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Böcker av Lucy Maud Montgomery

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  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery
    145 - 199

    Anne Shirley is an eleven-year-old orphan who has hung on determinedly to an optimistic spirit and a wildly creative imagination through her early deprivations. She erupts into the lives of aging brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a girl instead of the boy they had sent for. Thus begins a story of transformation for all three; indeed the whole rural community of Avonlea comes under Anne's influence in some way. We see her grow from a girl to a young woman of sixteen, making her mistakes, and not always learning from them. Intelligent, hot-headed as her own red hair, unwilling to take a moral truth as read until she works it out for herself, she must also face grief and loss and learn the true meaning of love. Part Tom Sawyer, part Jane Eyre, by the end of Anne of Green Gables, Anne has become the heroine of her own story.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Contains 20 beautiful illustrations enhancing the reading experience.Includes a detailed summary and a list of vibrant characters.Features an insightful biography of the author, L.M. Montgomery.Rediscover the timeless charm of "Anne of Green Gables" in this beautifully illustrated edition. Written by the celebrated L.M. Montgomery, this beloved classic tells the story of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and talkative red-haired orphan who arrives in Avonlea by mistake but soon becomes an integral part of the Green Gables household.From her penchant for naming places to her fiery temper, Anne's adventures bring a new spirit of love and life to the community that adopts her. This edition brings the picturesque Prince Edward Island and its unforgettable residents to life with 20 stunning illustrations, offering a visual feast that complements Montgomery's vivid storytelling.Inside, you will find a comprehensive summary that encapsulates the heartwarming plot and a detailed list of characters, helping both new readers and returning fans to track the myriad of people Anne meets along her journey. Additionally, the biography of Lucy Maud Montgomery provides readers with a deeper understanding of the historical and personal context behind the creation of this masterpiece.Perfect for collectors, fans, and new readers alike, this illustrated edition of "Anne of Green Gables" invites you to experience the magic and wonder of Anne's world like never before.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    The adventures of high-spirited Anne, which have inspired multiple TV and movie adaptations, are now available in an unabridged, illustrated cloth hardcover edition in Union Square and Co.'s Children's Signature Clothbound Classics series. When Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert ask the orphanage for a boy to help on the farm, they are surprised to receive Anne--a talkative, dreamy, red-haired, freckle-faced girl. Despite Anne's imaginative antics, her presence fills the small town of Avonlea with joy and laughter. Filled with evocative descriptions of Prince Edward Island, this beloved classic is now available in a collectible clothbound edition, complete with black-and-white illustrations that bring the story to life.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    A coloring book featuring the first line of each and every chapter of The Blue Castle, the poignant novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. First published in 1926, it has been beloved by generations of readers. From the very first line of Chapter 1 of The Blue Castle: "f it had not rained on a certain May morning Valancy Stirling's whole life would have been entirely different. She would have gone, with the rest of her clan, to Aunt Wellington's engagement picnic and Dr. Trent would have gone to Montreal. But it did rain and you shall hear what happened to her because of it.." to the first line of the final chapter, Chapter 45: "Valancy and Barney turned under the mainland pines in the cool dusk of the September night for a farewell look at the Blue Castle." through all the twists and turns of this timeless story, there is so much to learn, enjoy, and inspire. Coloring text and graphics related to The Blue Castle can be a relaxing, soothing activity. We hope that you enjoy coloring it as much as we at First Lines Press enjoying creating it for you!

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    '... call me Anne spelt with an E.'Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert need help on their farm, Green Gables, and arrange for the orphanage to send them a boy. Instead, they are sent Anne Shirley - a girl with a vivid imagination, intelligent and witty. Over time, Anne grows to love Green Gables and is determined to prove herself to the Cuthberts.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    A coloring book featuring the first line of each and every chapter of Anne of Green Gables, the timeless class novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. First published in 1908, it has been beloved by generations of readers. From the very first line of Chapter 1 (titled, "Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Surprised" of Anne of Green Gables: "Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; but by the time it reached Lynde's Hollow it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream, for not even a brook could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum; it probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, from brooks and children up, and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof." to the first line of the final chapter, Chapter 38, (titled, "The Bend in the Road") of Anne of Green Gables: "Marilla went to town the next day and returned in the evening." through all the twists and turns of this timeless story, there is so much to learn, enjoy, and inspire. Coloring text and graphics related to Anne of Green Gables can be a relaxing, soothing activity. We hope that you enjoy coloring it as much as we at First Lines Press enjoying creating it for you!

