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Böcker av Mary Shelley

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  • av Mary Shelley

    "e;Dover hits a homerun with this slick edition. Frankenstein has never looked so beautiful."e; — Horror Novel ReviewsGenerations have thrilled to Mary Shelley's 1818 novel, the suspenseful tale of a well-intentioned doctorwho dares to play God and the misbegotten monster who wreaks a savage revenge on his creator. Combining elements of Gothic novels and Romantic sensibilities, Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus poses enduring questions about ambition, responsibility, the quest for scientific discovery and immortality, and the fate of social outcasts. Acclaimed as both the first modern horror novel and the first science-fiction novel, the story has inspired countless writers and artists as well as numerous film, theatrical, and television interpretations. Newly designed and reset, this handsome hardbound edition reprints all of Nino Carbé's starkly beautiful pen-and-ink drawings and endpieces from one of the earliest illustrated editions of Frankenstein. Bonus images include five full-color paintings created by Carbé, a noted Walt Disney artist, in the 1980s. The artist's daughter, Elizabeth Carbé, provides a new Foreword

  • av Mary Shelley

  • av Mary Shelley

    We present to you Mary Shelley's classic tale of science gone wrong. Victor Frankenstein creates a monster and raises him from the dead. The result is a terror unleashed upon a world unready to see such horrors.

  • av Mary Shelley

    This stunning Oxford Children's Classic edition is the perfect introduction to Frankenstein-the groundbreaking gothic horror novel. Features an introduction by Kiran Millwood Hargrave and other bonus material including insights for readers, facts, activities and more . . .

  • av Mary Shelley

    This is a gothic science-fiction story, written in 1818, by Mary Shelley when she was only 18 Years old. The novel portrays a crazy scientist Victor Frankenstein that takes on the role of God by creating a new life from the dead that turns into a monster. Did Victor Frankenstein fail as an inventor? Did the society's rejection and isolation turned the creation into a monster?

  • av Mary Shelley

    The first year of the story is 2073 in England. Lionel Verney and Perdita Verney are siblings who struggle to survive after the death of their parents. Adrian, the Earl of Windsor, discovers them and gives them a place to live. Raymond is in love with Perdita and asks her to marry him. She loves Raymond intensely, and they marry. Lionel deeply loves Adrian's sister Idris, and when she comes to Lionel to save her from being taken to Germany, he rescues her and they marry. Adrian has been ill in Scotland since Evadne left England, but he returns to England and regains his health.The extended family lives together for five happy years. Children are born to the couples, and their lives are blissful. When it is time for a new Lord Protector of England to be elected, Raymond decides to leave Windsor with his family to live in London. He becomes the new Lord Protector, and he is full of plans to improve the country. But he grows bored, and his life begins to fall apart. He leaves for Greece with Adrian, and when Perdita learns that Raymond is missing in Greece, she immediately leaves to find him. Lionel goes with her.Lionel Verney, Perdita Verney, and Raymond's daughter Clara go to Greece to find Raymond. He wants to retake command of the Greek army and defeat the Turks who rule over Greece. He leads the army to victory in Rodosto and then proceeds to Constantinople to claim that city for the Greeks. The plague has entered the city, and all its inhabitants are dead. Raymond enters the city to place the Greek flag at the top of St. Sophia, but he dies from the plague. His wife commits suicide.When Lionel and Clara return to England, life at Windsor proceeds without immediate threat from the plague. Adrian becomes energized and takes over the protectorate. He encourages the aristocracy to allow their lands to be farmed for food. When the plague reaches Italy and France, immigrants come north to England. Lionel and his family take care of many of them at Windsor. The approach of summer in England inspires a decision in Lionel. He wants to take his family south and out of England.Many English people arrive at the coast to go to France, but there is a storm that detains them for three days. A group of English people arrives from Paris to tell them they should not go there. In Paris there are only about a hundred survivors. Adrian, Lionel, and their group of about 1,500 survivors leave Versailles for a colder climate where they believe the plague will not be as virulent. They travel to Switzerland, but by the time they reach the Alps there are only 50 people remaining in the group. There are no survivors in Switzerland. The plague has lasted for seven years. Eventually, there are only four remaining survivors including Lionel, Adrian, Clara, and Evelyn. The four of them travel to Lake Como in Italy where Evelyn dies. Lionel, Adrian, and Clara leave Lake Como for Rome.The three survivors travel through Venice and decide to go by boat to Greece instead of going to Rome. There is a ferocious storm, and Adrian and Clara drown. Lionel is able to swim to shore. He realizes he is the last man on earth.

