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Böcker av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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  • - The Critique of the Traditional Morality and the Philosophy of the Past
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Beyond Good and Evil is a philosophical book by Friedrich Nietzsche, in which he draws on and expands the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but with a more critical and polemical approach. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man. The work moves into the realm "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favor of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspective nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. Before turning to philosophy, he began his career as a philologist and worked at the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Basel, but he had to retire due to health problems. Nietzsche''s body of writing spanned philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism and fiction, and drew widely on art, philology, history, religion and science. His writing displayed a fondness for aphorism and irony, while engaging with a wide range of subjects including morality, aesthetics, tragedy, epistemology, atheism, and consciousness.

  • - Philosophical Novel
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a philosophical novel which mostly deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Übermensch. The book talks about the old wise man who descends from his mountain among the people, out of a desire to learn something from them and to donate his wisdom to people. He encounters a variety of people and learns their secrets and reveals that he is actually looking for a man equal to himself. Many do not understand his philosophy and ridicule him, but there are those who admire him. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. Before turning to philosophy, he began his career as a classical philologist and worked at the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Basel, but he had to retire due to health problems. Nietzsche''s body of writing spanned philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism, and fiction, and drew widely on art, philology, history, religion, and science. His writing displayed a fondness for aphorism and irony, while engaging with a wide range of subjects including morality, aesthetics, tragedy, epistemology, atheism, and consciousness. Along with Soren Kierkegaard he is considered to be one of the founders of existentialism.

  • - 2. Ausgabe
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Jean Marnold & Jacques Morland

    L'origine de la tragédie, ou Hellénisme et pessimisme / Frédéric Nietzsche; traduit par Jean Marnold et Jacques MorlandDate de l'édition originale: 1901Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu. Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur

  • - Wie man wird, was man ist
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • - Ein Buch fur freie Geister
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • - Versuch einer Selbstkritik
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    The Squashed edition of Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche. Abridged from the original text to read in an hour or so. Squashed editions are precise abridgements - the original ideas, in their own words, the full beam of the book, the quotable quotes and all the famous lines, but neatly honed down to the length of a readable short story. ""Like reading the bible without all the begats"" - Prof. Jim Curtis

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    »Dionysos-dityrambit», yhdeksän vapaarytmistä runoa, jotka kiteyttävät Nietzschen dionyysisen elämänkatsomuksen. Dityrambikokoelma on viimeinen teos, jonka parissa Nietzsche työskenteli. Tammikuun kolmantena 1889 hän ilmoitti: »eräs jumalallinen ilveilijä on näinä päivinä saanut valmiiksi Dionysos-dityrambit». Sen jälkeen hän kirjoitti vielä joukon hämmentäviä kirjeitä, niin sanotut hulluuskirjeet, jotka nekin omalla tavallaan ilmentävät dionyysistä elämänkatsomusta.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Uit onvrede over de tijd waarin hij leefde, maar uit liefde voor zijn medemens, liet Nietzsche zijn Zarathoestra, tussen 1883 en 1885, zich in vier boekdelen over de zin van de mensheid en haar betekenisvolle lotsbestemming uitspreken. In dit eerste deel schetst hij het beeld van de ondergang van het kleinmenselijke en houdt hij ons, de nog onbekende en onbeminde, mogelijkheden van de grootmenselijke overgang voor. Menswording als een bewust gewild en gedurfd evolutieproces, daar gaat dit boek over, waarin het dierlijke en het kleingeestige dat in ieder van ons nog volop aanwezig is, het pad dient te effenen voor de komst van de Grote Mens. Een mens die ten volle mens weet te zijn door de beide betekenissen van Zarathoestra's naam waar te maken: de mens als lichtbrenger en kamelendrijver...

