- Contemporary Theatre in Sierra Leone
av Kathrin Schmidt
1 895,-
This book engages with contemporary cultural production in Africa, focusing on theatre in Sierra Leone as main case study. The author provides coverage of, and insights into, such themes as cultural globalisation, commodification, the global creative economy, culture and development, international relations and contemporary cultural production in Sierra Leone within the context of local and global flows of people, media, images, technologies, finance and ideas.Combining the analysis of theatre in Sierra Leone and its aesthetics with its policy, structural and institutional context, this book highlights in much detail and nuance the interconnectedness between the micro- and the macro-levels of cultural production, between the local and the global, and between aesthetics, politics, policy, governance structures and institutions. This book links the particular findings from the author's fieldwork to larger issues of contemporary local cultural production within the context of globalisation, commodification and decolonisation; adds a postcolonial perspective to existing theories and approaches to cultural production, management and policy, which is still largely missing from the existing discourse; and also contributes to addressing the gap in the knowledge about the context of contemporary cultural productions in diverse African contexts.This book will be particularly useful for both theatre scholars with an interest in the political economy of theatre and, more broadly, those seeking to understand the nuanced challenges and opportunities faced by policymakers, artists and arts managers to embrace the cultural and creative industries in this context. It also offers excellent insights for policymakers who wish to improve their understanding and interventions beyond superficial 'best practice' snippets and simplified 'success stories'.