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Böcker av Michael Brown

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  • - Poisonous Plants and Their Use Throughout History
    av Michael Brown

    A detailed account of the medical and spiritual uses of poisonous plants. This book draws upon rare sources when uncovering origins, traits and applications

  • av Michael Brown

    Michael Brown reveals 10 simple road-tested tools and techniques you can use immediately which will transform the way you feel about your job, in just 6 minutes!

  • - La guida privilegiata alla città più affascinante d'Italia
    av Michael Brown

    Ti stai preparando per un incantevole viaggio nella città galleggiante di Venezia e cerchi il compagno di viaggio perfetto per assicurarti un'esperienza davvero indimenticabile? Non guardare oltre! La "Guida di viaggio di Venezia 2024" è la tua risorsa essenziale per sbloccare il fascino e il fascino di questa magica destinazione. Perché scegliere la nostra guida turistica di Venezia? Immergiti nella ricca cultura e nell'atmosfera magica della città Immergiti nel cuore di Venezia con la nostra esplorazione completa della sua ricca cultura e della sua atmosfera incantevole. Dall'arte senza tempo delle maschere veneziane ai romantici giri in gondola lungo i canali tortuosi, questa guida ti assicura un legame profondo con la città. Approfondimenti privilegiati su costumi ed etichetta locali: Esplora Venezia come un abitante del posto, padroneggiando i costumi e l'etichetta unici della città. Sentiti a tuo agio nelle tue interazioni e sfrutta al meglio il tuo viaggio con una conoscenza privilegiata che va oltre la tipica esperienza turistica. Crea la tua perfetta avventura veneziana: Personalizza il viaggio dei tuoi sogni con la consulenza di esperti sulla pianificazione del tuo itinerario. Che tu sia affascinato dai monumenti storici, dai capolavori artistici o dai caffè nascosti lungo i canali, questa guida fa al caso tuo. Ecco 5 motivi per cui la nostra guida è la compagna ideale per la tua spedizione a Venezia: Copertura completa: Dall'accattivante "Introduzione a Venezia" alla pratica sezione "Cosa mettere in valigia", la nostra guida non lascia nulla di intentato, assicurandoti di avere tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno a portata di mano. Segreti locali svelati: Scopri gemme nascoste e segreti locali che solo i viaggiatori esperti conoscono. Allontanati dai sentieri battuti e vivi il fascino autentico di Venezia. Consigli utili: Approfitta dei preziosi consigli forniti dalla gente del posto per esplorare Venezia, compresi i periodi migliori per visitare vari quartieri, suggerimenti per famiglie e gite di un giorno alle gemme vicine. Deliziosa esplorazione culinaria: Concediti la variegata scena culinaria di Venezia con la nostra guida ai "10 migliori piatti e bevande da provare". Delizia il tuo palato con le deliziose proposte della cucina veneziana. Itinerario già pronto di 7 giorni: Elimina lo stress dalla pianificazione con il nostro itinerario di viaggio curato di 1 settimana. Segui la nostra guida passo dopo passo per un viaggio piacevole e senza interruzioni attraverso le incantevoli strade e i canali di Venezia. Intraprendi la tua avventura veneziana con sicurezza, armato della "Guida turistica di Venezia 2024" la tua chiave per sbloccare la magia di questa affascinante città.

  • - Der Insider-Guide für Italiens faszinierendste Stadt
    av Michael Brown

    Bereiten Sie sich auf eine bezaubernde Reise in die schwimmende Stadt Venedig vor und suchen den perfekten Reisebegleiter für ein wirklich unvergessliches Erlebnis? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Der "Venedig Reiseführer 2024" ist Ihre unverzichtbare Ressource, um den Charme und die Faszination dieses magischen Reiseziels zu entdecken. Warum sollten Sie sich für unseren Venedig-Reiseführer entscheiden? Tauchen Sie ein in die reiche Kultur und magische Atmosphäre der Stadt: Tauchen Sie ein in das Herz von Venedig mit unserer umfassenden Erkundung seiner reichen Kultur und bezaubernden Atmosphäre. Von der zeitlosen Kunst venezianischer Masken bis hin zu romantischen Gondelfahrten entlang der gewundenen Kanäle - dieser Reiseführer sorgt dafür, dass Sie die Stadt auf einer tiefgreifenden Ebene kennenlernen. Insider-Einblicke zu lokalen Bräuchen und Etikette: Navigieren Sie durch Venedig wie ein Einheimischer, indem Sie die einzigartigen Bräuche und Etikette der Stadt beherrschen. Fühlen Sie sich bei Ihren Interaktionen wohl und machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrer Reise mit Insiderwissen, das über das typische Touristenerlebnis hinausgeht. Gestalten Sie Ihr perfektes venezianisches Abenteuer: Gestalten Sie Ihre Traumreise individuell mit fachkundiger Beratung bei der Planung Ihrer Reiseroute. Egal, ob Sie von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten, künstlerischen Meisterwerken oder versteckten Cafés am Kanal fasziniert sind, dieser Reiseführer hat alles für Sie. Hier sind 5 Gründe, warum unser Guide der ideale Begleiter für Ihre Venedig-Expedition ist: Umfassende Abdeckung: Von der fesselnden "Einführung in Venedig" bis zum praktischen Abschnitt "Was Sie einpacken sollten" lässt unser Reiseführer nichts unversucht und stellt sicher, dass Sie alle Informationen, die Sie benötigen, immer zur Hand haben. Lokale Geheimnisse enthüllt: Entdecken Sie verborgene Schätze und lokale Geheimnisse, die nur erfahrene Reisende kennen. Verlassen Sie ausgetretene Pfade und erleben Sie den authentischen Charme Venedigs. Insider-Tipps: Profitieren Sie von unschätzbaren Tipps der Einheimischen für die Navigation durch Venedig, darunter die besten Zeiten für den Besuch verschiedener Viertel, familienfreundliche Vorschläge und Tagesausflüge zu nahegelegenen Juwelen. Köstliche kulinarische Entdeckungen: Tauchen Sie ein in die vielfältige kulinarische Szene Venedigs mit unserem Führer zu den "Top 10 Gerichten und Getränken, die Sie probieren sollten". Verwöhnen Sie Ihren Gaumen mit den köstlichen Angeboten der venezianischen Küche. Fertige 7-Tage-Reiseroute: Entlasten Sie die Planung mit unserem kuratierten einwöchigen Reiseplan. Folgen Sie unserem Reiseführer Schritt für Schritt für eine nahtlose und angenehme Reise durch die bezaubernden Straßen und Kanäle Venedigs. Begeben Sie sich mit Zuversicht auf Ihr venezianisches Abenteuer, bewaffnet mit dem "Venedig Reiseführer 2024" - Ihrem Schlüssel, um den Zauber dieser faszinierenden Stadt zu entdecken.

