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Böcker av Georges Hathry

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  • av Georges Hathry

    In questo libro intitolato: "I sette vantaggi dell'intelligenza artificiale per la vostra azienda", scoprirete in modo approfondito come l'integrazione strategica dell'intelligenza artificiale possa trasformare radicalmente le prestazioni e la redditività complessiva delle aziende moderne. Dalla gestione dei costi all'ottimizzazione dei processi, ogni capitolo offre una chiara visione di come l'intelligenza artificiale possa diventare un catalizzatore chiave per la crescita e la competitività.Punti salienti del libro:* Esplorazione approfondita dei vantaggi dell'IA nella crescita dei ricavi;* Analisi dell'impatto dell'IA sull'ottimizzazione dei costi e sulla redditività finanziaria;* Dimostrazione dei vantaggi tangibili dell'IA per il miglioramento dei profitti;* Applicazione dell'IA in diverse funzioni aziendali, dalla produzione al marketing;* Consigli pratici per integrare con successo l'IA nella strategia aziendale."I sette (7) vantaggi dell'intelligenza artificiale per la vostra azienda" offre una guida completa per dirigenti, manager e professionisti che desiderano sfruttare appieno il potenziale dell'IA.

  • av Georges Hathry
    1 135,-

    In questo libro scoprirete: quali sono le regole d'oro applicate dalle aziende più redditizie per rendere redditizia la loro attività?Queste sette (7) regole d'oro sono: l'umiltà dei fondatori e dei dirigenti dell'azienda, la capacità di spendere meno e guadagnare di più, l'anticipazione degli eventi e degli sviluppi futuri, la capacità di aumentare il volume delle vendite e di sfruttare l'effetto esponenziale dei piccoli margini per migliorare la redditività, la proposta di un'offerta originale e unica per praticare prezzi che consentano di ottenere un elevato profitto netto, la capacità di controllare la propria attività e i propri costi e di sfruttare la leva finanziaria per aumentare la redditività.Attraverso esempi pratici delle aziende più redditizie, vi verranno fornite le chiavi per applicarle alla vostra attività.

  • av Georges Hathry
    1 135,-

    In diesem Buch erfahren Sie: Welche goldenen Regeln die profitabelsten Unternehmen anwenden, um eine profitable Geschäftstätigkeit zu erreichen.Diese sieben (7) goldenen Regeln sind die Bescheidenheit der Gründer und Leiter des Unternehmens, die Fähigkeit, weniger auszugeben und mehr zu verdienen, die Antizipation zukünftiger Ereignisse und Entwicklungen, die Fähigkeit, das Verkaufsvolumen zu erhöhen und den exponentiellen Effekt kleiner Gewinnspannen zu nutzen, um die Rentabilität zu verbessern, die Tatsache, ein originelles und einzigartiges Angebot anzubieten, um Preise anzuwenden, die einen hohen Nettogewinn ermöglichen, die Fähigkeit, seine Tätigkeit und seine Kosten zu kontrollieren, und die Tatsache, den finanziellen Hebel zu nutzen, um die Rentabilität zu erhöhen.Anhand von Fallbeispielen der profitabelsten Unternehmen erhalten Sie die Schlüssel, um sie in Ihrem Unternehmen anzuwenden.

  • av Georges Hathry

    In diesem Buch mit dem Titel: "Die sieben Vorteile von Künstlicher Intelligenz für Ihr Unternehmen" erfahren Sie umfassend, wie die strategische Integration von Künstlicher Intelligenz die Gesamtleistung und Rentabilität moderner Unternehmen grundlegend verändern kann. Vom Kostenmanagement bis zur Prozessoptimierung bietet jedes Kapitel klare Perspektiven, wie KI zu einem entscheidenden Katalysator für Wachstum und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit werden kann.Highlights des Buches:* Gründliche Untersuchung der Vorteile von KI für das Umsatzwachstum;* Analyse der Auswirkungen von KI auf die Kostenoptimierung und die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit;* Demonstration der konkreten Vorteile von KI für die Gewinnsteigerung;* Anwendung von KI in verschiedenen Unternehmensfunktionen, von der Produktion bis zum Marketing;* Praktische Ratschläge für eine erfolgreiche Integration von KI in die Unternehmensstrategie."The Seven (7) Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business" bietet einen umfassenden Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, Manager und Fachleute, die das Potenzial von KI voll ausschöpfen wollen.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Die digitale Transformation hat die Geschäftslandschaft weltweit revolutioniert, und auch die Finanzfunktion ist von dieser rasanten Entwicklung nicht verschont geblieben. "Digitale Transformation der Finanzfunktion" bietet eine gründliche Erkundung der Veränderungen, Herausforderungen und Chancen, die die Digitalisierung für das finanzielle Herz eines Unternehmens mit sich bringt. Das Buch ist als umfassender Leitfaden für Finanzfachleute, Entscheidungsträger in Unternehmen und alle, die die Auswirkungen der digitalen Revolution auf das Finanzmanagement verstehen möchten, konzipiert.Ob Sie nun ein Finanzfachmann, ein Unternehmensleiter oder ein Enthusiast der digitalen Transformation sind, dieses Buch bietet praktische Einblicke und Lösungen, um erfolgreich durch das neue digitale Zeitalter der Finanzfunktion zu navigieren.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Digital transformation has revolutionized the global business landscape, and the finance function has not been immune to this rapid evolution. "Digital Transformation of the Finance Function" offers an in-depth exploration of the changes, challenges and opportunities that digitization brings to the financial heart of companies. The book is designed as a comprehensive guide for finance professionals, corporate decision-makers and anyone interested in understanding the implications of the digital revolution on financial management.Whether you're a finance professional, a business leader or a digital transformation enthusiast, this book offers practical insights and solutions for successfully navigating the new digital era of the finance function.

