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Böcker av John Simmons

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  • av John Simmons

    Este livro apresenta temas inter-relacionados de ascensão, tal como se reflectem na vida, nos tempos e na obra de Annie Rix Militz: a) a ascensão do Novo Pensamento, sendo o Lar da Verdade uma manifestação única desta cosmovisão religiosa cada vez mais popular, b) a ascensão das mulheres como líderes religiosas legítimas, geradas pelo Movimento Feminista e capazes de identificar e socorrer a verdadeira angústia existencial e teológica entre géneros, numa sociedade dominada pelos homens, e c) a ascensão de Los Angeles, na Califórnia, como um terreno fértil para as expressões institucionais dos sentimentos espirituais populares, bem como um dos principais inventores, destiladores e exportadores do "sonho americano" para o resto dos Estados Unidos. A visão do mundo de Militz, institucionalizada nos seus Lares da Verdade e articulada no periódico Master Mind que publicou em Los Angeles de 1911 até à sua morte em 1924, reflectia a ascensão de novos modos de perceção do mundo que se estavam a tornar elementos fortes e permanentes do carácter americano no início do século XX.

  • av John Simmons

    Questo libro presenta temi interrelati dell'ascensione come si riflettono nella vita, nei tempi e nelle opere di Annie Rix Militz: a) l'ascensione del Nuovo Pensiero, di cui la Casa della Verità è una manifestazione unica di questa visione religiosa sempre più popolare; b) l'ascensione delle donne come leader religiosi legittimi, generati dal Movimento Femminista e capaci di identificare e soccorrere il vero disagio esistenziale e teologico attraverso il genere in una società altrimenti dominata dagli uomini, e c) l'ascesa di Los Angeles, California, come fertile terreno di coltura per le espressioni istituzionali dei sentimenti spirituali popolari e come principale inventore, distillatore ed esportatore del "sogno americano" nel resto degli Stati Uniti. La visione del mondo di Militz, istituzionalizzata nelle sue Case della Verità e articolata nel periodico Master Mind, che pubblicò a Los Angeles dal 1911 fino alla sua morte nel 1924, rifletteva l'ascesa di nuovi modi di percepire il mondo che stavano diventando elementi forti e permanenti del carattere americano all'inizio del XX secolo.

  • av John Simmons

    Ce livre présente les thèmes interdépendants de l'ascension tels qu'ils se reflètent dans la vie, l'époque et l'¿uvre d'Annie Rix Militz : a) l'ascension de la Nouvelle Pensée, la Maison de la Vérité étant une manifestation unique de cette vision du monde religieuse de plus en plus populaire, b) l'ascension des femmes en tant que leaders religieux légitimes issus du Mouvement Féministe et capables d'identifier et d'aider les véritables détresses existentielles et théologiques au-delà du genre dans une société par ailleurs dominée par les hommes, et c) l'ascension de Los Angeles, Californie, en tant que terreau fertile pour les expressions institutionnelles de la Nouvelle Pensée, et c) l'ascension de Los Angeles, en Californie, en tant que terre fertile pour l'expression institutionnelle des sentiments spirituels populaires et en tant qu'inventeur, distillateur et exportateur majeur du "rêve américain" vers le reste des États-Unis. La vision du monde de Militz, institutionnalisée dans ses Maisons de la Vérité et articulée dans le périodique Master Mind qu'elle publia à Los Angeles de 1911 jusqu'à sa mort en 1924, reflétait l'ascension de nouveaux modes de perception du monde qui devenaient des éléments forts et permanents du caractère américain au début du vingtième siècle.

  • av John Simmons

    Dieses Buch stellt zusammenhängende Themen des Aufstiegs vor, wie sie sich im Leben, in der Zeit und im Werk von Annie Rix Militz widerspiegeln: a) der Aufstieg von New Thought, wobei das Home of Truth eine einzigartige Manifestation dieser zunehmend populären religiösen Weltanschauung ist, b) der Aufstieg von Frauen als legitime religiöse Führerinnen, die von der feministischen Bewegung hervorgebracht wurden und in der Lage sind, wahre existentielle und theologische Notlagen in einer ansonsten von Männern dominierten Gesellschaft zu erkennen und zu lindern, und c) der Aufstieg von Los Angeles, Kalifornien, als fruchtbarer Nährboden für die institutionellen Ausdrucksformen populärer spiritueller Gefühle sowie als wichtiger Erfinder, Destillateur und Exporteur des "amerikanischen Traums" in den Rest der Vereinigten Staaten. Militz' Weltanschauung, die sie in ihren "Homes of Truth" institutionalisierte und in der Zeitschrift "Master Mind" zum Ausdruck brachte, die sie von 1911 bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahr 1924 in Los Angeles herausgab, spiegelte den Aufstieg neuer Formen der Weltwahrnehmung wider, die im frühen 20.

  • av John Simmons

    To Become a Waymaker, You Must First Become a PathfinderLearn to help and lead others using the lessons and stories from those whose lives were forever inspired or impacted by Orlando Magic founder Pat Williams.Over his life and career, NBA Orlando Magic founder Pat Williams has directly impacted the lives of thousands of people from every walk of life. From CEOs to janitors. From Hall of Fame athletes to locker room trainers. From business executives to the interns they hire. From his own children to the many he adopted. Through it all, Pat has learned to see the value in people, regardless of their position.In this book, you will be able to read the first-hand accounts of how Pat used what he learned from great mentors to make a path for himself so that he could mentor and help others pave their own way. You will also discover Pat's incredible journey to raise 19 children, read 30,000 books, climb mountains, run marathons, draft Shaq and win championships.Pat Williams successful career and wide-ranging personal experiences made him uniquely suited to help others set and reach personal and professional goals. This book is filled with nearly 200 personal accounts from Hall of Fame pro athletes, executives, team owners, politicians, ministry leaders, tv and radio personalities, best-selling authors and more. You'll find tales of inspiration from Dick Vitale, Andy Reid, John Ashcroft, Bob Boone, Jenn Brown, Dick DeVos, Julius Erving , Ken "Hawk" Harrelson, Clint Hurdle, Jerry B. Jenkins, Bobby Jones, Brian Kilmeade, Bobby Richardson, Oscar Robertson, and Norm Sonju. These stories are sure to inspire you to go further for yourself for the benefit of helping others coming up behind you.

  • - How to write powerfully for business
    av John Simmons

    John Simmons, in this stimulating and readable book, demonstrates how we can write and use words more creatively and persuasively in business today.

  • av John Simmons

  • av John Simmons

    Have you looked at other Christians who seem to be walking with purpose and passion and want that for yourself ? God Has a Sentence for Your Life is your guide to writing the greatest story ever told about your life - which is the testimony of what you did with your life after you found Christ. The Bible records the testimonies of ordinary men and women of God who were able to do extraordinary things with their lives simply by following God' s plan for their lives.

  • av John Simmons

    The Good Messenger is an epic tale of love, loyalty and deception set across three decades, and John Simmons' new novel following the success of Spanish Crosings.

  • av John Simmons

    Spanish Crossings is an epic tale of love, politics and conflict, with the yearning but elusive possibility of redemption

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