- Plant a Good Seed and Reap a Good Harvest
av John Allen Lewis
We are the handiwork of God, and He has invested a great deal into everyone, of us. We owe it to God and to ourselves to become the best that we possibly can become. However, this is more easily said than done. There is a plethora of challenges that daily flood our lives, pulling us into several directions, all at the same time. Often, the voice of God is crowded out, and as such, we do not hear or adhere to his directives for our lives. It is easy to become side-tracked in such a rapidly paced society. Having the proper balance within our lives is important to our overall success, and in accomplishing those things which have been assigned to our, hands. It is through our relationship with God, the reading of Holy Scriptures, and his wonderful guidance that we are able to experience his grace upon our lives. This is essentially important, because many may have had experiences within their lives, thus, initiating intrusive and enduring consequences. Unfortunately, the self-centeredness and ineptness of others could potentially leave people, metaphorically speaking, crippled in spirit, mind, and body. It is the purpose of this book through inspirational quotes and messages to encourage those who read it to perhaps: recalibrate, discover, and or re-discover themselves for who they are and whom God has called them to be. This book of inspirational quotes is a call to alertness, to be careful, not falling prey to those who seek to restrict your ability to rise above their self- prescribed perceptions of who you are. God did not call us into competition with each other but into relationship with Him. You are not any less than anyone else. You may not have the same gifts, and skill set, but this is okay. Seek to discover your gifts. Then, with purpose in each step: develop, and nurture them. Thus, walking in your purpose!