av Freebird Publishers
Censored Edition has no pen pal content, no sexy non nude photos. America's largest, most trusted, and up-to-date resource for inmate services! Inmate Shopper was created to assist those within the prison system by monitoring businesses that service them. Inmate Shopper is an in-print, softcover book, published annually with split-year dates, that offers inmates a safer way to shop and access business information all in one place. The editors have researched and continue to monitor over 300 businesses listed in Inmate Shopper for more than the past six years. Inmate Shopper informs its readers about established and newer companies and offers information and resources. Only Inmate Shopper lists a wide variety of categories, such as pen pal listings, personal assistants, gift boutiques, book and magazine sellers, education resources, and many businesses that want to send you, their catalogs. Companies are listed in Inmate Shopper alphabetically by business name in the directory and additionally listed by category of services in the index. The information about each company can include contact info, details on services, cost of catalogs, payment methods, whether or not a SASE is required, an Inmate Shopper review, and a rating of the company. Businesses Rated 10 receive the Inmate Shopper stamp of approval, so you know which companies are the best to shop with. Every issue of Inmate Shopper contains sections such as Special Feature, Segments from the Arts (writers, poetry, art, and music), LGBTQ Prison Living, Criminal Justice News, Reentry, Veterans, Pen Pals, Entertainment, Articles from Guest Writers and the National Sports Schedules. Every issue of Inmate Shopper has hours of reading entertainment and contains hundreds of up-to-date resources on dependable businesses that service inmates. Regular Edition is also available.