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Böcker av Howard Morgan

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  • av Howard Morgan

    Love, murder, betrayal, and adventure with the transportation of convicts from Britain in 1787 and the founding of the penal colony that became Australia.With the American colonies closed to Britain the goals overflowed and the criminal under-class posed a growing threat to the property-owning classes. A solution was required to deal with the overcrowded prisons. The answer lay in colonizing the continent on the far side of the world - Terra Australis Incognito; the unknown continent.Claimed for Britain by James Cook during his first voyage of discovery in April 1770, the government of the day launched an ambitious project; to make use of the criminal class to develop a new colony. Its aim to find a new source of trade and a establish a new base for Britain's Royal Navy to support the burgeoning empire. The First Fleet of eleven ships left Portsmouth in May 1787 tasked with those objectives. The First Fleet of convicts. The great experiment so nearly failed.Jack Vizzard, a young and raw marine officer of affluent background, becomes a member of the expedition. Lawyer, newly commissioned subaltern and a murderer, Vizzard finds his acts of betrayal follow him to New Holland. But what awaits him there? Retribution and reconciliation? Or ignominy and death?

  • av Howard Morgan

    大屠杀学者、劳勿。黑尔伯格(Raul Hilberg)在他的著作「毁灭欧洲犹太人」一书中,将教会对犹太人的敕令浓缩如下 1. 你们没有权力活在我们中间为犹太人。 2. 你们没有权力活在我们中间。 3. 你们没有权力活。 在这本书里,我按时间顺序整理了这段历史。它反映出从罗马时期直到现今一再不断重复出现的一个模式。 这期间我们见证了十字军东征,宗教裁判,驱逐和各种大屠杀(Pogroms);接着,所有这些手段都在灭族大屠杀(Holocaust)中达到颠峰。 在研究这段历史时,我们看出「反犹主义」的邪灵在每一年,每十年,和逐个世纪的运作形式。历史清楚显明牠是何时、何地以及如何扩散和传播的。 牠会偶尔在一个地方消失,然后又在另一个地方出现。 今时今日我们正眼睁睁地看着牠在世上复苏,且不单单是通过暴力和恐怖袭击而已,而是同时以很多其它的各种方式抬头。 为了遵行圣经的诫命并收获与之相关的祝福,我们每个人都必须向主求问,我们该如何亲自与「反犹主义」对立;且支持神成就祂对那久遭蹂烂、已经背负「深深的伤疤」之以色列和犹太人的目的......

  • av Howard Morgan

    Durante siglos, la iglesia ha sido influenciada por diversas filosofías, visiones del mundo y doctrinas de demonios. En este libro, el Dr. Morgan expone algunas de esas influencias destructivas y ayuda al cuerpo de Cristo a volver a la auténtica fe y práctica bíblica. Al estar dispuestos a ser restaurados a la "fe que una vez se entregó a los Santos", el Espíritu Santo será libre de hacer su obra de llevar el cuerpo de Cristo a la madurez.A medida que se exponen las influencias negativas, nos enfrentamos a opciones. ¿Estamos dispuestos a hacer lo que sea necesario para cambiar tanto a nosotros mismos como a los demás? ¿Aceptamos el "status quo" o obedecemos al espíritu de Dios? El Señor está restaurando la iglesia!Las hojas del olivo son proféticas y prácticas. Te desafiará, te bendecirá y te ayudará a tomar las decisiones correctas. Te inspirará en tu caminar con el Señor, y te dará a la tierra ayuda para "buscar primero el Reino de Dios."

  • av Howard Morgan

    Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg summarized the historical progression of "Christian" anti-Semitism in this way: 1. You have no right to live among us as Jews. 2. You have no right to live among us. 3. You have no right to live. In this book, I have organized this history chronologically. It shows a pattern repeated again and again from the Roman period through the present day. We witness Crusades, Inquisitions, Expulsions and Pogroms, all of which culminated in the Holocaust. As we study this history we can see the year-by-year, decade-by-decade and century-by-century operation of the spirit of anti-Semitism. History shows us when, where and how it spread. It temporarily subsides in one place and then emerges in another. We are witnessing its present-day resurgence, not only via violent terrorist attacks but in many other ways as well.

