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Böcker av Ian Day

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  • - I Protocolli Dei Savi di Sion
    av Ian Day

    I Protocolli dei Savi di Sion furono progettati per disinnescare l'inefficace dominio della famiglia Romanov sulla Russia, creando rivoltosi per il cambiamento politico come aderenti a una cospirazione ebraica per dominare il mondo. Fu usata come falsa dottrina per provocare pogrom contro le comunità ebraiche della Russia. Tra i sostenitori più importanti c'era l'industria automobilistica Henry Ford.

  • - The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire
    av Ian Day

    Three centuries after the founder of Christianity died on the Cross in an outlying province of the Roman Empire, a new empire was created in his name. Christianity, the faith that Rome had persecuted, was the binding force that enabled Byzantium, the reorganized Roman Empire with its capital in the East, to survive for more than 1100 years, long after the Roman Empire in the West had perished. Byzantium AD 330-1453: The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire is a high-level overview of the rulers and players through the empire's existence.

  • - A Brief History of the Jews and Jewish Symbols
    av Ian Day

    The Jewish royal family in Roman times was descended from priests, and not from David. The starting point of this story is the fact that Josephus Flavius, and with him the whole Judaic priestly line, descended directly from Moses. Yet, according to the universally recognized and accepted tradition, all the priests descended from Moses's brother Aaron. It is a tradition that was born at the time of Ezra--and because of the works of Ezra. Since then, it has been continually reasserted with force and conviction, to the point of becoming an unquestioned truth that nobody has ever doubted, but it's a truth that is easy to disprove based on the information provided by the Bible.

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Historical Figures and Events
    av Ian Day

    Josephus Flavius was a Roman-Jewish historian and military leader. Best known for writing the masterpiece "THE JEWISH WAR". Josephus was was born in Jerusalem which was at the time part of the Roman province of Judea. His father was of priestly descent, and his mother claimed royal ancestry. Learn more about this fascinating character who claimed Jewish messianic prophecies that initiated the first Jewish-Roman war.

  • - A Look at the History of the Masonic Organization
    av Ian Day

    This is an in-depth and fascinating look at the history of the Masonic Organization. On that traces the origins of Masonry back to the days of Moses. Modern Masonry originated in London, England in the year 1717. It evolved from a brotherhood of artisan builders (or stonemasons) in the Middle Ages. Curiously, this was not even mentioned in the works of the early historians of the guild or in the first documents that refer to these groups. According to scholars, many historical documents referring to Masonry were destroyed in 1720 by the founders of the Grand Lodge, for fear that their publications might produce negative consequences. The intention of this work is to reveal the history of Masonry that has been obscured because its official founders did not want its secrets disclosed.

  • - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
    av Ian Day

    The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was designed to take the heat off the Romanov family's inefficacious governance of Russia by creating the troublemakers for a political change as followers of a Jewish Conspiracy to rule the world. It was used as a false doctrine to incite pogroms against Russia's Jewish communities. One of the most notable supporters included car industry Henry Ford.

  • - Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión
    av Ian Day

    Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión fueron diseñados para desactivar el gobierno ineficaz de Rusia por parte de la familia Romanov creando a los alborotadores para el cambio político como adherentes de una conspiración judía para dominar el mundo. Fue utilizado como una falsa doctrina para instigar pogromos contra las comunidades judías de Rusia. Entre los partidarios más notables estaba la industria automotriz Henry Ford.

  • - Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion
    av Ian Day

    Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion wurden entworfen, um die ineffektive Regierung Russlands durch die Romanow-Familie zu entschärfen, indem sie die Unruhestifter für einen politischen Wandel als Anhänger einer jüdischen Verschwörung zur Beherrschung der Welt schufen. Es wurde als falsche Doktrin benutzt, um Pogrome gegen die jüdischen Gemeinden Russlands anzuzetteln. Zu den namhaftesten Unterstützern gehörte die Autoindustrie Henry Ford.

  • - Going Beyond Traditional Coaching to Face the FACTS
    av Ian Day & John Blakey

    Challenging Coaching details the unique FACTS coaching model, which provides a practical and pragmatic approach focusing on Feedback, Accountability, Courageous goals, Tension and Systems thinking.

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