av Mariah Montoya
This issue marks a new era for Space and Time. We survived 2020. Like many people, we had a lot of plans for the "unprecedented" year that never came to fruition. Fear and loathing dominated the global mindset and everything inverted. But here we are still-both you reading these words and us writing them. This is something worth celebrating. Table of Contents: The Ghost, the Goat and the Robot by Mariah Montoya (fiction), haiku by Scheila Scheffler (poetry), Ode To An Ancient Priestess With A Golden Prosthetic Eye by Scott J. Couturier (poetry), Word Ninja by Linda D. Addison (nonfiction), The Algorithm by Louis B. Rosenberg (fiction), From The Tales of Finale: The Genesis of the Animae by Roy L. Post (poetry), The Black Hole by Ronald J. Murray (poetry), Take Two at the Movies: Mighty Like a Rose by Daniel M. Kimmel (nonfiction), When Gods Die by Maxwell I. Gold (fiction), Leonard Speiser: Professional Beginner Angela Yuriko Smith (nonfiction interview), His Garden by Flavio Troisi (fiction-translated), January Exquisite Corpse: Edges of Hope (poetry), February Exquisite Corpse: Love You to Death (poetry), Graggon Speak: Spring 2021 by Austin Gragg (nonfiction), Degradable Mermaid by Karen Bovenmyer (poetry), Substance by Blaise Langlois (poetry), The Bone House by Manny Blacksher (poetry), Director's Cut by Nick Marone (fiction), Cosmic Commerce by Ken Poyner (poetry), Pterippus - A Riddle by Carol Edwards (poetry), Feverish Fiction with John Shirley by Angela Yuriko Smith (nonfiction-interview), The Hum of the Wheel, the Clack of the Loom by K.G. Anderson (fiction), Gravity by Geoffrey A. Landis (poetry), Vision in a Block of Ice by Marge Simon (flash fiction), The Paradox of Desire by Alicia Hilton (poetry), Once Wicked by C. H. Lindsay (poetry), The Dunes of Ranza by Grace Chan (fiction), Science or Fiction in 50: Mind Reading by Leonard Speiser (nonfiction), Contemplations on Flora by Megan Branning (poetry), A Walk in the Woods by Pete (poetry), Loneliness Amidst My Wrath by Irving Gamboa (poetry), And I Have Served by Alina Maciuca (fiction), and The Horror at Red Hook (pt 1) by Alessandro Manzetti and Stefano Cardoselli (Graphic Novel)