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Böcker av Gabriel Faur

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  • av Gabriel Faur

    Just as this remarkable series of works spanned virtually the whole of Faure's compositional career, so they can give us a lifetime of enrichment. One can only marvel at the source of inspiration which brought into being such profound utterances as the 6th or 10th Nocturnes, to name but two examples. The 'Nocturnes' had a particularly unfortunate publishing history. As a result, Howat identifies literally hundreds of corrections, amendments and alternatives deriving directly from Faure's own pen. Characteristically, Howat is also always alert to the restless, fecund spirit of Faure's creativity; as such, he tends to regard slight discrepancies in repeat or parallel passages as perfectly deliberate, rather than composer 'errors' to be standardized. Among the multiplicity of sources consulted are piano-roll recordings of three of the Nocturnes by the composer himself."A new edition of Fauré's Thirteen Nocturnes has long been needed, to clean up literally hundreds of old misprints and dubieties. Indeed, towards the end of his life Fauré prepared a corrected edition of his first eight Nocturnes, but this went so badly wrong that he tried, just before he died, to block its publication. Undeterred, the publisher concerned (Hamelle) issued it in that state in 1924, and that's what's been available since - cluttered since the 1950s by editorial fingering.The new London Peters edition (which replaces the Leipzig one) has compared all known manuscripts and prints from Fauré's lifetime, along with some piano rolls recorded by Fauré and memoirs and scores marked up by pianists who worked with him. A few of Fauré's own printed copies survive, showing numerous written corrections by him that never made it into the 1924 re-edition and which are now printed for the first time. The preface includes some performing advice that can be traced back to Fauré; it bears out his wish to have his music played in time and up to his dynamics, without sentimental rallentandi or soggy rubato."Roy Howat, 200613 Nocturnes fÿr Klavier“In der Klaviermusik ist kein Platz fÿr Firlefanz“, schrieb Gabriel Fauré seiner Frau Marie 1910. Diese Nÿchternheit ÿbertrÿgt er auf seine 13 Nocturnes, die anstatt Trÿumereien elegante Klavierwerke sind.Sie begleiten ihn schon durch sein ganzes Leben, beeinflussen sein Schaffen und lassen ihn sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren. Von der ersten Nocturne bis zur letzten vergehen 50 Jahre, und doch blieb Fauré sich und seinem Stil treu. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Komponisten, die sich der Gattung annahmen, verzichtet er meist auf allzu virtuose Eskapaden und verlÿsst sich darauf, durch warme Tonarten mit einigen Vorzeichen, Modulationen und nette Melodien zu ÿberzeugen.Zusÿtzlich zum Notentext verfÿgt diese Ausgabe von Roy Howat ÿber ein ausfÿhrliches historisch-theoretisches Vorwort und einen kritischen Kommentar ÿber die revidierte Version.Â

  • av Gabriel Faur

    This volume contains all Fauré's single-movement cello pieces, two of them published here for the first time. Also included as an appendix is a little-known sight-reading etude for two cellos.Sämtliche kürzere Werke für Violoncello und KlavierDiese revidierte und ergänzte Ausgabe enthält alle kürzeren, einsätzigen Cellowerke Faurés, zwei davon erstmals veröffentlicht.Als Anhang ist die wenig bekannte Etüde Morceau de lecture D-Dur für 2 Celli (aus der Ausgabe Anthologie ausgewählter Stücke für Violoncello und Klavier EP 72686) aufgenommen.'An informative Preface discusses Fauré's compositions for cello with some specific references to cellists of the time. For example, the playful Sérénade was dedicated to Pablo Casals who had championed Fauré's Elegie... The four pages of critical commentary is detailed and easy to interpret.' Catherine Milligan, Stringendo Magazine, April 2024

  • av Gabriel Faur

    The Complete Verlaine Settings High Voice.

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