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  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Spanish but have no time, keep reading! Spanish is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Spanish For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 3000 common Spanish phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories! Everyday phrases & wordsTravel phrasesEating In a restaurant phrasesConversational phrases Dating phrases Parenting phrasesMuch Much More! 

  • - Spanish Phrases Edition! Contains Over 450 Spanish Language Words & Phrases For Everyday Life & Travel! Master Spanish Vocabulary & Spanish Verbs!
    av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Spanish but have no time, keep reading!Spanish is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Spanish For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 3000 common Spanish phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!Everyday phrases & wordsTravel phrasesEating In a restaurant phrasesConversational phrasesDating phrasesParenting phrasesMuch Much More!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to learn the Portuguese language but have no time, keep reading! Portuguese is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!Learn Portuguese For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 2000 common Portuguese vocabulary phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided!The book is broken up into the following categories! Numbers/ N├║merosTimes /TempoColors /CoresMonths/ MesesSeasons/ Esta├º├╡esDays of the Week/ Dias da SemanaAnimals/ AnimaisJobs/ Profiss├╡esClothes / RoupaFamily Relationships / Rela├º├╡es FamiliaresHousehold Items / Itens de CasaAt the restaurant/No RestauranteThe Human Body / O Corpo HumanoWeather/ MetereologiaSchool / Education Escola/Educa├º├úoTravel / ViagemStores/ LojasThe Beach/ A PraiaFeelings / SentimentosShapes / FormasTransportation / TransportesSports / DesportoWeights / Measures  Pesos/MedidasCountries / Pa├¡sesTools / FerramentasThe Car / O CarroIn The City / Na CidadeBusiness / Neg├│cioGeography and Landscapes / Geografia e PaisagensDescribing People /Descrever pessoasReligion / Religi├úoOutdoors / Ar LivreAdverbs / Adv├⌐rbiosAdjectives /AdjetivosAccessories / Acess├│riosGeography / GeografiaVerbs / VerbosBasic Phrases / Frases b├ísicasDirections and Comparisons /Dire├º├╡es e Compara├º├╡esEntertainment / EntretenimentoHolidays and Celebrations / F├⌐rias e Celebra├º├╡esInternet / InternetMedical Terms /Termos m├⌐dicosUS Cities / Cidades dos EUEuropean Cities / Cidades EuropeiasNationalities / NacionalidadesParts of the world / Partes do MundoCommendations/Well Wishes /Cumprimentos/DesejosBasic Travel Phrases/ Frases B├ísicas de ViagemShoppingIn The Hotel/No HotelRenting A Car/Alugar um CarroAt The Restaurant/No restauranteSocial Life/Vida socialHobbies/HobbiesMore Than Friends/Mais do que amigosIn Case of Emergency/ At the Doctor - Em caso de urg├¬ncia / No m├⌐dicoBusiness / Neg├│ciosBasic Life Needs/Necessidades b├ísicasFor the Kids at School/Para as crian├ºas na escolaMuch Much More!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn the Russian language but have no time, keep reading! Russian is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Russian For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 500 common Russian phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!Commendations/Well Wishes - ╨ƒ╨╛╤à╨▓╨░╨╗╨░/╨ƒ╨╛╨╢╨╡╨╗╨░╨╜╨╕╤ÅBasic Travel Phrases - ╨₧╤ü╨╜╨╛╨▓╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╤ä╤Ç╨░╨╖╤ï ╨▓ ╨┐╤â╤é╨╡╤ê╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╕╨╕In The Hotel/ ╨Æ ╨ô╨╛╤ü╤é╨╕╨╜╨╕╤å╨╡Renting A Car/ ╨É╤Ç╨╡╨╜╨┤╨░ ╨É╨▓╤é╨╛At The Restaurant - ╨Æ ╨á╨╡╤ü╤é╨╛╤Ç╨░╨╜╨╡Social Life - ╨í╨╛╤å╨╕╨░╨╗╤î╨╜╨░╤Å ╨û╨╕╨╖╨╜╤îHobbies / ╨Ñ╨╛╨▒╨▒╨╕More Than Friends/ ╨æ╨╛╨╗╤î╤ê╨╡ ╨º╨╡╨╝ ╨ö╤Ç╤â╨╖╤î╤ÅIn Case of Emergency/ At the Doctor - ╨Æ ╨¡╨║╤ü╤é╤Ç╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛╨╝ ╨í╨╗╤â╤ç╨░╨╡/ ╨ú ╨Æ╤Ç╨░╤ç╨░Business - ╨æ╨╕╨╖╨╜╨╡╤üBasic Life Needs/ ╨ƒ╨╛╨▓╤ü╨╡╨┤╨╜╨╡╨▓╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╨¥╤â╨╢╨┤╤ïFor the Kids at School - ╨ö╨╗╤Å ╨ö╨╡╤é╨╡╨╣ ╨▓ ╨¿╨║╨╛╨╗╨╡Much Much More! Immersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn a new language - be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn the Portuguese language but have no time, keep reading!Portuguese is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Portuguese For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 500 common Portuguese phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!Commendations/Well Wishes / Cumprimentos / DesejosBasic Travel Phrases/ Frases b├ísicas de viagemShopping/comprasIn The Hotel/ No HotelRenting A Car/ Alugar um carroAt The Restaurant/ No restauranteSocial Life/ Vida socialHobbies/ HobbiesMore Than Friends/ Mais do que amigosIn Case of Emergency/ At the Doctor / Em caso de urg├¬ncia / No m├⌐dicoBusiness / Neg├│ciosBasic Life Needs/ Necessidades b├ísicasFor the Kids at School/ Para as crian├ºas na escolaImmersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn a new language - be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn French but have no time, keep reading!French is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn French For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 2000 common French phrases & words, that will help you in everyday life! