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Böcker av Marina Simcoe

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  • av Marina Simcoe

    "Stay with me, Sparrow, and there'll be no storms." I thought I knew Voron, but there is so much more to this man. As secrets start to unravel and his past comes to light, I learn everything, the good, the bad, and the cruel.Voron is not an easy man to love. Yet I can't help falling deeper in love with him. I've put all my trust into this man. Will that prove to be a grave mistake?As his ambition seems to come between us, will my love for him be my ruin?Or will the prophecy finally be fulfilled and Sky Kingdom will get the great, just, and powerful king it was promised?___________________________The final book of the duet Wingless Crow, Crownless King is a Fae Romance for adults set in Marina Simcoe's world of the River of Mists. It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and is intended for mature readers.____________________________Stories set in the world of the River of Mists:Wingless CrowCrownless KingFire in StoneHearts on FireSerpent's TouchSerpent's ClaimMadame Tan's Freakshow trilogy:Call of WaterMadness of the MoonPower of RageNOTE: All duets and trilogies in the River of Mists can be read independently.

  • av Marina Simcoe
    255 - 519

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

    I am his treasure.When I was twelve, my cousin disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Thirteen years later, the shadows from another world cross into ours once again, and this time they snatch me, along with my sister and my friend.Night reigns in the black desert of Alveari Kingdom. Its people are unable to experience happiness on their own, and I am to become the Joy Vessel for their Crown Prince, even as I don't feel particularly joyful about such a future.As I spend more time with Prince Rha, I begin to understand how humans brighten the gloomy existence of his people and how much I mean to him. I am his treasure, his most prized possession, and a prisoner in his oasis palace.When I get a chance to escape my somber prince, we both are put to the test.Can I leave him, knowing that if I don't, the people I love will remain trapped here forever?Can he set me free if it means he'd never see me again?__________________________Somber Prince is a contemporary fantasy romance between a shadow fae and a human (MF). It takes place mostly in the secondary world which is a part of Marina Simcoe's River of Mists universe.Each book of the trilogy contains a complete love story of a separate couple.Somber Prince contains descriptive scenes of intimacy and intended for mature readers.__________________________Books in the world of the River of Mists: Joyless Kingdom Trilogy: Somber Prince, book 1Joy Guardian, book 2Wingless Crow DuetFire in Stone DuetSerpent's Touch DuetMadame Tan's Freakshow Trilogy: Call of Water, book 1Madness of the, book 2Moon Power of Rage, book 3All duets and trilogies in the River of Mists can be read independently.Read less

