av Joanna Hill
The Well-Being in You: How 3 Simple Principles Can Help You Tune into Your Innate Psychological Health and Thrive is a love letter and a simple manual to manage life's challenges and thrive in an abundance of opportunity. This book is a conversation that brings out what you already have inside. Personal and client stories and reflection questions give you ah ha moments, transforming how you feel day-to-day. By exploring well-being, you'll be able to experience it more deeply and often, and to know what gets in the way. We all struggle at times. We get overwhelmed by decisions or lost in what feel like bigger problems. Whether you can't shake a sense of fear, worry, anxiety or depression; or you simply want to feel better about your relationships, work, and the world, this book is your companion and guide to deeper peace-of-mind, energy, and clarity. And it doesn't require what you might think. The Well-Being in You explains that there's nothing you have to do but let go of what you think you know, and you can find a new baseline of well-being. Realizing that you have a psychological operating system is the quickest way to allow well-being to work for you! You will learn to: Know what well-being really is Notice you already have well-being and trust it in yourself and others Get out of your own way Use your thinking (intellect and intuition) effectively, befriend feelings, and be mindful of moods Ease into motivation, purpose, and flow How does having a new baseline of well-being feel? People are in awe of how different and limitless they can feel. For example, you'll notice a sense of relief, calm, and okay-ness. Self-compassion and confidence become your springboard for tasks and life changes. Flow brings just-right ideas, empowering insights, and clear next steps for decisions and challenges. Resilience, worthiness, and connection-even if they previously felt impossible to achieve, are naturally yours. Your own bliss and genius lead the journey- for your benefit and the world's. YOU ARE ALWAYS (at most) A MOMENT AWAY FROM WELL-BEING- no matter what. Well-being is yours to tap into. You just need to know how it works.