  • Spara 10%
    - Santa Mouse; Santa Mouse, Where Are You?; Santa Mouse Finds a Furry Friend
    av Michael Brown

    Join Santa's littlest helper, the bestselling, classic Christmas character Santa Mouse, in these three hardcover holiday picture books now available together in a deluxe boxed set! Sometimes giving is the best gift of all. Santa Mouse is a small creature with a big heart who proudly assists Santa every Christmas and knows that little things can be the most important. This kindhearted hardcover boxed set includes: Santa Mouse Santa Mouse, Where Are You? Santa Mouse Finds a Furry Friend

  • - The Wars of the Roses Unveiled
    av Michael Brown

    "Petals of Conflict: The Wars of the Roses Unveiled" invites you to embark on an enchanting journey through the heart of medieval England, where the air is perfumed with the scent of roses and the landscape is adorned with the tapestry of dynastic struggle. In this meticulously crafted narrative, each page unfolds like a delicate petal, revealing the intricate layers of political intrigue, noble ambitions, and the indomitable spirit of a nation caught in the throes of history. As you delve into the pages of this captivating volume, the Wars of the Roses come to life with a vividness that transcends time. The white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster, once symbols of rivalry, beckon you to witness their entwined dance-a dance that unfolds on battlefields, in the hallowed halls of power, and amidst the complexities of medieval court life. The prose weaves through the lives of monarchs and nobles, each character painted with a richness that breathes life into the historical narrative. From the Battle of St. Albans, where the first drops of noble blood stained the earth, to the pivotal clash at Towton, where destiny itself seemed to be held in the balance, "Petals of Conflict" unfurls the dramatic events with a grace that befits the unfolding drama. But this book is more than a mere chronicle of battles; it is a journey into the hearts and minds of those who shaped the destiny of a nation. The whispers of political alliances, the fragility of loyalties, and the allure of power resonate through the finely woven tapestry, inviting readers to ponder the timeless lessons that echo across the ages. The Tudor rose, a symbol of unity emerging from the crucible of conflict, takes center stage as the narrative reaches its zenith. "Petals of Conflict" delicately traces the attempts at resolution, the fragrant blossoms of diplomacy, and the enduring legacy left by the Wars of the Roses-a legacy that continues to cast its shadow on the course of English history. In the twilight of this enchanting exploration, "Petals of Conflict" beckons readers not only to witness the drama of the past but to immerse themselves in the beauty, complexity, and resilience of a society grappling with its own destiny. So, turn the pages and let the petals of conflict unfurl before you-a literary bouquet that captures the essence of a bygone era, leaving an everlasting imprint on the canvas of historical literature.

  • - Chronicles of the Comanche Nation's Dominance and Decline in American History
    av Michael Brown

    "Quanah Parker's Triumph: Chronicles of the Comanche Nation's Dominance and Decline in American History" is a mesmerizing journey through the sweeping landscapes of the North American frontier. In this compelling narrative, the rise and fall of the Comanche Nation unfold with vivid detail, capturing the essence of a people whose dominance on the plains left an indelible mark on the tapestry of American history. From the nomadic traditions that defined their way of life to the strategic brilliance and alliances that shaped their ascendancy, this book weaves a rich narrative that transcends borders and time. It delves into the complexities of encounters with settlers, explorers, and the changing tides that marked the Comanche's struggle for survival. At the heart of the story stands Quanah Parker, a visionary leader navigating the clash of cultures with resilience and diplomacy. His triumphs, intricately woven into the fabric of Comanche history, become a beacon that illuminates the path through the challenges of an evolving world. As the pages turn, readers will be captivated by the cultural richness, the battles for territory, and the echoes of a fall that reshaped the destiny of the Comanche Nation. This book is not just a historical account; it is a lyrical exploration of lessons learned, resilience tested, and a legacy that endures beyond the bounds of time. "Quanah Parker's Triumph" invites readers to embark on a poignant journey-a journey that transcends the boundaries of history and resonates with the enduring spirit of a people who faced the relentless winds of change. This chronicle is a testament to the triumphs, the challenges, and the timeless wisdom that emerges from the heart of the North American prairies.

  • - The Dred Scott Decision and the Road to Civil War
    av Michael Brown

    "Chains of Injustice: The Dred Scott Decision and the Road to Civil War" unravels the riveting narrative of a pivotal moment in American history. In this meticulously researched and eloquently written exploration, the author delves into the intricacies of the infamous Dred Scott decision, a judicial pronouncement that echoed through the corridors of power, courthouses, and town squares, shaping the destiny of a nation on the brink of rupture. As the pages unfold, readers are transported to a tumultuous era where the nation grappled with the profound questions of liberty, equality, and the expansion of slavery. The author skillfully navigates the complex legal terrain, revealing the courtroom drama that unfolded as Dred Scott sought his freedom and the Supreme Court delivered a verdict that sent shockwaves through the fabric of American society. "Chains of Injustice" transcends the courtroom, weaving a tapestry that captures the political, social, and moral upheavals of antebellum America. Through vivid storytelling, readers witness the escalating tensions, the impassioned debates, and the transformative events that ultimately led to the eruption of the Civil War. The characters, from Chief Justice Roger B. Taney to the courageous Dred Scott himself, come to life, providing a human dimension to this pivotal moment in history. This compelling narrative is not merely a historical account; it is a reflection on the enduring lessons learned and unlearned from the Dred Scott decision. It explores the far-reaching consequences that continue to shape American jurisprudence, politics, and social justice. "Chains of Injustice" invites readers to contemplate the echoes of the past and consider how the pursuit of justice and equality remains an ongoing journey. Immersive, insightful, and beautifully crafted, "Chains of Injustice" is a must-read for those who seek to understand the intricate threads that bound the nation together and, ultimately, led to its unraveling. This book is a profound exploration of a watershed moment in American history, inviting readers to grapple with the complexities of justice, freedom, and the enduring quest for a more perfect union.

