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Böcker av Jurgen Tautz

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  • av Jurgen Tautz

    A stunning photographic record of endangered honey bees in their wild, forest habitat, with images from world-renowned nature photographer Ingo Arndt.

  • av Jurgen Tautz & Diedrich Steen

    An insightful look inside the life of a hive and the bees that make it a home.

  • av Jurgen Tautz

    Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher explains how bees communicate. Exciting and surprising new insights on communication between bees. During the history of bee research, scientists have peered deep into the inner life of bee colonies and learned much about the behaviour of these insects. Above all, the bee waggle dance has become a famous and extensively discussed phenomenon. Nevertheless, recent insights reveal that while bees are social insects inside the hive they also communicate with one another outside the hive. In this book, Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher, provides an entertaining, fresh and enlightened account for lay and professional readers, not only about the fascinating dance language but also about additional remarkable phenomena concerning information exchange between bees. From the author of the bestseller ¿The Buzz about Bees¿. ¿The Language of Bees¿ assembles, for the first time, a complete overview of how bees understand one another. Although communication biology research on bees has so far concentrated largely on events within the hive, this book directs attention as well, to how bees communicate in the field outside the hive. The reader learns which steps new bee recruits take to reach the feeder a dancing forager has advertised. The book analyses the status of work on the bee dance published over the last 100 years and orders the essential findings as building blocks into a coherent new concept of how bees find their target. In addition, the historical survey of research on the ¿Bee Language¿ explains how several contradictory and incomplete hypotheses can still survive. A fresh point of view on one of the most remarkable behavioural performances in the animal kingdom. Observation from a different viewpoint leads to previously unknown insights. Such new perspectives clearly reveal both how large the gaps in our knowledge still are inrelation to the language of bees and in which direction research must take to complete the picture of one of the most impressive behavioural accomplishments in animals. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz is an expert on bees, sociobiologist, animal behaviourist and emeritus professor at the Biozentrum, University of Würzburg. He is a bestseller author and recipient of many awards of excellence for his successful communication of science to a wide public.

  • av Jurgen Tautz

    Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher explains how bees communicate. Exciting and surprising new insights on communication between bees. During the history of bee research, scientists have peered deep into the inner life of bee colonies and learned much about the behaviour of these insects. Above all, the bee waggle dance has become a famous and extensively discussed phenomenon. Nevertheless, recent insights reveal that while bees are social insects inside the hive they also communicate with one another outside the hive. In this book, Jürgen Tautz, renowned German bee researcher, provides an entertaining, fresh and enlightened account for lay and professional readers, not only about the fascinating dance language but also about additional remarkable phenomena concerning information exchange between bees. From the author of the bestseller ¿The Buzz about Bees¿. ¿The Language of Bees¿ assembles, for the first time, a complete overview of how bees understand one another. Although communication biology research on bees has so far concentrated largely on events within the hive, this book directs attention as well, to how bees communicate in the field outside the hive. The reader learns which steps new bee recruits take to reach the feeder a dancing forager has advertised. The book analyses the status of work on the bee dance published over the last 100 years and orders the essential findings as building blocks into a coherent new concept of how bees find their target. In addition, the historical survey of research on the ¿Bee Language¿ explains how several contradictory and incomplete hypotheses can still survive. A fresh point of view on one of the most remarkable behavioural performances in the animal kingdom. Observation from a different viewpoint leads to previously unknown insights. Such new perspectives clearly reveal both how large the gaps in our knowledge still are inrelation to the language of bees and in which direction research must take to complete the picture of one of the most impressive behavioural accomplishments in animals. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz is an expert on bees, sociobiologist, animal behaviourist and emeritus professor at the Biozentrum, University of Würzburg. He is a bestseller author and recipient of many awards of excellence for his successful communication of science to a wide public.

  • av Jurgen Tautz

    Neue Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt der HonigbienenOb als Lieferanten von Honig und Wachs, als Meister der sozialen Organisation in einem hoch geordneten Staatswesen oder als Architekten beeindruckend regelmäßiger Wabenkonstruktionen ¿ Honigbienen faszinieren den Menschen seit jeher. Und dank ihrer enormen Bestäubungsleistung bei Kulturpflanzen sind sie für uns schlicht unverzichtbar. Wissenschaftler, die den Geheimnissen dieser Insekten auf der Spur sind, entschlüsseln Schritt für Schritt das ¿Phänomen Honigbiene¿ ¿ und stoßen dabei immer wieder auf neue Überraschungen. Das vorliegende Buch lässt den Leser teilhaben am aktuellen Stand des Wissens und an den oft bahnbrechenden Erkenntnissen, die in den vergangenen Jahren ¿ nicht zuletzt von der Arbeitsgruppe um Jürgen Tautz in Würzburg ¿ gewonnen worden sind. Zugleich vermitteln die zahlreichen bislang weitgehend unveröffentlichten Aufnahmen der Fotografin Helga R. Heilmann dem Betrachter ein neues visuelles Bild dieser evolutionär so erfolgreichen Organismen. "Der Bienenstaat gleicht einem Zauberbrunnen; je mehr man daraus schöpft, desto reicher fließt er", hat Karl von Frisch, der Altmeister der Honigbienenforschung, einmal treffend gesagt. Lassen Sie sich zu diesem Zauberbrunnen entführen!_____Wer dieses Buch liest, wird sich der Faszination des ¿Phänomens Honigbiene¿ kaum entziehen können. Alte Ansätze, frische Blickwinkel und neue Untersuchungsmethoden lassen das Bild eines Superorganismus entstehen, der zweifellos zu den erstaunlichsten Geschöpfen der Erde zählt. Die hochorganisierte Staatenbildung der Bienen und ihre überragende Bedeutung für die Artenvielfalt vieler Lebensräume wie auch für die Erträge der Landwirtschaft rücken sie in den Blickpunkt des Interesses von Experten und Nichtfachleuten gleichermaßen.Was sind die Erfolgsgeheimnisse dieses Superorganismus? Was macht seine einsame Sonderstellung aus? Im letzten Jahrzehnt sind ¿ insbesondere in der Arbeitsgruppe um Professor Jürgen Tautz in Würzburg ¿ zahlreiche Daten und Erkenntnisse zusammengetragen worden, die ein in vielen Aspekten gänzlich neues Bild der Honigbiene Apis mellifera liefern. Der vorliegende Text-Bild-Band stellt erstmals diese ¿neue Biene¿ in verständlicher und unterhaltsamer Weise einem breiten Publikum vor. Die Texte wie auch die beeindruckenden Fotografien von Helga R. Heilmann führen dem Leser und Betrachter die Ästhetik, Komplexität und atemberaubenden Errungenschaften des ¿Phänomens Honigbiene¿ anschaulich vor Augen. So finden in diesem ebenso ansprechenden und informativen Buch auch die berühmten Werke von Karl von Frisch ein kongeniales Update.

  • - Biology of a Superorganism
    av Jurgen Tautz

    With spectacularly beautiful colour photographs, this easily understandable text tells the story of honeybees in a new perspective. Based on the latest data, notably from his own research group, Jurgen Tautz provides a wonderful insight into the realm of bees.

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