- How to pass the US Police Officer Tests used by police departments throughout the country. Packed full of numerical, comprehension, literacy, spatial cognitive ability, written reports and diagnostic tests. Plus much more!
This is the essential police exam practice resource. This workbook contains: 100s of practice exam questions, the different exams used by departments across the country, what assessors are looking for, strategies to boost your grade, example high-scoring answers to all questions. If you're serious about becoming a police officer, you need this practice workbook. Written by leading recruitment experts; this comprehensive guide includes:• What you can expect from the different police departments across the country;• How you will be assessed and what you MUST learn to score highly;• 100s of practice questions, created by leading global police recruitment experts;• Practice questions on numerical, comprehension, literacy, cognitive ability, written reports, and more!• Example high-scoring answers with detailed explanations to help you learn;• Whether you're taking the local, county, state, or federal agency exam, this guide has you covered;• Bonus interview chapter!