  • - Thwarting the Ku Klux Klan's Bid for Power in America and the Courageous Woman Who Stood Against Them
    av Michael Brown

    "Unraveling Darkness" is a compelling narrative that unveils a gripping tale of resilience, justice, and the unwavering pursuit of equality in the face of the Ku Klux Klan's malevolent bid for power. At its heart is the story of a courageous woman whose indomitable spirit becomes a beacon of hope against the shadows of hatred. As the Klan's insidious plot unfolds, the book takes readers on a riveting journey through a turbulent period in American history. Through meticulous research and eloquent prose, it chronicles the rise of the Klan, their clandestine maneuvers to seize power, and the courageous woman who emerges as a formidable force against them. The narrative unfolds as a legal drama, showcasing the protagonist's strategic brilliance in navigating a justice system susceptible to manipulation. It weaves through the complex landscape of political and economic coercion, offering a nuanced exploration of the Klan's bid for dominance and the resilience of a community determined to resist. "Unraveling Darkness" is not just a historical account; it's a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. The book delves into the personal sacrifices, the triumphs, and the enduring legacy of the woman who stood against the Klan. It captures the essence of her transformative journey, from a lone figure facing the shadows to a symbol of courage, inspiring generations to come. Educational initiatives, community unity, and economic revitalization become pivotal themes, illustrating the protagonist's multi-faceted strategy to thwart the Klan's bid for power. The narrative unfolds as a celebration of enlightenment, unity, and economic empowerment, offering lessons that resonate far beyond the specific historical context. "Unraveling Darkness" is a poignant reminder that even in the darkest chapters of history, the human spirit can triumph over hatred. The book invites readers to witness the resilience of a community, the complexities of a legal battle, and the enduring impact of a woman's courageous stand against injustice. In a world grappling with the echoes of historical prejudices, this narrative becomes a guiding light-a powerful story of unraveling darkness and paving the way towards a more just and inclusive future.

  • - Unveiling the Life and Films of Billy Wilder
    av Michael Brown

    "Wilder: Unveiling the Life and Films of Billy Wilder" is a literary voyage into the captivating world of one of cinema's most iconic figures. This meticulously crafted exploration, akin to an intricately shot film, unravels the enigma of Billy Wilder's life, offering readers an intimate lens through which to witness the man behind the camera. Within these pages, the narrative unfolds like scenes from a film reel, tracing Wilder's journey from the cobblestone streets of Vienna to the illustrious landscapes of Hollywood. It delves into the formative chapters of his life-the echoes of his European heritage, the tender moments of romance, and the familial tapestry that shaped the auteur. The book navigates the alleys of Wilder's path to filmmaking, capturing the essence of his creative odyssey. From the spark of inspiration to the trials of directorial debut, readers are invited to witness the evolution of a storyteller whose narrative finesse left an indelible mark on the silver screen. In the chapters on collaborations and influences, the narrative weaves a tapestry of creative alliances that defined Wilder's artistry. The synergy with fellow luminaries, the dialogues with actors, and the partnerships with writers become threads in the fabric of a directorial legacy that reverberates through the annals of Hollywood history. The book paints a portrait of Wilder's signature style, exploring the nuances of his cinematic language. From the shadowy allure of "Double Indemnity" to the irreverent charm of "Some Like It Hot," readers are immersed in the distinct palette that rendered Wilder's films timeless masterpieces. Each chapter unfolds like a cinematic act, dedicating exquisite attention to Wilder's iconic works. From the haunting boulevards of "Sunset Boulevard" to the uproarious escapades of "Some Like It Hot," the book delves into the heart of each masterpiece, offering insights into the creative conflicts, criticisms faced, and the enduring impact on Hollywood's cultural landscape. The narrative reaches beyond the frames of the silver screen, delicately unraveling the tapestry of Wilder's personal life. Readers witness the interplay of love, loss, and familial bonds that colored the private canvas of the maestro. In the final chapters, the book embarks on a reflective journey through Wilder's impact on Hollywood culture, the awards and recognitions that adorned his legacy, and the enduring influence that continues to shape contemporary filmmakers. It is a homage to a cinematic luminary-a life unveiled and a filmography immortalized. "Wilder" is more than a biography; it is a cinematic odyssey, an eloquent tribute to a visionary storyteller, inviting readers to explore the intricate frames of a life lived passionately and a legacy eternally imprinted on the soul of cinema.

  • - Lincoln's Military Leaders
    av Michael Brown

    "Commanding the Potomac: Lincoln's Military Leaders" In the crucible of the American Civil War, the theater of the Potomac River witnessed the unfolding drama of a nation at war with itself. "Commanding the Potomac: Lincoln's Military Leaders" delves into the riveting narrative of the commanders who shaped the destiny of the Union and Confederacy during this pivotal period. From the meticulous organizational skills of George McClellan to the relentless tenacity of Ulysses S. Grant, and from the strategic brilliance of William T. Sherman to the tragic fate of Ambrose Burnside, this book captures the complex tapestry of leadership that defined one of the most turbulent eras in American history. Step onto the hallowed grounds of Antietam, witness the clash at Gettysburg, and traverse the campaigns along the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, "Commanding the Potomac" unveils the personal and strategic dimensions of these military leaders. Explore the challenges they faced, the decisions that shaped history, and the enduring lessons etched into the very soil of the Potomac. This book goes beyond battlefield narratives, providing insights into the human stories behind the epaulets and swords. Discover the friendships and rivalries that influenced command, the sacrifices made by leaders and their troops, and the enduring legacies that resonate through the corridors of military history. "Commanding the Potomac" is a captivating journey through the highs and lows of command during a defining chapter in American history. It offers a nuanced exploration of leadership, strategy, and the indomitable spirit that prevailed along the banks of the Potomac River. Whether you're a seasoned Civil War enthusiast or a newcomer to this pivotal era, this book promises to transport you to the heart of the conflict, where leadership forged in the fires of war left an indelible mark on a nation torn asunder.

