- God's Unseen Hand
av Linda Clore
This book is a journey of Jonathan's life and how God's unseen hand has guided and protected Jonathan and has seen him through his folly years and spared his life time and time again. How his dad, David, and I have been praying for our son and claiming Proverbs 22:6 for him. God has a work for Jonathan to do in winning souls. God has a work for each one of us.Jonathan, at three years old, said, "I want to be a preacher!" At eight years old, he preached his first sermon to me, Linda, his mother, and to his grandma, Gladys, about not following Satan and end up in hell but follow Jesus and get to go to heaven.This book, Jonathan's Journey follows the ways God has rescued Jonathan and brought him through miraculous situations, so his life has been spared for the work God has for him to do.May this life story of Jonathan's fighting the devil through depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts on his own life, drugging, smoking, drinking, car accidents, complete paralysis of his whole body, ending up in a wheelchair, and feeling lost and forsaken of the Lord-may these experiences Jonathan has gone through help you to see how God is sparing your life and helping you through your rough times, too. And may the parents of rebellious children be encouraged to keep praying for their wayward children and never give up on them! God's unseen hand is on them! Have faith in God! We continue to pray and claim Romans 8:28; Matthew 21:22; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; and Proverbs 22:6.