  • av Mary Shelley

  • av Mary Shelley

    Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein is a classic horror story as well as an early foray into the genre of science fiction. An astute study of the hubris of a man who reached too far, this tale of obsession and terror has resonated through the centuries.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein es un clásico atemporal y una obra pionera de la literatura gótica escrita por Mary Shelley. Publicada por primera vez en 1818 -una época en la que las mujeres que escribían ficción se encontraban con la resistencia de la sociedad-, esta novela se ha convertido desde entonces en parte fundamental de la historia de la literatura y de la ciencia ficción.La historia gira en torno a Victor Frankenstein, un joven científico brillante y ambicioso movido por un deseo insaciable de desvelar los secretos de la vida y la muerte. Su obsesión le lleva a construir un ser artificial mediante un osado y macabro experimento científico.La criatura a la que Victor da vida es un ser terrorífico pero sensible e inteligente. Lleno de remordimientos y horror ante la visión de su propia creación, Victor abandona a la criatura, intentando olvidar las consecuencias de sus actos. Sin embargo, su abandono pone en marcha una trágica cadena de acontecimientos que le perseguirán el resto de su vida.A lo largo de la novela, Shelley explora temas de gran profundidad, como los peligros de la ambición desmedida, la ética de los descubrimientos científicos, las consecuencias del rechazo humano y la esencia de la propia humanidad. El libro sigue cautivando al público y suscitando debates sobre las consideraciones éticas de los avances científicos, así como sobre la capacidad humana de empatía, aceptación y responsabilidad.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein es un clásico atemporal y una obra pionera de la literatura gótica escrita por Mary Shelley. Publicada por primera vez en 1818 -una época en la que las mujeres que escribían ficción se encontraban con la resistencia de la sociedad-, esta novela se ha convertido desde entonces en parte fundamental de la historia de la literatura y de la ciencia ficción.La historia gira en torno a Victor Frankenstein, un joven científico brillante y ambicioso movido por un deseo insaciable de desvelar los secretos de la vida y la muerte. Su obsesión le lleva a construir un ser artificial mediante un osado y macabro experimento científico.La criatura a la que Victor da vida es un ser terrorífico pero sensible e inteligente. Lleno de remordimientos y horror ante la visión de su propia creación, Victor abandona a la criatura, intentando olvidar las consecuencias de sus actos. Sin embargo, su abandono pone en marcha una trágica cadena de acontecimientos que le perseguirán el resto de su vida.A lo largo de la novela, Shelley explora temas de gran profundidad, como los peligros de la ambición desmedida, la ética de los descubrimientos científicos, las consecuencias del rechazo humano y la esencia de la propia humanidad. El libro sigue cautivando al público y suscitando debates sobre las consideraciones éticas de los avances científicos, así como sobre la capacidad humana de empatía, aceptación y responsabilidad.

