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Böcker av Miguel De Cervantes

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  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    One of the funniest yet also the most tragic of books, Don Quixote chronicles the marvelous adventures of the self-appointed knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    One of the funniest yet also the most tragic of books, Don Quixote chronicles the marvelous adventures of the self-appointed knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    One of the funniest yet also the most tragic of books, Don Quixote chronicles the marvelous adventures of the self-appointed knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Deux jeunes Espagnols mettent entre parenthèses leurs études afin de voyager. Ils finissent par s'installer à Bologne, en Italie, où de rocambolesques aventures vont se multiplier, se croiser, puis converger sur une mystérieuse personne: Cornélia Bentibolli, à la vertu et à la lignée aussi renommées que son indicible beauté. Cette jeune femme est cependant condamnée au secret... Cornélia est une des célèbres Nouvelles exemplaires de Miguel de Cervantes, publiées pour la première fois à Madrid en 1613.En édition bilingue espagnol/français, avec lecture audio intégrée: Non seulement vous pouvez lire Cornélia en français et en espagnol, mais vous pouvez aussi écouter la lecture de cet ouvrage soit dans sa version originale hispanique, soit dans sa traduction française, grâce à votre téléphone, tablette ou webcam. L'idéal pour améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue de Cervantès... ou de Molière !

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Une des plus connues des Nouvelles exemplaires de Miguel de Cervantes, publiées pour la première fois à Madrid en 1613, Rinconète et Cortadillo met en scène deux jeunes garçons, fugueurs et un peu délinquants, entraînés dans une succession d'aventures picaresques. Arrivés à Séville, ils sont recrutés dans une association de malfaiteurs, sorte de syndicat du crime sévillan gouverné par son parrain Monipodio et des traditions très religieuses. Tous les ingrédients classiques du genre y sont présents: voleurs, escrocs, criminels, alguazils corrompus, filles de joie...En édition bilingue espagnol/français, avec lecture audio intégrée: Non seulement vous pouvez lire Rinconète et Cortadillo en français et en espagnol, mais vous pouvez aussi écouter la lecture de cet ouvrage soit dans sa version originale hispanique, soit dans sa traduction française, grâce à votre téléphone, tablette ou webcam. L'idéal pour améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue de Cervantès... ou de Molière !

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It was published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615. A founding work of Western literature, it is often labeled "the first modern novel" and many authors consider it to be the best literary work ever written.The plot revolves around the adventures of a noble (hidalgo) from La Mancha named Alonso Quixano, who reads so many chivalric romances that he loses his mind and decides to become a knight-errant (caballero andante) to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical monologues on knighthood, already considered old-fashioned at the time. Don Quixote, in the first part of the book, does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story.The book had a major influence on the literary community, as evidenced by direct references in Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers (1844), Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), and Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac (1897), as well as the word quixotic and the epithet Lothario; the latter refers to a character in "El curioso impertinente" ("The Impertinently Curious Man"), an intercalated story that appears in Part One, chapters 33-35. The 19th-century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer cited Don Quixote as one of the four greatest novels ever written.When first published, Don Quixote was usually interpreted as a comic novel. After the French Revolution, it was better known for its central ethic that individuals can be right while society is quite wrong and seen as disenchanting. In the 19th century, it was seen as a social commentary, but no one could easily tell "whose side Cervantes was on". Many critics came to view the work as a tragedy in which Don Quixote's idealism and nobility are viewed by the post-chivalric world as insane, and are defeated and rendered useless by common reality. By the 20th century, the novel had come to occupy a canonical space as one of the foundations of modern literature.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    L'intrigue couvre les aventures d'un pauvre gentilhomme, Hidalgo de la Manche, dénommé Alonso Quichano, obsédé par les livres de chevalerie, qu'il collectionne dans sa bibliothèque de façon maladive. Ceux-ci troublent son jugement au point que Quichano se prend un beau jour pour le chevalier errant Don Quichotte, dont la mission est de parcourir l'Espagne, pour combattre le mal et protéger les opprimés.À la fois roman médiéval -- un roman de chevalerie -- et roman de l'époque moderne alors naissante, le livre est une parodie des moeurs médiévales et de l'idéal chevaleresque, ainsi qu'une critique des structures sociales d'une société espagnole rigide et vécue comme absurde. Don Quichotte est un jalon important de l'histoire littéraire et les interprétations qu'on en donne sont multiples : pur comique, satire sociale, analyse politique. Il est considéré comme l'un des romans les plus importants de la littérature mondiale et comme le premier roman moderne.Le personnage, Alonso Quichano, est à l'origine de l'archétype du Don Quichotte, personnage généreux et idéaliste qui se pose en redresseur de torts