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Experience the enchanting world of Anne Shirley, a spirited orphan with a flair for imagination, as she brightens thehearts of the residents of Green Gables. L.M. Montgomery's timeless classic is a tale of joy, friendship, and the enduringmagic found in the simple wonders of life.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    No terceiro livro da série, a história da imaginativa e sonhadora Anne Shirley vai sofrer reviravoltas surpreendentes. Agora com 16 anos, Anne vai experimentar a doce convivência com as amigas, ir em busca de novos sonhos e se deparar com a difícil experiência do luto. Enquanto conhece cada vez mais sobre si mesma e as pessoas ao seu redor, a adorável ruiva também vai descobrir a importância da amizade e do amor verdadeiro de uma forma emocionante e encantadora.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Para além das árvores frondosas de Green Gables, um futuro repleto de novos desafios, descobertas encantadoras e amizades especiais aguarda por Anne. Com um coração doce e um espírito livre, a esbelta garotinha ruiva vai continuar encantando corações e transformando vidas enquanto se descobre cada vez mais madura e dona de si. É tempo de sonhar e realizar na continuação deste romance único da escritora canadense L. M. Montgomery.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    A fazenda Green Gables, dos Cuthbert, e todo o povoado de Avonlea nunca mais serão os mesmos após a chegada de uma esbelta garotinha de longas tranças vermelhas, temperamento selvagem e imaginação superabundante. Anne Shirley, com seu jeito atrapalhado, divertido e sonhador, vai surpreender, encantar e transformar o mundo à sua volta de maneira fascinante e definitiva. Este clássico infantojuvenil canadense que encantou gerações chega às mãos do leitor em uma nova e completa tradução.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    O quarto livro desta série traz novas aventuras de Anne Shirley, agora com 22 anos, que aceita o emprego de diretora em uma escola de ensino médio em Summerside. Enquanto tenta se adaptar à vida na nova cidade e lidar com as personalidades peculiares de seus moradores, a ruiva de espírito aventureiro conta suas cativantes experiências por meio de cartas endereçadas ao seu amado Gilbert Blythe, que está estudando medicina em outra cidade. Emocionantes histórias vão encantar os leitores em mais esta narrativa cativante de Montgomery

  • - The Story Girl, Chinese edition
    av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    "我确实喜欢一条路,因为您总是会想知道路的尽头。" 故事女孩曾说过。 和我,在五月的早晨,当我们离开多伦多前往爱德华王子岛时,并没有听到她的话,的确,但几乎没有意识到像《故事女孩》这样的人的存在。 我们根本不认识她。 我们只知道表弟萨拉-斯坦利 死了,他的母亲我们的费莉西姨 已与罗杰 叔叔和奥利维亚-金 姨妈一起住在岛上,住在一个毗邻卡莱尔 老国王宅基地的农场里。 我们以为到达那儿后应该结识她,从奥利维亚姨妈给父亲的信中我们有一个想法,那就是她将是一个快乐的生物。 除此之外,我们没有考虑过她。 我们对费利

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery
    319 - 459

  • - Anne of the Island, Chinese edition
    av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    随着安妮-雪莉 收拾行装,告别童年并前往雷德蒙德学院,新的冒险即将到来。 安妮带着她的老朋友普里西-格兰特 在熙熙city的金斯波特 等待,轻浮的新朋友菲利普-戈登 在她身边,安妮将自己对阿芳莉亚乡村的记忆带走了,以自己的方式发现了生活,充满了惊喜。 。 。 包括可以想象到的最糟糕同胞的求婚,出售她的第一个故事以及悲剧,这悲惨的教训使她痛苦不堪。 但是,当安妮 和她的朋友们搬进一栋旧农舍,一只讨厌的黑猫偷走了她的心时,眼泪变成了笑声。 安妮几乎不知道英俊的吉尔伯特-布莱斯 也想赢得她的心。 突然,安妮必须决定自己是否准备好爱了。

