av Jun Fu
2 555,-
Options Trading Training Sessions: If you have a portfolio and have little or no success through your current investing methods, or if you have some savings but are earning less than one percent a year from bank deposits and if you have not had much exposure to options (except covered calls because many people use covered calls to protect their stock share value), you should learn this money making option strategy. My goal in this training session is to help those who want to trade to make money but afraid of losing money in the tricky, unforgiving, and unpredictable market. The market is always uncertain, especially in the current economic conditions. Uncertainty triggers a sell off at any given time. Sell offs often occur after bad news and may occur even after good news.I dare to estimate that currently, 90% of investors in the market have lost money either through their regular investing or trading. You can try all kinds of cliché methods that do not really work, such as buy on the dip and sell at rally, or rotating sectors, or dollar cost averaging, or CANSLIM, etc. Still, your investments are under water and will be there for a long time. A lot of people have just simply thrown in the towel concerning trading or investing in the US stock market.The good news is that the equity market will be the next big positive investments in the foreseeable future; most professional investors will be betting on the market for a tremendous gain on their portfolio in the coming months and years. You have to profit in this upcoming boom of the stock market.However, if you are not armed to the teeth with trading strategy, you will be trading against those hedge fund managers, professional traders at investment bank trading desks, and option trading gurus who would be gladly make money off your trading mistakes. After all, it is a fair game of zero-sum; your loss is someone else's gain.So, you must have a trading strategy that is simple, precise, effective, and most importantly safe (relatively speaking). You must apply all your knowledge and endeavor to learn new methods to protect your investment while trading.This strategy will not let you look at the rear view mirror and say I should have done this or I should have done that after the market has fluctuated in an unpredictable manner. This strategy also will not let you bet against the market directions after you have put your money into either long or short stock positions. You may be familiar with long or short stock positions and you hope your bet will win. If you are right you make money, but if you are wrong money is lost. The result is that most of time you lose.This sounds much like gambling and the way you are doing it, investing is a real gamble. If you walk into a casino, your enemy is the casino itself. If you are trading in the stock market, you enemies are those hedge fund managers, professional traders, and even highly sophisticated trading software systems that you do not even see or hear about.What about regular investments over a long period of time? Most people have been doing just that and hoping one day this buy and hold strategy will prevail and provide for a secure retirement. For most people, the stock market over last ten years, has been either flat or down. In the training session, you will learn how to take advantage of three most important characteristics of options and make money every time you trade. You will stand on the Winning side no matter what happens in the unpredictable market. You will learn the valuable insights and use simple yet precise methods to trade options on stocks or ETFs.