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Edith Grossman & Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    "Don Quixote looms so wonderfully above the skylines of literature, a gaunt giant on a lean nag, that the book lives and will live through his sheer vitality...The parody has become a paragon."-Vladimir Nabokov"A more profound and powerful work than this is not to be met with...The final and greatest utterance of the human mind."- Fyodor DostoyevskyMiguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote is regarded not only as the first modern novel, but also as one of the most important works of fiction ever produced. The subtle and hopeful irony, resplendent variety of characters and its thoroughly entertaining sense of adventure and friendship has dazzled readers for more than four hundred years. It was published in Spain in two volumes, first in 1605 then followed by the second in 1615. Cervantes' use of realism and everyday language in Don Quixote was revolutionary at the time, and its influence on the development of literature may only be surpassed by the work of Shakespeare. In the opening of this extraordinary book, Alonso Quijano, a noble living in sixteenth-century Spain, has become consumed with the act of reading, and subsequently assumes the identity of the chivalrous knights that he loves to read about. Transformed into Don Quixote, he embarks on his first ill-fated journey as a "knight". The defeated Quixote returns home, to only prepare himself better for the next adventure of delusion. On his second journey Quixote has enlisted the peasant Sancho Panza to appropriate the role of his squire. Although the duo is ridiculously mismatched in every sense, their inextricable bond is one of the most fascinating of friendships ever created on paper. Between their disordered adventures -of battling windmills and herds of sheep and endless mishaps- are the stories of those who are encountered on the journey. The book eventually becomes a hall of mirrors, and Cervantes explores preconceptions of narrative, reliability, and morality that are strikingly modern. Ultimately, Quixote's preposterous fantasies become haunting as the reader of this book will surely begin to question what is real and what is not. The story of Don Quixote has been adapted into numerous forms, including opera, musicals, ballets, music and film.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Don Quixote is both modern and readable.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    185 - 289

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Influenciado pelas gloriosas histórias de cavalaria, um homem já de idade avançada resolve se aventurar pelo mundo montado em um pangaré e em companhia de um simples camponês. Nesta adaptação, as aventuras de Dom Quixote e Sancho Pança exaltam a essência do Cavaleiro da Triste Figura.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    ¿Don Quixote looms so wonderfully above the skylines of literature, a gaunt giant on a lean nag, that the book lives and will live through his sheer vitality¿The parody has become a paragon.¿-Vladimir Nabokov¿A more profound and powerful work than this is not to be met with¿The final and greatest utterance of the human mind.¿- Fyodor DostoyevskyMiguel de Cervantes¿ Don Quixote is regarded not only as the first modern novel, but also as one of the most important works of fiction ever produced. The subtle and hopeful irony, resplendent variety of characters and its thoroughly entertaining sense of adventure and friendship has dazzled readers for more than four hundred years. It was published in Spain in two volumes, first in 1605 then followed by the second in 1615. Cervantes¿ use of realism and everyday language in Don Quixote was revolutionary at the time, and its influence on the development of literature may only be surpassed by the work of Shakespeare. In the opening of this extraordinary book, Alonso Quijano, a noble living in sixteenth-century Spain, has become consumed with the act of reading, and subsequently assumes the identity of the chivalrous knights that he loves to read about. Transformed into Don Quixote, he embarks on his first ill-fated journey as a ¿knight¿. The defeated Quixote returns home, to only prepare himself better for the next adventure of delusion. On his second journey Quixote has enlisted the peasant Sancho Panza to appropriate the role of his squire. Although the duo is ridiculously mismatched in every sense, their inextricable bond is one of the most fascinating of friendships ever created on paper. Between their disordered adventures -of battling windmills and herds of sheep and endless mishaps- are the stories of those who are encountered on the journey. The book eventually becomes a hall of mirrors, and Cervantes explores preconceptions of narrative, reliability, and morality that are strikingly modern. Ultimately, Quixote¿s preposterous fantasies become haunting as the reader of this book will surely begin to question what is real and what is not. The story of Don Quixote has been adapted into numerous forms, including opera, musicals, ballets, music and film.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Don Quixote is both modern and readable.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • - Las desventuras de Don Quijote, Edicion Bilingue
    av Miguel De Cervantes