  • - England's Medieval Matriarchs
    av Michael Brown

    Monarchs in the Making: England's Medieval Matriarchs Is a captivating journey through the annals of history, unveiling the untold stories of the formidable queens who, against the backdrop of medieval intrigue, paved the way for the powerful monarchies that would shape the course of England. In this meticulously researched and elegantly narrated exploration, we delve into the lives of remarkable women whose influence transcended the limitations of their time. From Matilda's unwavering claim to the throne to Eleanor of Aquitaine's indomitable spirit that echoed through courtly culture, each chapter unfolds the rich tapestry of England's medieval history through the lens of its dynamic and resilient queens. The pages come alive with tales of political strategy, diplomatic finesse, and cultural patronage, showcasing the integral roles these matriarchs played in the making of the monarchy. As we traverse through the challenges faced by these extraordinary women-Eleanor's tumultuous marriage to Henry II, Isabella's political machinations, and the indelible mark left by Margaret of Anjou during the Wars of the Roses-we witness the evolution of queenship, challenging and redefining traditional gender roles. "Monarchs in the Making" is not just a historical narrative; it's a celebration of feminine strength, intellect, and the enduring legacy of queens who dared to carve their destinies in a world dominated by men. Through stories of triumphs and tribulations, the book sheds light on the collective influence of these medieval matriarchs, shaping the foundations of the monarchies that followed. With its vivid storytelling and meticulous attention to historical detail, this book invites readers to traverse the corridors of medieval courts, witness the drama of political landscapes, and revel in the cultural splendor patronized by these remarkable queens. "Monarchs in the Making" is a poignant reminder that behind every great monarchy lies the indomitable spirit of the women who helped mold its destiny.

  • - The Remarkable Journey of Dr. Mae Jemison
    av Michael Brown

    Embark on an awe-inspiring voyage through the cosmos and the indomitable spirit of a true pioneer in "Beyond the Stars: The Remarkable Journey of Dr. Mae Jemison." This captivating biography unfurls the tapestry of Dr. Jemison's life, tracing her trajectory from a dreamy-eyed child in Chicago to the radiant figure who defied gravity and became the first African American woman to journey into space. In this celestial odyssey, the pages unfold like constellations, revealing the pivotal moments of Dr. Jemison's extraordinary journey. Readers will be transported aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, feeling the weightlessness of microgravity and witnessing the breathtaking Overview Effect-a perspective that transformed not just her vision of Earth but the collective aspirations of humanity. As the narrative gracefully touches down on Earth, the book unveils the post-space chapter of Dr. Jemison's life. Explore her ventures as an entrepreneur, technological innovator, and unwavering advocate for education and diversity. From the founding of the Jemison Group to her commitment to sustainable technologies, discover the far-reaching impact of a woman whose influence extends beyond the celestial expanse. "Beyond the Stars" is not merely a biography; it's a testament to the boundless potential within each of us. Through eloquent prose and vivid storytelling, this book captures the essence of Dr. Mae Jemison's legacy-an enduring inspiration that encourages readers to dream without limits, reach for the stars, and contribute to the ongoing symphony of human achievement. In a world where the sky is no longer the limit, "Beyond the Stars" invites you on a journey that transcends earthly boundaries and celebrates the remarkable life of a trailblazer whose story continues to illuminate the universe of possibility.

  • - The U.S. Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934)
    av Michael Brown

    "Shadows of Intervention: The U.S. Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934)" is a meticulously researched exploration of a pivotal chapter in history. Author Michael Brown delves into the complex and often overlooked story of the United States' military presence in Haiti during the early 20th century. This book offers a compelling narrative that unravels the layers of political intrigue, economic interests, and cultural clashes that defined the occupation. From the initial landing of U.S. Marines in 1915 to the eventual withdrawal in 1934, readers are taken on a journey through the multifaceted dynamics between the occupiers and the Haitian population. Through a lens of historical scrutiny, Michael Brsheds light on the motives behind U.S. intervention, examining the geopolitical landscape of the time and the intricate web of international relations. The book goes beyond the surface, exploring the impact of the occupation on Haitian society, its institutions, and the lives of ordinary citizens. Rich in primary sources and vivid storytelling, "Shadows of Intervention" brings to life the individuals who played key roles during this tumultuous period. The reader is introduced to the likes of Haitian leaders, American military figures, and the everyday people caught in the crossfire. This nuanced approach humanizes the historical narrative, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in foreign intervention. Furthermore, the book critically analyzes the long-term consequences of the U.S. presence in Haiti, both for the nation itself and within the broader context of American foreign policy. It explores questions of sovereignty, nation-building, and the legacy left behind, offering readers a thought-provoking examination of historical events that continue to reverberate in the present day. "Shadows of Intervention" is an essential read for scholars, history enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of a crucial period in the intertwined histories of the United States and Haiti. This book challenges preconceptions, encourages critical reflection, and contributes significantly to the ongoing discourse on the complexities of foreign intervention and its enduring impact.

  • - The Untold Story of Liz's Political Journey
    av Michael Brown

    "Unyielding Conviction: The Untold Story of Liz's Political Journey" unveils the captivating odyssey of Liz Cheney, a trailblazing figure in American politics. This meticulously crafted narrative traces the arc of her career, revealing the essence of a leader whose journey is defined by unwavering principles and an indomitable commitment to democratic values. Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a literary voyage through the labyrinth of Cheney's political evolution. Each chapter unfurls a tapestry of resilience, courage, and conviction, offering an intimate exploration of the pivotal moments that shaped her trajectory. From her tenure as the House Republican Conference Chair to the tumultuous decisions surrounding the Capitol riot, the narrative peels back the layers, exposing the complexities of Cheney's unyielding dedication to truth and constitutional ideals. The prose is a delicate dance of eloquence and insight, capturing the nuances of Cheney's character against the backdrop of a rapidly changing political landscape. Vivid descriptions transport readers to the heart of Wyoming, where Cheney's representation intertwines with the challenges and aspirations of her constituents. The narrative delicately navigates the turbulent currents of party discord, providing a nuanced exploration of Cheney's impact on the broader GOP identity. "Unyielding Conviction" transcends the traditional political biography, offering not just a chronological account but a profound exploration of the forces that have shaped and defined one of the most influential figures in contemporary politics. Through evocative storytelling, this book illuminates Liz Cheney's journey as a beacon of principled leadership, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of American political history. It is an absorbing narrative that resonates with the enduring spirit of conviction and the timeless pursuit of democratic ideals.