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!    Commendations / Well WishesBasic Travel PhrasesShoppingIn The HotelRenting A CarAt The RestaurantSocial LifeHobbiesMore Than FriendsIn Case of Emergency/ At the DoctorBusinessBasic Life NeedsFor the Kids at SchoolNumbers-NombresTimes - TempsColors-CouleursMonths - MoisSeasons-SaisonsDays of the Week-Jours de la semaineFood-AlimentsAnimals - AnimalesJobs-EmploisClothes- V├¬tementsFamily Relationships - Relations de familleHousehold Items - Articles M├⌐nagersAt the restaurant-Au RestaurantThe Human Body- Corps HumainWeather-M├⌐t├⌐oSchool-├⌐coleTravel-VoyageStores-magasinsThe Beach-La PlageFeelings-SentimentsShapes- FormesTransportation - TransportSports - des sportsWeights-MesuresCountries- PaysTools - OutilsThe Car - la voitureIn The City - dans la villeBusiness - AffairesGeography - G├⌐ographieDescribing People - D├⌐crire les gensReligion - ReligionOutdoors - En plein airAdverbs - AdverbesAdjectives - AdjectifsAccessories - AccessoiresDirections and Comparisons - Directions et ComparaisonsEntertainment - DivertissementHolidays and Celebrations - C├⌐l├⌐brationsUS Cities - Villes Am├⌐ricainesEuropean Cities - Villes Europ├⌐ennesParts of the world - Parties du mondeMuch Much More!Immersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn French. Be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Mandarin Chinese but have no time, keep reading!Chinese is a beautiful language that is spoken by billions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!Learn Chinese For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 500 common Mandarin phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!Commendations/Well Wishes /τÑ¥τªÅΦ»¡Basic Travel Phrases/σƒ║µ£¼µùàµ╕╕τö¿Φ»¡In The Hotel/σ£¿ΘàÆσ║ùRenting A Car/τºƒΦ╜ªAt The Restaurant/σ£¿ΘñÉΘªåSocial Life/τñ╛Σ║ñτöƒµ┤╗Hobbies/σù£σÑ╜More Than Friends/Σ╕ìΣ╗àΣ╗àµÿ»µ£ïσÅïσà│τ│╗In Case of Emergency/ At the DoctorBusinessBasic Life Needs/σƒ║µ£¼τöƒµ┤╗Θ£ÇΦªüFor the Kids at School/σ£¿σ¡ªµáíMuch Much More!Immersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn a new language - be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn the Italian or German languages but have no time, keep reading! Italian and German are beautiful languages that are spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Italian & German For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 3000 common German & Italian Vocabulary phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories! NumbersTimes Colors MonthsSeasonsDays of the WeekFood AnimalsJobsClothesFamily Relationships Household Items At the restaurantThe Human Body WeatherSchool / Education   Travel StoresThe BeachFeelingsShapes Transportation SportsWeights / Measures   CountriesTools The CarIn The CityBusiness Geography and Landscapes Describing People  Religion Outdoors Adverbs Adjectives Accessories Geography Verbs Basic PhrasesDirections and Comparisons Entertainment Holidays and Celebrations Internet Medical Terms US Cities European Cities Nationalities Parts of the world Much Much More!Immersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn a new language - be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn French but have no time, keep reading! French is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn French For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common French vocabulary words, that will help you in everyday life! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories! Numbers-NombresTimes - TempsColors-CouleursMonths - MoisSeasons-SaisonsDays of the Week-Jours de la semaineFood-AlimentsAnimals - AnimalesJobs-EmploisClothes- V├¬tementsFamily Relationships - Relations de familleHousehold Items - Articles M├⌐nagersAt the restaurant-Au RestaurantThe Human Body- Corps HumainWeather-M├⌐t├⌐oSchool-├⌐coleTravel-VoyageStores-magasinsThe Beach-La PlageFeelings-SentimentsShapes- FormesTransportation - TransportSports - des sportsWeights-MesuresCountries- PaysTools - OutilsThe Car - la voitureIn The City - dans la villeBusiness - AffairesGeography - G├⌐ographieDescribing People - D├⌐crire les gensReligion - ReligionOutdoors - En plein airAdverbs - AdverbesAdjectives - AdjectifsAccessories - AccessoiresDirections and Comparisons - Directions et ComparaisonsEntertainment - DivertissementHolidays and Celebrations - C├⌐l├⌐brationsUS Cities - Villes Am├⌐ricainesEuropean Cities - Villes Europ├⌐ennesParts of the world - Parties du mondeMuch Much More!