    Over four hundred years ago in Spain, a man named Miguel used his one good arm to scribble down a story of an old man and his neighbor who set out to explore the countryside in search of adventure, honor, and truth...Considered by many to be the first and possibly greatest novel ever written, Miguel de Cervantes's tale of two friends against the world has at last been been retold for children in a bilingual edition by Cervantes scholar and translator Tom Lathrop.Jack Davis brings the humor and satire of Don Quixote roaring to life with his hilarious and insightful famous cartoon style. ***This bilingual (English/Spanish) edition includes Davis's illustrations from Linguatext's 2012 English version of "The Misadventures of Don Quixote" with a slightly shortened English text written and translated into Spanish by Tom Lathrop.

  • - El Quijote
    av Miguel de Cervantes

    Doktor Jekyll byl pewien, ze jego przypuszczenia musza byc prawdziwe: czlowiek nie byl jeden, ale dwa w jednym ciele i musial istniec jakis sposob oddzielenia tych dwoch elementow, uwolnienia jego dobrego ja od zlego ja. W tym celu pracowal i pracowal w swoim laboratorium, dopoki nie znalazl rozwiazania: napoju, ktory musial go przeksztalcic.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    345 - 635,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    179 - 539,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    455 - 729

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    675 - 969,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    215 - 1 619,-

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

    Being an avid reader, the nobleman who then renames himself Don Quixote, goes out on his horse looking for some epic adventure like he has read. He dons a horse names the young neighbour girl as his lady (which she is completely unaware of) and makes his way around the Spanish countryside coming across inns he believes are castles and others that he believes are in dire need, which they are not, all in the quest for the grand tale.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes
    109 - 119,-

    "I detsamma fick de syn på väderkvarnarna, upp emot fyrtio stycken som stod där mitt på slätten, och så fort Don Quijote såg dem sade han till sin väpnare:- Lyckan leder oss bättre än vi någonsin kunde önska. Se bara, käre Sancho, där har vi nu trettio eller några till hiskliga jättar som jag tänker kämpa med och fälla till sista man. Med bytet från dem ska vi grunda vår rikedom, det är god kamp och en gudi behaglig gärning att utrota ohyran från jordens yta.""Don Quijote av la Mancha" brukar beskrivas som världens första moderna roman. I denna äventyrsfyllda berättelse möter vi Don Quijote, som förläst sig på riddarromaner och bestämmer sig för att bege sig ut på äventyr. Springaren Rosinante är hans följeslagare, och tillsammans med väpnaren Sancho Panza reser han ut i Europa för att finna rikedomar och berömdhet, och vinna den vackra prinsessan Dulcineas gunst.Berättelsen om Don Quijote är en av världens mest berömda litterära verk, och med sina upptåg har de fantasifulla karaktärerna underhållit läsare i 400 år.Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1547-1616 är en av Spaniens mest kända författare genom tiderna. Hans verk blev stilbildande för romankonsten, och har varit aktuella för läsare i alla tider."Don Quijote av la Mancha" är översatt till svenska av Edvard Lindforss.

  • - Volume II (first published in the year 1615)
    av Miguel De Cervantes

  • - Volume I (the 1605 Publication)
    av Miguel De Cervantes

  • - (in Spanglish)
    av Miguel De Cervantes
    199 - 265,-

    An adaptation, in graphic novel format, of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

  • av Miguel De Cervantes

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