    'What a heart-breaking story!... The tissues came out, then they were put back away only for them to be taken back out again! Had me gripped from the first page. A book that will make you want to hug your children and never let them go... Have tissues to hand!' Stardust Book ReviewsMy baby girl, I'll never forget you - your smile, your laugh, the way your hair sparkles in the sun. I cannot comprehend this pain. I cannot breathe through it.For Claire, life as she knows it is over. And after the death of her daughter, Julia, she is searching for answers. Stumbling upon a pile of letters, hidden under Julia's bed in an old, battered shoebox, she feels closer to her daughter than ever before. They tell her that Julia was happy, that she was thriving at university, that she was in love. But as the letters go on, Claire starts to feel uneasy at something hidden between the lines. Even as she grieves, she must prepare to face a shocking discovery. Because Julia was hiding a terrible secret - and when it's uncovered, it will make Claire question everything she thought she knew about her daughter…An emotional and gripping page turner that will stay with you long after you finish the last page. Fans of Liane Moriarty, Lisa Wingate and Jodi Picoult will love this moving and poignant tale that's full of twists. Readers absolutely love Nicole Trope:'WOW!!! It brought out so many different emotions in me and I was crying walking the dog… This book will stay with me for a long time.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'Simply one of the best books I've read.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'I love Nicole Trope!... Perfect for lovers of Jodi Picoult.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'I read it in one sitting!... The characters have crept under my skin and could be there a lifetime.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'You know you've enjoyed a book when you read it in about 2 days!!' Goodreads Reviewer'Impossible to put down… Utterly engrossing…Both utterly shocking and unbearably moving.' Book'd Out'Well there goes my Sunday… This book was so compelling, I just had to keep going until I was finished… Brilliant.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

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