- Book 2
av Josh Miller
Back of the book: After the daring escape from Croonia and the crime lord Nuso Maldus, Chris and his crew must now find their way to those who have been taken by the Vomi. Many trials, from outside interference to their own past, stand in their way. However, with every crew member doing their part, the journey to their destination should be achievable. Yet, the adventure to the Vomi home world is just the beginning. Inside the book: The storage bay is a bit bigger than what I thought it would be, and it holds ten suspension pods, with one of them being empty. Lilly and I walk over to some of the suspension pods and look in them, trying to make out the people on inside. At the same time, Kim and Andrhew go over to the console and begin to open the pods. All nine of the occupied pods start to cycle through their revivification cycles quickly. A woman with purple skin and built like a mountain is the first to come staggering out. "I am pleased to see you all." "You know us?" Lilly asks. "Uhh yeah...You don't?" "Long story short for right now, but we were given some heavy-duty drugs and don't remember much." Andrhew says as he helps her out of the pod. "That must be confusing. Well, until you can remember, I am Violent, and I am a member of your crew. And I am hoping that the rest of the pods hold the rest of the crew," she says looking around the room. Violent is then interrupted by a small Asian man who was vomiting bile on the floor as he crawls from his storage pod. "Oh God I hate induced cyro sleep," he says grabbing at his stomach. "Oh...Hey everyone," he says while we all look at him. "That's just gross," Lilly says. "Are you alright?" Kim asks. "I feel better now," he says as he wipes his mouth. "Why are you all looking at me, like this is the first time you have seen me puke?" "For me it is. But some of the crew have seems to have lost their memories, and don't remember us." Violent informs him. "That sucks. Hopefully it's only temporally." Kip says. At that point the rest of the pods begin to fully open and one by one the rest of the crew start to stumble out. All except a young blond-haired woman. When her pod opens, she gives a stretch and acted like she had just woken up from a light nap. "What's going on?" A groggy Amy says. "Where the hell are we?" Lucy asks. "I don't feel so good," Alex says.