  • av Adrian Collins, Anthony Ludovici & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    The Untimely Meditations comprises of four essays, which are presented here in the high-quality translations of Anthony Ludovici and Adrian Collins.These early writings by Nietzsche displays much of the promise which was to unfurl later in the philosopher's life. These four essays, all different in subject and tone yet tangentially related, are also known by the title Thoughts Out of Season, and were originally published in two parts between 1873 and 1876. In each essay, Nietzsche examines aspects of modern culture and art. In the first, third and final essays he singles out a single personage as representative or influential upon of the present day, subjecting each to a philosophic critique. The first two essays are openly polemical and critical, whilst the final two offer a non-hostile and complimenting tone, with parts praising their subjects.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Adrian Collins & Anthony Ludovici

    The Untimely Meditations comprises of four essays, which are presented here in the high-quality translations of Anthony Ludovici and Adrian Collins.These early writings by Nietzsche displays much of the promise which was to unfurl later in the philosopher's life. These four essays, all different in subject and tone yet tangentially related, are also known by the title Thoughts Out of Season, and were originally published in two parts between 1873 and 1876. In each essay, Nietzsche examines aspects of modern culture and art. In the first, third and final essays he singles out a single personage as representative or influential upon of the present day, subjecting each to a philosophic critique. The first two essays are openly polemical and critical, whilst the final two offer a non-hostile and complimenting tone, with parts praising their subjects.

  • - A Collection of Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Professor H L Mencken & Anthony Ludovici

    Nietzsche's classic critique of the composer Wagner is paired with three other works, including The Antichrist, in translations to English which render the philosopher's arguments vividly cogent.First published in 1888, The Case for Wagner is a selection of essays and aphorisms levy a variety of criticisms, with Nietzsche ironically making a comparison between Wagner and a French composer, Georges Bizet.The Antichrist comprises a total of sixty-two short chapters, each containing a distinct philosophical argument or angle upon the targets of Christianity, organised religion, and those who masquerade as faithful but are in actuality anything but.This edition also includes a selection of aphorisms penned by Nietzsche, many of which effectively summarize points he visited in his philosophy.

  • - Das Problem des Sokrates + Die "Vernunft in der Philosophie + Moral als Widernatur + Die vier grossen Irrth mer + Die "Verbesserer der Menschheit + Was den Deutschen abgeht
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Götzen-Dämmerung ist ein Spätwerk Friedrich Nietzsches, in dem er wesentliche Aspekte seines bisherigen Denkens zusammenfasste. Mit ihm setzte er den Weg der Umwertung aller Werte weiter fort und bezog sich auf die „Götzen" seiner Zeit, deren Dämmerung er voraussah. Das heterogene Werk enthält viele metaphysikkritische, kunst- und sprachphilosophische Einsichten, die für das Verständnis der späten Philosophie Nietzsches von großer Bedeutung sind. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) war ein deutscher klassischer Philologe. Erst postum machten ihn seine Schriften als Philosophen weltberühmt. Im Nebenwerk schuf er Dichtungen und musikalische Kompositionen. Ursprünglich preußischer Staatsbürger, war er seit seiner Übersiedlung nach Basel 1869 staatenlos.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Wie in mehreren seiner letzten Werke philosophiert Nietzsche auch hier „mit dem Hammer" und will alte Werte „umwerten". Unter Rückgriff auf einige seiner früheren Schriften bündelt er seine Kritik am Christentum, der er eine bisher nicht gekannte Schärfe gibt. In oft prägnanten Sätzen kritisiert er das Christentum der Priester, das im Wesentlichen von Paulus begründet worden sei und das unter anderem das Erbe der griechischen und römischen Antike vernichtet habe.

  • - Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft: Der freie Geist, Das religioese Wesen, Spruche und Zwischenspiele, Zur Naturgeschichte der Moral, Wir Gelehrten, Unsere Tugenden, Voelker und Vaterlander
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    Jenseits von Gut und Böse bildet den Übergang von Nietzsches mittlerer, eher dichterisch, positiv geprägten Schaffensperiode zu seinem von philosophischem Denken dominierten späteren Werk. Dies kommt auch im Untertitel des Werks „Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft" zum Ausdruck. Jenseits von Gut und Böse war das Denken in der prähistorischen Zeit, in der Handlungen nach ihrer Wirkung beurteilt wurden.