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Complete duet includes:Serpent's Touch, part 1Mysterious and tragic, Madame Tan's menagerie is the only home I've ever known. It's a place where two worlds merge, a twilight zone between Earth and the magical Kingdom of Nerifir.The menagerie is filled with fantastic animals, but I discover that Madame captures and displays sentient beings too.One of them is locked in a crate day and night, not seen by anyone, and one day I learn why-looking at him kills. Even talking to Kyllen is forbidden, but I break that rule. I break many rules for him.He wants his freedom and offers me a chance to escape Madame's cruelties.Little do I realize that with Kyllen, my heart is in even greater danger than my life.Can I love a man whom I can't even see?ANDSerpent's Claim, part 2Life in Nerifir is beautiful, magical, and dangerous.I came to the Kingdom of Lorsan hoping to find home but found envy and betrayal.When everything is taken from me-my sight, my freedom, and my love-I need to search deep for the strength to go on.Now, I no longer wish for just a safe place to live. I want a true home, a place where I belong. And I'm ready to fight for it, even if that means taking over the kingdom.____________________The Serpent's Touch duet is a Romantic Fantasy with MF Romance. It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and is intended for mature readers.NOTE: Illustration are available only in the hardcover format, not in the ebook.____________________Stories set in the world of the River of Mists:Joyless Kingdom Trilogy:Somber Prince, book 1Wingless Crow DuetFire in Stone DuetSerpent's Touch DuetMadame Tan's Freakshow TrilogyCall of WaterMadness of the MoonPower of RageAll duets and trilogies can be read independently.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Duologie complète.La Caresse du Serpent, Partie 1:Mystérieuse et tragique, la ménagerie de Madame Tan est la seule maison que j'ai connue de toute mon existence. C'est un lieu où deux mondes se rejoignent, une zone crépusculaire entre la Terre et le royaume magique de Nérifir.La ménagerie est pleine d'animaux fantastiques, mais j'ai découvert que Madame capturait et exposait aussi des êtres conscients, sensibles, intelligents.L'un d'entre eux est enfermé jour et nuit dans une caisse, loin des regards, et j'ai découvert pourquoi : le voir peut vous tuer. Parler à Kyllen était même totalement interdit, mais j'ai enfreint cette loi de la ménagerie. J'ai transgressé beaucoup de règles pour lui.Il veut retrouver sa liberté et m'offre une chance d'échapper aux cruautés de Madame, en partant avec lui.Mais avec Kyllen, mon c¿ur est encore plus en danger que ma vie.Puis-je aimer un homme que je ne peux même pas regarder ?_______________La Conquête du Serpent, Partie 2:À Nérifir, la vie est belle, magique et dangereuse. Je suis venue au royaume de Lorsan dans l'espoir de trouver une nouvelle maison, mais j'y ai trouvé la jalousie et la trahison. Lorsque tout m'est enlevé - la vue, la liberté et l'amour - je dois puiser au plus profond de moi la force de persévérer. Aujourd'hui, je ne veux plus seulement d'un endroit sûr où vivre. Je veux un véritable foyer, un endroit où appartenir. Et je suis prête à me battre pour cela, même si cela signifie prendre le contrôle du royaume.____________________________La Caresse du Serpent est un roman de fantasy avec une histoire d'amour entre un homme et une femme. Il vise un public adulte.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Des extraterrestres sont venus sur Terre pour kidnapper nos femmes, mais ça a échoué. Maintenant, ils les renvoient, et je suis chargée de ramener les femmes de l'orbite.Depuis que j'ai posé les yeux sur le commandant du vaisseau extraterrestre, j'ai eu le béguin pour lui. Qui peut m'en vouloir ? Il est grand et magnifique, avec une peau couleur nuit. Il a une voix qui ronronne ou rugit selon les cas, et sept longues queues qu'il sait parfaitement bien utiliser.Je sais que je ne peux pas l'avoir. Je ne lui ai même jamais parlé. Mais lorsqu'un incident provoque l'évanouissement du commandant, je n'ai d'autre choix que de l'emmener dans ma cabane de chasse isolée. Au lieu de coopérer, le commandant pense qu'il a été enlevé.Maintenant, j'ai un extraterrestre énervé en liberté dans la nature canadienne qui porte mon Snuggie.Je dois le retrouver sinon je risque de perdre mon job et de déclencher un conflit interplanétaire... entre autres.Ce que je ne sais pas, c'est que le retrouver sera au prix de mon c¿ur._______________________Tous les livres de la série Un Alien pour les fêtes sont indépendants, vaguement connectés par le même monde et le fait que tous les héros ont une queue.Les livres de cette série peuvent être lus dans n'importe quel ordre.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Mon mari a des cornes, des sabots, de la fourrure et une queue.Son allure de Krampus, mi-bouc mi-démon, ne m'empêcha pas de l'épouser. Plutôt optimiste, j'avais accepté avec enthousiasme d'être la première mariée embarquée pour Voran, un territoire de la planète Neron tout récemment découverte, dans le cadre du nouveau programme de liaison. Le Colonel avait également deux petits garçons - un point très positif pour moi, qui adorais les enfants.Ma s¿ur, très terre-à-terre, disait que j'avais la tête dans les nuages. Et peut-être que j'espérais, naïvement, une histoire d'amour extragalactique.Ce à quoi je ne m'attendais pas, en revanche, c'était à une brute extra-terrestre. Ce Colonel renfrogné, grognon, très brut de décoffrage , s'était avéré difficile à vivre et impossible à aimer. Il était également très fier et possessif et bien décidé à me garder comme épouse.Est-ce que j'ai mentionné qu'il avait de grosses cornes ? Il était aussi très porté sur la chose... Et nos attentes vis-à-vis du mariage n'étaient pas vraiment les mêmes.Il y avait pourtant quelque chose, derrière la mine renfrognée de cet homme exaspérant, qui m'intriguait.Son corps robuste et couvert de fourrure me donnait des envies folles qui me ravageaient le ventre.J'étais venue à Voran dans l'espoir de trouver ma place dans la culture et le c¿ur du Colonel.Y avait-il un moyen de faire marcher ce truc entre nous ?_______________________Tous les livres de la collection Un Alien pour les fêtes sont des ¿uvres distinctes les unes des autres, mais elles se déroulent dans le même univers.Cette collection peut être lue dans n'importe quel ordre.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Dans leur mariage de convenance, je deviens l'inconvénient majeur. Le capitaine Xavran Rax, de la planète Aldrai, n'a besoin ni d'une maîtresse, ni d'une amie, ni même d'une compagne. Il a gardé le secret concernant la mort de sa femme pendant plus de dix ans, et il n'est clairement pas intéressé à la remplacer de sitôt.La seule raison pour laquelle il décide de faire entrer une femme dans son foyer est parce qu'il pense que ça profitera à ses quatre enfants, en particulier à ses deux filles.Mara Takolsky ne trouve pas les Aldraiens attirants, pas même un tout petit peu. Elle n'est pas fan des enfants non plus, quelle que soit leur espèce.Elle accepte la proposition du capitaine Rax uniquement parce que son fiancé décédé devait beaucoup d'argent aux criminels qui souhaitent maintenant le récupérer à tout prix, même s'il faut la tuer. Quitter la Terre est sa seule chance de rester en vie.Vous vous demandez peut-être quel est le rapport entre le mariage de convenance du capitaine et de Mara, et moi ? La réponse est : aucun. Je suis Susanna, la s¿ur jumelle de Mara. Un homme m'a aussi trahie, et je suis partie sur Aldrai afin d'échapper à la mafia qui menace de nous tuer toutes les deux, Mara et moi.Lorsque ma s¿ur et moi arrivons sur Aldrai, les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu...