  • av Immersion Languages

    <p><b> If you have always wanted to Learn Italian but have no time, keep reading! </b></p><p>Italian is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! </p><p><b> Learn Italian For Beginners</b> Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains <i>over <b>1500</b> common <b> Italian phrases</b> and words,</i> that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! </p><p><b> The book is broken up into the following categories! </b></p><p><ul><li>Numbers - Numeri<li>Times - Tempi<li>Colors- Colori<li>Months - Mesi<li>Seasons- Le Stagioni<li>Days of the Week- Giorni Della Settimana<li>Food - Cibo<li>Animals - Animali<li>Jobs- Lavori<li>Clothes - Abiti<li>Family Relationships - Relazioni Familiari<li>Household Items - Articoli Casalinghi<li>At the restaurant - Al Ristorante<li>The Human Body - Il Corpo Umano<li>Weather - Tempo Metereologico<li>School - Scuola<li>Travel - Viaggio<li>Stores - I Negozi<li>The Beach - La Spiaggia<li>Feelings - Sentimenti<li>Shapes - Forme<li>Transportation - Trasporti<li>Sports - Gli Sport<li>Measurements - Misurazioni<li>Countries - Paesi<li>The Car - L''auto<li>In The City - Nella Citt├á<li>Business - Attivit├á Commerciale<li>Geography - Geografia<li>Describing People - Descrivere le Persone<li>Religion - Religione<li>Outdoors - All''aperto<li>Adverbs - Avverbi<li>Adjectives - Aggettivi<li>Accessories - Accessori<li>Verbs - Verbi<li>Basic Phrases - Frasi di Base<li>Directions and Comparisons - Indicazioni e Confronti<li>Holidays and Celebrations - Feste e Celebrazioni<li>European Cities - Citt├á Europee<li>Parts of the world - Parti del mondo<li><b>Much Much More!Immersion Languages have taught thousands of people to learn a new language - be one of them today !

