- A Glimpse From the Inside Out
av Michael J & MD Zema
Her earache, sore throat, and chest congestion were just not getting better. With no appointments available to see Dr. Be Well until late next day, Ms Runouta Patience decides it's off to QuickFix retail medical clinic to get feeling well again. After being treated with decongestants and an antibiotic, a week later she arrives at Dr. Be Well's office for a follow-up visit, where the receptionist hands her a clipboard with endless forms to complete before seeing the doctor. She is also asked if she wishes to join Dr. Be Well's new accountable care organization-an ACO. What? Wasn't she already his patient? Finally after almost getting writer's cramp, she is taken to a room, where in walks Dr. Guess Who, ANP-C, ACNS-BC, DNP. At first, Runouta Patience is disturbed that Dr. Be Well is unavailable. But Dr. Guess Who is kind, professional in her demeanor, extremely thorough, and even tests her understanding of the asthma recommendations that she makes. Leaving the office, Rinaouta Patience writes out a check for her office visit co-payment and upon arriving home downloads an app onto her smartphone that will allow her to send peak airflow rates to her doctor to help manage her asthma. Some weeks later, however, her condition again deteriorates and she must go to the local emergency room, where she receives a breathing treatment and is admitted to hospital. Expecting to see Dr. Be Well, she is again surprised as in comes young Dr. Hyam Here, the hospitalist on duty who will care for her for at least the next forty-eight hours while she is hospitalized.Through simulated patient scenarios such as these, the reader is introduced to many of the milestones that have occurred in healthcare delivery. Problems currently faced are discussed and potential solutions provided.Advance Praise for "Modern Healthcare Delivery...""Dr. Zema has authored a most comprehensive tome on our U. S. healthcare delivery system. His observations and citations are cogent and wise, well serving all who wish to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of our current challenges and reasonable/responsible solutions going forward. This is a must read for all interested in a complete awareness of our current healthcare dilemma."-Thomas E. Price MD23rd Cabinet Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)"American medicine is desperately in need of change. This brilliant, coherent, and most readable book is a must read for those seeking solutions, both members of the medical profession and the interested lay public."- Sidney Alexander MD, FACCChairman Emeritus, Division of CardiologyLahey Hospital and Medical Center"From the well-chosen book and chapter titles to the researched and documented details, this work is insightful, engaging, balanced, and thought-provoking - an excellent point of departure for those seeking a better understanding of the workings of healthcare and those with interest and influence in healthcare reform."- Holly Gadd, PhD, RN, APRN, FNP-BCDean & Professor, School of NursingSouthern Adventist University"No other book encompasses such a comprehensive assessment of our healthcare delivery system, providing history, criticism and potential solutions to this, our greatest domestic endeavor - a valuable read for the lay audience, students and advanced clinical professionals alike. Bravo!"