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Böcker av Matthew Syed

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  • - Marginal Gains and the Secrets of High Performance
    av Matthew Syed

    Columnist for The Times and bestselling author of Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice Matthew Syed argues that the key to success is a positive attitude to failure.

  • - The Power of Diverse Thinking
    av Matthew Syed

    An inspiring book about creative problem-solving from the No. 1 bestselling author of BOUNCE, BLACK BOX THINKING and YOU ARE AWESOME.

  • - Defy Self-Doubt, Fearlessly Follow Your Own Path and Be Confidently You!
    av Matthew Syed

    Discover the power of diverse thinking in this exciting new book from the bestselling, award-winning author of You Are Awesome, Matthew Syed.

  • - Find Your Confidence and Dare to be Brilliant at (Almost) Anything
    av Matthew Syed

    This positive and empowering guide, by bestselling mindset author Matthew Syed, will help boys and girls build resilience, fulfil their potential and become successful, happy, awesome adults.

  • av Matthew Syed

    From the author of You Are Awesome: Find Your Confidence and Dare to be Brilliant at (Almost) AnythingEssential reading for an astounding summer of sport; If you've ever wondered what makes a champion, Bounce has the answer.This edition does not include illustrations.What are the real secrets of sporting success, and what lessons do they offer about life? Why doesn't Tiger Woods "e;choke"e;? Why are the best figure skaters those that have fallen over the most and why has one small street in Reading produced more top table tennis players than the rest of the country put together.Two-time Olympian and sports writer and broadcaster Matthew Syed draws on the latest in neuroscience and psychology to uncover the secrets of our top athletes and introduces us to an extraordinary cast of characters, including the East German athlete who became a man, and her husband - and the three Hungarian sisters who are all chess grandmasters. Bounce is crammed with fascinating stories and statistics.Looking at controversial questions such as whether talent is more important than practice, drugs in sport (and life) and whether black people really are faster runners, the mind-bending Bounce is a must-read for the hardened sports nut or brand new convert.

  • av Matthew Syed

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  • av Matthew Syed

  • av Matthew Syed

    Help children find their confidence in Times Tables with this AWESOME curriculum-linked workbook that will encourage practise, build self esteem and a positive growth mindset.

  • av Matthew Syed

    Help children find their confidence in Maths with this AWESOME curriculum-linked workbook that will encourage practise, build self esteem and a positive growth mindset.

  • av Matthew Syed
    159 - 215

  • av Matthew Syed

    Dare to be yourself with this brilliant toolkit of goals, plans and challenges!

  • - Dare to find your confidence (and maybe even change the world)
    av Matthew Syed

    Find your way to awesome with this brilliant toolkit of goals, plans and challenges!

  • - Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, and the Science of Success
    av Matthew Syed
    215 - 329,-

    In the vein of the international bestselling Freakonomics, award-winning journalist Matthew Syed reveals the hidden clues to successin sports, business, school, and just about anything else that youd want to be great at. Fans of Predictably Irrational and Malcolm Gladwells The Tipping Point will find many interesting and helpful insights in Bounce.

  • - What Sport Teaches Us About Achieving Success
    av Matthew Syed

    Matthew Syed, the Sunday Times No.1 bestselling author of Black Box Thinking, returns with a collection of award-winning writing on the science and psychology of sport.

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