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Böcker av Munroe Myles Munroe

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  • - How to Call Heaven to Earth (First Edition, Enlarged/Expanded)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

  • - Cultivating the Attributes That Influence Human Action (A Rnate)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    You were born to lead. Now it's time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds--anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrar

  • - How to Develop and Release Your Unique Gifts (Expanded)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Activate Your Leadership Potential Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to: Activate your leadership potential.Develop a positive legacy.Find resources to fulfill your vision.Empower others for leadership.Embrace your unique role in life.Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be! New expanded edition includes study questions for individual and group use.

  • - El Diseno de Dios Para La Identidad Masculina (Spanish Language Edition, Expanded Edition, Understandi
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    El varón está en crisis. Los roles tradicionales le daban al hombre estabilidad y continuidad de generación en generación. Hoy día, el mundo está enviando señales conflictivas sobre lo que significa ser un hombre. Muchos hombres se están preguntando quiénes son y cuáles roles deben desempeñar en la vida, como varón, como esposo, y como padre. Eso los deja frustrados, y provoca que vivan muy por debajo de su potencial. El autor de éxitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina las actitudes culturales hacia los hombres, y discute asuntos críticos como: ¿Cómo pueden los hombres ganar su posición en el ambiente de expectativas culturales que cambia constantemente? ¿Qué significa ser varón? ¿Qué definición de masculinidad deben los hombres adoptar? ¿Cuáles roles deben los hombres desempeñar en su lugar de trabajo y en el hogar? ¿Qué tienen que ver los roles de género con el propósito del varón? ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre varones y hembras? ¿Cómo están destinados a relacionarse entre sí los hombres y las mujeres? ¿Cómo puede un hombre construir una vida mejor para sí mismo, su familia, y el mundo? >The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life--as a male, a husband, and a father--leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as: How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?What does it mean to be male?What definition of masculinity should men adopt?What roles should men fulfill--in the workplace and in the home?What do gender roles have to do with the male's purpose?What are the differences between males and females?How are men and women meant to relate to one another?How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and potential. Expanded edition with study guide material included.

  • - Devocional de 90 Dias (Spanish Language Edition, a Woman of Purpose and Power (Spanish))
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

  • - Como Valores, Moralidad, Etica Y Principios Afectan a Los Lideres (Spanish Language Edition, the Power of Chara
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    C mo proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo. Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sue os y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada d a, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios mbitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verg enza de la vida p blica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos l deres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por s solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su ca da. Por qu fracasaron al final? Porque carec an de la nica cualidad que habr a protegido su liderazgo y les habr a dado influencia perdurable. Ir nicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ense a a los l deres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o car cter. Todo ser humano es un l der sobre alg n dominio en el que l o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podr a ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el sal n de clases, la comunidad o el hogar. En El poder del car cter en el liderazgo: C mo los valores, la moral, la tica y los principios afectan a los l deres, descubrir qu es el car cter, qu significa desarrollar fuerza moral, y c mo preservar la influencia de su liderazgo de modo que sea a la vez eficaz y perdurable. How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power You've worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same--only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They've been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall. Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character. Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

  • - El Gobierno de Dios En La Tierra (Spanish Language Edition, Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit (Spanish)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    ÅHemos perdido de vista quiâen es, realmente, el Espâiritu Santo? Capâitulo por capâitulo en este libro revelador, el Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de âexitos de ventas, construye una imagen âunica de la persona del Espâiritu Santo que transformarâa su entendimiento de Su propâosito y la funciâon de Su vida, y su propio propâosito y funciâon en el mundo. El plano original del Creador de un gobierno del reino en la tierra era como una extensiâon y un reflejo de Su grandioso reino espiritual. Necesitamos entender la relaciâon entre nestro Rey y Su reino, y asâi vamos a vivir de acuerdo con la intenciâon de Dios para nosotros. Para hacer eso, tenemos que conocer a Aquel a quien Dios ha enviado para gobernar el reino en la tierra, igual que a nuestras desafiantes vidas a menudo turbulentas: su propio Espirâitu Santo. Cuando luchamos con la derrota y el desaliento, el Espâiritu Santo es la clava para nuestra victoria y nuestra paz. Descubra câomo traer orden al caos en su vida, recibir el poder de Dios para sanar y liberar, cumplir su verdadero propâosito con gozo, ser un lâider en su esfera de influencia, y participar en el gobierno de Dios en la tierra. Al conocer al Espâiritu Santo de una manera totalmente nueva, Æusted puede recibir la plenitud del Espâiritu Santo y empezar a vivir en el poder espiritual que Dios le ha prometido!

  • - A 90-Day Devotional
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Bestselling author Dr. Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women based on two of his most popular books, " Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women" and "Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men."

  • - God's Government on Earth (New Edition, Updated & Revised, Study Guide Questions Added)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible? When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God's power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God's government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God's Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God's Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. "It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you" (John 16:7 NKJV).

  • - El Diseno de Dios Para La Identidad Femenina (Spanish Language Edition, Understanding the Purpose and
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Las mujeres de todas las culturas y sociedades se enfrentan al dilema de la identidad. Los puntos de vista tradicionales de lo que significa ser una mujer, y los cambiantes roles culturales y matrimoniales est n causando conflictos a las mujeres en sus re

  • - God's Design for Female Identity (Enlarged/Expanded, Study Guide Included)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Women of every culture and society are facing the dilemma of identity. Traditional views of what it means to be a woman and changing cultural and marital roles are causing women conflict in their relationships with men. Women are under tremendous stress a

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