  • - Wie man wird, was man ist - Nietzsches Selbstanalysen
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    In Ecce homo gibt Nietzsche rückblickend Deutungen seiner philosophischen Schriften und präsentiert sich selbst und seine Erkenntnisse als schicksalhafte Ereignisse von weltbewegender Größe. Dabei stehen die Themen seines Spätwerks, besonders die Kritik am Christentum und die angekündigte „Umwertung aller Werte", im Vordergrund.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    2 915,-

    Frontmatter -- Vorbemerkung -- Einleitung in die Tragödie des Sophocles. 20 Vorlesungen -- ?Ciceros Academica? -- Griechische Rhythmik -- ?Aufzeichnungen zur Metrik und Rhythmik? -- Zur Theorie der quantitirenden Rhythmik -- Rhytmische Untersuchungen -- Encyclopaedie der klass. Philologie -- Inhalt

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    3 605

    Frontmatter -- Morgenröthe -- Vorrede -- Erstes Buch. -- Zweites Buch -- Drittes Buch -- Viertes Buch -- Fünftes Buch -- Nachgelassene Fragmente. Anfang 1880 bis Frühjahr 1881 -- [1 = N V 1. Anfang 1880] -- [2 = N V 2. Frühjahr 1880] -- [3 = ? II 1. Frühjahr 1880] -- [4 = ? V 3. Sommer 1880] -- [5 = Mp XV 1 a. Sommer 1880] -- [6 = ? V 4. Herbst 1880] -- [7 = ? V 6. Ende 1880] -- [8 = ? V 5. Winter 1880-81] -- [9 = ? II 2. Winter 1880-81] -- Inhalt

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    1 729,-

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    1 849,-

    Frontmatter -- [25=WI 1. Frühjahr 1884] -- [26 = W12. Sommer-Herbst 1884] -- [27 = ¿ II 5a. Sommer-Herbst 1884] -- Konkordanz -- Inhalt

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    2 489,-

    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Nachgelassene Schriften 1870 - 1873" verfügbar.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    159 - 385,-

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    3 509

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Thomas Common

    This edition of The Joyful Wisdom boasts an authoritative English translation by Thomas Common, which brings Nietzsche's poetry and philosophy to vivid comprehension.Initially published in 1882 and also known by its alternate title The Gay Science, the arguments within this book are primarily occupied with the philosophical concept that God has died. It is in this publication that Nietzsche first makes his famous statement that God is dead; a phrase which was to become associated with the philosopher during and after his lifetime. For his own part, Nietzsche identifies these writings as being of an intensely personal nature, the poems within expressing feelings at the core of his being. Definitively part of the philosopher's middle period, this work encapsulates the praise of science and intellectual prowess which characterized Nietzsche in the early 1880s. A strong alignment with skepticism and a commitment to innovation with the scientific method, are strongly praised by the philosopher.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Alexander Harvey & Paul Victor Cohn

    Human, All Too Human is the first book by Friedrich Nietzsche to use the aphoristic style that would become emblematic of his most famous philosophy.This compact and inexpensive print edition ensures that you can absorb and appreciate these philosophical insights at little expense. His style, combining Nietzsche's vehement brand of argument with keynote nihilistic energy, is evident. Quickfire, furious nature of the points made in some respects foreshadow later works in which these qualities are enhanced still further. For the clinical yet perceptive style present in this early work, Nietzsche's adherents compare Human, All Too Human to the earliest works of psychology. Throughout the text, Nietzsche examines human traits and behaviours in a series of short passages, presenting a number of posits and philosophic arguments in each. The shortest of these are only a single paragraph, while the longest run for several.

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Alexander Harvey & Paul Victor Cohn

  • - Gedanken uber die moralischen Vorurteile
    av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

  • av Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    1 025 - 1 315,-

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