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Japanese but have no time, keep reading! Japanese is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn Japanese For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common Japanese vocabulary words,that will help you in everyday life! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each word''s equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!    Numbers/ πüÖπüåπüÿTimes / πüÿπüïπéôColors / πüäπéìMonths/ πüñπüìSeasons/ πüìπü¢πüñDays of the Week/ πéêπüåπü│Food /πüƒπü╣πééπü« Animals/ πü⌐πüåπü╢πüñJobs/ πüùπéçπüÅπüÄπéçπüåClothes / πéêπüåπü╡πüÅFamily Relationships / πüïπü₧πüÅπüïπéôπüæπüäHousehold Items / πüïπüªπüäπéêπüåπü▓πéôAt the restaurant/ πâ¼πé╣πâêπâ⌐πâ│πüºThe Human Body / πü▓πü¿πü«πüïπéëπüáWeather/ πüªπéôπüìSchool / Education  πüîπüúπüôπüå / πüìπéçπüåπüäπüÅTravel / πéèπéçπüôπüåStores/ πüèπü┐πü¢The Beach/ πâôπâ╝πâüFeelings / πüìπééπüíShapes / πüïπüƒπüíTransportation / πüôπüåπüñπüåSports / πé╣πâ¥πâ╝πâäWeights / Measures   πüèπééπüò/ πü»πüïπéèCountries / πüÅπü½Tools / πü⌐πüåπüÉThe Car / πüÅπéïπü╛In The City / πü╛πüíπüºBusiness / πâôπé╕πâìπé╣Geography and Landscapes / πüíπéèπü¿πüíπüæπüäDescribing People / πü▓πü¿πü«πü¿πüÅπüíπéçπüåReligion / πüùπéàπüåπüìπéçπüåOutdoors / πéóπéªπâêπâëπéóAdverbs / πü╡πüÅπüùAdjectives / πüæπüäπéêπüåπüùAccessories / πéóπé»πé╗πé╡πâ¬πâ╝Geography / πüíπéèVerbs / πü⌐πüåπüùBasic Phrases / πüìπü╗πéôπü╢πéôDirections and Comparisons / πü╗πüåπüôπüåπü¿πü▓πüïπüÅEntertainment / πé¿πâ│πé┐πâ╝πâåπéñπâíπâ│πâêHolidays and Celebrations / πüìπéàπüåπüïπü¿πüèπüäπéÅπüäπüöπü¿Internet / πéñπâ│πé┐πâ╝πâìπââπâêMedical Terms / πüäπéèπéçπüåπéêπüåπüöUS Cities / πéóπâíπâ¬πé½πü«πü¿πüùEuropean Cities / πâ¿πâ╝πâ¡πââπâæπü«πü¿πüùNationalities / πüôπüÅπü¢πüìParts of the world /πü¢πüïπüäπü«πü░πüùπéçAND Much Much More!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn German but have no time, keep reading!German is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring! Learn German For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common German vocabulary words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!     Numbers/ZahlenTimes /Zeiten Colors /Farben Months/Monate Seasons/Jahreszeiten Days of the Week/Wochentage Food /Lebensmittel Animals/Tiere Jobs/Berufe Clothes /Bekleidung Family Relationships /Familie Household Items /Haushalt At the restaurant/Im Restaurant The Human Body /Der menschliche K├╢rper Weather/Wetter School / Education Schule / Ausbildung   Travel / Reise Stores/Gesch├ñfte The Beach/Der Strand Feelings / Gef├╝hle Shapes /Formen Transportation / Verkehrsmittel Sports /Sport Weights / Gewichte / Ma├ƒeCountries / L├ñnderTools / WerkzeugeThe Car / Das AutoIn The City / In der Stadt Business /Gesch├ñftswelt Geography and Landscapes /Geographie und Landschaften Describing People / Aussehen (Menschen beschreiben) Religion /Religion Outdoors / Im Freien (drau├ƒen)Adverbs / AdverbienAdjectives / AdjektiveAccessories / AccessoriesGeography / GeographieVerbs / VerbenBasic Phrases / S├ñtze / Redewendungen Directions and Comparisons / Richtungsangaben und VergleicheEntertainment / UnterhaltungHolidays and Celebrations / Feiertage und FesteInternet /Internet Medical Terms / Medizinische FachbegriffeUS Cities / Amerikanische St├ñdte European Cities / Europ├ñische St├ñdte Nationalities /Nationalit├ñten Parts of the world /Teile der Welt  AND Much Much More!