  • - The Life and Lessons of Charlie Munger
    av Michael Brown

    "Wisdom Unveiled: The Life and Lessons of Charlie Munger" is an illuminating journey through the remarkable life of a financial sage. This book delicately weaves the tapestry of Charlie Munger's existence, unraveling the intricacies of his personal and professional odyssey. It transcends the conventional biography, delving into the core of Munger's wisdom-a wisdom shaped by decades of experiences, triumphs, and the artistry of navigating adversities. As each chapter unfolds, readers are invited to witness the evolution of Munger's mindset, from his formative years in the heartland of America to the zenith of his partnership with Warren Buffett. The narrative transcends the confines of finance, revealing the influences that have shaped Munger's multifaceted intellect. It explores the familial ties, influential relationships, and the pivotal moments that laid the foundation for the unparalleled insights he shares with the world. The book becomes a beacon for those seeking not only to understand the intricacies of Munger's investment philosophy but also to glean profound life lessons. Through eloquent prose, it captures the essence of Munger's unique approach to decision-making, the embrace of continuous learning, and the enduring pursuit of excellence. The pages resonate with the echoes of his timeless quotes, offering readers a roadmap to cultivate their own wisdom. This literary portrait of Charlie Munger is not merely a biographical account; it is an exploration of the principles that have defined an era. "Wisdom Unveiled" invites readers to embark on a captivating voyage, discovering the layers of insight that have made Charlie Munger an icon. It is a tribute to a life well-lived, a testament to the enduring power of wisdom, and an invitation to embrace the lessons that unfold in the wake of an extraordinary journey.

  • - The Epic Tale of Napoleon
    av Michael Brown

    Imperial Ambitions: The Epic Tale of Napoleon In the corridors of power and on the vast stages of European history, Napoleon Bonaparte's meteoric rise and fall unfold in the pages of "Imperial Ambitions." This compelling narrative, woven with meticulous research and vivid storytelling, invites readers to embark on an immersive journey through the epic tale of one of history's most captivating figures. From the sun-soaked landscapes of Corsica, where a young artillery officer forged dreams of glory, to the grandeur of the French Empire that spanned continents, "Imperial Ambitions" traces Napoleon's audacious quest for power and his relentless pursuit of a vision that reshaped the destiny of nations. As the pages turn, readers witness the strategic brilliance that propelled Napoleon from the snow-covered fields of Austerlitz to the sunlit splendor of Notre-Dame, and then follow the tide of fortune through the trials of exile to Elba and the dramatic Return from Exile. The book unfurls the intricacies of the Italian Campaigns, the triumphs at Austerlitz, and the tragic turn of events during the Russian Campaign. Yet, "Imperial Ambitions" goes beyond the battlefield, delving into the intricacies of the Napoleonic Code, the political maneuvering of the Congress of Vienna, and the magnetic charisma that made Napoleon both a revered leader and a feared adversary. The Italian campaigns, the Egyptian expedition, and the guerrilla warfare that tested the mettle of the Grande Armée-all find their place in this comprehensive exploration. As the narrative sweeps across continents, from the hallowed halls of power in Paris to the windswept shores of Saint Helena, readers are invited to contemplate the toll on the Grande Armée, the struggles for control, and the legacy of Napoleon's imperial ambitions that left an indelible mark on the fabric of Europe. "Imperial Ambitions" is more than a historical account; it's a captivating odyssey that brings to life the triumphs, tragedies, and complex character of Napoleon Bonaparte. Through meticulous research and eloquent prose, this book offers a panoramic view of an era defined by ambition, conflict, and the enduring legacy of a man whose ambitions shaped the course of history.

  • - 475 Festive Oddities from Around the World
    av Michael Brown

    Did you know that in Norway, people hide their brooms on Christmas Eve to prevent them from being stolen by witches and evil spirits?Or that in Caracas, Venezuela, it's customary to roller-skate to Christmas Mass? This collection of unusual traditions will take you on a whimsical journey through the most peculiar aspects of the holiday season across the globe. Dive into the most bizarre and delightful corners of global Christmas celebrations with "Weird Christmas Traditions: 475 Festive Oddities from Around the World." This book is a sleigh ride through the quirkiest holiday customs you've never heard of. From the fiery "Krampus Run" of Austria to Japan's curious Christmas dinner, you'll be amazed at how diverse and unexpected yuletide festivities can be.Perfect for the holiday enthusiast and the culturally curious alike, "Weird Christmas Traditions" offers stories, illustrations, and insights that are as informative as they are entertaining. Each tradition is given life with vivid descriptions, presenting a tapestry of festive customs that challenge the mundane. Whether you're looking for a stocking stuffer, a conversation starter, or just want to explore Christmas from a fresh perspective, this book is the perfect pick. So, cozy up with a cup of hot cocoa and prepare to be whisked away on an international adventure that promises to redefine the way you think about Christmas.

  • - Test Prep and Practice Question Help You Succeed on American Heart Association Exam Review
    av Michael Brown

    Unlock the key to saving lives with the most up-to-date and comprehensive resource in advanced cardiovascular life support. The "ACLS Provider Manual 2023-2024" is your essential guide, brought to you by the trusted authority in cardiac care, the American Heart Association.In this newly revised edition, you'll find the latest guidelines and protocols, ensuring that you are well-prepared to respond effectively to critical cardiac emergencies. Whether you're a seasoned healthcare professional or a medical student, this manual is designed to be your indispensable companion, offering a step-by-step approach to managing complex cardiac scenarios.Key Features: Current Guidelines: Stay at the forefront of life-saving techniques with the most recent American Heart Association guidelines. We've incorporated the latest evidence-based practices and recommendations to equip you with the best tools for saving lives.Comprehensive Content: Dive into a comprehensive exploration of ACLS procedures, including the systematic approach to ACLS, the importance of effective team dynamics, and the essential pharmacology and algorithms that guide your decision-making.Realistic Scenarios: Learn through realistic scenarios and case studies that mirror real-life situations. Develop your critical thinking skills and hone your ability to make swift, informed decisions when every second counts.Interactive Resources: Access valuable digital resources, including interactive case studies, videos, and practice quizzes, to reinforce your understanding and test your knowledge.Certification Preparation: This manual serves as an ideal companion for ACLS certification courses, providing you with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in your ACLS provider exam.Trust in the American Heart Association: The AHA is a globally recognized authority in cardiac care, and this manual is a testament to its commitment to advancing cardiovascular health and improving patient outcomes.The "ACLS Provider Manual 2023-2024" is not just a book; it's a life-saving resource that empowers you to make a difference in the moments that matter most. Whether you're a healthcare professional or a student embarking on a medical career, this manual is your trusted guide to mastering advanced cardiovascular life support techniques and ultimately saving lives. Upgrade your skills, stay prepared, and be ready to respond to cardiac emergencies with confidence and expertise. Get your copy today and become a beacon of hope and care in the field of cardiac medicine.

