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Böcker av John Mason

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  • av John Mason

    “It’s never your typical day at the office when Michael Jackson attends a meeting in person, headphones on his ears and a Walkman in his hands. Little did I know then that he was listening to the first demos for what would become Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad…” Most lawyers aren’t like John Mason. Then again, most lawyers don’t do what he does. For decades, John Mason has been a confidante, meditator, gladiator and last line of defense for some of the most visible (and talented) artists in the world; from Brian Wilson and Roy Orbison, to Reba McEntire and the Jackson Five, to Quincy Jones, Shakira, and his dear friend of over forty years, Olivia Newton-John. In Crazy Lucky, he tells their stories from his perspective, and shows us what it means to truly have someone’s back. A butcher’s son with humble origins, John Mason was a talented guitar player in his own right before choosing to become lawyer. Since then, he has guided his clients through devastating business bumps and craters, multi-million dollar lawsuits, divorces, child custody issues, and stalkers, while also helping to navigate breakdowns, illness, physical and mental abuse, and a wide variety of legal issues with not just hundreds of millions of dollars, but careers, on the line. Many (if not most) entertainment lawyers work through managers and agents to help celebrities achieve specific goals. Mason, on the other hand, serves as a lynchpin to his clients’ inner circle, a steady presence in what is often a privileged, but harrowing lifestyle. Crazy Lucky is a career retrospective packed with never before heard stories. A rollicking journey for anyone interested in entertainment history, Crazy Lucky shows what it takes to represent the interests of some of the biggest names in the world, in critical, career-defining moments.

  • av John Mason
    249 - 535,-

  • av John Mason

    La vida presenta muchos desafíos, pero a menudo el mayor obstáculo para nuestro propio éxito y felicidad proviene del interior. De hecho, somos expertos en el autosabotaje. Si pudiéramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, ¡imagina lo que podríamos lograr! Eso es exactamente lo que el exitoso autor John Mason te ayudará a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarse en las áreas de tu vida en las que podrías estar interponiéndote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudará a conquistarel diálogo interno negativoel miedola falta de concentraciónel arrepentirtela indecisiónlos problemas de confianzala distracciónel perfeccionismola ansiedadla comparaciónlos erroresy másCon su ayuda entusiasta, descubrirás cómo puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada día con un espíritu de gratitud y posibilidad. ----- >That's exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer: negative self-talkfearlack of focusregretindecisiontrust issuesdistractionperfectionismanxietycomparisonmistakesand moreWith his enthusiastic help, you'll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

  • av John Mason

    Discover the power of controlling your thoughtsLife holds many challenges, but often the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish!That's exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer- negative self-talk- fear- lack of focus- regret- indecision- trust issues- distraction- perfectionism- anxiety- comparison- mistakes- and moreWith his enthusiastic help, you'll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

  • av John Mason
    319 - 459

  • av John Mason

    Eine wunderbar verständliche und motivierende Anleitung zum Lernen und Lehren mathematischen Problemlösens. An einer Vielzahl ausgesuchter Beispiele zeigen die Autoren auf, wie man an eine ganz beliebige Aufgabenstellung herangeht, wie man sie erfolgreich bearbeitet und wie man daraus Erfahrungen für andere Problemstellungen ableiten kann. Der Leser lernt so die Denkprozesse, die der Mathematik zugrunde liegen, kennen und eignet sich die prinzipielle Arbeitsweise dieser nicht immer einfachen Disziplin an. Es wird kein Preis ohne Fleiß versprochen, aber doch ein gut begehbarer Weg in die Welt des abstrakten Denkens gewiesen. Damit richtet sich das Buch an alle, die ihre Fähigkeiten, mathematische Konzepte zu verstehen und anzuwenden, entdecken und vertiefen wollen. "Das Buch fördert grundlegendes, strukturiertes Denken. Es motiviert von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite!" Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christine Wahmkow, FH Stralsund "Ein sehr gelungenes Buch: gut strukturiert, anschaulich bebildert und die ¿Aha-Erlebnisse' bescheren neue Sichtweisen." Prof. Dr. Blohm, FH Konstanz "Eine gute Einführung in das Thema ¿Problemlösungsstrategien' mit vielen amüsanten Aufgaben." Prof. Dr. Georg Ohmayer, FH Weihenstephan Pressestimmen: "Das lang vergriffene "Hexeneinmaleins" ist nach vielen Anfragen unter dem neuen Titel "Mathematisch denken - Mathematik ist keine Hexerei" wieder erhältlich. [...] Das Buch ist für alle, die die mathematische Denkweise bei sich und anderen fördern wollen, ein Gewinn." (, Juni 2008) "Das sehr empfehlenswerte Buch macht Lust und Mut,