  • - Great Stories: Intermediate
    av Mary Shelley

    One dark, stormy night in 1816, in Geneva, Switzerland, a small group of English poets and writers decided to tell ghost stories by candlelight. Challenged to write an original ghost story, 18-year-old Mary Shelley created the story of Victor Frankenstein and the monster he brought to life. This version of one of the most famous horror stories in the world has been adapted for intermediate English language learners and includes vocabulary support, notes on the story, and critical thinking and discussion questions.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein is the story of an eccentric scientist Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Victorundertakes an unconventional experiment, succeeds in creating a living being but with horrifyingresults. Written by Mary Shelley when she was young, this story is the first science-fiction novelto achieve cult status, and is a bone-chilling read.Victor Frankenstein, born into an affluent Swiss family, seeks knowledge and goes on to explorenew fields in science. He ends up creating a ghastly being

  • av Mary Shelley
    385 - 415,-

  • av Mary Shelley
    459 - 719,-

  • av Mary Shelley

    "First published in Great Britain by Henry Colburn in 1836"--Title page verso.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein; or perhaps, The Modern Prometheus is actually an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen, and the first edition was published anonymously in London on one January 1818, when she was twenty. The name of her first came out in the next edition, which was published in Paris in 1821.Frankenstein is actually a frame story written in epistolary form. It documents a fictional correspondence between Captain Robert Walton and the sister of his, Margaret Walton Saville. The story takes place in the eighteenth century (the letters are actually dated as "17 "). Robert Walton is actually a failed writer who sets out to explore the North Pole in hopes of expanding scientific knowledge. During the voyage, the crew spots a dog sled driven by a gigantic figure.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Mary W. Shelley (1797-1851) wurde beim Erscheinen ihres Erstlingsromans "Frankenstein" im Jahre 1818 schlagartig berühmt und international bekannt.Hier sind drei ihrer kürzeren Stücke versammelt, ein Essay und zwei Kurzgeschichten, die sich mit dem Phantastischen beschäftigen; ein Thema, das nur einen Teil ihres literarischen Spektrums darstellt.Shelley zeigt sich hier auch als Philosophin hinsichtlich der Fragen, ob ewiges Leben wirklich wünschenswert ist und ob Katzen etwas mit Geistern zu tun haben.Im Einzelnen: Über Geister / Roger Dodsworth - Der wiederbelebte Engländer / Der sterbliche Unsterbliche

  • av Mary Shelley

    Mary W. Shelley (1797-1851) wurde beim Erscheinen ihres Erstlingsromans "Frankenstein" im Jahre 1818 schlagartig berühmt und international bekannt. Hier sind drei ihrer kürzeren Stücke versammelt, abenteuerliche Erzählungen vom "Kontinent", die sich in einem Europa abspielen, das dem heutigen Leser fremd erscheinen muss: Polnische Patrioten auf der Flucht vor russischen Agenten im lieblichen Italien; Griechenland im Freiheitskampf gegen die türkischen Osmanen; ein wilder Balkan ohne Grenzen, von Piraten und Banditen durchstreift.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Mary W. Shelley (1797-1851) wurde beim Erscheinen ihres Erstlingsromans "Frankenstein" (1818) schlagartig berühmt und international bekannt. Hier sind vier ihrer kürzeren Stücke versammelt, romantische Erzählungen, in deren Mittelpunkt verschiedene Frauenschicksale der damaligen Zeit stehen: mal herzzerreißend als Geschichte von Entsagung und unverhofftem Glück; mal zynisch als Bericht einer Brautschau hinter Klostermauern; mal melancholisch als tragische Geschichte eines gescheiterten gesellschaftlichen Aufstiegs.Das unsichtbare MädchenEine Braut im modernen ItalienDie AufsteigerinDie Pilger

  • av Mary Shelley & C. S. R. Calloway

  • av Mary Shelley

    Hier sind drei kürzere Stücke Mary Shelleys versammelt, historische Erzählungen, aus unterschiedlichen Epochen und verschiedenen Ländern: die Geschichte eines Traumes als Liebesprobe aus dem Frankreich der Religionskriege; eine Geschichte der Leidenschaften aus der Zeit, als Italien Schauplatz des Kampfes zwischen der staufischen Kaisermacht und dem universalen Anspruch des Papsttums war; und die Geschichte von einem diabolischen Doppelgänger in den Wirren der napoleonischen Ära.