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Lors d'une mission sur la planète Tragul, j'ai le malheur de me retrouver coincée avec le lieutenant Agan Drankai, le connard le plus arrogant de toute l'armée extraterrestre du territoire Ravie. Je lui sauve la vie pendant le combat. Mais le fort et fier Agan n'est pas super content d'avoir une femme minuscule comme partenaire de mission.Quand lui et moi nous retrouvons séparés des autres, nous sommes capturés et amenés dans un labo secret censé être géré par nos alliés. Un scientifique véreux effectue une expérience illégale sur Agan, ce qui permet enfin au lieutenant prétentieux de recevoir la monnaie de sa pièce.Ce dur à cuire n'est désormais pas plus grand que ma main.Si avant, il pensait qu'il détestait se battre côte à côte avec une femme. Eh bien, maintenant, il doit littéralement être ramené à sa base militaire par l'une d'entre elles !Et le moyen le plus sûr pour moi de le faire est de le planquer dans mon soutien-gorge.Malgré sa petite taille, l'ego d'Agan est plus gros que jamais, mais sa confiance, son courage et sa loyauté le sont aussi. Plus j'apprends à le connaître, plus j'apprécie son petit moi .À quel point la taille compte-t-elle vraiment ? Et, finalement, est-ce que ça importe vraiment ?________________________Tous les livres de la collection Un Alien pour les fêtes sont des ¿uvres distinctes les unes des autres, mais elles se déroulent dans le même univers.Cette collection peut être lue dans n'importe quel ordre.Ce livre est destiné à un public adulte.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    As per the marriage agreement between Earth and Neron, Voranian aliens can marry human women, but our species can't reproduce. Historically, Voranian women have served as surrogates to carry children of the single dads in Voran.The renowned Voranian Professor Thormus is working on a method that would allow the human women married to Voranian men to carry their husbands' children. Of all the women on Earth, the professor selects me as the subject for his extensive study project.My traveling to Neron puts a strain on the relationship with my boyfriend back home. Which in turn causes Professor Thormus to worry about the effect of nervous breakdown on my system.While I think I'm mending my long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, I find myself inconveniently attracted to the highly intelligent yet socially awkward professor.If only I knew what an idiotic solution my brilliant professor would come up with to help me deal with the stress of heartache! ________________________All books in My Holiday Tails series stand alone, loosely connected by the same world and the fact that all heroes have tails.This series can be read in any order.________________________This book was written entirely by the author. No Artificial Intelligence or ghostwriters were used.Contains graphic scenes of intimacy. Intended for mature readers.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    "And that was our tragedy. The life of the man I loved depended on the life of the man I hated so fiercely."Conclusion to the Fire in Stone duet.Now stolen myself and brought into the world I never planned to come to, I have to try hard to survive. Or die like so many do around me.A war is raging in Dakath, and I don't belong on either side of it. I can't trust anyone in the king's castle, not even Elex. His life is tied to the king, who is the most despicable man among the dragons. The gargoyles at King Edkhar's Court are stronger, faster, more ruthless than I could ever be. But as the only human in the kingdom where everyone turns to stone at sunset, I may have an advantage still.No one knows what I'm capable of to protect those I love. An incredible power lies inside me-the power of human love.____________________________This book is the conclusion to the duet Fire in Stone, set in Marina Simcoe's world of the River of Mists.The story of the main characters continues from part 1, Fire in Stone.____________________________Hearts on Fire is a Romantic Fantasy/ Fantasy Romance - MF. It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and is intended for mature readers.____________________________More stories set in the world of the River of Mists:Fire in Stone (Elex and Amber)Book 1 - Fire in StoneBook 2 - Hearts on FireSerpent's Touch (Amira and Kyllen)Book 1 - Serpent's TouchBook 2 - Serpent's ClaimMadame Tan's FreakshowBook 1 - Call of Water (Zeph and Ivy)Book 2 - Madness of the Moon (Lero and Stella)Book 3 - Power of Rage (Radax and Heike)All duets and trilogies in this world can be read in any order. However, it is recommended to read the books within the trilogy/duets in order.