  • av Immersion Languages

    Si siempre has querido aprender el idioma inglés, pero no tienes tiempo, ¡sigue leyendo!¡El inglés es un idioma hermoso que hablan miles de millones en todo el mundo! Sin embargo, ¡es difícil encontrar tiempo para aprender un nuevo idioma! ¡Cursos de idiomas en escuelas y colegios son rutinarios y aburridos! ¡Aprende inglés para Principiantes es perfecto para las personas que no tienen tiempo para aprender un nuevo idioma! ¡Contiene más de 3000 frases y palabras comunes de vocabulario en inglés, que te ayudarán en la vida cotidiana y en tus viajes! ¡Cada palabra esta escrita varias veces para que realmente se pueda aprender la pronunciación correcta! ¡También se proporciona cada palabra traducida al español!¡El libro se divide en las siguientes categorías!Colores FormasCuerpo humanoAnimales Ropas y accesorios Higiene / Aseo Clima / Desastres Naturales Clima / Desastres Naturales Apariencia física Estado Anímico / PersonalidadAdjetivos comunes AdverbiosAlimentos / BebidasCocinaCasaHerramientas / Utensilios / Equipo Viajes / Aeropuerto Verbos Familia Vacaciones / Celebraciones MúsicaCiencia / Tecnología / DispositivosArte / Entretenimiento EscuelaLa calle / Compras Materiales Historia / Religión Deportes / Actividades físicas Profesiones / OcupacionesSalud ¡Mucho, mucho más! Immersion Language Audiobooks ha ayudado a miles de personas a aprender un nuevo idioma - ¡sé uno de ellos hoy!

  • - Perfect For Travel - Dutch Language Learning Lessons - Level 1
    av Immersion Languages

  • - Perfect For Travel - Best Language Learning Lessons - Level 1
    av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Italian but have no time, keep reading! Italian is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!Learn Italian For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1000 common Italian phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent english translation is also provided!The book is broken up into the following categories!Basic greetings and well wishesBasic travel phrasesAt the restaurantPlaces to stayShoppingConversational phrases oneConversational phrases twoConversational phrases threeConversational phrases fourTalking about the weatherReligionExpressionsTimes and measurements Dating At the post officeAt the bankBusinessAt the hairdresserEmergency/medicalSchoolUnderstanding signsSkiingDay at the beachTalking about the houseMuch, more! Immersion Languages have taught thousands of people to learn a new language - be one of them today !

  • - Phrases Edition! Contains over 500 Hindi Language Words & Phrases! Level 1!: Master Hindi Vocabulary & Verbs! Perfect for Travel!
    av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn the Hindi language but have no time, keep reading!Hindi  is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!Learn Hindi For Beginners Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 500 common Hindi phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each phrase is used multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories!Commendations / Well WishesBasic Travel PhrasesShoppingIn The HotelRenting A CarAt The RestaurantSocial LifeHobbiesMore Than FriendsIn Case of Emergency/ At the DoctorBusinessBasic Life NeedsFor the Kids at SchoolImmersion Languages has helped thousands of people learn a new language - be one of them today!

  • av Immersion Languages

    If you have always wanted to Learn Spanish but have no time, keep reading!Spanish is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!Learn Spanish For Beginner''s Easily & In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common spanish vocabulary words and phrases, that will help you in everyday life! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each word''s equivalent English translation is also provided! The book is broken up into the following categories! NumbersTimesColorsMonthsSeasonsDays of the WeekFoodAnimalsJobsClothesFamily RelationshipsHousehold ItemsAt the restaurantThe Human BodyWeatherSchool/ EducationTravelStoresThe BeachFeelingsShapesTransportationSportsWeights/ MeasuresCountriesToolsThe CarIn The CityBusinessGeography and LandscapesDescribing PeopleReligionOutdoorsAdverbsAdjectivesAccessoriesGeographyVerbsBasic PhrasesDirections and ComparisonsEntertainmentHolidays and CelebrationsInternetMedical TermsUS CitiesEuropean CitiesNationalitiesParts of the world

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