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Böcker av Marquis de Sade

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  • av Marquis de Sade

    A new translation of Sade’s most notorious, shocking, and influential novel. Winner of the 2017 Scott Moncrieff Prize  This distressing but hugely important text has influenced countless individuals throughout history: Flaubert and Baudelaire both read Sade; the surrealists were obsessed with him; film-makers like Pasolini saw parallels with twentieth-century history in his writings; and feminists such as Andrea Dworkin and Angela Carter clashed over him. This new translation brings Sade''s provocative novel into Penguin Classics for the first time, and will reignite the debate around this most controversial of writers.  For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

  • - Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings
    av Marquis de Sade

    Here, in one volume, are three major novels by the Marquis de Sade, including the only authentic and complete British edition of his most famous work JUSTINE: one of his most daring works, PHILOSOPHY IN THE BEDROOM: and the eighteenth-century masterpiece, EUGENIE DE FRANVAL.

  • - Heroic and tragic Tales, Preceded by an Essay on Novels
    av Marquis de Sade

    Who but the Marquis de Sade would write, not of the pain, tragedy, and joy of love but of its crimes? Murder, seduction, and incest are among the cruel rewards for selfless love in his stories; tragedy, despair, and death the inevitable outcome. This new selection includes 'An Essay on Novels', Sade's penetrating survey of the novelist's art.

  • av Marquis de Sade

  • av Marquis de Sade

    "Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue" is a novel written by Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade, a French writer and philosopher known for his provocative and controversial works. The novel was first published in 1791 and is considered one of de Sade's most famous and infamous writings.The story revolves around the eponymous character, Justine, who embodies the virtues of purity, innocence, and moral rectitude. Despite her virtuous nature, she faces a series of misfortunes, including sexual exploitation, violence, and degradation. The novel explores the contrast between Justine's unwavering commitment to morality and the corrupt and depraved world she encounters."Justine" is a vivid and explicit narrative that challenges societal norms and questions the consequences of virtue in a world dominated by vice. It is a critique of the hypocrisy and cruelty of the society in which Justine lives and reflects de Sade's libertine philosophy.The novel is known for its explicit and controversial content, which includes themes of sexual sadism and violence. While "Justine" continues to generate debate and discussion, it also serves as a significant work in the history of literature, exploring the boundaries of morality and the darker aspects of human nature.Keywords: Marquis de Sade, "Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue," virtue, morality, sexual exploitation, violence, depravity, libertine philosophy, controversial literature.

  • av Marquis de Sade
    335 - 399,-

  • av Marquis de Sade

    "Justine ou les Malheurs de la Vertu" est un roman écrit par Donatien Alphonse François, mieux connu sous le nom de Marquis de Sade. Publié pour la première fois en 1791, l'¿uvre est emblématique de la littérature libertine et controversée du XVIIIe siècle. Voici un résumé de l'¿uvre :L'histoire suit les péripéties de Justine, une jeune femme vertueuse et pieuse, à travers une série d'épreuves et de malheurs. Elle est guidée par une croyance profonde en la vertu et la justice divine. Cependant, malgré sa dévotion à la vertu, Justine est constamment confrontée à des situations tragiques et des épreuves brutales.Au fil de l'histoire, Justine croise des personnages cyniques et immoraux qui exploitent sa vulnérabilité et sa bonté. Elle est victime de violences, d'abus et de malheurs, tandis que ceux qui embrassent le vice et l'immoralité semblent souvent prospérer.Le roman explore des thèmes de morale, de vertu, de perversion et de cruauté. Il remet en question les notions conventionnelles de vertu et de vice, mettant en lumière les contradictions et les paradoxes de la société et de la nature humaine."Justine ou les Malheurs de la Vertu" est un exemple emblématique de l'¿uvre du Marquis de Sade, caractérisée par son exploration des tabous sexuels et sociaux de l'époque. L'¿uvre a suscité de nombreuses controverses et a été étudiée pour ses commentaires sur la morale et la nature humaine.