  • av John Mason

    It's time to be the exceptional, extraordinary, uncommon person you were always meant to beGod created you to be you, not someone else. So why do we so often settle for less? Why do we bow to the pressure to conform to the expectations of others than boldly being the person we were meant to be? Why do we pretend to be satisfied with average, ordinary . . . common? What would it be like if we actually believed God desires to do something extraordinary with our lives?In this inspiring new book from the bestselling author of An Enemy Called Average, you'll find the motivation and encouragement you need to stop settling and start stretching toward the goal of being you in the way only you can! In short, punchy chapters, John Mason shows you how to face down fear, doubt, criticism, and apathy with enthusiasm, decisiveness, persistence, and honesty. He shows you how to seek God's direction, develop wisdom, manage your time and energy, and take risks.Outside of your comfort zone is where you'll find true fulfillment and contentment. So what are you waiting for?

  • av John Mason

    Es cierto que la vida presenta muchos desafíos, pero muchas veces el mayor obstáculo para nuestro propio éxito y felicidad proviene de adentro. De hecho, somos expertos en autosabotaje. Si pudiéramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, ¡imagínense lo que podríamos lograr! Eso es exactamente lo que el autor de éxitos de venta John Mason te ayudará a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarte en áreas de la vida en las que podrías estar interponiéndote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudará a conquistar: diálogo interno negativotemorfalta de concentraciónarrepentirseindecisiónproblemas de confianzadistracciónperfeccionismoansiedadsentirte abrumadoy mucho másCon su entusiasta ayuda, descubrirás cómo puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada día con un espíritu de gratitud y posibilidad. ----- It's true that life holds many challenges, but often, the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish! That's exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer: negative self-talkfearlack of focusregretindecisiontrust issuesdistractionperfectionismanxietyoverwhelmand so much moreWith his enthusiastic help, you'll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

  • - the Journal of a Medical Mission to the Jews
    av John Mason

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av John Mason

    With his signature infectious positive energy, John Mason offers you a simple yet powerful message of encouragement and hope--you can seize today and uncover a brighter tomorrow. For anyone who feels stuck, who yearns for a change but isn't sure just how to pursue it, John shows that the most powerful tool we have is asking ourselves the right questions to get the right answers. These bite-sized readings are perfect for busy professionals, overworked moms, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking for an uplifting boost.

  • - Inspiration for Being Your Best Self
    av John Mason

    In need of some positivity in these troubled times? Look no further than this inspiring collection of short motivational and aspirational readings that will have you ready to take on the world by being the best version of yourself.

  • - Como Lograr lo que Tienes por Delante, Pase lo que Pase
    av John Mason

    El ganador es el que se niega a perder. "Cae siete veces, levantate ocho" presenta 52 principios, acciones y estímulos clave que capacitan a los lectores para desarrollar la perseverancia y la determinación que conducen al verdadero éxito.Las personas que ganan realmente son diferentes de las que simplemente sobreviven. Mason comparte 52 principios que equiparán a los lectores para llevar sus vidas al siguiente nivel. Comenzando con "Ninguno de los secretos del trabajo exitoso a menos que usted lo haga," aborda los desafíos que cada uno de nosotros enfrentamos todos los días. "Conozca sus límites, luego ignórelos" es el tema que se desarrolla en todo el libro. Mason se atreve a los lectores a vivir la vida que otros quieren y marcar la diferencia jugando de lleno. Diseñado para ser leído o recogido para ráfagas de estímulo, "Cae siete veces, levantate ocho" se convertirá en un compañero y un libro de jugadas para el lector que quiera más.The winner is the one who refuses to lose. Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight presents 52 key principles, actions, and encouragements that equip readers to develop the perseverance and determination that lead to real success.

  • av John Mason

  • - Or, Songs of Praise, With Penitential Cries to Almighty God, Upon Several Occasions. Together With the Song of Songs, ... First Turned, Then Paraphrased in English Verse: With an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus
    av John Mason

  • - Neu Draethawd, Yn Dangos Natur a Mantais y Cyfryw Wybodaeth Bwysfawr, A'r Fford I'w Chyrhaeddyd: ... Gan John Mason, A.M. Wedi Ei Gyfieithu I'r Gymraeg Gan Josiah Rees.
    av John Mason

  • av John Mason

  • - With an Appendix, Containing Some Further Observations on Shakespeare, Extended to the Late Editions of Malone and Steevens. L.P.
    av John Mason & Francis Beaumont

  • - Especially of the Memorable Taking of Their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut in 1637: Written by Major John Mason, a Principal Actor Therein, as Then Chief Captain and Commander of Connecticut Forces
    av John Mason
    249 - 385,-

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