  • av Mary Shelley

    En 1818, lors d'un jeu entre amis au cours duquel chacun devait écrire une histoire d'épouvante, Mary Shelley écrit le roman qui par son succès occulte ses autres ¿uvres, Frankenstein. Si l'imagerie populaire est surtout marquée par les nombreuses adaptations du roman, notamment cinématographique, ces dernières sont pourtant très éloignées de l'¿uvre originale. Pourtant, ce chef d'¿uvre de la littérature gothique, reste encore aujourd'hui, une fascinante histoire horrifique et philosophique, également considérée comme l'un des premiers romans de science-fiction.À propos de cette édition,Ce célèbre roman de Mary Shelley vous est présenté dans sa première version de 1818 et non dans celle de 1831, révisée par son autrice. Cette version de 1818 est jugée par la critique contemporaine comme une plus juste représentation de l'état d'esprit de Mary Shelley à l'époque de l'écriture.Pour cette édition bilingue, les textes originaux et leurs traductions ont été alignés, de sorte que les paragraphes correspondants apparaissent côte à côte. Des sauts de lignes peuvent décaler le début d'un paragraphe afin de maintenir au mieux une correspondance de contenus entre les pages en langue originale et en français.Bonne lecture,

  • av Mary Shelley

    Victor Frankenstein não é verde, como muita gente imagina. A descrição de Mary Shelley é a de um ser com a pele amarelada, cabelos longos e negros, dentes proeminentes e estatura elevada - cerca de 2, 5 metros.

  • av Mary Shelley

    Dr. Victor Frankenstein never considers the consequences of his obsession. In his zeal to understand and harness the secret of life, he neglects his family and friends, isolates himself from the world, and ignores his own health. For years, he labors to create a new race of intelligent beings. He spends his nights scrounging human and animal body parts from graveyards, slaughterhouses, and hospital dissection rooms. By day he experiments in his secret laboratory, learning from his mistakes and perfecting the creature who, he believes, will worship him as a god. But this hubris is not his only sin. When he succeeds, Frankenstein is horrified by the ugly brutishness of the patchwork being he has brought to life. Rather than exult in his accomplishment, he runs from it, retreating to the comfort of long-neglected friends and family. Frankenstein has, indeed, created a monster. Not by reanimating dead flesh but by abandoning his creation and planting within it the seeds of rage and loneliness. Now, the monster is out for revenge.

  • av Mary Shelley

    É a história de um ser humano criado em laboratório pelas mãos do homem: o Dr. Victor Frankenstein. A criatura não tem nome; mas adquire vontade própria e surpreendente o mundo com suas atitudes e sentimentos. Inacreditável que este enredo fantástico que inspirou tantos desdobramentos para outras histórias e dezenas de filmes saiu da cabeça de uma garota de dezenove anos; em 1816.

  • av Mary Shelley

    "I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel..." "There was none among the myriads of men who existed who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared everlasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery." - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein Frankenstein (1818) is a brilliant story curated by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein and his obsession with creating life. He darns various body parts to create a creature and infuses life into it. The first sight of his creation horrifies Frankenstein. Terrified of the 'monster' he has created, Frankenstein wishes him away. But the tale takes an interesting turn when the monster starts having desires of his own and refuses to live in this world alone.

  • av Mary Shelley
    299 - 475

  • av Mary Shelley

    Texte intégral. Cet ouvrage s¿inscrit dans un projet de sauvegarde et de valorisation de bibliothèques et de fonds patrimoniaux anciens, rares ou oubliés, appartenant à la littérature des 19e et 20e siècles. Une collection de grands classiques, d¿écrits pour le théâtre, de poésie, mais aussi des livres d¿histoire, de philosophie ou d¿économie, de récits de voyage ou de livres pour la jeunesse à re-découvrir via les librairies en ligne ou à lire sur papier avec une mise en page étudiée pour favoriser le confort de lecture.

  • av Mary Shelley

    A deluxe collector's edition of one of the world's most iconic horror novels, featuring 24 full-page illustrations by award - winning artist John Coulthart, coloured fore-edges and a printed slipcase. A work of art in the form of a book.

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