  • av Georges Hathry
    1 135,-

    In this book, you'll discover: What are the golden rules applied by the most profitable companies to achieve business profitability?These seven (7) golden rules are: the humility of the company's founders and managers, the ability to spend less and earn more, anticipating future events and developments, the ability to increase sales volume and take advantage of the exponential effect of small margins to improve profitability, proposing an original and unique offer in order to apply prices that enable a high net profit, the ability to control your activity and costs, and taking advantage of financial leverage to increase profitability.Through practical case studies of the most profitable companies, you'll be given the keys to applying them in your own business.

  • av Georges Hathry

    In this book entitled: "The Seven Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business", you'll discover in depth how the strategic integration of artificial intelligence can fundamentally transform the overall performance and profitability of modern businesses. From cost management to process optimization, each chapter offers clear insights into how AI can become an essential catalyst for growth and competitiveness.Book Highlights:* In-depth exploration of the benefits of AI in sales growth;* Analysis of the impact of AI on cost optimization and financial viability;* Demonstration of the concrete benefits of AI for profit improvement;* Application of AI in different business functions, from production to marketing;* Practical advice for successfully integrating AI into business strategy."The Seven (7) Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Business" offers a comprehensive guide for executives, managers and professionals looking to harness the full potential of AI.

  • av Georges Hathry

    In this book, you'll discover that the internal audit plan is a very important document for guaranteeing the effectiveness of your company's internal audit. The internal audit plan is based on a reliable process for identifying, analyzing and assessing risks. For this reason, it is based on the risk mapping of the risk management system, on management's view of the company's risks, on the analytical review of expenses, and on the analysis of business activity, profitability and financial position. The follow-up of audit recommendations also enables risks for which action plans to implement audit recommendations have not been implemented to be incorporated into the internal audit plan. This methodological approach is a guarantee of performance for your company's internal audit team.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Neste livro, descobrirá que o plano de auditoria interna é um documento muito importante para garantir a eficácia da auditoria interna da sua empresa. A abordagem utilizada para a elaboração do plano de auditoria interna baseia-se na fiabilidade do processo de identificação, análise e avaliação dos riscos. É por isso que a abordagem se baseia na cartografia dos riscos do sistema de gestão dos riscos e na visão da direção sobre os riscos da empresa, no exame analítico das despesas e na análise da atividade, da rentabilidade e da situação financeira. O acompanhamento das recomendações de auditoria permite também integrar no desenvolvimento do plano de auditoria interna os riscos para os quais os planos de ação para a implementação das recomendações de auditoria não foram implementados. Esta abordagem metodológica é uma garantia de desempenho para a equipa de auditoria interna da sua empresa.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Non-financial managers are constantly interacting with the finance department as part of their activities. They need to understand the financial situation of the company in which they work, in order to contribute to its financial performance. This book will enable you to read and interpret your company's income statement and balance sheet, in order to assess its financial situation and the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. You'll also find practical case studies to help you apply the approach presented.

  • av Georges Hathry

    This book introduces you to the challenges of implementing renewable energy projects in companies. It helps you understand renewable energies and their characteristics. It helps you discover the objectives of using renewable energies for your company. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energies. It presents a methodological approach to optimizing energy consumption costs by implementing renewable energy projects. You'll also find practical case studies of renewable energy projects implemented in companies and in certain countries around the world.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Este livro apresenta as questões relacionadas com as alterações climáticas no planeta Terra. Ajudá-lo-á a compreender os impactos, os riscos, as consequências e as causas do aquecimento global. Encontrará também propostas de soluções para o fenómeno das alterações climáticas nos países do mundo provocadas pela actividade humana. É uma ferramenta para o ajudar a integrar os objectivos de redução das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa na estratégia da sua empresa. Destaca os benefícios das acções de redução da pegada de carbono na rentabilidade da empresa. São partilhados exemplos de projectos empresariais com impacto no clima e no ambiente.

  • av Georges Hathry

    This book presents the challenges of climate change on planet Earth. It will help you understand the impacts, risks, consequences and causes of global warming. You'll also find proposed solutions to the phenomenon of climate change in countries around the world caused by human activity. It's a tool to help you integrate greenhouse gas reduction objectives into your corporate strategy. It highlights the benefits of carbon footprint reduction actions on corporate profitability. Examples of corporate projects with an impact on the climate and the environment are shared.

  • av Georges Hathry

    Beratungsaufträge sind eine Möglichkeit für Unternehmen, von den Kompetenzen und der Erfahrung eines Beraterteams zu profitieren, um Lösungen für die Probleme und Herausforderungen zu finden, mit denen sie bei der Entwicklung ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit konfrontiert sind. Sie bietet den Firmen dank des methodischen Ansatzes und der von den Beratern eingesetzten Instrumente einen echten Mehrwert. Die Bewertung von Beratungsaufträgen wird auf mehreren Ebenen beurteilt, insbesondere auf der Ebene der Rentabilität der Investition im Vergleich zu den Kosten des Auftrags, auf der Ebene der Entwicklung der Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter, auf der Ebene der Umsetzung der Aktionspläne, die aus den Empfehlungen der Berater hervorgehen, auf der Ebene der Verbesserung der Prozesse.

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