  • - Anne of Avonlea, Chinese edition
    av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    安妮16岁时,几乎长大了。 她的灰白眼睛像晚霞一样闪闪发光,但是她的红头发仍然像脾气一样炽烈。 自从她以雀斑般的孤儿来到格林盖布尔以来,多年来,她赢得了小镇人民的热爱,并赢得了战斗的声誉。 但是当安妮开始担任新任教师时,对她性格的真正考验开始了。 在学校任教期间,她正在学习当她陷入别人的恋爱中,在绿色山墙处找到两个新的孤儿时,生活会变得多么复杂,并对非常英俊的吉尔伯特-布莱斯的奇怪举动感到疑惑。 当安妮进入女性时代时,她的冒险触动了心灵和有趣的骨头。 安妮16岁时,几乎长大了。 她的灰白眼睛像晚霞一样闪闪发光,但是她的红头发仍然像脾气一样炽烈。 自从她以雀斑般的孤儿来到格林盖布尔以来,多年来,她赢得了小镇人民的热爱,并赢得了战斗的声誉。 但是当安妮开始担任新任教师时,对她性格的真正考验开始了。 在学校任教期间,她正在学习当她陷入别人的恋爱中,在绿色山墙处找到两个新的孤儿时,生活会变得多么复杂,并对非常英俊的吉尔伯特-布莱斯的奇怪举动感到疑惑。 当安妮进入女性时代时,她的冒险触动了心灵和有趣的骨头。

  • - Anne of Green Gables, Chinese edition
    av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    安妮-雪莉 一到舒适的白色农舍 ,便确定自己会永远留下来。 。 。 但是卡斯伯特夫妇会把她送回孤儿院吗? 安妮 知道她不是他们所期望的那样-一个瘦削的女孩,有着火红的头发和与众不同的脾气。 只要她能说服他们让她留下,她就会非常努力,不要继续匆忙冲上去,弄清楚她想到的第一件事。 卡斯伯特夫妇同意安妮不是别人。 她很特别-一个拥有无限想象力的女孩。 这个孤儿女孩梦想着有一天可以自称格林-盖布尔斯的安妮。

  • - Anne Of Green Gables
    av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    The classic tale of an 11 year old orphan girl, named Anne Shirley, and what happens to her when she is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert in Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. The Classics-In-Cursive series publishes classic novels and story books in a cursive font. Why? There are so many "how to" and "practice" books out there for learning cursive handwriting, but what do you do after learning it? How do you keep the interest alive for many years to come? This is where the Classics-In-Cursive series comes in. It fills the large void by providing stories to read in cursive.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Renowned for her Anne of Green Gables" series L.M. Montgomery again captures the enchantment of childhood the beauty of rural landscapes and the importance of imagination and storytelling, in her novel "The Story Girl". Initially published in 1911 this captivating book immerses readers in the essence of a Prince Edward Island summer through the perspective of a group of children led by the captivating protagonist known as the "Story Girl" or Sara Stanley.Narrative and ThemeMontgomery employs a storytelling technique by presenting the narrative as a collection of vignettes that offer glimpses into the adventures experienced by this group of children. This approach emphasizes both the nature and cyclical rhythm that define childhood summers. The chosen narrative style seamlessly aligns with the novels overarching theme; the power and significance of storytelling. The titular character, Sara Stanley captivates her companions with enthralling tales rooted in lore well as whimsical imaginings. Through these stories Montgomery delves into how storytelling possesses transformative potential; it has an ability to inspire, entertain, educate and serve as a link connecting relationships and communities.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery
    775 - 1 049,-