  • - The Life and Times of Cornelius Vanderbilt
    av Michael Brown

    "An American Dynasty" is a captivating journey through the life and era of Cornelius Vanderbilt, a man whose name became synonymous with wealth, power, and the Gilded Age. In this meticulously researched and engaging biography, readers are transported to the 19th century, where they will discover the remarkable story of a self-made magnate who transformed American business and society. From his modest beginnings as a Staten Island ferryman to his rise as one of the most influential figures in American history, Cornelius Vanderbilt's life is a testament to the American Dream. This book chronicles his relentless pursuit of success, innovative business strategies, and unwavering determination to reshape the transportation industry, from steamships to railroads. Through the pages of "An American Dynasty," readers will explore the complexities of Vanderbilt's character, his unyielding ambition, and the challenges he faced in an era marked by rapid industrialization and economic growth. It delves into the family dynamics, wealth accumulation, and the ethical dilemmas of a bygone era, offering a comprehensive portrait of both the man and the times in which he lived. But Vanderbilt's legacy extends beyond his immense wealth. The narrative delves into his philanthropic endeavors, including the founding of Vanderbilt University, which continues to contribute to education and research. It examines his influence on American culture, business practices, and the enduring impact of a family dynasty. "An American Dynasty" is a thought-provoking and meticulously detailed biography that transcends time, resonating with contemporary readers seeking inspiration, insights into wealth management, ethical business practices, and the enduring influence of visionary entrepreneurs. It is a journey through the life and times of a man who left an indelible mark on American history and continues to shape the world we live in today.

  • - Rapid and Deliberate Thought
    av Michael Brown

    Mind in Two Gears: Rapid and Deliberate Thought In a world filled with constant decision-making and information overload, understanding the intricacies of the human mind's functioning is more critical than ever. "Mind in Two Gears: Rapid and Deliberate Thought" is an illuminating journey into the cognitive machinery that powers our thoughts, choices, and actions. Drawing on the groundbreaking research of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, this book delves deep into the dual-processing model of the human mind. You'll explore the intricacies of two distinct cognitive systems: System 1, the fast and intuitive mode, and System 2, the slow and analytical thinker. Through real-life examples, engaging narratives, and practical insights, this book unveils how these two gears interact and collaborate to shape our lives. Discover how System 1, the rapid thinker, operates effortlessly, making snap judgments and drawing on instinctive responses honed through experience. It's the source of your gut feelings, snap decisions, and the automatic judgments that guide your everyday life. On the other side, System 2, the deliberate thinker, steps in for complex problems, requiring careful analysis and in-depth thought. This is where you engage in critical reasoning, solve intricate puzzles, and make well-considered, strategic decisions. "Mind in Two Gears" highlights the power of harnessing both systems in harmony, showing how they are complementary forces that can be utilized for better decision-making, problem-solving, and overall cognitive performance. You'll learn to identify when each system should take the wheel and how to balance cognitive load effectively. This book is not just a guide to understanding the psychology of thought; it's a practical manual for improving your cognitive processes. Explore strategies for making better decisions, managing risks, and avoiding common cognitive biases. Dive into the world of creativity, innovation, and ethical decision-making. "Mind in Two Gears" is your key to unlocking the potential of your mind, enhancing your cognitive abilities, and applying them to real-world challenges. Whether you're a professional seeking to improve your decision-making skills, a student aiming to boost your academic performance, or simply someone intrigued by the mechanics of thought, this book is your essential companion on the journey to mastering the intricate and fascinating workings of your mind.

  • - Espionage, Patriotism, and the Hidden Tale of Pearl Harbor
    av Michael Brown
    1 049,-

    "Honolulu Shadows" is a gripping and meticulously researched historical narrative that unveils the covert world of espionage, the unwavering dedication of patriots, and a hidden tale of intrigue that intersected with the fateful events of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In this riveting account, readers are transported to the sun-drenched paradise of Hawaii, where, beneath the palm trees and blue skies, a clandestine web of spies and double agents operated in the shadows. This book peels back the layers of secrecy that surrounded the lead-up to the Pearl Harbor attack, revealing a complex and often overlooked aspect of the historical narrative. The story delves deep into the lives of individuals who inhabited the world of espionage, from American intelligence officers working tirelessly to decipher enemy codes to Japanese operatives skillfully navigating the complexities of wartime espionage. "Honolulu Shadows" presents a cast of characters, some dedicated to duty, others motivated by conflicting loyalties, all playing a role in the larger geopolitical chessboard of the Pacific during World War II. Patriotism and intrigue intertwine in this tale as individuals, fueled by their love for their countries, engage in high-stakes espionage operations, with lives and national security hanging in the balance. The book vividly portrays the tense atmosphere and the cat-and-mouse games that unfolded in the heart of paradise. As the story culminates in the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, "Honolulu Shadows" provides fresh perspectives on the factors that contributed to the success of the Japanese raid and the lessons learned in the aftermath. This meticulously researched and vividly narrated book sheds light on an aspect of World War II history that has remained shrouded in the shadows for too long. It offers a compelling look at the espionage, patriotism, and covert maneuvering that preceded one of the most significant events in modern history. "Honolulu Shadows" is a must-read for history enthusiasts, espionage aficionados, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding the attack on Pearl Harbor. It is a testament to the resilience, courage, and resourcefulness of those who, in the face of extraordinary circumstances, played their part in shaping the course of history.

