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Böcker av Frederick Osborn

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  • - Biblical Discipleship 103
    av Frederick Osborn

    ABOUT SGM PROFESSOR SYLLABUSThe School of Global Missions two-year course in Evangelism and Church Planting Movements is designed to teach and train three groups: (1) those who are preparing to go to unreached people groups in foreign mission fields (2) for indigenous workers who need more teaching and training for the work they are doing, and (3) to provide materials for indigenous church planters to teach and train others for evangelism and church planting. The School of Global Missions uses what is known as a Trimester Calendar for holding classes. In a trimester system, students have three terms of 12 weeks in each school year. The first year Evangelism and Church Planting Movements Lessons are presented in three segments, and the second year of Evangelism and Church Planting Movements is presented in three segments.This Professor's Syllabus includes everything necessary for each Trimester. However, it will be up to the individual teacher to review these teaching materials and decide what to emphasize in their class time (one hour). Whatever is not covered in the class, the students will be able study as homework assignments.EVANGELISM AND CHURCH PLANTING MOVEMENTS: DISCIPLESHIP 103 LESSONS Encountering Missionary Life and Work"Decision-making and the Will of God""Missions and Spiritual Formation""The Indigenous Mission Strategy Kingdom Discipleship - Two (Lessons 4-7)Dying to Self: "The Agape Road" Love Is the KeyThe Seven Things We Must Die ToLearning to Abide in ChristThe Holy Spirit in Ministry Life and Work"The Fruit-bearing Life""The Fruit of the Spirit""The Gifts of the Holy Spirit""The Ministry Gifts of the Spirit""The Kingdom of God and Missions"

  • - Kingdom Discipleship - 102
    av Frederick Osborn

    ABOUT SGM PROFESSOR SYLLABUSThe School of Global Missions two-year course in Evangelism and Church Planting Movements is designed to teach and train three groups: (1) those who are preparing to go to unreached people groups in foreign mission fields (2) for indigenous workers who need more teaching and training for the work they are doing, and (3) to provide materials for indigenous church planters to teach and train others for evangelism and church planting. The School of Global Missions uses what is known as a Trimester Calendar for holding classes. In a trimester system, students have three terms of 12 weeks in each school year. The first year Evangelism and Church Planting Movements Lessons are presented in three segments, and the second year of Evangelism and Church Planting Movements is presented in three segments.This Professor's Syllabus includes everything necessary for each Trimester. However, it will be up to the individual teacher to review these teaching materials and decide what to emphasize in their class time (one hour). Whatever is not covered in the class, the students will be able study as homework assignments.EVANGELISM AND CHURCH PLANTING MOVEMENTS: DISCIPLESHIP 102 LESSONSKingdom Discipleship - 102 Introduction to Biblical DiscipleshipThe Key Parable of "The Sower and the Soils" pt. one "Not for Everyone"The Key Parable of "The Sower and The Soils" pt. two: "The Strongholds"The Key Parable of "The Sower and The Soils" pt. three "The Thorns of Money, Sex, and Power"The Key Parable of "The Sower and The Soils" pt. four "The Good Soil - A Heart Prepared to Receive"The Terms of Discipleship "Counting the Cost"The Terms of Discipleship "A Supreme Love for Christ and a Fervent Love for All Who Belong to Christ"The Terms of Discipleship "A Deliberate Choosing of the Cross"The Terms of Discipleship "Confronting the Giants of Self"The Terms of Discipleship "A Life Spent Following Christ"The Terms of Discipleship "An Unswerving Continuance in His Word"The Terms of Discipleship "Abiding in Christ"

  • - Old Testament 102 The History of Israel
    av Frederick Osborn

    ABOUT SGM PROFESSOR SYLLABUSThe School of Global Missions two-year course in Biblical Studies is designed to teach and train three groups: (1) those who are preparing to go to unreached people groups in foreign mission fields (2) for indigenous workers who need more teaching and training for the work they are doing, and (3) to provide materials for indigenous church planters to teach and train others for evangelism and church planting. The School of Global Missions uses what is known as a Trimester Calendar for holding classes. In a trimester system, students have three terms of 12 weeks in each school year. The first year Biblical Studies in the Old Testament is presented in three segments, and the second year of Biblical Studies in the New Testament is presented in three segments.This Professor's Syllabus includes everything necessary for each Trimester. However, it will be up to the individual teacher to review these teaching materials and decide what to emphasize in their class time (one hour). Whatever is not covered in the class, the students will be able study as homework assignments. SGM BIBLICAL STUDIESOT 102: THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL: PROPHETS, PRIESTS, AND KINGS is the Second Trimester (12 Lessons) of the first year: OT 102 LESSONS The History of Israel: "Prophets, Priests, and Kings" Joshua and the Conquest of the Promised LandThe Judges from Othniel to SamuelUnited Kingdom pt. one: SaulUnited Kingdom pt. two: DavidUnited Kingdom pt. three: SolomonDivided Kingdom pt. one: the Kings of IsraelDivided Kingdom pt. two: the Prophets of IsraelDivided Kingdom pt. three: the Kings of JudahDivided Kingdom pt. four: the Prophets of JudahIntro to the Major Prophets pt. oneIntro to the Major Prophets pt. twoThe Exile: The Prophets Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

  • av Frederick Osborn

    TWELVE WOESAbout the Book"Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it." (Habakkuk 2:2). The Lord instructed His prophets to faithfully deliver His words to His people. This often required them to bring unwelcomed news to God's wayward kings, princes, priests, and worshipers. Almost without exception, the Old Testament prophets were very unpopular messengers; they were ignored, mistreated, abused, misunderstood, and sometimes they were killed. But they were selected by God because they could not be bought off, or scared off. When God really wanted to get His people's attention, the message would come as a "woe". A woe is like a heavy stone that is wrapped in paper upon which is written a message and then tossed through the plate-glass window. Twelve of those woes in particular are relevant for the church today and if ignored, the result may be catastrophic.

  • - A Christian Guide to Victory in an Orwellian World
    av Frederick Osborn

  • - The Pentateuch: A Complete Survey in Three Volumes
    av Frederick Osborn

  • av Frederick Osborn

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