- Why We Should Think About Christmas As God's Amazing Plan to Mankind
av Jennifer Clark
Why do we celebrate Christmas? What is the reason for the season? Do you feel unhappy about the series of life's events? Throughout the world today, people celebrate Christmas joyously and with great excitement. It is one of the biggest holidays being celebrated everywhere. However, the question is: 'Do we know the reason for the season?' Jennifer V. Clark, is a Christian book writer, editor, and most importantly a dedicated Christian inspired by God who has decided to enlighten Christians worldwide and everyone who would come across this book on the subject of Christmas and its significance. It is a book that explicitly explains the subject matter and you will surely be blessed. It's time to understand beyond the Christmas celebration and tap into the realities of the blessings that came through the birth of Jesus Christ. He came with a long-lasting solution that will satisfy your heart yearnings - Salvation of your soul. Amidst our traditions and celebrations, the reason for the season has begun to lose its value as time passes by. For many, Christmas is a time to spend time with loved ones, friends, and family. For some, it is a time of giving and receiving many gifts. While for others, it is a time for home decoration with ornaments and lights. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Christmas celebration exceeds dining and wining alone, enjoying with loved ones, or placing Christmas trees in homes, it is a time we remember and appreciate the love of Christ to humanity. It is a time when we thank God for his amazing plan to redeem mankind. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season, He is the reason for Christmas! From John 3: 16, we have: 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The love of God surpasses that of man in that He, through His infinite love and wisdom, thought it good to send Jesus to this world of sin, so that we might have eternal life! Christmas is a time we commemorate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through which we now have the joy of salvation. He came to this world to redeem mankind. We were, as it were, on our way to eternal destruction and damnation before Jesus came. However, through His sacrifices, we have the opportunity to be reconciled to God. He came for our redemption and we should be completely grateful to God for this wonderful day. This book: 'Christmas is all about Jesus' is recommended to everyone who wants to know the reason for Christmas, and appreciate God for the gift He has given us so we might have everlasting life.We will discuss the following: The creation of manThe Fall of ManThe plan of redemptionProphecies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ and their fulfillment, andThe reason for the season - which is Jesus Christ.Each chapter is well structured with appropriate Bible verses to ease your understanding of the concept, help you have a better understanding of Christmas and you will appreciate God the more for His great plan to redeem the human race. As you read through every chapter of this book, may you derive the joy, and peace that came with the Birth of Jesus Christ, and may Christ Jesus come into your life. Amen. Happy Reading and Stay Blessed!