  • av Marquis de Sade
    329 - 399,-

  • av Marquis de Sade

    La Philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les Instituteurs immoraux est un ouvrage du marquis de Sade, publié en 1795.Le sous-titre en est Dialogues destinés à l'éducation des jeunes demoiselles.Extrait : " VOLUPTUEUX de tous les âges et de tous les sexes, c¿est à vous seuls que j¿offre cet ouvrage ; nourrissez-vous de ses principes, ils favorisent vos passions, et ces passions, dont de froids et plats moralistes vous effrayent, ne sont que les moyens que la nature emploie pour faire parvenir l¿homme aux vues qüelles a sur lui ; n¿écoutez que ces passions délicieuses, leur organe est le seul qui doive vous conduire au bonheur.Femmes lubriques, que la voluptueuse Saint-Ange soit votre modèle ; méprisez, à son exemple, tout ce qui contrarie les loix divines du plaisir qui l¿enchaînèrent toute sa vie."

  • av Marquis de Sade
    329 - 345,-

  • av Marquis de Sade
    329 - 399,-

  • av Marquis de Sade
    319 - 459

  • av Marquis de Sade

  • av Marquis de Sade

    Juliette oder die Vorteile des Lasters ist der 1796 vom Schriftsteller Marquis de Sade verfasste Folgeroman des Werks mit dem Titel Justine oder das Missgeschick der Tugend. Der Roman enthält eine Vielzahl von sadomasochistischen Szenen, die von philosophischen Einlassungen der handelnden Hauptpersonen unterbrochen werden. Nach dem Tod der Eltern verlassen die mittellosen Schwestern Justine und Juliette die Klosterschule. Die bisexuelle, grausame und lasterhafte Juliette wird Prostituierte, lernt einflussreiche Freunde kennen, begeht eine Vielzahl von Verbrechen und erlangt Reichtum und Glück. Die tugendhafte Justine hingegen erlebt ein Unglück nach dem anderen und wird von den Menschen gepeinigt und für ihre Moral bestraft.

  • av Marquis de Sade

  • av Marquis de Sade

    Les Crimes de l'Amour est une oeuvre écrite par Le Marquis de Sade. On parle des délices de l'amour. Sade choisit d'en évoquer les crimes. L'amour devenu passion brûle tout ce qui n'est pas lui. La passion de Sade, dans ces nouvelles, est une passion incestueuse. M. de Franval aime, à la folie, sa fille Eugénie. La malheureuse Florville, après avoir été séduite par son frère, sera aimée de son propre fils et épousée par son père. L'inceste, c'est l'amour absolu, l'amant se double d'un père. L'inceste est aussi la contestation absolue. Le marquis de Sade est un révolutionnaire qui renie l'ordre social et religieux du XVIIIe siècle. L'inceste, enfin, est le repli suprême sur sa propre famille et sur soi-même. Le style de ces nouvelles est admirable. L'action en est mouvementée, sanglante. Le clair-obscur de chaque être, Sade, l'a mis à nu avec génie.

  • av Marquis de Sade
    369 - 485

  • av Marquis de Sade

    Part of Sade's The Crimes of Love cycle, this shocking tale - which was among the writings banned for publication until the twentieth century - tests the limits of morality and portrays the disastrous consequences of freedom and pleasure.

  • av Marquis de Sade

  • - or, the Philosophical Novel
    av Marquis de Sade

    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary tale. Turbulence disrupts virtuous lives when corrupt schemers work incestuous designs upon them that don’t stop with abduction and seduction — as crime imposes tragic obstacles to love and delivers harsh threats to morality and religion.  Embedded within Aline and Valcour are sojourns in unknown lands in Africa and the South Seas: Butua, a cannibalistic dystopia, and Tamoé, a utopian paradise headed by a philosopher-king. In Butua, a lustful chief and callous priesthood rule over a doomed people, with atrocious crimes committed in broad daylight, while in Tamoé happiness and prosperity reign amidst benevolent anarchy. Although not sexually explicit, Aline and Valcour shared the fate of Sade’s other novels — banned in 1815 and later classified a prohibited work by the French government. Published clandestinely, it did not appear in bookstores until after WWII. Continuously in print in France ever since, today it occupies the first volume of the Pléiade edition of the author’s collected works. This is the very first rendering of the book into English since its publication in 1795.