  • - From Brooklyn to Broadway
    av Michael Brown

    "Barbra Streisand: From Brooklyn to Broadway" is a captivating journey through the life of an extraordinary talent. This literary masterpiece delves into the captivating story of a young girl from Brooklyn who dared to dream beyond her modest beginnings, ultimately ascending to the dazzling heights of Broadway. With lyrical prose, it unveils the magnetic charisma and the unparalleled voice that catapulted her to stardom, painting a vivid portrait of her meteoric rise. As the pages turn, the reader is transported into the heart of the theatrical world, where Barbra's talents shine brilliantly. Her journey is one of unwavering determination, an unyielding commitment to perfection, and an unquenchable thirst for excellence. It's a tale of raw emotion and the enduring pursuit of artistic mastery, each chapter a testament to her indomitable spirit. But this book is not just a chronicle of a career; it's an exploration of the human being behind the spotlight. It delves into the complexities of her personal life, the enchanting romances, the enduring love, and the enigmatic woman who lived her life in the limelight. It reveals the matters of the heart, the vulnerabilities, and the quest for personal happiness amid the challenges of fame. "Barbra Streisand: From Brooklyn to Broadway" is a journey through the melodies, the performances, and the adulation that defined her life. It's a testament to her legacy as an artist, an activist, and a beacon of change in the world. It's a poignant reflection on the enduring impact of her music, her advocacy, and her journey through fame's brightest spotlights. In the end, this book is a curtain call, a pause in the narrative that signifies not just an ending but the beginning of a new act. It's a celebration of an enigmatic woman, an icon of resilience and influence, and a reminder of the enduring power of a single individual to leave an indelible mark on the world.

  • - The Tyler Perry Story
    av Michael Brown

    "Madea to Mogul: The Tyler Perry Story" is a captivating literary masterpiece that unravels the extraordinary journey of a man who transformed adversity into triumph, resilience into creativity, and authenticity into a cultural phenomenon. This is not just a biography; it is a narrative tapestry that weaves together the threads of one man's life, his struggles, his vision, and the indelible impact he has left on the world. Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a poignant voyage through the remarkable life of Tyler Perry, from his humble beginnings in New Orleans to his iconic status as a trailblazing filmmaker and entrepreneur. The narrative captures the essence of a man who not only conquered the adversities of his early years but also defied industry norms, reshaping the landscape of entertainment as we know it. "Madea to Mogul" offers an intimate glimpse into the life and mind of Tyler Perry, exploring the influences and inspirations that fueled his passion for storytelling. His dedication to ownership, inclusivity, and representation becomes a guiding thread that takes readers through the intricacies of his journey, revealing how his vision and commitment to authenticity transformed him into a cultural icon. This book is a celebration of resilience, an ode to the enduring strength of the human spirit, and a reminder that success, when coupled with compassion and empathy, can be a catalyst for positive change. Tyler Perry's legacy is an inspiration, and "Madea to Mogul" captures the essence of his impact, extending far beyond entertainment and into the realms of philanthropy and empowerment. As you turn the pages of "Madea to Mogul," you will be transported into a world where stories have the power to provoke thought, inspire change, and connect with audiences on a profound level. It is a narrative of triumph over adversity, an exploration of the transformative potential of storytelling, and a testament to the enduring strength of one man's commitment to creating narratives that empower, inspire, and leave an indelible mark on the world. This is not just a biography; it is a journey, an inspiration, and a celebration of the power of storytelling to change lives and shape the world. "Madea to Mogul: The Tyler Perry Story" is a book that will captivate your heart, stimulate your mind, and inspire your own journey towards authenticity, creativity, and leaving a lasting legacy. Don't miss the opportunity to delve into the life of a true icon, and let this narrative touch your soul and invigorate your spirit.

  • - The Inspiring Story of George Carruthers
    av Michael Brown

    "Capturing the Stars: The Inspiring Story of George Carruthers" is not just a book; it's a journey through the cosmos, guided by the remarkable life of a true visionary. In its pages, you'll discover the captivating narrative of a stargazer whose story transcends the boundaries of the Earth and reaches for the stars. This book invites you to embark on an adventure that begins with a young boy's curiosity and culminates in groundbreaking achievements that have altered our understanding of the universe. It's a tale of perseverance in the face of adversity, a testament to the power of passion, and a celebration of the boundless potential of the human spirit. As you delve into the pages of "Capturing the Stars," you'll witness the creation of the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph (UVC), a revolutionary instrument that captured the far-ultraviolet beauty of Earth from the lunar surface during NASA's Apollo 16 mission. You'll explore the scientific wonder of this achievement, the challenges surmounted, and the awe-inspiring imagery it revealed. But this book is more than a scientific journey; it's a celebration of mentorship and education, as George Carruthers' role in inspiring young scientists comes to life. It's a testament to diversity and inclusion in the scientific community, as his unwavering commitment to opening doors and creating opportunities shines through. "Capturing the Stars" is an invitation to gaze at the night sky with fresh wonder, to be inspired by the limitless potential of the human spirit, and to acknowledge that the universe is open to those who dare to dream. George Carruthers' story is a tribute to the wonders of the cosmos, and this book is your guide to understanding the boundless realms of knowledge and discovery that await you. So, why should you buy this book? Because it's a journey of inspiration, a celebration of scientific achievement, and a reminder that the stars are not just distant specks of light; they are beacons of hope and the limitless potential of human exploration. "Capturing the Stars" is an extraordinary narrative that will awaken your curiosity, ignite your passion, and leave you with a profound sense of wonder about the universe. Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this cosmic voyage and be captivated by the extraordinary life of George Carruthers.

