- Scriptural People in Symmetrical Poems
av Hazel Spire
72 symmetrical poems encapsulate the lives of historical characters, as revealed in the Bible. At the center of each 7-line poem lies a semi-colon, at which the person's life makes a turn for the better, or in some cases the worse, following an encounter with God. An hour-glass icon is repeated throughout the book. Scriptural references allow for further study, and questions at the end invite a response. In the Old Testament, meet Adam, Eve, Lucifer, Cain, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek, Lot, Hagar, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Miriam, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Hannah, Samuel, David, Mephibosheth, Elijah, Elisha, Cyrus, Esther, Job, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Shadrach, Daniel, and Jonah. New Testament: Zechariiah, Mary, Joseph, Herod, Simeon & Anna, John the Baptist, Yeshua, Peter, Levi, Madman, a 12-year-old girl, .a boy who shared, Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus, Nicodemus, a woman at the well, a cripple, a blind man, Mary & Martha, Judas, Pilate, Stephen, an Ethiopian, Paul, Dorcas, Cornelius, Barnabas, Lydia, a Philippian jailer, Timothy, Apollos, Felix, Onesimus, and John the beloved.. Here's the basic format for a "diamante" shaped poem: Line 1. nounL2. two or three word description, fact or eventL3. three verbs (ing words)L4. two amplifying words + semi-colon + 2 "shift" words L5. three verbs (ing words)L6. two or three words description or developmentL7. noun EXAMPLES (EACH POEM WOULD BE CENTERED ON THE PAGE FOR SYMMETRY): SolomonDavid's sonruling, wisdom-asking, proverb-writingtemple complete; turned to idolsexpanding, importing, harem-buildingkingdom splitapostate.................................................................Estherbeauty contestpurifiying, primping, pamperingcrowned queen; Haman's plot fasting, interceding, banquetingscepter extendedchampion................................................................CarpenterDavid's lineagelaw-abiding, agonizing, ponderingMary's state; divine assuranceshielding, marrying, refrainingearthly fatherJoseph.................................................................SaulTarsus tent-makerChrist-cursing, threatening, arrestingself-righteous Pharisee; struck blindsurrendering, corresponding, seafaringlight to the GentilesPaul...............................................................Lydiafrom Thyatiradyeing, buying, sellingpurple cloth; women at riverworshipping, welcoming, talkingfirst Europeanconvert................................................................