  • - or, the Philosophical Novel
    av Marquis de Sade

    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary tale. Turbulence disrupts virtuous lives when corrupt schemers work incestuous designs upon them that don’t stop with abduction and seduction — as crime imposes tragic obstacles to love and delivers harsh threats to morality and religion.  Embedded within Aline and Valcour are sojourns in unknown lands in Africa and the South Seas: Butua, a cannibalistic dystopia, and Tamoé, a utopian paradise headed by a philosopher-king. In Butua, a lustful chief and callous priesthood rule over a doomed people, with atrocious crimes committed in broad daylight, while in Tamoé happiness and prosperity reign amidst benevolent anarchy. Although not sexually explicit, Aline and Valcour shared the fate of Sade’s other novels — banned in 1815 and later classified a prohibited work by the French government. Published clandestinely, it did not appear in bookstores until after WWII. Continuously in print in France ever since, today it occupies the first volume of the Pléiade edition of the author’s collected works. This is the very first rendering of the book into English since its publication in 1795.

  • - or, the Philosophical Novel
    av Marquis de Sade

    Set against the impending riptide of the French Revolution and composed while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille, Aline and Valcour embodies the multiple themes that would become the hallmark of his far more sulfurous works.  This epistolary work combines genres, interweaving the adventure story with the libertine novel and the novel of feelings to create a compelling, unitary tale. Turbulence disrupts virtuous lives when corrupt schemers work incestuous designs upon them that don’t stop with abduction and seduction — as crime imposes tragic obstacles to love and delivers harsh threats to morality and religion.  Embedded within Aline and Valcour are sojourns in unknown lands in Africa and the South Seas: Butua, a cannibalistic dystopia, and Tamoé, a utopian paradise headed by a philosopher-king. In Butua, a lustful chief and callous priesthood rule over a doomed people, with atrocious crimes committed in broad daylight, while in Tamoé happiness and prosperity reign amidst benevolent anarchy. Although not sexually explicit, Aline and Valcour shared the fate of Sade’s other novels — banned in 1815 and later classified a prohibited work by the French government. Published clandestinely, it did not appear in bookstores until after WWII. Continuously in print in France ever since, today it occupies the first volume of the Pléiade edition of the author’s collected works. This is the very first rendering of the book into English since its publication in 1795.

  • - Un conte philosophique du Marquis de Sade (texte integral)
    av Marquis de Sade

    Les Infortunes de la vertu est un conte philosophique de Sade, écrit en 1787. L'ouvrage est écrit entre le 23 juin et le 8 juillet 1787, alors que Sade est emprisonné à la Bastille. Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu, publiée en 1791, est la seconde version de cette histoire, qui sera elle-même suivie d'une troisième version, La Nouvelle Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu, publiée en 1799. Le prénom de l'héroïne, Justine, est celui qui avait été donné à Catherine Trillet, domestique au château de La Coste en 1776. Le manuscrit des Infortunes de la vertu a été mis au jour en 1909 par Guillaume Apollinaire et a été publié pour la première fois en 1930.

  • av Marquis de Sade

    Originally published in 1800, Crimes of Passion contained eleven stories and an essay on the novel. The present book contains three (abridged) tales. In ';Florville and Courval' we find not only a reinterpretation and elaboration of the Oedipus myth, but an unforgettable illustration of Donatien Alphonse Franois de Sade's artistic creed. He was not simply an eccentric aristocrat with artistic pretensions, but a pathological rebel against the Age of Enlightenment, and a prisoner of the Prince of Darkness. Two other tales are presented here. ';Juliette and Raunai' has a historical setting. It is sentimental and melodramatic. In it, virtue does triumph, but not before the lovers have run the gamut of human suffering. ';Miss Henriette Stralson' has a contemporary setting and ranks above his historical tales. In it, virtue wins only a pyrrhic victory.

  • av Marquis de Sade

    Justine, aged twelve sets off to make her way in France. The book follows her until age 26, in her quest for virtue. She is presented with sexual lessons, hidden under a virtuous mask. The unfortunate situations include: the time when she seeks refuge and confession in a monastery, but is forced to become a sex-slave to the monks, who subject her to countless orgies, rapes, and similar rigours.

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