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Lucy Maud Montgomery's novel Rilla of Ingleside is one of her literary work. In the Anne of Green Gables series, it is the eighth and last novel. The youngest daughter of Anne, Rilla Blythe, is the focus of the narrative, which takes place during World War I. Rilla is a carefree fifteen-year-old during the beginning of the war who is more focused on social gatherings than the struggle in Europe. Rilla's life, however, is irreparably altered as the war goes on and her siblings and friends join the military. She becomes engaged in the war effort and assumes additional duties, such as looking after Jims, an orphan from the conflict. Rilla goes through the joys and sorrows of love, grief, and sacrifice throughout the whole book. The story examines issues like bravery, patriotism, and the effects of war on communities and families. Rilla of Ingleside is a moving coming-of-age tale that echoes the author's personal experiences during World War 1 and captures the essence of the period. The book is still a well-loved classic in Canadian literature and is recognized as one of Montgomery's most important works.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    An author named Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote the book Anne of the Isle. In the third series of the Anne of Green Gables series, the main heroine, Anne Shirley, is followed as she enrolls at Redmond College in Nova Scotia. Love, friendship, and the passage from adolescent to maturity are among the subjects covered in the book. College experiences for Anne push her to grow as a person and question her ideas. In addition, she manages a number of love partnerships, such as her intermittent union with Gilbert Blythe. Other characters are also introduced in the novel, including Roy Gardner and Philippa Gordon, two of Anne's undergraduate pals. The story follows Anne as she completes her studies and makes a choice about her future. The characters in Montgomery's work are lovable and engaging, and her prose is charming and witty. A coming-of-age tale that perfectly depicts the exhilaration and unpredictability of young adulthood is Anne of the Isle. Fans of the Anne of Green Gables series must read it since it is still regarded as a revered classic of children's literature.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908)The story is set during the 1920s in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island. It has grown in popularity since being republished in 1990. The book was adapted for the stage twice; in 1982 it was made into a successful Polish musical, and ten years later Canadian playwright Hank Stinson authored another version, The Blue Castle A Musical Love Story.Colleen McCullough, author of The Thorn Birds, evidently used The Blue Castle as the basis of her novel The Ladies of Missalonghi-subconsciously, as she alleged-to the point of provoking accusations of plagiarism.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Rainbow Valley is a novel written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The story is set in the fictional Canadian town of Glen St. Mary and follows the adventures of the Blythe children, who live with their father, a widowed minister, and their Aunt Martha. The Blythe children make new friends in Rainbow Valley, including the wild Meredith children and the lonely Mary Vance. The novel explores themes of friendship, family, and the power of imagination. The children form a bond and create their own world in Rainbow Valley, where they can escape from the troubles of the adult world. The story also touches on more serious topics, such as poverty, social class, and religious tensions. Rainbow Valley is a heartwarming and nostalgic story that captures the joys and struggles of childhood. Montgomery's writing is full of vivid descriptions and charming characters that have made her a beloved author for generations of readers. The novel is part of the Anne of Green Gables series, but it can be enjoyed as a standalone story as well.

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

    The sequel to Lucy Maud Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables," "Anne of Avonlea," is a novel. The narrative starts with Anne Shirley going back to Avonlea to start working as a teacher at the neighborhood school. At sixteen years old, Anne must confront additional difficulties including earning the respect of her pupils and coping with her parents. After the death of their mother, Anne also assumes the duty of caretaker for Davy and Dora, two young twins. Gilbert Blythe, Anne's friend, matriculates as a medical student, and their bond deepens. Anne keeps growing up and turning into a responsible young lady throughout the novel. She becomes more actively engaged in the neighborhood and undertakes several initiatives to enhance the lives of people close to her. In order to attend college and follow her ambition of becoming a writer, Anne decides at the book's conclusion to resign from her employment as a teacher. The narrative has Montgomery's trademark exquisite descriptions of the natural world and is a lovely tale of development, friendship, and love

  • av Silvery Books & Lucy Maud Montgomery

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