  • av Marina Simcoe
    269 - 475,-

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

    I first met him when I was fourteen. Years have passed. My memories have faded, and Lero's image in my mind has become barely an apparition from the past-beautiful and intriguing, but hardly real.Until I see him again. Only this time, I'm no longer a teenager, I'm a real estate agent, hoping to sell an exquisite property, a private island in the Bahamas, to one of our company's most important clients. I just never knew that the client would turn out to be Lero. Now, he is no longer just a memory for me. He is a man in flesh and blood. I am a grown woman, too, and my reaction to him is so much more intense.When I finally find out what he is, secrets come crashing down, leading to astonishing and terrifying discoveries. I learn he's been held captive and tortured by people he wouldn't talk to me about. He thinks he is protecting me and my peaceful life. What he doesn't realize is that there is no life for me without him, anymore.The Moon may turn him into a monster and make him do terrible things, but I'm Stella, his morning star. I must find a way to lead him back into the light._____________________________________Each book in the Madame Tan's Freakshow series is a complete love story of a separate couple set in Marina Simcoe's paranormal romance world of the River of Mists.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    A man with a teasing smile and an angel's voice, Zeph is supposed to be nothing more than a beautiful, fun Parisian adventure. His voice lures me in. His gorgeous blue eyes draw me to him. And his smile puts me at ease.We part after just one night. The next time I see him, I'm captured and trapped in a world I never knew existed. Madame Tan's establishment is intriguing and whimsical on the outside. But it turns dark and sinister as I'm plunged deep into it.Humans do not belong in the menagerie, so what is Zeph doing here? I realize I know nothing about the man who has ruled over my imagination since the day we met.I need to find my way out or risk spending the rest of my life locked in a cage. Only the more I learn about Zeph, the more I realize he's not from my world.Is he a willing participant in the menagerie? Or a victim, just like me?_____________________________________Each book in the Madame Tan's Freakshow series is a complete love story of a separate couple. To follow the main storyline, however, it is recommended to read the trilogy in order.A part of this story, with a different world explanation, has been previously published as Menagerie of Oddities in Tempted by Fae anthology.Call of Water is a contemporary fantasy romance that contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and some violence ( not by the hero against the heroine.) Intended for mature readers.____________________________Books set in the world of the River of Mists:Serpent's TouchBook 1 - Serpent's TouchBook 2 - Serpent's ClaimMadame Tan's FreakshowBook 1 - Call of WaterBook 2 - Madness of the MoonBook 3 - Power of Rage

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Final book in the duet.Life in Nerifir is beautiful, magical, and dangerous.I came to the Kingdom of Lorsan hoping to find a new home but found envy and betrayal.When everything is taken from me-my sight, my freedom, and my love-I need to search deep for the strength to go on.Now, I no longer wish for just a safe place to live. I want a true home, a place where I belong. And I'm ready to fight for it, even if that means taking over the kingdom.____________________________This book is part 2 of the duet Serpent's Touch, set in Marina Simcoe's world of the River of Mists.Both books of the duet follow the story of the same couple. It is recommended to read them in order.____________________________Serpent's Claim is a Romantic Fantasy with an MF romance and the heroine's journey set in Marina Simcoe's world of the River of Mists.It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy. Intended for mature readers.____________________________Stories set in the world of the River of Mists: Wingless CrowCrownless King Fire in StoneHearts on FireSerpent's TouchSerpent's ClaimMadame Tan's FreakshowBook 1 - Call of WaterBook 2 - Madness of the MoonBook 3 - Power of RageThe duets and trilogies in this world can be read in any order. However, the books within the duets and trilogies are recomended to be read in order.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    Mysterious and tragic, Madame Tan's menagerie is the only home I've ever known. It's a place where two worlds merge, a twilight zone between Earth and the magical Kingdom of Nerifir.The menagerie is filled with fantastic animals, but I discover that Madame captures and displays sentient beings too.One of them is locked in a crate day and night, not seen by anyone, and one day I learn why-looking at him kills. Even talking to Kyllen is forbidden, but I break that rule. I break many rules for him.He wants his freedom and offers me a chance to escape Madame's cruelties.Little do I realize that with Kyllen, my heart is in even greater danger than my life.Can I love a man whom I can't even see? ____________________________This book is part 1 of the duet Serpent's Touch, set in Marina Simcoe's world of the River of Mists.It ends with a HFN (Happy For Now), but the story of the main characters continues in part 2, Serpent's Claim.____________________________Serpent's Touch is a Romantic Fantasy with MF romance. It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and is intended for mature readers.____________________________Books in the world of the River of Mists:Wingless CrowCrownless King Fire in StoneHearts of FireSerpent's TouchSerpent's ClaimMadame Tan's FreakshowBook 1 - Call of WaterBook 2 - Madness of the MoonBook 3 - Power of RageAll duets and trilogies in this world can be read independantly.