  • - The True Tale of Moshe Kasher
    av Michael Brown

    A Troubled Teen's Journey: The True Tale of Moshe Kasher Embark on a riveting odyssey through the tumultuous life of Moshe Kasher, a troubled teen who defied the odds to become an inspiring symbol of resilience and transformation. In "A Troubled Teen's Journey," the captivating memoir of Moshe Kasher, the raw and unfiltered narrative unfolds-a story of a white boy from Oakland who faced a harrowing descent into drugs, criminality, and mental anguish, only to emerge as a beacon of hope and self-discovery. From the gritty streets of Oakland to the corridors of rehabilitation, this is a tale that delves deep into the heart of adversity. It's a story of a young man who confronted the shadows of his past, battled inner demons, and defied the odds to find a path to healing and renewal. Through the pages of this extraordinary memoir, you'll witness Moshe's remarkable transformation-a journey marked by introspection, resilience, and unwavering determination. His story becomes a testament to the human spirit's boundless potential for growth, even in the face of daunting challenges. "A Troubled Teen's Journey" is more than just a memoir; it's a powerful testament to the enduring power of hope, inspiration, and the unwavering capacity for transformation. It's a story that will resonate with anyone who has faced adversity and sought a path toward healing and self-discovery. Prepare to be captivated by Moshe Kasher's extraordinary tale-a story of rebirth, renewal, and the remarkable transformation of a troubled teen into a beacon of hope for us all.

  • - A Journey Through the Life and Legacy of Britney Spears
    av Michael Brown

    "The Woman Within: A Journey Through the Life and Legacy of Britney Spears" is a captivating and introspective exploration of the iconic pop star's extraordinary life and enduring influence. In this beautifully crafted book, readers embark on a poignant journey that delves beyond the glittering surface of fame, offering a profound look into the heart and soul of Britney Spears. This literary masterpiece weaves a narrative that traces Britney's evolution from a young and talented girl on the cusp of stardom to a pop culture legend. It is a tale of resilience, determination, and the quest for independence. As the pages unfold, readers are immersed in the compelling chapters of her life, from her meteoric rise to her personal challenges, her advocacy efforts, and her unwavering philanthropy. "The Woman Within" is not merely a recounting of a pop star's journey; it's an exploration of the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity, the transformation of a young girl into an empowered woman, and the inspiration that emerges from her experiences. This book invites readers to reflect on the enduring themes of personal growth, the pursuit of happiness, and the indomitable strength of the human soul. With vivid storytelling, insightful analysis, and a celebration of Britney's impact on music, culture, and society, this book pays homage to the remarkable legacy of a true pop icon. It is an exquisite literary journey that resonates with the reader, evoking emotions, and leaving a lasting impression. "The Woman Within" is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring relevance of Britney Spears in the hearts and minds of fans and admirers worldwide.

  • - The Inspiring Story of Tom Wiggins
    av Michael Brown

    "Blind Music: The Inspiring Story of Tom Wiggins" is a harmonious masterpiece that transports readers to the mesmerizing world of a musical prodigy who defied the odds and left an indelible mark on history. This book is a lyrical journey through the life of Tom Wiggins, the enigmatic pianist born into darkness and discrimination, who transformed his vulnerabilities into unparalleled strengths. In the pages of "Blind Music," readers will discover the extraordinary tale of a virtuoso whose melodies transcended the boundaries of race, disability, and time. Through captivating narration, this book unveils the enigmatic personality of Tom Wiggins, a musical genius whose life continues to inspire, challenge, and uplift. As the story unfolds, readers will witness the triumph of resilience, the power of inclusivity, and the enduring influence of one individual's unwavering hope. "Blind Music" is not just a biography; it is an exploration of the human spirit's capacity to create beauty in the face of adversity and a call to action for a more equitable world. This book is a symphony of words that captures the essence of Tom's life, his advocacy for disability rights, and his enduring influence on the world of music. "Blind Music" is a tribute to a legendary figure whose story continues to inspire generations, inviting us to embrace our uniqueness, champion inclusivity, and find hope in the face of life's challenges. In "Blind Music: The Inspiring Story of Tom Wiggins," readers will find not only the biography of a musical legend but a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit and the timeless potential of art to transform lives. This book is a melody of inspiration, inviting all to celebrate their uniqueness and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.

  • - Unraveling a Dark Chapter in American History
    av Michael Brown

    In the heart of the American heartland, beneath the sprawling plains of Oklahoma, lay a treasure trove of black gold-oil. The discovery of this liquid wealth brought unprecedented prosperity to the Osage Nation, a Native American tribe that had seen its share of adversity. But beneath this newfound affluence lurked a sinister shadow, a darkness that would lead to one of the most chilling and complex murder mysteries in American history. "The Osage Murders: Unraveling a Dark Chapter in American History" takes you on a gripping journey into the heart of the 1920s, a time of flappers, jazz, and booming industry, but also a time when the Osage people found themselves in the crosshairs of a malevolent conspiracy. With meticulous research and vivid storytelling, this book exposes the layers of deceit, corruption, and violence that threatened to engulf an entire community. Author Michael Brown, renowned for their expertise in American history, guides you through this haunting narrative, revealing the lives of the Osage victims and the courageous individuals who stood against the tide of darkness. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for justice, they meticulously piece together the puzzle of the Osage Murders, highlighting the key players, the brave witnesses, and the investigators who risked it all to bring the perpetrators to justice. "The Osage Murders" is more than just a historical account; it is a reflection on the enduring themes of justice, resilience, and the pursuit of truth. As you delve into the lives of those who suffered and those who fought for justice, you'll find yourself on a journey of discovery, empathy, and reflection. This book is a powerful reminder of the shadows that can lurk behind even the most promising times in history, and it stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who seek to shine the light of justice into the darkest corners of our past. "The Osage Murders" is a must-read for history enthusiasts, true crime aficionados, and anyone who believes in the enduring power of truth and resilience.

  • - The Science of Being Happy
    av Michael Brown

    Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards lasting happiness and fulfillment? In "Crafting Your Desired Life," we delve into the fascinating intersection of science and well-being to help you unlock the secrets of a happier life. This insightful book combines the latest findings from positive psychology with practical strategies to guide you on your path to happiness. Learn how to cultivate positive emotions, set meaningful goals, and foster resilience in the face of life's challenges. Discover the art of mindfulness and the science of gratitude, and find out how they can profoundly impact your well-being. With engaging stories, evidence-based insights, and actionable advice, "Crafting Your Desired Life" empowers you to take control of your happiness. Whether you're seeking greater life satisfaction, improved relationships, or a deeper sense of purpose, this book provides the tools you need to craft the life you've always wanted. Embark on this science-backed journey and unlock the keys to lasting happiness. Your desired life is within reach, and this book will be your trusted guide along the way.

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