  • av Howard Morgan

    Cada discípulo de Jesús, el Mesías judío, debe entender que el Cuerpo de Cristo tiene raíces hebreas y una relación y responsabilidad bíblica hacia el pueblo judío. Estamos viviendo en un momento en el que Dios está restaurando este entendimiento en la Iglesia. Parte de esta restauración es reconocer que el antisemitismo es más que un mero fenómeno humano, político o económico enfocado en la persecución o destrucción del pueblo judío. Trabajando con su diabólico gemelo, el espíritu del anticristo, han creado estrategias satánicas enfocadas en evitar la segunda venida de Jesús (Yeshua) el Mesías. El Dr. Morgan expone la demoníaca naturaleza del antisemitismo y muestra el significado de lo que supone alinearse con los propósitos proféticos que Dios tiene para la Iglesia y para el pueblo judío. Hay una gran batalla en contra de todo aquél que confronta al antisemitismo y participa de los propósitos de Dios para la Iglesia y el pueblo judío.

  • av Howard Morgan

    This book is not about trying to "e;convert"e; Jewish people or to change anything about their identity, beliefs or practices as Jews. It is about helping people whose lives have been changed by their personal encounter with Jesus to share their understanding of the many prophecies in the Hebrew Bible that we believe can only be fulfilled in Yeshua. It is also about encouraging and challenging you to seriously consider these prophecies and why we believe that Yeshua really is the Jewish Messiah, the Son of God and the Redeemer of the world.

  • av Howard Morgan

    Every disciple of Jesus, must understand that the Body of Christ has Hebraic Roots and a relationship/responsibility to Jewish people. Presently, God is restoring this understanding to the Church.Part of this restoration is recognizing that anti-Semitism is more than a merely human social, economic, or political phenomenon focused on the persecution or destruction of Jewish people. Working with the spirit of anti-Christ, they have created satanic strategies focused on preventing the Second Coming of Jesus. Dr. Morgan shows the significance of aligning with GodÕs prophetic purposes for the Church and the Jewish people. There is a great spiritual battle opposing everyone who confronts anti-Semitism and participates in GodÕs purposes for the Church and the Jewish people.When you recognize the Biblical foundations and spiritual realities of this great end-time move of the Holy Spirit and join the battle, you will be helping to ÒPrepare the way for the return of the LordÓ!

  • av Howard Morgan

    El investigador sobre el Holocausto Raul Hilberg resumió la progresión histórica del antisemitismo "cristiano" de la siguiente manera: 1. No tenéis derecho de vivir entre nosotros como judíos. 2. No tenéis derecho de vivir entre nosotros. 3. No tenéis derecho de vivir. En este libro, he ordenado este hecho cronológicamente. Muestra un patrón que se repite una y otra vez desde el periodo romano hasta nuestros días. Hemos sido testigos de cruzadas, inquisiciones, expulsiones y pogromos, los cuales culminaron con el Holocausto. A medida que estudiamos esta historia podemos ver año tras año, década tras década, siglo tras siglo, como el espíritu de antisemitismo sigue operando. La historia nos muestra cuándo, dónde y cómo se esparce, como se sumerge temporalmente en un lugar pero luego emerge en otro. A día de hoy, somos testigos de su resurgimiento, no sólo por la vía de ataques terroristas violentos sino también en muchas otras formas.

  • av Howard Morgan

    Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg summarized the historical progression of "Christian" anti-Semitism in this way: 1. You have no right to live among us as Jews. 2. You have no right to live among us. 3. You have no right to live. In this book, I have organized this history chronologically. It shows a pattern repeated again and again from the Roman period through the present day. We witness Crusades, Inquisitions, Expulsions and Pogroms, all of which culminated in the Holocaust. As we study this history we can see the year-by-year, decade-by-decade and century-by-century operation of the spirit of anti-Semitism. History shows us when, where and how it spread. It temporarily subsides in one place and then emerges in another. We are witnessing its present-day resurgence, not only via violent terrorist attacks but in many other ways as well.

  • - 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets
    av Howard Morgan

    The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching presents timely, topical essays from 50 of the top executive coaches in the world, including Ken Blanchard, Michael Hammer, Sally Helgesen, Frances Hesselbein, Beverly Kaye, Jim Kouzes, C.K. Prahalad, Noel Tichy, David Ulrich, and many others.

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