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

    "The final performance! The most incredible transformation! Never before seen!"Madame Tan's Menagerie is closing with one last show.But is the ten-thousand-dollar ticket worth its hefty price tag? Not to me. Unless I turn it into an investment and get the show on tape. With my large social media following, I would find a way to get my money back and earn a profit.The show turns out to be not what I expected. Nothing is what it seems here, including the owner, Madame Tan. My failure to understand who she truly is nearly costs me my life.I would've had no idea what I walked into that night in Singapore if it wasn't for Radax, one of Madame's slaves. He tells me his story and the story of the woman who owns him. More than that, he reveals the horrendous plans she has for the world.There is no way for me, a mere mortal, to stop what Madame turns out to be. But there are others on Earth who came from Radax's world. To save life as I know it, I need to find them, unite them, and weaken the force feeding the divine entity that threatens to take over our world.The fight may cost me all I hold dear, including the man I've come to love more than life.If I knew the price I'd have to pay, would I still do it?Even I can't tell._____________________________________Each book in the Madame Tan's Freakshow trilogy is a complete love story of a separate couple.Madness of the Moon is a contemporary fantasy romance that contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and some violence. Intended for mature readers.

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

    It took them less than 12 hours to conquer Earth, and then 9 more years to finally demand what they've come here for-me.Whatever dreams I have about my future are crushed within hours. The control I have over my life and my body is taken away. I don't get to plan my wedding. I don't even get to choose my husband.I'm stripped of my rights and my free will, and reduced to being nothing but the subject of their experiment.The last thing I expect is to find love among the enemy. Tairan seems to be the only one who sees a person in me, although he appears to be keeping secrets from me, too.When everything I hold dear is threatened, the only choice I have is to fight back. With no weapons or any combat skills, I will have to find a way to defend my love, my family, and our future from the evil that is in charge of our lives..."I'll live, love, and die at your side. Always."Experiment is a Futuristic Alien Romance stand-alone. It contains graphic descriptions of intimacy and discussion on topics that may be triggers for some. Intended for mature readers.

  • av Marina Simcoe

  • av Marina Simcoe

    His touch has killed before. If only knowing it would stop me from laying my hands on him now. I've been told my love for adventure would get me in trouble one day. When I agree to be taken to a place unknown to entertain a group of men I'd never met, I wonder if that day has come.It is supposed to be a fantasy brought to life. Until one man hijacks it, taking over my imagination, my body, and eventually my heart.Except that he turns out to be not a man at all and his dark past might ruin everything between us before it even began.Unknown to us, danger lurks in the shadows, leading me to discover firsthand that sex demons have their vulnerabilities. And even Vadim, the Grand Master of the Eastern Council, is not invincible.Although, Grand Master is a brand new love story with a different couple as main characters, it is recommended to read the series in order, to better understand the world and the main plot of the series.Warning: Grand Master is a paranormal romance that contains graphic descriptions of intimacy, sexual themes, and violence. Intended for mature readers.

  • av Marina Simcoe

    They are big, strong and silent. Their faces are hidden behind masks, and their bodies are enclosed in armor suits. They took me from my home in the middle of the night and have been holding me in isolation for months. I don't fully understand the purpose of my captivity. No one explains anything to me. No one even talks to me.Nearly driven to madness, with no more hope for freedom I no longer care if I live or die. And then he speaks to me. Just a few words... He throws me a lifeline and helps me find my way back to sanity. He becomes my only companion. My light in the darkness.I suspect they may not be entirely human. What is worse is that he may be one of them.Warning: Demon Mine is a paranormal romance that contains sexual situations and graphic descriptions of intimacy. For readers 18+.

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